高考英语大一轮复习 第二部分 基础语法 第十二课时 情景交际课件 牛津译林版

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高考英语大一轮复习 第二部分 基础语法 第十二课时 情景交际课件 牛津译林版_第1页
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第十二课时情景交际1.(2016浙江高考)Are you sure youre ready for the best?_.Im well prepared for it. A.Im afraid not B.No problem C.Hard to say D.Not really 答案B句意:你确定你做好最好的准备了吗?没问题,我准备好了。A.恐怕不;B.没问题;C.很难说;D.不是真的。根据语境,故选B。感 悟 高 考2.(2016浙江高考)The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go. _.See you at 8:10. A.So long B.Sounds great C.Good luck D.Have a good time 答案B句意:电影在 8:30开始,我们走之前可以快速地吃饭。听起来不错。在 8:10见。Sounds great用来表示同意对方的建议。根据语境可知应选B项。3.(2016天津高考)It was a wonderful trip.So,which city did you like better,Paris or Rome? _.There were good things and bad things about them. A.Its hard to say B.I didnt get it C.You must be kidding D.Couldnt be better 答案A根据“There were good things and bad things about them”可知,巴黎和罗马这两座城市各有优劣,答话者难以判断更喜欢哪座城市。故选A项。4.(2016天津高考)Im thinking of going back to school to get another degree. Sounds great!_. A.It all depends B.Go for it C.Never mind D.No wonder 答案B根据答语中的“Sounds great”可知,答话者认为对方的想法很不错,故空处应是鼓励对方去尝试的话语。Go for it意为“努力争取,大胆尝试”,符合语境。5.(2015安徽高考)Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter? Oh,_Im already going out,Im afraid. A.what a pity! B.dont ask! C.how come? D.so what? 答案A句意:星期六你能来参加聚会吗,彼得? 噢,真遗憾!(到时候)恐怕我已经出去了。what a pity真遗憾;dont ask别问了;how come怎么会;so what那又怎样。根据句意可知,这里指可能参加不了聚会,因此此处表示“遗憾”,故选A。6.(2015安徽高考)How is your table tennis these days? Still playing? _.I just dont seem to find the time these days. A.Thats right B.No,not much C.Thats great D.Dont worry 答案B句意:你的乒乓球练得怎样了?还在练习吗?不,没怎么练。我最近似乎抽不出时间了。not much不多,不怎么样,符合句意。 学习语言, 不仅要学习它的形式和意义, 而且还要学习它的功能和隐藏在背后的文化。所以情景交际是高考的热点。知 识 清 单话题一表示问候、介绍和告别的常用语1.问候语(1)Good morning/afternoon/evening!早上好/下午好/晚上好!(2)Long time no see!好久不见了!(3)How are things with you?你近来怎么样?(4)How are you?你好吗?2.介绍语(1)This is.这是(2)May I introduce you to.?我可以把你介绍给认识吗?(3)Please allow me to introduce you to.请允许我把你介绍给(4)Oh,yes.Its very nice to meet you.哦,是的。很高兴见到你。(5)Im honored to know you.认识你我深感荣幸。3.告别时用语(1)Im glad to have met you and your friends.Hope to meet you again.很高兴见到你和你的朋友,希望能再次见到你们。(2)See you later/then/tomorrow/soon.再会。(3)Lets get together sometime.Take it easy.回头见,请慢走。(4)Goodbye/Bey/Bey-bey.再见。话题二表示感谢、道歉和邀请的常用语1.表示感谢(1)Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot).(非常/十分)感谢。(2)Thanks for.(由于)非常感谢。(3)Its very kind of you to.你真好(4)I really dont know how I can thank you enough.我真不知道怎样感谢你才好。(5)I am thankful/grateful to you.谢谢你。答语:(1)Thats all right.别客气,没关系。/Its all right.没关系。(2)Not at all.不用谢。/Youre welcome.别客气。(3)Dont mention it.不用谢。/Its my/a pleasure.不用谢。(4)My pleasure.不用谢。2.表达歉意(1)Im sorry,but.对不起,我(2)Excuse/Forgive me for.请原谅我(3)I really didnt mean that at all.我根本没那个意思。答语:(1)Never mind.不要紧。(2)Dont worry about it.不要因那件事觉得不安。(3)Thats all right./It doesnt matter.没关系。3.表达邀请(1)Will you come to.?你能来吗?(2)Would you like to.?你愿意吗?(3)Id like to invite you to.我很想邀请你表示接受的答语:Yes,Id love to (.)行,我乐意()。表示拒绝的答语:(1)Sorry,I cant.Ive already had plans for tonight.对不起,我不能去,我今晚另有安排。(2)Its very kind of you,but Im afraid.感谢你的一番好意,但恐怕我(3)Oh,what a pity!That would be lovely,but Im afraid.唉,真遗憾!能去多好,但是我恐怕话题三表示约会、就餐的常用语1.约会(1)Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/evening?你今天下午/晚上有空吗?(2)Shall we meet at.?我们在见面好吗?(3)What time do you think should be suitable for us to meet?您认为我们什么时候见面合适?(4)Yes,Ill be free then.好,那时我有空。(5)Any day this week except Saturday is OK.除星期六之外,这个星期哪一天都行。(6)Thats all right.We can make it some other time.没有关系,我们可以约别的时间。2.就餐(1)Would you like something to eat/drink?您想吃/喝点什么吗?(2)Help yourself to some fish/whatever you like.请随便吃鱼/你喜欢吃的东西。(3)Which would you prefer,A or B?你更喜欢A还是B?(4)How about having seafood for a change?换换口味吃海鲜怎么样?(5)Just a little please.请上一点吧。(6)Its so delicious.太可口了,谢谢。(7)No,thank you.Ive had enough.谢谢,我已经吃饱了。(8)Can I take your order?我可以让你点菜吗?(9)Bill,please.结账。话题四打电话和接电话的常用语1.打电话用语(1)Hello!May I speak to.?/Id like to speak to.你好,我可以跟说话吗?/我想跟讲话。(2)Is that.您是吗?(3)Ill call back later again./Ill ring him up again.过一会儿我再打过去。/我一会儿再打给他。2.接电话用语(1)Hello!This is.speaking.Whos that?你好,我是您是哪位?(2)Hold on for a momemt./Just a moment please.请等一下。(3)Sorry,he isnt here right now.Can I take a message for you?很抱歉,他不在,我能为您捎个信吗?(4)Sorry,Im afraid you have the wrong number.抱歉,您打错了。(5)I cant hear you very well.Please speak a little louder.我听不清楚您的话,请大声点。(6)The line is busy.电话占线。(7)I cannot get through.打不通。话题五问路和谈论天气的常用语1.问路和应答(1)Excuse me.Where is.?/Could you tell me how I can get to.?/Will you please tell me the way to.?/Can you kindly direct me to the.please?打扰一下,请问到的路怎么走?(2)Look!Its on the other side of the road.看!就在路对面。(3)Go down this road.At the end of the road youll see it.沿着这条路走,在路的尽头,你就能找到了。(4)Sorry,Im a stranger here.抱歉,我也是初来乍到。2.谈论天气(1)Whats the weather like?/How is the weather?天气怎么样?(2)I missed the weather report this morning.Did you hear it?今天早晨我没有听天气预报,你听了吗?(3)What does the weather forecast say?天气预报说什么?(4)What a fine day!Its a fine day for a walk,isnt it?今天天气不错!今天是个散步的好天气,对吗?(5)Its been raining intermittently all morning.整个上午雨都在断断续续地下着。(6)Its clearing up.天放晴了。(7)Its nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/foggy.晴/多云/雾。话题六表示请求允许和建议的常用语1.请求别人允许(1)May/Can/Could I.?我可以吗?(2)I wonder if I could.我不知道我能否(3)Would/Do you mind if I.?如果我,你介意吗?A.同意别人的请求(1)Yes/Certainly/Of course (you may).可以/当然可以。(2)Thats OK./All right.可以。(3)Go ahead,please.行,尽管做吧。B.拒绝别人的请求(1)Im sorry,but.对不起,但是(2)Youd better not.你最好别那样。(3)Im sorry you cant.对不起,你不能。2.表示建议(1)Lets go and have a look.让我们去看一看吧。(2)What/How about a picnic this Sunday?星期天野餐怎么样?(3)Why dont you/Why not buy a computer?(你)为什么不买台电脑?(4)I suggest that you (should) go right now.我建议你马上走。(5)You should/ought to.你应该话题七表示祝贺和祝愿的常用语在接受他人的祝贺、祝福时,说英语的国家的人以微笑的方式欣然接受,并感谢对方的祝贺、祝福。(1)Id like to congratulate you on.我要祝贺你(2)All the best in your new job!祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利!(3)I wish you good luck/success!祝你好运/成功!(4)Good journey (to you)!/Have a good trip!祝你旅途愉快!(5)Have a nice/good time!祝你过得愉快!(6)Happy birthday/Happy New Year/Merry Christmas to you!祝你生日/新年/圣诞快乐!(7)Thank you.The same to you./You too.谢谢。同样祝你快乐。(8)Good luck to you!祝你走运!(9)Congratulations to you!祝贺你!(10)Well done!做得好!(11)What a pity/shame!真遗憾!/真可惜!话题八表示遗憾和安慰的常用语(1)Its a pity that.真可惜(2)Im sorry to hear.听到我很难过。(3)I do feel sorry for him.我真为他感到难过。(4)Thats a shame.真遗憾。1.熟记常考情景解 题 策 略高考英语常考如下8种情景:询问信息、个人看法、电话、就餐、请求、问候、谈论天气、购物。熟练掌握上述情景的交际方式和常用表达,解决问题就能有的放矢。比如对于道谢及其答语有:Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot./Its kind of you to help me./Thats/Its all right/Youre welcome./Dont mention it./Its a pleasure./Its my pleasure.等;对于道歉及其答语:Excuse me./Im sorry./Pardon me./Thats all right./Not at all./Dont worry about it./Never mind.等。_?That would be great!Please drop me off at the library.A.Could you bring me the billB.Would you like me to give you a liftC.Could you tell me the postcode for ParisD.Would you like to have my e-mail address答案B句意:那太好了!你在图书馆让我下车就行。根据句意可知应选B项。2.注意东西方文化差异,不受汉语思维影响东西方文化不同,教育不同,思维方式也不一样,表现在交际中也大相径庭。所以要从西方文化角度去思考问题,不受汉语思维的影响。What a fine day!Shall we go picnicking?_.But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match.A.Have a nice time B.Pardon meC.Thats great D.You are right答案C句意:多好的天气啊!我们去野餐好吗?好极了。但是我们需要在6点之前到家看足球比赛。Have a nice time.表示祝对方“玩得愉快”;Pardon me.表示“原谅我”;Thats great.表示“好极了”;You are right.表示“你对了”。根据语境,这里选C最合适。


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