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2010建筑法规真题(2010 building regulations Zhenti)This provision is part of the safeguards for safety in production.A. organizational safeguardsB. management safeguardsC. economic support measuresD. technical support measures15. after the written bid evaluation report is made, the winning bidder shall be determined.A. bid evaluation committeeB. tendereeC. tendering agencyD. tendering and bidding administration16. according to the Regulations safety production management of construction project, the construction supervision unit shall review the construction organization design of safety technical measures or special construction plan is in accordance with the construction standards and mandatory (standard).A. construction units requiredB. supervision units formulatedRecommended for C. engineering constructionD. engineering construction industry17. If the general contracting of the project is carried out, the insurance for the accidental injury of the subcontractor shall be paid by ().A. construction unitB. general contractor unitC. subcontracting unitsD. general contracting and subcontracting units jointly18. in the construction site installation and disassembly, lifting machinery, lifting scaffolding, formwork and other self lifting erection facilities must be undertaken by ().A. general contractor unitB. subcontractors using equipmentC. units with corresponding qualificationsD. equipment rental unit19. in the following options, the safety production conditions that should be possessed by the construction enterprises in obtaining the safety production license are ().A. has obtained the construction project planning permit in the urban planning area construction projectB. in accordance with the law to participate in industrial injury insurance, according to the law for the construction site to engage in dangerous operations for accident insurance, insurance premiums for employeesC. construction site has basically the construction conditions, the need for demolition, and its demolition progress in line with construction requirementsD. has specific measures to ensure the quality and safety of the project20. according to the regulations of the safe production license, the period of validity of the safety production license is () year.A.1B.2C.3D.421. a safety accident occurred at a construction site, resulting in 3 deaths. According to the regulations on the production safety accident report and the investigation and handling regulations, the accident belongs to ().A. is especially importantB. majorC. largerD. some22., according to the construction quality management regulations, the project contracting units in () should be issued to the construction unit quality warranty book.A. project price settlement completedB. construction completedC. submit project completion acceptance reportD. qualified for final acceptance23. a project design document needs major modifications, ().A. design units should be in consultation with the construction units, can be used after modificationThe B. design unit can be modified directlyC. shall be submitted to the original examination and approval authorities for approval by the construction unitsD. must open the expert after the demonstration, the design unit may reviseThe provisions of the new technology and the existing mandatory standard 24. construction project of a construction unit to be used shall be inconsistent, () organize special technical demonstration, examination and approval and approval of the construction standard of the administrative department or the relevant authorities under the state council.A. construction unitB. construction unitC. supervision unitD. design unit25. by the State Council, construction, railways, transportation, water conservancy and other administrative departments to examine and approve, the number and standards issued are ().A. national standardsB. industry standardsC. local standardsD. enterprise standards26. in the city within the city, machinery and equipment used in the construction process, may produce environmental noise pollution, the construction units in the project must be started before the date of declaration () to the local government and engineering personnel above the competent administrative department of environmental protection.A.10B.15C.20D.3027., the following statements about building energy efficiency, the error is ().A. enterprises can formulate standards of enterprise energy conservation which are stricter than the national standardsB. the State implements energy conservation assessment and review system for fixed assets projectsC. projects that do not meet mandatory energy conservation standards shall not be startedD. the competent construction Department of the provincial peoples Government may formulate standards for local building energy conservation below the industry standards28. the construction unit shall submit the fire control design drawings and relevant data to the construction project for examination and approval, and the construction license shall not be issued without the approval or failure of the examination and approval, and the construction unit shall not start the work.A. construction administration departmentB. public security fire fighting organizationC. safety production supervision departmentD. planning administration department29. the labor dispute mediation committee of a construction enterprise shall be composed of ().A. legal representatives of the enterprises and representatives of the labor administrative departmentsRepresentatives of trade union representatives and labor administration departments of B. EnterprisesEmployee representatives and business representatives of C. EnterprisesRepresentatives of workers and staff, representatives of enterprises and labor administration departments of D. Enterprises30. A and a construction enterprise signed a labor contract, and its labor contract for 6 months, then a probation period should be in () during the period to determine.A.15 dayB.1 monthsC.2 monthsD.3 months31., non full time labor remuneration settlement payment cycle is the longest ()A.7 daysB.15 daysC.20 daysD.30 days32. mandatory standards for construction are to be explained by.A. General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantineB. administrative department for construction of the State CouncilC. administrative department in charge of construction of Provincial Peoples GovernmentD. engineering construction standards approval department33., according to the law on the administration of tax collection, the tax authorities may, from the date of tax arrears, receive a late payment tax due to the overdue tax payment.A. 5/10000B. 5/1000C. 3/10000D. 3/100034. of the following options, the parties shall bear tort liability is ()The collapse of the tower crane at the A. site caused the collapse of the adjacent housesB. a construction unit fails to complete the project within the time limit as stipulated in the contractC. cause damage to the project by typhoonD. quality problems exist in a project35., in accordance with the provisions of the administrative penalty law, may (except) set restrictions on personal freedom other than administrative penalties.A. lawB. administrative regulationsC. department regulationsD. local regulations36. according to the contract law, the construction contract does not belong to ().A. bilateral contractB. paid contractC. practice contractD. contract37., from the nature, construction enterprises bidding behavior belongs to ().A. offerB. offer invitationC. commitmentD. inquiry38. in the following options, there is no commitment to withdraw the validity of the case is ().A. notice of withdrawal of acceptance reaches the offeror before the acceptance notice reaches the offerorB. the notice of acceptance of the withdrawal of acceptance and the notice of acceptance arrive at the offeror at the same timeC. the notice of withdrawal of the acceptance reaches the offeror after the acceptance of the notification reaches the offerorD. the notice of withdrawal of the acceptance reaches the offeror before the contract is established39., the difference between the liability for breach of contract and the liability for breach of contract is mainly as followsA. the former arises at the contract stage, the latter in the performance of the contract stageB. the former must be subjective and the latter subject to subjective negligenceC. the former is tort liability, and the latter is contractual liabilityD. the former does not require agreement, the latter must have an appointment40. construction units need a large amount of steel due to construction and send an offer to the supplier,The delivery within a month, but the number of pending, said the letter B within one month can supply 2000 tons of goods, a said no, the following statements are correct ().A. the contract of supply was establishedB. the contract of supply has come into effectC. the contract of delivery is a specific oneD. the supply contract has not been established41. a construction company from the city to the field of construction engineering of lease template, after the construction, because of that template shipped back to the high cost, the construction company will handle the batch template without authorization, after the company agreed to lease the batch template sold the construction company, the construction company to deal with the batch template (behavior)A. invalidB. validC. potency specificD. failure42., the contract between Party A and Party B, when Party A delivers the 20% earnest money, the purchase contract becomes effectiveA. contract with effect timeB. contract with valid conditionsC. contracts subject to terminationD. contract with termination timeAgreement of 43. between the construction unit and the suppliers of building materials procurement contract, during the completion of the project to pay for materials, within 1 months after the acceptance of the construction unit, its business has seriously deteriorated by supplier, suspend the supply of building materials, require the first payment, or terminate the delivery, the suppliers behavior belongs to (exercise)A. concurrent defenseB. right of first performance defenseC. uneasy right of DefenseD. pre plea right44. in accordance with the contract law, the obligee shall exercise the right of rescission from the date when he knows or ought to know the cause of the revocation.A.1B.2C.5D.2045., according to the contract law, the parties concerned are not clear about the contents of the contract changes and shall be presumed to beA. changeB. re agreementC. changes in principleD. not changed46. the termination of the rights and obligations of the contract does not affect the validity of the terms in the contract.A. performance timeB. place of performanceC. dispute resolutionD. quality inspection47., the parties have agreed liquidated damages, but also agreed to deposit, one party default, the other party () terms.A. should apply Liquidated DamagesB. deposit should applyC. may apply for breach of contract damages or depositD. may apply both liquidated damages and deposit48. the main creditors right and debt contract is invalid, the guaranty contract (except the law).A. is still validB. invalidC. is valid during the warranty periodD. effect pending49. the following is not a civil dispute, the way to deal withA. the parties settle themselvesB. administrative reconsiderationC. administrative mediationD. commercial arbitration50. the following disputes or disputes shall apply to the arbitration law, and the adjustment shall be as followsA. disputes over property successionB. labor disputesC. marriage disputeD. project disputes51. in the following options, the understanding of mediation is wrong ()Where a A. party has made an out of court settlement, he may request the court to make a conciliation statementB. arbitration mediation takes effect after it has become effectiveThe arbitration award may be arbitrated after the decision of the C. arbitration award has come into forceThe D. court cannot produce conciliation papers when it is enforced52. in civil proceedings, the fact that the parties do not need to use evidence to prove is ().A. requests entity rights and interestsB. absolve oneself from legal liabilityC. advocates procedural violationsD., the other side admitted53. in accordance with the guarantee law, the third party must provide the form of security for (or) the parties concernedA. guaranteeB. mortgageC. lienD. deposit54., civil litigation is an important way to resolve disputes over construction projects, which are not included in the civil proceedingsA.Party representativeB. third peopleC. appraiserD. attorney55. if a party or interested party considers that the execution procedure of the peoples court violates the provisions of the law, it may make a written objection to (or) the peoples courtA. original trialB. is responsible for the implementation ofC. the plaintiffs locationD. the defendants location56. the parties have objections to the validity of the arbitration agreement, and if one party requests the Arbitration Commission to make a decision and the other party requests the peoples court to make a ruling, the party shall make the decisionA. decision of the Arbitration CommissionB. intermediate peoples court ruling on the performance of the contractC. the ruling of the intermediate peoples Court of the defendants localityD. the intermediate peoples Court of the locality of the Arbitration Commission shall rule57. of the following options does not belong to the formula contractA. construction engineering design contractB. loan contract between enterprises and banksC. guarantee contract between legal personsD. a loan contract between natural persons58. if the party applies for the revocation of the arbitration award, he shall bring it up within the period from the date of receipt of the awardA. three monthsB. six monthsC. a yearD. two years59. within the scope of the project which must be carried out according to law, for the contract of supervision and supervision, the minimum amount of the individual contract is estimated to be above RMB 10000 yuan, and the bidding must be carried out.A.50B.100C.150D.20060. in the course of construction, the matter to be signed by the chief supervision engineer shall be ()A. building materials approachB. installation of building equipmentC. concealed project acceptanceD. final acceptance of the projectTwo, multiple-choice questions (20 questions, 2 points for each question, options for each question, there are 2 or 2 or more to do. There are at least 1 errors. The choice is not scored; the choice is 0.5 points per choice61. in accordance with the provisions of the contract, the construction contract stipulated that the exemption from the responsibility is due to the clause, and the exemption clause is invalidA. contract performance only benefit from the other partyB. Force Majeure causes loss of property to the other partyC. performing the contract causes personal injury to the other partyD. the other party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations and causes lossesE. intentionally or negligently resulting in loss of property to the other party62. construction project completion acceptance should have () and other conditionsA. complete technical documentation and construction management informationB. main construction materials, building structures, fittings and equipmentQuality qualification documents signed by C. survey, design, construction, supervision and other unitsD. has paid all the moneyE. the construction contract signed by the construction unit63. construction projects need to be built in conjunction with environmental protection facilities, and must be concurrent with the main projectA. project approvalB. approvalC. designD. constructionE. put into operation64. in accordance with the provisions of the labor contract law, the following is the case that the employing unit shall not terminate the labor contractA. in the unit suffering from occupational diseases confirmed part of the loss of labor capacityB. has been working in this unit for 15 years and is less than 5 years from the statutory retirement ageC. working families have no other employees and have dependantsD. female workers are in confinementE. was certified disabled because of a work-related injury65. the following acts of collusive bidding among bidders are ()A. the tenderee opens the tender document before opening the bid, and informs the other bidders of the other bidsB. the bidders agree on each other and offer them at high, medium and low prices in the bidding projectC. bidders submit false performance certificates at tenderD. the bidder agrees with the tenderee to lower the bid price during the voting,Additional compensation will be given to the bidder after winning the bidE. the bidder shall not participate in the bidding unless there is an internal bidding67. the employer has the following circumstances (), resulting in the contractor construction, and has yet to fulfill corresponding obligations within the reasonable period in the reminder, the contractor requests the termination of the construction contract, the peoples court shall support.A. fails to pay the project price as contractedB. provides the main building materials, building components, fittings and equipment that do not meet mandatory standardsC. installation of camera equipment throughout the construction site monitoringD. a large number of personnel are arranged on the construction siteE. fails to comply with the contractual obligations of assistance68. in accordance with the provisions of the contract law, the obligee shall notify the debtor of the transfer of rights and notify the obligee of the transfer of his rightsA. may not be revoked by itselfThe B. has the right to revoke it by itselfC. is subject to consent and may be revokedD. the E. deposit may be withdrawn upon consent of the debtor69. if one party fails to perform its contractual obligations or perform its contractual obligations, it is not in conformity with the agreement. In the absence of a specific agreement on the liability for breach of contract, the breaching party shall have the legal liabilities for breach of contractA. continue to performB. take remedial actionC. damagesD. payment of liquidated damagesE. deposit70. in the following materials submitted to the court, the parties do not belong to the evidence of civil actionA. building engineering regulationsB. building materials inspection reportC. project completion acceptance, live videoD. e-mail from both partiesE. proxy opinion71. the lawyer who accepts the partys entrustment to participate in a civil lawsuit belongs to the following reasons for the


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