仁爱英语七年级下Unit topic复习

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仁爱英语七年级下仁爱英语七年级下Unit topic复习复习Many students in our school are _(use) this kind of English workbook.using第1页/共30页Tom often _(talk) a lot.They _ (make) cards in the classroom now.talksare making第2页/共30页An old man is _(坐)under a tree.Jack likes _ (跑步) in the morning.sittingrunning第3页/共30页The gym is next to the _(swim) pool.Look! Some students _ (play)basketball _ the playground.swimmingare playingon第4页/共30页Lucy and Lily _(dance) in the room now.are dancing第5页/共30页选择How long can I _ the book? A week. B.borrow C. keep D. talk c第6页/共30页What are you doing? Im _ my keys. A.looking for B. finding C. finding outA第7页/共30页I cant find my pen. Dont worry. I have _ here. You can use _ now.A.it, that B. one ,it C. that ,one B第8页/共30页My good friend Michale loves _ he guitar. A. play B. plays C. playing C第9页/共30页Kangkang is doing his himework at the moment. A.now B. at that moment C. justA第10页/共30页You must return the book on time. A.give to B. give back C.read B第11页/共30页Linda is singing _ the back _ the classroom. A.at, of B. on ,in B.C. on,of A第12页/共30页Jimmy, I have _ good news to tell you. A.a B.two C.many D.some D第13页/共30页Lucy wants to go out. She is _ her shoes now. A.put on B. putting on C. get up D. getting up B第14页/共30页Excuse me, how long can I _ the story book? Two weeks. A.buy B. borrow C. keep D. look C第15页/共30页你明天必须按时到校。You must get to school _ _ .on time第16页/共30页杰克的作业做得越来越好了。Jack _ _ _ his homework.does betterin第17页/共30页Can you _ _ _ (带我参观)your school?showme around第18页/共30页_ _ _(放学了).Its time to go home.School is over第19页/共30页Tom and Jack _ _ _ (正在谈论)the soccer game.aretalking about第20页/共30页Kangkang is playing soccer with his friends. _ Kangkang _ soccer with his friends?Isplaying第21页/共30页The girl is reading. _ _ the girl _?What isdoing第22页/共30页They are playing computer games in the computer room. _ _ they _ computer games?Where areplaying第23页/共30页You can keep the book for five days. _ _ _ I keep the book?How long can第24页/共30页Wang Wei is doing his homework now. (用often改为一般现在时)Wang Wei _ _ his homework at this time.oftendoes第25页/共30页Kate has lunch at twelve oclock.(用at the moment改写)Kate _ _ lunch _ _ _. is havingat themoment第26页/共30页Michale often plays soccer on the playground after school.(用now改写句子)Mlchale _ _soccer on the playground now.is playing第27页/共30页Li Ming is good at English. Li Ming _ _ _ English.does wellin第28页/共30页Please return the book to me now. Please _ the book_ to me now.giveback第29页/共30页感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第30页/共30页


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