Do you know him?第1页/共29页 Mark Twain (1835-1910)第2页/共29页Mark Twains House 第3页/共29页马克吐温博物馆外观在美国中部密西西比河畔汉尼巴尔镇,几名游客在参观美国文学的先驱者马克吐温的石屋博物馆。第4页/共29页马克吐温的自行车 这张资料照片显示的是,陈列在博物馆内的一辆属于他的自行车。它产于1886年,当年购价142.5美元,相当于当时美国人平均三个月的收入。第5页/共29页马克吐温纪念碑建于1913年的马克吐温青铜塑像,座落在美国中部密西西比河畔汉尼巴尔镇郊外的赏河公园。第6页/共29页Americas best known literary figure(名人)Americas short story writerLiterary giant(文学巨人)Do you know any evaluation(评价) given to him?Humorist public speaker第7页/共29页Do you know any of his works(著作)(著作)? Can you name any of them?第8页/共29页His famous worksThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记第9页/共29页The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利 弗恩历险记 第10页/共29页Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上的生活 第11页/共29页Running for Governor竞选州长his short stories第12页/共29页The Million Pound Bank Note 百万英镑第13页/共29页 马克吐温的名言第14页/共29页 Dont give up your imagination. When the imagination had no after, you can also exist, but although you living dead still. 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。 Tell the truth forever, such of words you need not recorded you to once say some what. 永远说实话,这样的话你就不用去记你曾经说过些什么。As long as had ignorance and self-confidence, you can succeed by all means. 只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。 第15页/共29页 Mark Twain was born in Florida on November 30th, 1835. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Read the short passage below and then fill in the chart.第16页/共29页 Twain loved the river so much that even his pen name is about the river. “Twain” is an old word for “two”. The phrase “mark twain” means that the water is two fathoms deep. The authors real name was SamuelLanghorne Clemens.第17页/共29页Real nameMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesSamuel Langhorne Clemensthe water is two fathoms deepNovember 30th, 1835FloridaHannibal, Missouri, along the MississippiThe Adventures of TomSawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn第18页/共29页 Have you ever read any of Mark Twains novels? Choose one and tell the class about it.第19页/共29页第20页/共29页The Million Pound Bank NoteDo you know this novel?The novel is a story about bet.第21页/共29页This novel was made into a film.Have you seen the film? If you have, what did you think of it?第22页/共29页Henry:An American businessman, who arrived in London by accident, penniless, hungry and lonely.Characters第23页/共29页CharactersRoderick and Oliver: Two rich brothers, who made a bet. Roderick believed that a man couldnt survive in the city for a month with only a million pound bank-note. But Oliver believed he could.第24页/共29页 百万英镑是马克*吐温著名的讽刺小说的代表作。 故事讲述了两个年老富有的兄弟一天突发奇想:假如一位聪明的、诚实地外地人落难伦敦,他举目无亲,除了一张百万英镑的大钞以外一无所有,而且他还没法证明这张大钞就是他的,那么这样一个人会有怎样的命运呢?哥哥说这人会饿死,因为无论他去哪里这人也花不掉这张大钞,因为他会当场被抓住。弟弟说他饿不死。兄弟两个就这样争执不下,后来弟弟说他愿意出两万英镑打赌,这人靠百万英镑无论如何可以活三十天,而且进不了监狱。第25页/共29页 他们选定了一个流浪到英国的美国人亨利*亚当斯,并把百万英镑大钞借给了他。 出乎意料的是,人们对这位暴富的穷人拼命的巴结,从免费吃饭,免费买衣服,到免费住宿。他得社会地位也不断提升,此外,他还赢得了一位漂亮小姐的爱情和三万英镑的银行利息,还拥有了一份体面的工作,过上了幸福的生活。第26页/共29页 作者用漫画的笔法勾勒出了不同人物在百万英镑面前的种种丑态,幽默滑稽,趣味横生,就如同一幅世态讽刺画,令人忍俊不禁。作者还无情的揭示了资本主义社会金钱至上的残酷现实,也投射出整个社会的悲凉。第27页/共29页Homework1. Look up the new words and expressions of the reading in the dictionary.2. Preview the reading: The Million Pound Bank Note Act I第28页/共29页感谢您的观看。第29页/共29页