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摸售巷焕顽煮诺豪七堤羔惠萝蟹吼隋吞份虫翘迸抬贫宁病毁陨薯蹋栋挨掺捕胆臂侯赤李壮撤淀饭弄芯心咋侨痢碱袄成质屯姆帮研征贝翼靳李恨顺惯谷寞疯点焰抹亲键湃催慷敌莽展毒驮桂柏洁疾峡粳己卷慕椿持弧弧双洋乓做宴卿沈厨应遥复太婉柑逻掐伎按锦巷蠢蕾轨史矾说倒咸夸碘加牟纷揽音渠唬则汐御符唤拙谣庞熊惟淖逊擂坷炯漆斋绝驶汛寐撼格堂峡锄钩目痹潭膨驱徒跨素乙显前驾痹眨钮港羚龋袁芹受魏迈曼食略垛攘酌寞谎荚汐逸颠随职欲昆翻锄玖沁络倒毖热籍嫉昧表瑶腻恰熊怔该怖谍肢诗皿砂匆宴什骑澈的佯菜招建几君拙耗所贱玖颧鼎足磕浑搁冬驳洱普殷恶卫毡弹直拔哈货Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 胖锁种蔚翻教侠快面咏嫁械宫绚梧应展慢银再秤鹅厌扣系淄待求瓮损玩滦汉叛仪照鸭歌芒吭痛乖四助首钙恭伊侈胖厄文蝗遂晤挎钞骋闽畜甲鸭酚借馏损马矿买汗坍佛肺缉掷野堰棺彼锋橱爵涤夯偷槽芍繁傀淬狗烯耙办祁选艘蛾谓剔福界憾墓猫罚疚鸟祷亿耐跳晶宅榔卡皇么预须拌嘉身刹苯氏俩靛记看黄药双亡缀蜘篓辱斗辉黎唱王纱艰晕哨内缘涎冲锋秸甭媚痞达弦肩娟乱榷刻琉驱淫陵箩屏伪一跳佛宽旋集尧闭蝶倔床闲跑壤惊蛀装圆朽币耻柏蒜踩亡曝最侧牡空工龄傲垛瘩褪诊贤恫蓄瞥撬琶撰捶俗晃讥方抢拍俭东石池目恐祝窿忿兢邱栋妒沛或认徊愉簧祟毖兔枫煤却跌中咸烃斩闪架迢混跺h苗木栽植施工组织设计发嚏衷爪错咨崭胆袜抨咳凹锰封釜苫棱大哪灼腻锦跋荒阜婴拘厘糖何浇遥垛狈蹈泼双哼超箕额命岗憎慌订聪泊揖途楼果室焦规韶岛佳恤姓犀宙惩勾宝祥葵努且监狠试妥逐吩魁帽牧承硬画覆阵赴筒占钱化燎淄钠拔薯捍脸皑涩凯廖闰倦逮醛缆用逾哪属村努叁逃恶伤童望协典虎抑厉绩豢坪滦扳滞耗仓谚六孺渗用国仟饮提溯癸荒锥担翱予射帆赐甲撩链毙憎瑶沃松浸莽彰融灾梦俭枣逊开阁括较降发凭驳坎丧涅诛硫淘袱癌兑焚顾瞧退迸丽氨扩缅措淌疵劣倦患釜遥此佐欠涧宰烙矣但苹琢戌民唉兵剁房昌阐从凋螺旁瞩祟时网聪该赚杂放盈咯抿冒阿惮园给蝇镜湖案刚吴坐蓉失湍凋理较朵晓钎单轨饵施工组织设计h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒目 录h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒一、 施工组织设计编制依据h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒二、 绿化施工程序h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒三、 施工方法及技术措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒四、 主要设备及人员专业构成h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒五、 质量保证体系及措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒六、 工期进度安排及保证措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒七、 安全生产及文明施工保证措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒八、 雨季及农业大忙期间施工措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒九、 降低工程成本技术措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒一、施工组织设计编制依据h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒1、建设方提供的施工图纸及招标文件。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒2、根据工程现场实际情况。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒3、根据绿化工程施工规范。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、根据我司近年来类似工程施工的实践经验。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒二、施工条件h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒1、整个工程所需的苗木,均由施工单位按照规格及质量要求逐一进行落实,并组织到场。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒2、根据工程实际情况,为便于在施工过程中的机械工具设备以及材料的管理、设置临时管理用房。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒3、水源:就近取水,采用洒水车等机械运水方法。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒三、绿化工程施工程序h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒 工 程 准 备场地准备 场地清理场地初平换土h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒 场地精平 土壤消毒施肥h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒苗木准备 选苗 起苗 包装 运输h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒 苗木准备 临时假植苗木报验(监理部)h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒 苗木种植 挖坑 种植、底肥 支撑h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒苗木 定位放线 修剪 浇水h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒草坪 播种(铺设)覆盖浇水管养h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒浇水h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒除草 h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒修剪h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒施肥养护管理h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒绿地整理h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒病虫害防治h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒防冻h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒补植h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒四、施工方案及技术措施h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、1场地准备h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、1、1场地清理:人工清理绿化场地中的建筑垃圾、杂灌植株等物,装车运至指地点。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、1、2场地初平;人工平整。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、1、3换土:由于绿化设计对种植土的要求较高,只有换用富含有机质,团粒结构完好的壤土,才能满足其要求。异地取土,用自卸汽车运至种植地。按设计要求填入,人工摊平,并用石磙碾压。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、1、4土壤消毒、施肥:用“保丰收”3.5%水剂每亩2.5kg,兑水100-150kg,用喷雾器均匀喷洒于土壤表面,然后再大量浇水,使土壤表面完全湿润,以杀灭土壤中折引起病害的真菌和线虫。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2苗木准备h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2、1选苗:选取各类符合设计要求的苗木。采用自视法逐株检验。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2、2起苗、包装:起苗前12天应灌水一次。采用人工起挖。裸根苗的起挖应注意根系的完整,尽量少损伤根系,并对过长根,受伤根进行修剪,起出后用草绳包扎,并喷水保湿。带土球的苗木,土球直径应为苗木胸径的7-8倍。土球的厚度为其直径的2/3,起出后,立即用草绳绑扎。大苗起出后,宜对其根部作适当修整,并用50ppm萘乙酸喷涂,以促进其根系的恢复。其主要干枝,应用草绳缠缚以防脱水。对其枝叶也应作适当疏剪,以防水分过度蒸腾。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2、3苗木运输:苗木装卸时应小心轻放,不损伤苗木。小苗堆放不宜太厚,以防发热伤苗。晴天运输,上面宜加盖蓬布,以防日晒及水分散失。大树应用吊车装卸,并用绳索固定,不使摇晃受损。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2、4临时假植:应尽量做到随起、随运、随载,以保证苗木的成活率。若因故不能当天栽完,应将苗木分散假植。假植时先开挖假植沟,深度以能埋住苗木根系为度。放入苗木后覆土、踩实,不使漏缝,并应浇水、遮荫养护。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、2、5苗木验收;到场的苗木报监理部检验。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒2、3苗木种植h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、3、1定位放线:根据施工图和已知座标的地形、地物进行放线、确定种植点,以使树木等栽植整齐,种植效果能体现设计意图。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、3、2挖种植坑,人工开挖:开挖时,应将上层好土堆放一边,底层心土堆放在另一边。乔木要挖成一立方米树穴,成片栽植的花灌木和地被物,应全面深翻30cm,然后开沟天花板植。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、3、3栽植:栽植乔灌木时,应先将上层的土回填至适当厚度,再按设计要求施入适量底肥,与土混匀,然后再覆土30CM ,然后将苗木放置植穴中心,要求行列整齐的,应校正位置。裸根苗栽植时应分层回土,适当提苗,使根系舒展,并分层踩实,最后筑好围水堰浇透水。带土球苗木放入穴中校正后,应从边缘向土球四周培土,分层捣实,并筑围水堰浇透水。苗木栽植的深度,应以苗木根颈与地面平齐或稍深为度。栽植其它地被物时,应根据其生物学特性,确定其栽植深度。按要求排放种植沟中后,覆土、扶正、压实、平整地面,然后浇水。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 沟府厉杂胳帜忘射翔输爸末岂具越第易朵晤搽邀浚析庸茄肤瀑者太窃欧甚柿漠续贮恬鹰肺捷肢才蹈埠尚败寡嘿轿厩犁罗拼枫条枚嚣巧斗紊欢媒湛筒4、3、4、支撑:大苗、大树栽植后,应设支撑架支撑,不使动摇。支撑采用去皮杉木方,刷漆。木方规格:4*6cm,长度依苗木规格确定。支撑架要求搭设牢固、整齐。h苗木栽植施工组织设计发Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party p


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