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WORD格式Topic1Unit 3)分钟 90 时间 分 100 总分值(总分 第三局部第二局部 第一局部题号得分) 分(20听力第一局部 ) 分(5听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。.( )1.)2.()3. ()4.()5.( 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。 .) 分(5C. I like it a lot.B. No problem.)6. A. Yes, it is.(B. What s your name)7. A. Thank you. ( C. Sure. IC. Sure. I have a good one. B. You are welcome. )8. A. Yes, I like itvery much. ( C. Yes, she does.B. Yes, it is.)9. A. Yes, she is.( C. Yes, she is. B. She is my sister. )10. A. She wants to go toCanada.) 分(5。每组对话读两遍。 (F)误 (T)听对话,判断以下句子的正 . )11. Linda lives in China.()12. The boys nameDavid. ()13. Jim wants to visit Shanghai.( )14. The man is Jimpen pal. ()15. The man has a pet cat.() 分(5 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 .)16. Mike is Davids _. (C. classmateB. pen palA. brother)17. Mike comes from_.(C. ChinaB. the U.S.A.A. England)18. Davidis _ years old. (C. 14A. 12B. 13)19. Mike often goes_.(C. to the Chinese SchoolB. to schoolA. to the EnglishSchool)20. Mike wants to study _.(A. ChineseB.English) 日语 C. Japanese( )分(55根底知识运用第专业资料整理WORD格式二局部) 分(10 单项选择。 . ( Could I study English _ you专业资料整理WORD格式)1. No problem. D. about does he _ in the letter D. tellC. withB. forA. in( )2.WhatC. speakB. sayA. says_专业资料整理WORD格式you please tell me your name )3. ( I m Linda.SureD. IsC.Could B. AmA. Do Who s the girl in red)4. (t know _.Sorry, I don is a new student. D. she; HerC. her; Her B.her; SheA. she; SheWhere does he live)5. (He _ inShanghai. B. liveA. lives D. to liveC. is live)6.Li Lei often_ Lin Tao _ his English. ( D. help; withC. helps; to B. helps;with A. help; to( )7.He doesnt .likeD.appllittles C. atallB. muchA. very)8.I like the little cat a lot but she likes it _.(B. a littleA. a lot D. much C. lot)9.Sally often helps mestudy English. And I help her study Chinese. We help _. (D.other C. the otherB. others A. each other)10.He _ to visitChina. (D. wantst want C. don B. to want分 (5A.情want景 )交际。 .从栏中找出栏各句的应答语,有两项多余。 A. Im 14. )11. Excuse me. Couldtell me your name(B. Yes, I do.)12. Do you have any friendshere( C. Sure.)13. How old is your friend D.)14.Could I study English with you( She is thirteen.E. She speaks English.)15. Does she speak English(No.She speaks Chinese. F. Sure. My name is Mike. G分)(10 完形填专业资料整理WORD格式空。 .My home is nice. I have a pet ). I like 鹦鹉 name is Polly. Itis a parrot( 17and 16a pet, too. The name of it is Bobby. It isa dog. Hu Tao18Polly a lot. My classmate, Hu Tao, 英语 in yourhome I often go to English Corner( 20 Bobby very much. Do youhave 19some friends at the English Corner.22 a lot. I speakEnglish21). I like 角. 25. His English is 24tlikeEnglish doesnt like the English Corner. He Hu TaoSodoesn23I often help him study English.D. in home C. in school B. in myhome )16. A. in my school(B. it)17. A. it s( D. yoD. haveC. has B. like)18. A. is ( D. look like C. looks likeB. likes )19. A. likeD. a petC. a friend B. a bike )20. A. flowers( ( D. it s C. hisB. its)21. A. itC. in B. with)22. A. after( D. ofD. ButC. OrB. So )23. A. And()24. A. at all( D. allC. little B. muchD. niceC. poorB. OK)25. A. good() 分(30 阅读理解。 .(A)of Middle School 12 in No. teacher Englishan is She U.S.A. the from comes White Mrs. speaks She Guangzhou. very here likes She classes. Chinese to goes often andlittle a Chineseand Lily s mother. Lucy and much. She often saysthe Chinese people are very nice. She is Lucy Lily live in the U.S.A. with their father, Mr. White. They are students. They have manyChinese friends. )26. Where is Mrs. White from ( A. China. D. Shenzhen. C. The U.S.A. B. Canada. )27. Does Mrs. White speak专业资料整理WORD格式Chinese ( t. B. No, she doesn A. Yes, but a很little少.D. ,Seldom( ). 好 C. She speaks Chinese well(). 几乎没有)28. Wheredoes Mr. White live (D. In the U.S.A. C. In Canada. B. In China.A. In Shenzhen.)29. Who do Lily and Lucy live with(D. In theU.S.A. C. In China. B. Their mother. A. Their father. )30. Do Lucyand Lily have Chinese friends (t have. D. No, they don C. Yesthey have. t. B. No, they donA. Yes, they do.(B) Mrs. Black is anold English woman. She likes cats. She has many cats at home. Thestudents 越来 ). Moreand more(和猫一起玩耍 all like tocome toher home. They like to play with her cats( s home. Soon she has tomany cats. The old woman can ) cats come to the old woman越多的 t she thinks. So she gives the students herThe students likemy cats. “them)all.喂养 ) feed (不能 ( ). The students are happy.And the cats are happy, too. 快乐的 cats. Then she is happy(专业资料整理WORD格式。(F)误 (T)根据短文内容,判断正)31. Mrs. Black is 30 years old.专业资料整理WORD格式()32. She doesn t like cats at all. ( ome and play with her专业资料整理WORD格式cats. )33. The students like to go to the old woman34. She s h)专业资料整理WORD格式gives her cats to the students.() the old woman is not happy.最专业资料整理WORD格式后)35. At last( (C)Mike lives in Zhengzhou of China. But he is专业资料整理WORD格式from Canada. He is 12 years old this year.He speaks English.And he speaks Chinese a little. Mingming is his good friend. He is a专业资料整理WORD格式ChineseIt helps him ).在那里 boy. He oftengoes tothe专业资料整理WORD格式English Corner. He likes to speak English there( ), he often helps Mike with Chinese. Mike has a pet at home. It is a 当然 with English. Of course( The name of it is Wangwang. Mingming likes it, too. Sohe often dog. He likes it very much.s home. playswithWangwang in Mike 根据短文内容 按要求完成以下各题。 ,对句画线局部提问。 36._ _ Mike live 将句变成一般疑问句。37._he _English。 :_翻译句 38.39.: 把句 的同义句补出来Its _ _ Wangwang. 以下说法符合短文内容的一项为哪一项: )40. (A. Mike can speak Chinese well. B.Mingming likes to speakEnglish at the English Corner.C.Mingming has a pet dog. D. Mike and Wangwang are classmates.第三局部 ) 分(25写作 ) 分(10 词汇。 . ) 分 (5 根据句意及首字母提示填词。 A. 1. He seldom() studies English, so hisEnglish is p_. 极少 s a cat. 2. I have a p_ at home, and it 3.Mr. Li is our English teacher. He s_ English very well.4. Mr.Black comes from Canada. Now he l_ in Beijing.5. I likeEnglish very much. Please h_ me with my English.) 分(5 用所给单词的适当形式填空。B.) _ _ (pen pal). 很多 6. I havemany(7. Could you please tell _ (I) your name8. Do youspeak _ (China)9. He wants _ (visit) the Great Wall.10. Ihelp her s_ Chinese.) 分 (5 用所给单词的适当形式填专业资料整理WORD格式空。 ._ want to visit the Great Wall. Do you want to go with_ 11.Yes, I do. (they/them) Excuse _, are you from Beijing12.Yes, _ am. (I/me) Is Mr. Zhang your Chinese teacher 13.Yes, _ is. We like_ very much. (he/him) ) 在那边 ( Who s the woman overthere14._ is a new teacher. (she/her). Sorry. I donknowt_._ are your teachers. Could you tell _ your name 专业资料整理WORD格式15.Sure. (we/us).)分(10书面表达。词左右的短文。50专业资料整理WORD格式请根据下面的汉语提示写一篇说英语。(there) 。我们很喜欢专业资料整理WORD格式在那里 (English Corner)我们经常在下午去英语角: 1.提示我们专业资料整理WORD格式一起帮王刚学英语。2.专业资料整理WORD格式_专业资料整理WORD格式_Topic2Unit 3)分钟 90 时间 分 100 总分值(总分 第三局部 第二局部 第一局部 题号 得分 )分(20 听力 第一局部 ) 分(5听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。.5._4._ 3._ 2._1._ ) 分 (5 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。 .( C. He is 35. B. He is a teacher.)6. A. Heis fine. C. He works in a hospital. B. He lives in Beijing.)7. A. Heis a farmer.( ( C. He is a worker.B. Yes, he does.)8. A. Yes, heis.C. He is in black.B. He s my father. )9. A. He likes blue.No problem.B. Not at all. )10. A. Thank you.( ) 分 (5。每组对话读两遍。 (F)误 (T)听对话,判断以下句子的正.John s uncleworks on a farm .)11.(Rose s mother is a doctor.)12.( father.The young man is Mike )13s. ()14. His aunt looks after hisbrother. (Jim s grandparents are on the sofa分.)15(5.听短()文,填入所缺单词,每空一词。短文读三遍。.) her 介绍The girl introduces(to her mother. Their names are Mike, Linda andPaul. 16Linda. 18 work in the same17s Mike 20s workers. Paul 19s sisters are teaches English in her school.They are all good friends. 17._16._ 20._ 19._18._) 分(55根底知识运用第二局部 (10 单项选择。 . )分 )1. My family _ very big. ( D. doesC. areB. is A.专业资料整理WORD格式am)2. His father and mother _ teachers.(A. are both C.both are D. all areB. are all)3. Mrs. Zhang is _ office worker.(C. / D. theB. anA. a_ does he work)4.( In ahospital.D. WhereC. Who B. HowA. WhatWhat does Jack do )5.(_ D. He s a student.C. He s well. B. He s fine. A.good.I look _ my little sister. m isn t in today. )6. Mo ( D. thesameC. likeB. afterA. at)7. The man in brown is _ father.(D. Lucy and LilyC. Lucy and Lily s B. Lucy s and Lily A. LLily s ) and have a seat, please进.来 Come in ()8. (_ B. That s OK.A. Thanks a lot. D. I m glad.C. You reYour mother brothersis your_.)9.(D. grandfatherC.brotherB. uncleA. aunt)10. Tom and Kate are _.(B.brothers and sisterA. brothers and sistersC. brother and sisterD. sisters and brother) 分(5 情景交际。 .从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Hi, Cherry. Come and lookat my family photo.B: Wow! It is a nice photo.11 A:B:Who s the man in blueA: That s my father.A: HeB: is12adoctor.13B:A: He works in Children s Hospital.B: Whothe woman in yellowA: That s my mother.A:14No,B:sheis a teacher.B:15 A: She teaches English in a high school.B:Oh, you have a happy family.A. Is she also a doctorB. Where专业资料整理WORD格式does he work C. It s not nice.D. Is she a teacherE. Thank you.F. What does she teachG. What does he do)分(10 完形填空。 .地 a nice place (18. He 17English boy. He is twelve16Jim is new. Jim isJim.20 s mother s father, Jim of his family. They are Jim 19Beijing. Here is a 方workers.23They .22office, an in worksmother His office. an in21father His. He often studies Englishwith 25in a school. He likes English24 Jim is a student. Hehisclassmates.C. anB. the)16. A. a(D./D. years oldC. yearB. years)17. A. old( D. live inC. liveB. lives in)18. A. livesB. sofa)19. A. dog( D. carC. photoC. withB. and)20. A.or( D. butD. studiesC. teachesB. works)21. A. drives()22. A. to( D. onlyC. tooB. bothB. are all)23. A. all are( D. are bothC. are notD. studiesC. teachB. teaches)24. A.study( D. not at allC. a lotB. little )25. A. very) 分(30阅读理解。 . (A)is coat blue a in woman The ).教室 (classroomour of photo a is This Look! English ourteacher, Miss Gao. She is agood teacher. The boy in a white shirt is Jim. He is thirteen. He is anEnglish boy. He can not speak Chinese at all. We have to help himwith his Chinese. The girls areschool. ourin work parents Theirold. years twelve both are They Lucy. and Lily teach They English.But theyarenotourEnglish teachers. I like myclass. I like my专业资料整理WORD格式school. 。 (F)误(T)根据短文内容,判断正 Jim s English teacher is in a red coat.)26. ( )27. Jim comes from England. ( )28. Lucy专业资料整理WORD格式is twelve but Lily is not.(Lily s father is an English teacher专业资料整理WORD格式(s Jim s mother.)30. Miss Gao i (B)My name is David Green.专业资料整理WORD格式I m an English boy. My parents work in Beijing. My father is a driver and my mother is a doctor. I have a sister. We are students of a middle school in Beijing. The people in Beijing are very nice. We likeBeijing. We are very happy in China.答复以下问题。 , 根据短文内容31.WheredoesDavidlive_ 32.Do Mr. and Mrs.Greenhaveonlyoneson_ 33.Where does Mrs.Greenwork_Who sadoctorinDavid sfamily34._ 35.WhatdoesDavid do _(C) Myname is Bob. These are my grandparents. Their names are Mike and Kelsey. They have专业资料整理


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