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The business letter of authorization(Referred to as Party A) :Referred to as Party) B :Because of the Party A s business need, Party A needs to hire Party B to do the part-timeaccounting job. On the basis of voluntary, equality and mutual trust, the two parties sign this contract after negotiation in order to be abided by together.1. The period of employmen:t From February,1 st,2012 to January,31 st,2013.When this contractexpires, the two parties can transact the renewal affairs.2.Party A s rights oabnldigations1.Arrange accounting work, distribute finance-related mission for Party B;2.Supervise and inspect Party B s working condition;3.Let Party B obtain the payment of labor in time;4.For those happenedeconomic business in Party A compansy, Party A should fill in the originalcertificate which is in line with the national accounting system.5. Offer the real and complete original certificate and other related materials to the accountants in time;6.The client take the responsibility of the fine that caused by client s offering false orincomplete financial data.3.Party B s rights and obligations1.Carry out duties according to law. According to the entrusting party s businessneed, go to the Party A(osr obfyficeexpress, Party B afford the express cost) to takethe current month s accountin,gsboilrltsthe bills initially and turn over the bills. For those problems in the bills, need to communicate with Party A in time. Carry through accountant transactions. Check upthe accounting result getting from the accounting software, including the bills integrity, legality,validity and current accosu. nt2. Declare the national tax s and land tax s all kinds of taxes and offer all forms that tax authorityrequires. If delay the tax declaration or submitting materials because of the Party B s mistakes, PartyB afford the lost from this.3. In charge of Industrial and Commercial annual inspection and offer financial reports and tax audit reports.4. Do all tax reports and annual reports needed for representative office under the law of PRC.5. Have the obligation to offer the related financial and tax consultation services to Party A and inform the latest related policies.6. By the end of the year, need to offer all report forms subsidiary andgeneral ledger binding together in book form.7. When carrying out accountantship, cannot violate national laws and professional ethics; cannot beengaged in the activities that do harm to the company Forbid letting out company s s fame.secrets and finan-cr elated data.4. Payment of labor1. After negotiation, Party B s accounting chargingPsataynmdeanrtdf:or one year is5,000 Yuan (including all the services above).2. In charge of Party A s Commercial annual inspection and offer financial reports and tax audit reports of 2011. Payment for that is 3000 Yuan.5. Else1. Either side can put forward the rescission of the contract if unsatisfying (but need to inform the opposite side ahead of 2 months)2. When not suitable to go on with carrying on the duties because of the irresistible reasons3. Within a month after rescission of the contract, Party B needs to hand over the related documents, files and all kinds of financial documents.6. This agreement is in duplicate, each side holds one copy.7. This agreement becomes effective since both sides sign.8. If there are some affairs that are not related in this agreement both can negotiate to solve the problems.9. The both-sides-agreed scope of business1. According to the original certificate and other accounting materials offered by the client and national unified accounting system, do the accounting jobs, includingexamine and verify the original certificates, fill in the accounting voucher, record the financial transactions, make the financial reports;2. Offer the financial reports to the external; make and offer the financial reports which are in line with the requirements of PRC accountancy law and tax admi nistratio n, the in dustrial and commercial bureau, finan cial apartme nt and etc.;3. Offer the material of tax declarati on to the tax authority;4. Carry through the procedure of deliveri ng acco unting data and sig ning after receiving. Help Party B keep the accounting documents well;5. Examine the original certificates offered by Party A, fill in the accounting voucher and make acco unting reports on time accordi ng to the releva nt regulati ons;6. For Party A s probtennaccounting regulations and financial policies, offer advisory opinions andfinan cial an alysis reports accord ing to PartyA s requireme ntsParty A (stamp):Party B (stamp):Date ofconyearmonthdaytract:


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