初三英语中学考试总复习 问题详解

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word初三英语中考总复习七年级上Units1-41.物品类名词用蓝色笔加复数铅笔pencils钢笔pens橡皮erasers直尺rulers信letters地图maps照片photos图片pictures字典dictionary家庭作业homework杯子cups钥匙keys被子quilts夹克衫 jackets学校schools书books书桌desks书柜 bookcases书架bookshelf(ves书店bookstores书包schoolbags双肩背包backpacks文具盒pencil cases卷笔刀pencil sharpeners笔记本notebooks图书馆library(ies)博物馆museums餐厅restaurants房间rooms教室classrooms卧室bedrooms飞机planes播放机players收音机radios桌子tables椅子chairs手表watches沙发sofas电脑puters时钟clocks2. 人物类名词用红笔加复数(祖父/母)grandparents祖父grandfathers/grandpas祖母grandmothers/grandmas父亲或母亲parents爸爸fathers母亲mothers姐;妹sisters兄;弟brothers儿子sons女儿daughters叔;伯;uncles姨母;姑母;婶母aunt s堂(表)兄弟姐妹cousins男孩boys女孩girls小孩children朋友friends教师teachers3. 颜色类名词 颜色color红色red 黄色yellow绿色green蓝色blue黑色black白色white紫色purple橙色orange褐色brown 苍白色pale 粉红色pink灰色grey黑白相间black and whitea. 主格人称代词:我I 他he 她she 它it 我们we你(们) you他们theyb. 宾格人称代词:我me你(们)you他him她her它 it我们us他们themc.形容词性物主代词:我的my你(们)的your他的his 她的her 它的its我们的our 他们的their d. 名词性物主代词:我的mine你(们)的yours他的his她的hers它的its我们的ours 他们的theirs e. 指示代词:这个this这些these那个that那些thosef疑问代词:什么what谁主格who 宾格whom谁的whose哪一个whichg. 反身代词:我自己myself你自己yourself他自己himself她自己 herself它自己 itself 我们自己ourselves你们自己 yourselves他们自己themshelveshelp oneself to some fish enjoy oneself dress oneself hurt oneself by oneself lose oneself for oneself teach oneself learn by oneself e to oneself 醒;醒悟;恢复知觉 keep.to oneself look at oneself in a mirror leave sb. by oneself relax oneself say to oneself buy oneself look after oneself call oneselfbehave oneselfh. 不定代词:更多的;更大的more某人someone/somebody每个each/ every 任何人anyone/anybody另外的人(物);其他的other 5. 数词:写出基数词与序数词1 one first 2 two second 3 three third 4 four fourth5 fivefifth 6 six sixth7 seven seventh 8 eighteighth9 nineninth 10 ten tenth 11 eleven eleventh 12 twelvetwelfth13 thirteen thirteenth 15 fifteen fifteenth 18 eighteen eighteenth 20 twentytwentieth21 twenty-one twenty-first29 twenty-ninetwenty-ninth30 thirty thirtieth 40 fortyfortieth50 fiftyfiftieth 80 eightyeightieth90 ninetyninetieth 100 one/a hundred one/a hundredth其他数词:百hundred 千 thousand 百万million 十亿 billion 成百上千 hundreds of 成千上万 thousands of 五百万 five million 六十亿人口 six billion population4. 动词:动词原形 三单现 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 是 be is wasbeen being 做 do does did done doing遇见 meet meets metmet meeting 拼spellspellsspelled/tspelled/tspelling 知道knowknowsknew knownknowing 有 havehas hadhadhaving让 makemakesmademademaking 能 can could 丢失 loseloses lostlostlosing 找到 findfinds foundfoundfinding去 gogoeswentgone going 来 ees came eing认为 thinkthinksthoughtthoughtthinking 教书 teachteachestaughttaughtteaching二词性转换:one (adj第一)first (adv. 一次) oncetwo(adj,第二,秒second(adv.两次)twicetoo(近义词)alsoas well either teach (n. 教师)teacher(n. 教学) teachingthank(n.)thanks(adj.)thankfulmeet(n.)meetingplease (adj.)pleased/ pleasant(n.)pleasurefriend(adj.)friendly(反义词)unfriendly(n.友谊)friendshiphelp (adj.)helpful(反义词)helplesscolor(adj)colorful(反义词)colorless(v.)colorknow(n.)knowledge(adj.)knowledgeable三一词多义写出中文意思set(n.)一套(v.)建立 call(v.)打 (n.)good(adj.)好的 (pl.)货物work(v.)工作(pl.)作品 key(n.)钥匙(adj.)关建的book(n.) 书(v.) 订购签订room(n.)房间空间 watch(n.)手表(v.)观看ring(n.)铃声(v.)打铃last(v.)持续 (adj.)上一个first(adj.)首先第一(adv.)首先fine(adj.)好健康的(v.)罚款四固定短语in English/ Chinese a boy named/ called Tom a set of keys/ books ask sb. (not) to do sth.be fine=be well=feel well be good at doing= do well in doing first name=given name last name=family name a photo of my family=my family photo thank sb. for ding sth.=thanks for doing sth. thanks to sb./ sth. ask sb. for sth. ask for sth. call/ sb. at call in 召集 call on sb.拜访某人 call on号召 call out.军队出动 call for 来找某人call back回 ring/call sb (up) make a telephone call forsb. give sb. a telephone call五重点知识盘点1.be 动词的用法be 为动词原形。表示“是,在,有,来自,成为,出生等意思。后面可接名词,形容词,副词或介词短语。使用时,根据人称,数和时态的不同分别使用am,is,are,was,were,being,been,to be。否认句和一般疑问句视情况而变。Be动词在进展时和被动语态中为助动词,无中文意义。1).Im kind of tired. 2).Are you an American girl? Yes,I am. No,Im not.3).His mother isnt at home. Shes at work.4.)Tony and I are pen pals. Neither she nor I am right.Mike with students is my cousin. 5).We are in the same school, but we are in different classes.6).There are three grades in our school.=Our school has three grades7).Lucys friend is from Australia.= Lucys friend es from Australia.8).Lets be good friends. She wants to be a pianist. My parents want me to be a musician. You can be in the school play. Please be quiet! Dont be late for class!There will be a sports meeting next Monday.What will the weather be like tomorrow?9).Whats your uncle ?=Whats your uncles job ?=What does your uncle do? Hes a policeman.10).Here is a letter for you. Here you are!11).The girl is writing a letter to her aunt.12).This pair of shoes is red but my shoes are black. My family is a big one. Look, my family are over there. The set of keys is yours. My keys are under the desk.13).I was born on September 3rd,2000. 14).They werent in the dining room just now.15).English is spoken by people all over the world. 16).The trees are being cut down. 17).He has never been to Beijing. She has been therein Beijing for two years.含有be 动词的固定短语:be like像 be used to do sth= be used for doing sth被用于做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 be serious about 认真对待be sure about/ of 对有把握 be filled with用填满 be full of 充满 be covered with 用覆盖be supposed to do 应该做 be strict with sb. in sth.对某人/某事严格要求 be off 取消,离开be of medium build/ height 中等身材/个子 be in control of 掌控、管理 be on 开始,上映be in danger/ out of danger be popular with 受欢迎 be up to 胜任,从事于be in trouble/ out of trouble be short of 短缺 be frombe polite/ impolite (rude) to be close to be mad atbe satisfied/ pleased with sb. 对某人感到满意 be married to be suitable for 适合be pleased at对高兴 be disappointed in对失望 be successful inbe in good health be able to do be angry with sb.be busy with/ doing sth. be afraid of be bad forbe born with 天生具有 be careful with be different from be familiar to对熟悉 be fond of 喜爱be famous for/as/to be good atbe harmful to be interested in be late forbe known/famous for be located (in/ on/at) 位于 be proud of = take pride in doing 因为.感到自豪be made of/ from/in be made up of be worth doing值得做 be pleased with be ready to /for be similar to 与相似be responsible for负责任 be surprised at be thirsty for渴望be thankful to sb. be worried about be about to do sth.即将做be ill in bed/ in hospital固定句型:1. Its+adj. for sb./ of sb. to do sth.2. Its time to do/ for sth. 3. Its ones turn to do sth.4. Its two years since he came here.5. Its that/ who 6. Its said/ reported that7. There be sb./ sth. doing8. Its no use doing sth肯定有某人/物在做10. Hows it going?11. Whats the weather like?=Hows the weather?12. Whats the price of your pen?13. Whats the population of China? It has2. a an的用法1字母f,h,l,m,n,r,s,x 前表示“一个用 an. 而字母u前表示“一个用 a There is a “ba “uand an_“sin the word “bus. He got an“Ain the exam.2.单词前表示“一个用 a 或an 是由单词的发音决定而不是由首字母的名称音决定的。aUFOa university a useful dictionary a used car a European countryan usual man a one-month-old baby a photograph an unknown city an undergroundtrainan an aunt an uncle an unusual thing an umbrella an alarm clock an ID card an NBA player an X-ray an eight-year-old girl an houran honour an honest man3.This is my sister1这是一个常用来介绍他人的句型。英语中“介绍分为两种:自我介绍。Hello! Hi! My name isI/m。介绍他人。This is或ThatsThis is my friend, Kate. Thats Lin Hai.2This/That is的一般疑问句形式是Is this/ that?的回答要用it。如:Is this your puter?Yes, it is. Is that your ruler?No, it isnt.Is this/ that Tom? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Is this/ that your sister? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.3打时,说自己用This is,问别人用Whos that? Is that Tom speaking ?4. What/ How about?怎么样/又如何呢?后接名词,代词宾格或动名词。1向对方提出建议或请求。如:How/ What about going out of a walk?How/ What about another cake?2征询对方的看法或意见。如:What about her playing the violin?How about the TV play? 3询问天气或身体等情况。如:What about the weather in your hometown?How about your uncle now? You cant leave him by himself.4应酬时用作承接上下文的转折语。如:I am from Beijing. What about you?5对所述的情况作出反诘,常给予对方一种暗示。如:My memory is good. Ive never forgotten anything.5. Thank you for your help, Anna.1thank you for for 是介词,后接n./pron./v.-ing (名词/代词宾格/动名词)Thanks for the photo of your family.Thanks for helping me. Thank you for your help.2如何用英语表示感表示感的常用套语:Its very kind of you. Thank you. Thanks.Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.Thank you very much indeed. Many thanksThanks very much. Thanks so much.回答感的常用答语:Not at all. You are wele. Thats all right.Thats OK. Please dont mention it. A pleasure.Its a pleasure. It is(was) my pleasure.My pleasure. No problem. Its nothing.6. Well, lets play basketball.咱们打篮球吧!That sounds good.听起来不错。1lets 是let us的缩写,意为“让我们,用来提建议。承受建议用:Good idea./ Sounds great./OK./All right. /Id love to. 等;不承受建议用:No, lets/Id like to, but。如:What a nice day! Lets go out for a piic.Good idea!注意:lets 包括说话对方在:let us 如此不包括对方在。在改为其反意疑问句时,两者不同:Lets,Shall we? Let us,will you? 拓展在英语中,表建议有以下几种句型:Lets do! Shall we?Why dont you/ we?=Why not?Youd better(not) do Would you like to do?How/ What about? Would you mind doing sth?回答用语:同意对方的建议时,一般用Good idea./ Thats a good idea. OK/ All right/ Great. Yes, please/ Id love to. I agree with you. No problem Sure/ Of course/ Certainly. Yes, I think so.对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉绝时,一般用:Sorry, I cant. Id love to, but/ but Im afraid五、近义词区别。1辨析watch, read, look 与see watch与动物词,意为“注视;观看;监视,用来指仔细的、有目的的动作,多指看电视、戏剧、比赛等read既可作与动物词又可作不与物动词,多指读书、看报等look不与物动词,意为“看,后接宾语时要用介词at,强调“看的动作see即可作与物动词又可作不与物动词,意为“看到;看见,强调看的结果。looklook at look for look after look out 小/当心 look out of 向外看 look through浏览 look over检查 look around look finelook happytiredterrible look forward to doing sth. 期待 look up查阅 look it up in the dictionary look up and down 上下打量 look up to sb 仰慕某人look like look the same look at sb. doing sth. look sth. on sb. look back at 回顾 look down upon看不起 have a new look have a look at see see a film see an action movie see sb. after work see a doctor see a dentist see sb. offsee sb dodoing sth. be seen to dodoing sth. Now you see. So you see. I see. See you later !Nice to meet you ! Go and see what happened watchwatch TV watch itthem on TV watch a movie watch out keep watch on watch watch in silencewatch sb. dodoing sth. Whats the time by your watch ?readread in the sunin bed read a booka letteran read aloud do some reading2辨析:thanks for与thanks tothanks for为而感,接动名词、名词等作宾语,表原因Thanks for your help.thanks to幸亏;由于,接名词、代词作宾语。Thanks to your help, I found my dog.3辨析too,also,either 与as well单词用法例句too用于肯定句句末,前面可用逗号隔开,也可不用。He has a black jacket and I have one, too。also用于肯定句,放在实义动词之前,系动词、助动词、情态动之后。Li Ming also took part in the ceremony.either用于否认句句末,前面可用逗号隔开,也可不用。He didnt enjoy the trip. I didnt enjoy it, either.as well用于肯定句、疑问句句末,前面无须用逗号隔开。Its said that the movie is very interesting. I want to watch it as well.4辨析 and,but, so和or 考点词义用法and和;又也可以不译出;只要就会;如果那么表并列关系,连接词、短语或句子,用于“祈使句+and+简单句句型。but而;却;但是,可是表转折关系,连接词、短语或句子,用在表示歉意的话之后,引起一个分句,可不译出。不与although/though连用。so因此;所以表因果关系,连接两个句子。or或者;否如此表选择关系,连接词、短语或句子,用于“祈使句+or+简单句句型。5辨析. good, fine, nice 和well “好考点用法good 说明人的品质好或物的质量好。fine侧重于“质量的精细、身体健康,常表示品质、特点和能力的好,还可以表示“天气晴好。nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官司,使人感到喜悦、感到舒适,含有“美好的、美妙的、漂亮的等意思;还可表示“对人友好和蔼。well作形容词时指身体健康状况好;作副词时指某一动作做得好。6辨析 some和anysome 和any都可作代词或形容词,意为“一些。 some用于肯定句,some也可用于表示建议、反问、请求,并希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中。而any用于否认句和疑问句。Would you like some apples?你想吃些苹果吗?7辨析have/ has 和there is/ are 1have/ has表示“人拥有物或“物属于人。We have a beautiful garden.2there is /are 表示“某物存在于某地。There is a beautiful garden in our school. 8辨析Excuse me和sorry1excuse me用于打扰别人或询问事情时,意为“请问,劳驾,对不起。Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the airport?2sorry用于表示自己的过失行为对别人造成了不好的影响或不能满足别人请求的歉意,意为“对不起,很抱歉。Sorry, Im so late.对不起,我来得太晚了。9. 辨析 must 和have tomust 和have to都是情态动词,表示“必须。must多强调说话人的主观看法,have to如此强调客观上的必须。have to 有多种时态形式,而must如此没有。You must finish your homework before ten.My parents are away, so I have to take care of my sister at home.10. 辨析find, look for和find out1find强调寻找的结果。Have you found your pen?2look for强调寻找的过程。What are you looking for?3find out指经过一番努力最终找到或发现,表示“弄明白、搞清楚。I found out she was wrong.强化训练一、单项选择。B 1. Whose dog is this? Its . Both of like it very much.A. Erics and Mikes; themB. Eric and Mikes; themC.Eric and Mikes; they D. Erices and Mikes; theyC 2. In our school library there a number of books and the number of them growing larger and larger.A. is, areB. has, is C. are, is.D. have, areA3. The fish tastes . We have eaten it up. It is certain that she cooked it .A. good, well. B. well, good C. well, well D. good. goodC4. What do you think of the book? I dont think itsuseful book.A. the B. an C. aD./A5. There is salt in the kitchen. Would you like to go and get , Tom OK!A. little, someB. few, someC. a little, someD. a few, anyB6. Hearing the good news, we couldnt help .A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughedB7. You can find many about the famous film star on the Internet.A. news B. pictures C. tickets D. informationA8. There are enough cups for each visitor to have A. oneB. it C. this D. thatD9. We find impossible for us to learn physics well in a short time.A. that B. thisC. oneD. itA10. The cat played with you just now is .A. which, mineB. which, myC. what, mineD. what, myB11. The weather in Beijing is colder than in Guangzhou in winter.A. it B. that C. thisD. thoseB12. The boy needs to get X-ray because of the accident. A. aB. amC. the D./B13. Look! Smiths are playing basketball. Lets them.A. The, join inB. The, join C. A, join inD.A, joinB14. When Ive finished painting the bedroom, Im going to do the living-room, .A. alsoB. too C. as well D. eitherB15. your suggestion, we solved the problem successfully.A. Without B. Thanks to C. AsD. ThanksC16. What is the most important thing to keep healthy?The to keep healthy is to live a regular life.A. sign B. place C. key D. noticeC17. , boys! You can win.A. e in. B. e back C. e on D. e overD18. He a small room. A nice desk in it.A. is, There is B. has, HasC. have, there isD. has, there isC19. Lets play basketball, I dont like playing violin at home.A. the, theB. the, / C./, the D. /,/B20. can you it English?A. speak, inB. say, in C. take, with D. tell, withB21. Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of , you may disturb others.A. voiceB. noiseC. soundD. singingD22. Are there any on the farm? Yes, there are some.A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep.C23. Jenny gave us on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. many advicesC. some adviceD. an adviceA24. There are three assistants in that shop.A. women, shoeB. woman, shoeC. woman shoesD. women, shoesD25. What fine weather we have these days!A. a B. anC. theD. /D26. Do you know the boy sitting between peter and ? A. sheB. I C. hisD. meD27. are students of No. 14 Middle school.A. He, you and IB. You, I and heC. I you and he D. You, he and IC28. Which do to you prefer, coffee or milk? Of them, I like some cola.A. EitherB. BothC. NeitherD. NoneD29. During the seven-day May Day holiday, families went sightseeing.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousands and thousands D. thousands ofC30. Her father died in his early .A. thirtyB. thirtiethC. thirties D. thirtieths二、完形填空。This story happened in a small mountain village. One day there was an earthquake. Nothing was destroyed and 1 was hurt. But a huge rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.When the earthquake 2 , many people came to the road and saw the huge rock. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock 3 the road. But they couldnt move it. They tried to push it but failed. They tried to 4 it with ropes but nothing worked.“Well, they all agreed, “Theres nothing we can do about it. Well have to change the 5 . At this time a boy of 12 years old said, “I think I can help you to move the rock.“You? they shouted, “What are you talking about? The men all 6 at the boy.The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, “The rock is 7 ! More people ran out to see. It was right. The rock wasnt in the road any more. It wasnt 8 near the road.“This is 9 , they said, “Where did it go?The boy stood in the street, 10 , “I told you I could move it last night.The boy walked over to where the 11 had been and uncovered some earth. “I buried it, he said.The people looked 12 . “You see, he said, “ I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline 斜坡up to the rock and the rock 13 down into the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.The crowds shouted, “What a 14 boy! And some of them said, “Why havent we thought of this good 15 ?B1. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybodyD2. A. stops B. startedC. happened D. stoppedC3. A. over B. into C. off D. ontoD4. A. push B. lift C. change D. pullA5. A. road B. stone C. rope D. villageB6. A. looked B. laughed C. called D. pointedA7. A. gone B. missed C. broken D. stolenC8. A. very B. quite C. even D. stillD9. A. heavy B. dangerous C. special D. impossibleB10. A. crying B. smiled C. thinking D. smilingC11. A. street B. town C. rock D. mountainA12. A. surprised B. sad C. happy D. relaxedB13. A. lay B. dropped C. walked D. ranA14. A. clever B. strong C. brave D. poorD15. A. boy B. hole C. story D. way三、综合填空Tom that be how little interest hard student after finish Everyone has pressure. Today lets look at the Greens and see how1 they relax. There are2 four people in this family. Mr. Green is a policeman. He works very hard3 from Monday to Saturday. He walks his god every day after4 dinner for an hour. Mrs. Green is a teacher in a school. Her students5 are young and naughty. She often plays badminton with them after school. Tom is Mr. Greens son. He is only sixteen years old. After he finishes6 his homework, he often plays basketball with his friends. Linda is Toms7 sister. She is only sixteen years old. She has less8 homework than Tom. She often plays the piano at home.They are all interested9 in dancing. They often have a family party on weekend. At the party, they usually play the music that10 they can dance to.四、补全短文。Tahiti is the largest island of the French Polynesia in South Pacific. It covers 1,045 km2 and has a population of 183,600. The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold. 1 . 2 They wele visitors with music, dance and flowers. The Ti


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