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高分子材料与环境安全课程介绍与修读指导建议(复合)课程中英文名称:高分子材料与环境安全(Polymers and Environmental Safety) 课程编号:B03041200课程性质:专业课开设学期及学时分配:第六学期,每周2个学时适用专业及层次:高分子材料与工程、复合材料与工程专业,本科先行谍程:高分子化学、高分子物理后继课程:专业创新训练、毕业实习与毕业设计 教材:推荐参考书:高分子材料:环境与可持续发展,AdisaAzapagic著;顾宜,李瑞海 等译,化学工业出版社,2006年。高分了材料的环境影响评价和可持续发展,陈立新、顾军渭、孔杰、 陈芳编著,两北工业大学出版社,2013年。课程目的与内容:废弃物的再生循环、环境保护和资源的综合利用是21世纪关系社会发展和人类生存的 一个重大课题。高分子材料与环境安全是高分了材料与工程专业的一门专业课程。将高分了 材料科学与环境工程有机结合起来运用生命周期方法重点讨论环境保护、资源利用和废弃高 分子材料的再生循环等问题。本课程主要讲述高分子与环境的关系、废物流的产生、重要的 环保法规、高分子材料废物处理、环境设计和再循环以及今后的发展方向。通过本课程的学 刃,可以丰富学生的专业知识体系,提高学生环境保护意识,为学生走向工作岗位打下坚实 的基础。课程修读指导建议:建议学习者在学习高分子材料与环境安全课程前应充分认识环境安全对人类健康的 重要意义,认真阅读教学大纲,了解课程的基本内容和学习要求。回顾己学高分子化学 中高分子材料分类、聚合物生产,橡胶工艺学中相关环保法规等,为学习该课程奠定基 础。在学习过程中,应专心听讲、认真钻研,注意加强理解,不要死记硬背,要在记忆中理 解,理解中记忆。同时注意将所学知识与实践相结合,努力提高综合运用知识的能力。能够 应用数学、自然科学和工程科学的基本原理,识别、表达并通过文献研究分析复杂工程问题, 以获得有效结论。加强社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素意识。在运用知识的 过程中培养兴趣、勤于思考、发现问题并及时与任课教师沟通,查阅资料来解决。课后要及 时总结,加深对课程内容的理解。Course name: Polymers and Environmental SafetyCourse number:BO3O41200Course nature: specialized courseThe semester and time allocation: the sixth semester (I -8 weeks), 2 classes a week Applied professional and levels:polymer material and engineering(rubber), grade three First class: polymer materials, engineering plastics and its application Subsequent courses: graduation designTextbook: polymers,the environment and sustainable development, Adisa Azapagic, Alan Emsley, Lan Hamerton, chemical industry press, 2(X)6.Recommended reference book:lhe environmental impact evalualionfor polymers and sustainable development,Chen Lixin, Gu Junwei, Kong Jie, et al, north west industrial university press, 2013.Course objective, content and requirement:Recycling of waste, environmental protection and resource comprehensive utilization is a major issue for social development and human survival in the 21st century. Polymer and environmental safetyis one of the specialized course for students majored in polymer material and engineering. Environmental protection, resources utilization and waste recycling will be discussed by combining polymer materials science with environmental engineering. This course mainly introduces the relationship between polymer and environment, the application of polymer materials in daily life, the generation of waste streams, disposal of waste polymer material and the future development direction in this fiekl.This coursecan enrich the professional knowledge and improve the environmental protection consciousness of students, meanwhile help them lay a solid foundation for their future career.


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