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在线免费法律咨询境外实时开户通信系统安装及运行甲方: Buyer:乙方: Seller: Shenzhen Securities Communication Co.,Ltd签约日期:Date:境外实时开户通信系统安装运行合同书Online Securities Account Opening System Service Contract合同号:FKH-甲方:乙方:Shenzhen Securities Communication Co., Ltd (SSCC)甲乙双方就乙方为甲方安装建立一套实时开户通信系统并为甲方提供日后的通信运行服务事项,达成合同条款如下:The seller agrees to sell, and the buyer agrees to buy the Online Securities Account Opening System (OSAOS) according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 一、 甲方义务 The buyers obligations具备一条用于连接深圳市证券通信公司通信中心的电话线或DDN线路。并针对不同的线路,分别购买用于接入的设备:MODEM或路由器(CISCO 26系列)。The buyer needs to prepare a telephone or a DDN line for connecting the Communication Center of SSCC, and to buy the connecting equipment according to the line prepared: Modem or Router.准备一台CPU主频500MHZ以上、内存64M以上、硬盘500M以上并安装中文NT操作系统的品牌PC机。The buyer needs to buy a computer with a minimum capacity of 500MHZ CPU, 64M MEM, 500M HD installed with Chinese NT operation system.具备符合中国证券登记结算公司深圳分公司要求的软件及硬件环境。The software and the hardware used by the buyer shall accord with the specifications prescribed by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDCC). 为乙方的安装调试工作提供必要的协助。The buyer shall offer necessary assistance to the On-site installation technicians sent by the seller. 正确使用和操作该通信系统。The buyer shall use the OSAOS in a proper and correct way.按时支付合同规定的各项费用。The buyer shall pay the charges according to the contract without delay.二、 乙方义务 The sellers obligations1、提供专用的实时开户通信软件一套,并负责提供用户软件的更新升级。 The seller needs to provide a set of OSAOS software, and to be responsible for the upgrading of this software. 2、按照甲方的要求,在收到工程安装款后十天内负责安装调试该通信系统或指导甲方自行安装本系统。现场安装人员的食宿费由乙方自理。The seller needs to be responsible for the On-site installation or to instruct the buyer to install the system according to the buyers request within 10 days after receiving the payment from the buyer.3、提供与本通信系统相关的技术资料并指导用户正确操作使用。The seller needs to provide the buyer the documents of the OSAOS, and to instruct the buyer to use the system properly.4、负责为该通信系统的日常运行和维护提供技术咨询服务。The seller needs to be responsible for supporting the buyers daily operation and technical enquiry about the system. 三、 合同款及付款方式 The charges of the contract and the method of the payments(一)合同款The charges of the contract:A工程安装及设备款The charges of the installation and the software:1、实时开户通信软件一套,价格为HK$10000元。The charge of the software of the OSAOS is Hk$10000.00.2、安装调试费用为HK$3000元。甲方如自行安装,则乙方不收取此项费用,但乙方应提供有效的安装指南文件并负责通过电话进行指导释疑。请甲方在此确认:The charge of the On-site installation is HK$3000.00. In case the buyer chooses to install the system by himself, the seller will not charge on it. 是否需要乙方提供现场安装服务:是; 否 (甲方在“”打“”选定)Choose the On-site installation by put “” in “”. 以上价格合计为(由乙方确定):港币大写()元 Total:HK$( ) B系统运行维护费The charge of Operation and Maintenance(O&M):每套系统每月的运行维护费为HK$500元(港币伍佰元)。The charge of O&M is HK$500.00 per month.(二)付款方式The method of the payment:1、甲方应以电汇方式按本合同指定的帐户向乙方支付合同有关款项。The buyer shallpay for the charges according to the contract by means of T/T remittance.2、工程安装费、设备款及当年剩余月份的运行维护费(按安装系统的下一个月计至年底)应在合同签定后一周内一次性支付。The buyer shall pay for the charge of installation, software and the charge of O&M for the rest months this year within one week after signed the contract. 3、甲方应在每年1月份内一次性交纳本年度12个月的运行维护费(HK$6000元)。The buyer shall pay HK$6000 for a whole years charge of O&M in January every year. 乙方开户资料:The informations of the seller乙方户名:深圳证券通信有限公司Shenzhen Securities Communication Co.,Ltd开户行:深圳发展银行深圳分行福田支行四、 违约责任 Liability for breach of the contract若甲方不按期足额支付工程款,乙方有权认为甲方放弃执行本合同,同意解除合同。In case the buyer does not pay the charges of the contract on time, the seller has the right to regard that the buyer terminates the contract.若甲方不按期支付运行维护费,乙方有权自逾期付款之日起终止对甲方继续提供相应通信服务内容。In case the buyer dose not pay the charge of O&M on time , the seller has the right to stop providing the services prescribed by the contract.乙方承诺将实时开户的有关数据、文件无附加延迟地传递给甲方及中国证券登记结算公司深圳分公司。倘若遇到自然灾害、战争、政府政策变动等不可抗力造成通信系统发生中断,则乙方应在第一时间向甲方说明事故原因,并提供证据。对此不可抗力造成的小概率故障,乙方不承担直接或间接赔偿损失的责任。The seller consents to transfer the datum and the documents of the OSAOS without additional delay. If, due to a Force Majeure event (including nature disaster, war, the act of the government, etc) the seller fails to provide the normal service, the seller will not take the responsibility to compensate the buyers loss. But the seller shall report the situation to the buyer in time.对于由于第三方原因造成通信系统发生中断事故时,甲、乙双方均有责任敦促第三方予以妥善解决,直至共同追诉第三方的法律责任。In case there occurs a communication accident caused by a third party, both the buyer and the seller have the responsibility to urge the third party to solve the problem suitably. 五、 争议解决 Resolution of disputes 凡因本合同引起或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应协商解决。协商未获解决的,可将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照仲裁程序进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。In event any dispute arises in connecting with the contract, the parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such disputes through friendly consultations. If the disputes is not resolved in this manner, either party may submit the disputes to the branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Shenzhen for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commissions arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in Shenzhen, The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. 六、 其它 Others本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。The contract has two originals, each party holds one.本合同的中、英文发生歧义时,以中文为准。In case the understandings are different in this contract,it will subject to the understanding in Chinese finally.合同自签字之日起正式生效。This contract will become effective after both parties signed the contract.甲方资料Informations of the buyer: 联系人Contact:电话Tel: 传真Fax:席位Seat:地址Address: 通信方式Communication Method:DDN;电话线开户行Name of the Bank: 银行帐号Account Number: 乙方资料Informations of the seller:市场部Marketing Department:运行部Operation Department:研发中心Research & Development Center:技术服务中心Technical Support Center:地址:Address :1002 Binhai Avenue, Shenzhen, China邮编Postalcode:甲方:代表签字 On behalf of the buyer:签约日期date:- 乙方:代表签字 On behalf of SSCC: 签约日期date:


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