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第一章航海图书资料When you read the Sailing Directions, you should notice that it is one of the scries of publications produced by which should be consulted by users of Admiralty charts. (B)A. IHOB. UK Hydrographic officeC. IMOD. International association of CS1. The Lists of Meteorological Observation Stations can be found in(A)A.ALRSB.ALLC.AMCD.ATTSailing Directions are kept up to date by (C)A. publicationB. Notices to MarinersC. supplementsD. Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices toMarinersDeep-draught vessels and VLCCs shall allow forof at least 3.5m at alltimes during the entire passage through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. (D) A. a draftB. a freeboardC.an air draftD.an under-keel clearance2. Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions the previous one .(B)A. enforcesB. cancelsC. correctsD. replenishesamplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.(A)A. Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB. Admiralty List of LightsC. Admiralty List of Fog SignalsD. Admiralty Notices to MarinersThe information onis not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) (B)IALA Buoyage systemA. hydrography, topography, navigational aids and their servicesBasic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigationB. Information on tides, currents and characteristics of the seaWhen a feature is to be removed from the chart,command is used. (B)A. MOVEB.DELETEC. AMENDD.SUBSTITUTE3. gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage systemincluding textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks, cardinal, lateral, isolated danger, safe water and special marks.(C)A. Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts, Chart5011C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735)the Mariners Handbook (NP100)4. When a feature whose characteristics or descriptions remain unchanged is to beB.A racon only work at nightC.A racon which display a Morse code on the radar screen.D.A future racon expected to be operational after Y2000What is the purpose of the radar reflector? (D)A. Making objects less visible.B. Making echoes weaker on the radarC. Making large echoes smaller.D. Making small objects better visible25. How to reduce bear width distortion? (D)A. Adjust center position B. Adjust brilliance. C. Adjust heading marker. D. Reduce gain26. What course should be fed in to a stabilized radar picture? (B)A. Compass course. B. Gyro course. C. True course. D. Course made good.27. What is the CORRECT speed input to an ARPA used for traffic surveillance? (B) A. Ground speed. B. Speed through water. C. Speed from GPS. D. Speed from Doppler.28. How does current and drift effect the relative motion, relative vector presenlation?(A)A. No effect. B Producing small errors in calculate aspectC. Producing large errors in calculated aspect. D. Procuce errors in calculated CPA/TCPA.29. (D)is a piece of equipment used to detect the presence of ships ,buoys, coast and many other targets and to obtain range and bearing of these targets.A. The marine sextant B. The chronometer C. The echo sounder D. The radarWhich ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target vessel? BA. Set and drift of the current. B. Relative track information.C. Predicted time of CPA.D. Initial range of acquisition.30. What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require? AA. Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude.B. Good computer knowledge. C. Good system knowledge. D. Nothing special.31. The common way to obtain your ships position is. BA. keeping a close watch and lookout B. taking a radar range and bearingC. observing a radar target and listening to signals D. keeping a well clear cautionWhich of the following are data layer categories to be displayed on ECDIS? D A. ECDIS warnings and messages. B. Hydrographic Office data.C. Notice to Mariners information. D. All of the above.32. A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is a (n) _ B A. unslabilized display B. stabilized display C. composition display D. relative displayMagnetic heading differs from compass heading by. DA. compass error B. true heading C. Variation D. deviationCompass error is equal to the. CA. deviation minus variation B. variation plus compass courseC. combined variation and deviation D. difference between true and magnetic heading33. Variation is a compass error that you. Dcan correct by adjusting the compass cardA. can correct by adjusting the compensation magnetscan correct by changing the vessel headingB. cannot correctThe principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate -as possible. CA. variation B. compass errorC. Deviation D. Earths magnetic force39. If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earths, which statement is TRUE? AA. Compass error and variation are equal.B.Compass north will be true north.C. Variation will equal deviation.D. There will be no compass error.40. Which would influence a magnetic compass? DA. Electrical wiring. B. Iron pipe. C. Radio. D. All of the above.41. My gyrocompass error is. BA. east two degree B. two degrees east C. two east degrees D. two-degrees42. Before sailing, mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with. CA. ships clock B. engine movement recorder C. repeaters D. navigation lights 44. All echo sounders can measure the. BA. actual depth of water B. actual depth of water below keelC. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom45. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? DA. Sea bottom. B. Ships speed. C. Speed of current. D. Water temperature and density.46. _C_ sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea-bed t from which it is reflected.A. The marine sextant C. The echo sounder B. The chronometer D. The radarA Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the _DA. Velocity of the current B. bottom characteristicsC. depth of the water D. speed over the ground47. D is a radio receiver with ability to sense direction of the incomingradio waves.A. The echo sounder B. The radar C. The course recorder D. The direction finderC_ provides a paper trace of course steered by the vessel against time.A. The echo sounder B. The radar C. The course recorder D. The direction finderThe AIS transponder is designed to transmit information A.A. automatically B. semi-automatically C. manually D. AIS is not transmitting at all_B_ is the navigational timekeeper of the vessel.A. The marine sextant B. The chronometer C. The magnetic compassD. The gyrocompassWhich one of the following is CORRECT regarding the use of gyrocompass? CA. Gyrocompass does not have to be started before sailingGyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a birthB. Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to timeGyrocompass is not influenced by the latitude and ships motion48. If the magnetic heading is greater Ihan the compass heading .the deviation is _A_.B.WESTD.SOUTHA. EASTC. NORTH49. Deviation is the angle between the _C_True meridian and the axis of the compass cardTrue meridian and the magnetic meridianMagnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardAxis of the compass card and the degaussing meridianQuadrant error in a gyrocompass has its greatest effect _D_A. in high latitudeB. near the equatorC. on north or south headingD. on inter cardinal headings56 Magnetic variation changes with a change in - (D)A. the vessefs heading B. sea conditionsC. seasonsD. the vessePs position57 The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the -(C)A. magnetic equatormagnetic longitude reference lineB. points where there is no variationpoints where here is no annual change in variation58 The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connection the geographic poles)and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux )is called(B)A. deviation B. variation C. error D. difference59 . Which one of following is INCORRECT about magnetic compass? (C)The magnetic compass is compulsory on my vessel.A. The magnetic compass is prone to errorThe magnetic compass is always placed inside steel constructionsD.The magnetic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortionThe GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately(C)A.3 hoursB.6 hours C 12 hours D.24 hoursWhat is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?(A)A. AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situationAIS is more accurate than ARPA.B. AIS is not as accurate as ARPA.D.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance.60. is not a factor which will affect the accuracy of GPS receiver.(A)A. Detective availability B. Local environmental conditionsC. Autonomous mode versus different correction mode versus RTCM modeThe averaging of recorded locations63.is not an alarm required by IMO standards to be available on the ECDIS (C)Deviating from a planned routeA. Approach to way points and other critical pointsLight house detectingB. Larger scale chart available第三章航海气象1. In the doldrums you will NOT have(C)high relative humidityA. frequent showers and thunderstormssteep pressure gradientsB. frequent calmsFog is most commonly associated with a(n)( A )A. warm front at nightlow pressure areaB. anticyclonelack of frontal activity2. Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany (C)high pressure systemA. cold frontwarm frontB. occluded frontThe fog produced by warm moist air passing over a cold surface is called(D)conduction fogA. radiation fogfrontal fogB. advection fog5.Relative humidity is the percentage of water vapor that is in the air as compared to the maximum amount it can hold at( B)A. a specific barometric pressurea specific temperatureB. a specific wind speedany time6. Severe Tropical Cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons) occur in all warm-water oceans EXCEPT the (D)A.Indian OceanB.north Pacific OceanC.south Pacific OceanD.south Atlantic OceanA local wind with occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rate of warming of land and water is called a(D)A. foehnChinook7. land breezeD.sea breeze8.rain means it rains in some parts of the area. ( C)A.Squally8. IsolatedC.ScatteredD.OccasionalA type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strong convection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as_(B)A.sleetB.hailC.freezing rainD.rime1(). A WIND BLOWS ROUND ANTICLOCK defines(A)A.backing (of wind)B.beach (to)C.veering (of wind).maintaining direction of the wind11. After a cold front passes, the barometric pressure (C)A.drops, and the temperature dropsB. drops, and the temperature risesC.rises, and the temperature dropsD.rises, and the temperature risesAnticyclones are usually characterized by (A)A.dry, fair weatherB.high winds and cloudinessC.gustiness and continuous precipitationD.overcast skies12. The area of strong westerly winds occurring between 40S and 60 S latitude is called the( C)A.polar ealieriesB.prevailing westerliesC.roaring fortiesD.jet streamsThe Beaufort scale is used to estimate the(C)A.wind directionB.percentage of cloud coverC.wind speedD.barometric pressure13. A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a . (B)A. high pressure systemB. low pressure systemC. high dew pointD. low dew pointHurricanes may move in any direction. However, it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the. (C)A. west or northwestB. northeastD. northD. northC. southeastIn the Southern Hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a .(A)A. clockwise directionB. northeasterly directionC. northerly directionD. counterclockwise directionThe passing of a low pressure system can be determined by periodically checking the.(C)A. thermometerB. hygrometerC. barometerD. anemometer14. refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. (A)A. HumidityB. TemperatureC. PrecipitationD. Windgenerally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching. (A)A. Falling barometric pressure B. Rising barometric pressureC. The circulations of winds D. The change of wind direction 21. The weather is oftenin a high-pressure area. (A)A. fineB. cloudyC. rainyD. windy22. Visibility will not be reduced by. (D)A. fogB. mistC. snowD. cloudWhen visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say the visibility is. (D)A. very goodB.goodC. poorD. moderate23. Clouds are classified according to their. ( C)A. sizeB.moistureC.altitude and how they were formedD.location in a frontThe best estimate of wind direction al sea level can be obtained from observing the. (C)A.cloud movementB.vessel headingC.wavesD.swells24. The length of a wave is the length. (D)A.of the waves crestB.of the waves troughC.measured from crest to troughD. measured from crest to crestThe warm front is usually lifted up from the surface by . (A)A.the cold frontB.heavy windC.high pressureD.hurricane25. After the passage of a cold front the visibility. (B)A.does not changeB.improves rapidlyC.improve only slightlyD.becomes poorOn the approach of the warm front barometric pressure usually (A)A.fallsB.risesC.is steadyD.is unreliable26. Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of 8-9 are expected. (D)A.wind speedB.air forceC.wind velocityD.Beaufort forceThe speed at which a storm center moves is the. (B)A. speed of movementB.speed of advanceC.speed of stormD.strom movement speed27. MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE. This forecast probably refers to in a certain area. (A)A.visibilityB.windsC.seaD.fogWind force 7 or more areover most of the area from the 5N toaround 5S. (A)A rareB.all the timeC.oftenD.occasionallyThe direction of prevailing winds in the Northern hemisphere is caused by the _A. Arctic cold fontsB.magnetic field at the North PoleC.gulf stream D. Earths rotationFleet weather forecast messages are expected conditions in. (D)A. some areas B.important areasC.all ocean areas D.a certain areaWhat is the primary source of the Earths weather?(C)A. The oceansB.The MoonC.The SunD. The solar system28. A weather map is a synoptic data because it. (A)A. summarizes a great deal of informationB.can be interpreted accuratelyC.appears dailyD.is prepared by the Weather BureauA frontal thunderstorm is caused by. (C)A. pronounced local heatingB.wind being pushed up a mountainC.a warm air mass rising over a cold air massD. an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface airWhen reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in. (A)A. true degrees B.magnetic compass degreesC.relative degreesD.isobaric degreesTsunami is caused by an . (C)A. tide wavestorm surge caused by hurricane and tropical cycloneB. earthquaketornado41. In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind . (A) A. changes direction clockwise, as from north to east etc.B. changes direction violently and erraticallyC. remains constant in direction and speedD. changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east etcWhen air is at its dew point it. (B)A. has the lowest relative humidity B. will contain no additional moistureC. cannot keep up its moisture D. has a low absolute humidityTwo well developed high pressure areas may be separated by a. (B)A. hill of low pressure B. trough of low pressureC. valley of low pressure D. ridge of low pressureBacking means the wind . (B)A. is changing clockwise in directionB. is changing anticlockwise in directionC. is changing cycionically or variably in directionD. remains unchanged in direction at the timeIn summer, monsoon over the South China Sea blows from . (B)A. northcastB. southwestC. southeastD. northwestIn most cases, the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and(A)A. the direction of the true wind B. true northC. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee sideA hygrometer is a device used for determining. (D)A. the absolute temperature B. atmospheric pressureC. wind velocityD. relative humidityThere arc often three parts in a weather repor, not including. (D )A. warninggeneral synopsisB. forecasttraffic density42. In the Northern Hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a.(B)A veering windB. backing windC reverses windD. Chinook windAdvection fog may be formed by cold air passing over a. (B)A. Colder sea surface B. warmer sea surfaceC. Dry coastal plains D. High Mountain or plateau50. What occurs when rising air cools to the dew point? . (D)A. Advection fog forms B. Humidity decreasesC. Winds increase D. clouds formThe circulation around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere is(A)A. Counterclockwise B. variable C. clockwise D. anticyclonic51. In the southern hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a.(A)A. Clockwise directionB. northeasterly directionC. Northerly directionD.counterclockwise directionIf the current and wind are in opposite directions, the sea surface represents(B)a greatly reduce wind speedA. a higher wind speed than the really existsa lower wind speed than the really existsB. disturbant windAT 221200UTC,60 NORTH 25 WEST 969 EXPECTED 70 NORTH 02EAST 958 BY 231200UTC. (B)A. HIGH B. LOW C. COLD FRONT D.WARM FRONT52. The great the pressure difference between a high and a low pressure center, the_ _ - (C)A. cooler the temperature will bewarmer the temperature will beB. greater the force of the wind will bedryer the air mass will be53. Isotherms is . (D)a line on a weather map connecting equal points of both temperature and pressureA. an instrument that measures the climatologically effects of temperaturea line connecting points of equal barometric pressure on a weather mapB. a line connecting points of equal temperature on a weather mapStrom track is anything EXCEPT . (C)A. the direction where the storm comes fromthe direction the storm is moving towardsB. the speed at which the storm movesthe path taken by the storm54. What is the distance from the bottom of a wave trough to the top of a wave crest?.(B)A. Wave length B. Wave height C. Wave breadth D. Wave depth55. On a weather map, a large letter H means . (A)a high pressure area with cool, dry air, and fair weatherA. a high pressure area with warm, moist air and inclement weatherhorse latitudes, with rough seas and strong windsB. a heavy squall line near the H第四章船舶操纵1. is the distance east or west measured in degrees, minutes and seconds of arcon the equator between the prime meridian and the meridian passing through the place(A)A. Longitude B. Latitude C. Height D. Bearing.2. A plane that cuts the Earths surface and passes through the poles will alwaysfrom(D)A. the equator B.a loxodromic curve C.a small circle D.a meridianIn waters where the cardinal system is used you would expect to find danger(B)lying to the south of an eastern quadrant buoyA. lying to the south of an northern quadrant buoylying to the east of an eastern quadrant buoyB. beneath or directly adjacent to the buoy.3. What defines a great circle? (C)A.A curved line drawn on a Mercator chartB.A course line that inscribes a loxdromic curveC. The shortest distance between any two points on the EarthD. The smallestWhat is ships heading ?Ships heading is the direction(A)A.the vessel is pointingB.the vessel is traveling relative to landC.the vessel is traveling relative to ground D. The vessel is drifting4. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of _ _(B)A.interrupted quick flashing B.composite group flashingC.Morse (A)D.quick flashingWhat would be the colour of a


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