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Section APeriod OneKey Vocabulary: shake ,milk shake ,blender ,turn on ,peel , pour, yogurt ,honey ,watermelon ,spoon,pot ,add.Target Language:Describe how to make foodHow many bananas do we need?How much yogurt do we need?Today we will study how to make delicious food. Firstly ,I want to ask you some questions. Everyone ,do you like cooking? And whats your favourite food? Do you know that how do you make it? Whats the step if you can?Just share with us in Chinese. If you cant ,lets learn them.Next , lets look at some pictures. Enjoy it!Dont be shy.米饭米饭鱼香茄子鱼香茄子西红柿鸡蛋汤西红柿鸡蛋汤青椒土豆丝青椒土豆丝Let students try to describe how to make them. Just choose one and share with us. You can speak Chinese.Next turn to page 57,look at these six pictures and know how to make a banana milk shake.Turn to page 128, read words three times together.Turn on 打开打开 cut up 切碎切碎 drink 饮、喝饮、喝Peel 削、剥(水果削、剥(水果等皮)等皮)pour 倾倒、浇倾倒、浇Put 放、摆、装放、摆、装1a write these words in the blanks in the picture above.1b listen and put the instructions in order. Turn on the blender.Cut up the bananas.Drink the milk shake.Pour the milk into the blender.Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. Peel three bananas._5_2_6_4_3_1First _ the bananas.peelAnd _the bananas.cut upNext _the bananas and ice cream into the blender.putblender果汁机果汁机Next _the milk into the blender.pourThen _the blender.turn onFinally _the milk shake. drinkMake a dialogue :A: How do you make a banana milk shake?B: First, peel three bananas. Second, cut up the bananas. Third, put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. Next, pour the milk into the blender. Then, turn on the blender. Finally, drink the milk shake. Make a cup of banana milk shake or some fruit salad for your parents.


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