九年级英语 MODULE 1 unit13课件 外研版

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PRE-LISTENINGHow many forms of transports do people often use to travel?Which kind of transport do you use most/often/least? Why?LISTENINGListen to the tape and finish the exercises in Part 2&3.NEW WORDS PRESENTATION: a coach长途汽车,客车长途汽车,客车NEW WORDS PRESENTATION: departure lounge 候机厅候机厅NEW WORDS PRESENTATION: transport(s)交通,交通方式交通,交通方式NEW WORDS PRESENTATION: Landau Island 大屿山(香港)大屿山(香港)LISTENING&COMPREHENDING Listen to the tape and finish the exercises in Part 5,6,and 7. LANGUAGE FOCUS-PHRASES: the trip back 回程,归途回程,归途 be full of people 塞满了人塞满了人 the busiest season in China 在中国最忙的季节在中国最忙的季节 because of 因为因为LANGUAGE FOCUS-PHRASES: take the boat to 坐船去坐船去 have a quite a good time 玩得非常高兴玩得非常高兴 go sightseeing 观光、游览观光、游览 take a tour by coach 乘客车旅行乘客车旅行LANGUAGE FOCUS-PHRASES: get back to work 回去工作回去工作/学习学习 plenty of fun things 很多好玩儿的事情很多好玩儿的事情 the school leavers party 学校毕业生晚会学校毕业生晚会 the visit to the English-speaking theatre 去参观英语剧场去参观英语剧场LANGUAGE FOCUS- EVERYDAY ENGLISH: How was your holiday? 假日过得如何?假日过得如何? Not bad! 不错!不错! And now, better get back to work 现在我们最好要开始工作了。现在我们最好要开始工作了。 Bad luck. 太糟糕了。太糟糕了。LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: 1. trip, tour, journey, travel He is fond of travel. 旅行、旅游旅行、旅游 (不可数)(不可数) Did you enjoy your travels in Africa? I enjoyed our trip to the seaside.具体到某地的旅行具体到某地的旅行 Theyre making a tour of Scotland.旅行,游历旅行,游历 (可数)(可数)具体一次旅行具体一次旅行 (可数,多用复数)(可数,多用复数)LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: He took us on a tour of the town. The orchestra is going on a tour round Paris. 参观,到处看看参观,到处看看 I wished him a safe journey.旅程旅程 From Paris to Berlin is a journey of one day by car.路程路程巡回演出巡回演出LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: a number of a great/good many a great /good deal of a bit of a little修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词修饰可数和不可数名词修饰可数和不可数名词2. 比较下列表示数量的短语:比较下列表示数量的短语:修饰可数名词的复数修饰可数名词的复数 a lot of/lots of plenty ofLANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: 3. Its the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. Autumn is my favourite season. This is not the season for harvesting. The young people have so much fun during the holiday season. in season out of season LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: They have lost the game because of their carelessness. Because they were so careless, they lost the game. Thanks to your help, I could manage to finish my education. The accident was due to the heavy snow. Owing to the rain the match will not take place as planned. 1. 因为天气炎热,人们很容易感到口渴。因为天气炎热,人们很容易感到口渴。Its easy for people to feel thirsty becauseof the hot weather.2. 今年春节,他们全家要乘飞机去海南旅游。今年春节,他们全家要乘飞机去海南旅游。His family will take a trip to Hainan by plane/air this Spring Festival.3. 上个星期他们乘客车去颐和园,玩得很高兴。上个星期他们乘客车去颐和园,玩得很高兴。They took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and had quite a good time.4. 在晚会上有很多好玩儿的游戏。在晚会上有很多好玩儿的游戏。There were plenty of fun games at the party.PRE-READINGLets listen a song.How does the singer feel when hes singing?How do you feel when you are listening to the song?FIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYIf you _ the train Im on, You will know that I am _. You can hear the _ blow a hundredmiles.A hundred miles, a hundred miles a hundredmiles , a hundred miles. You can hear the _ blow a hundred miles.FIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYLord, Im one. Lord , Im two, Lord, Im three, Lord, Im four, Lord, Im five hundred miles from my home. Away from home, away from home, away from home, away from home.Lord, Im five hundred miles from my home.FIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYNot a _ on my back, Not a _ to my name, Lord, I cant _ this a way. This a way, this a way, this a way, this a way,Lord, I cant _ this a way.FIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYIf you _ the train Im on, You will know that I am _. You can hear the _ blow a hundredmiles.A hundred miles, a hundred miles a hundredmiles , a hundred miles. You can hear the _ blow a hundred miles.missgonewhistlewhistleFIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYLord, Im one. Lord , Im two, Lord, Im three, Lord, Im four, Lord, Im five hundred miles from my home. Five hundred miles, five hundred miles, fivehundred miles , five hundred miles.Lord, Im five hundred miles from my home.FIVE HUNDRED MILES-BY PETER, PAUL & MARYNot a _ on my back, Not a _ to my name, Lord, I cant _ this a way. This a way, this a way, this a way, this a way,Lord, I cant _ this a way.shirtpennygo homego homeVOCABULARY set off nod v. tear n. towards prep. cigarette n. though conj. get off 出发;动身出发;动身 点(头)点(头) 眼泪,泪珠眼泪,泪珠 往;向;朝往;向;朝方向方向 香烟香烟 虽然;尽管虽然;尽管 下(火车,公车)下(火车,公车)LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: 3. 比较这几个词组:比较这几个词组: set off/set out出发出发 set about sth/doing sth. After breakfast, mum set about her household duties. Andy set about writing his report after looking up some information.着手做某事着手做某事LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: 2. Lin nodded, unable to speak. unable to speak 短语做伴随状语。短语做伴随状语。 be able to do be unable to do The boy was able to speak when he was one year old. Because of the rain, I was unable to get to the meeting on time.LANGUAGE FOCUS- MORE EXPLANATION: 4. He said in a strong voice. She has a pleasant voice. The host speaks with a deep rich voice.变成大人的声音变成大人的声音 The boys voice is breaking用主动语态用主动语态 Hes talking about the problem in a low voice. Im writing this sentence in the active voice.1. 这个孩子很害怕,他看着妈妈,向她求助。这个孩子很害怕,他看着妈妈,向她求助。The child was so afraid that he looked at his mum for help.2. 坐快车从北京到上海只要五个小时。坐快车从北京到上海只要五个小时。It only takes five hours to go/travel from Beijing to Shanghai by express.3. 我们休息一会儿吧,还有好长一段路呢要走呢。我们休息一会儿吧,还有好长一段路呢要走呢。Lets have/take a rest. Weve got a long way to go. 4. 孩子们都很感兴趣地仔细听着这个故事孩子们都很感兴趣地仔细听着这个故事Children were all listening to the story with a great interest. UNIT 3 LANGUAGE IN USE 不定冠词不定冠词 a, an 1. 用于单数普通名词之前,指该名词的全体。用于单数普通名词之前,指该名词的全体。 A bike is very useful. 2. 泛指一个,第一次提到泛指一个,第一次提到 I have a book. 3. 固定词组中固定词组中 have a look take a walkUnit 3 Language in use a university, useful useless European an honest hour 8-year-old “S, M, N, H, R, F, R, X” There is an “s” in the word “star”. Yao Ming is an NBA star.Unit 3 Language in use 定冠词定冠词 the1.再次提到某物再次提到某物 I have a dog. The dog is lovely.2.说话双发都知道的事物说话双发都知道的事物3.序数词,最高级前面序数词,最高级前面 (若有指示代词或物主代若有指示代词或物主代词,则无词,则无the) He is the last man to arrive. This is the most interesting film. He is my eldest brother.Unit 3 Language in use 定冠词定冠词 the4.乐器前面乐器前面 play the piano5. The + 比较级比较级 of6.世界上独一无二的事物前面世界上独一无二的事物前面7.表示方向,方位时表示方向,方位时 in the south (of)8. The +形容词形容词 表示一类表示一类Unit 3 Language in use 定冠词定冠词 the9. the + 姓氏复数姓氏复数 表示一家人表示一家人10.普通名词构成的专有名词前面普通名词构成的专有名词前面 the Summer Palace the Great Wall11. 固定词组固定词组 all the time all the sameUnit 3 Language in use不用冠词不用冠词1.专有名词专有名词2.颜色,运动,感官,三餐颜色,运动,感官,三餐3.复数名词或不可数名词复数名词或不可数名词 表示表示一般概念一般概念Unit 3 Language in use 注意:注意: go to school & go to the school go to church & go to the church in front of& in the front of at table & at the table in hospital & in the hospitalTHE END


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