外研版英语选修七练习:module 6 【第3课时】含答案【精校版】

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外研版英语选修七练习:module 6 【第3课时】含答案【精校版】_第1页
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外研版英语选修七练习:module 6 【第3课时】含答案【精校版】_第3页
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外研版精品英语资料(精校版)Module 6 第三课时.用所给词的适当形式填空1The best way to deal with an impolite person is to _ him. (ignorance)2His work was judged objectively as well as _.(subjective)3The speaker said that he was feeling highly _ as one of the guests invited to the press conference. (honour)4The company has planned to _ its production scale. (large)5The teacher was very angry with your _. (absent)6I pray you to show _ to the child. (merciful)7He _ reducing military spending. (advocation)8He likes to work in the _, while I like teaching.(journalist)9They are the _ from China to the Geneva Conference. (delegation)10At a rough _, Nigeria is about four times the size of Great Britain. (estimation)答案:1.ignore2.subjectively3.honoured4.enlarge5.absence6.mercy7.advocates8.journalism9.delegates10.estimate.用适当的介词或副词填空1It was cold, but even_we enjoyed the garden party.2You can stay as long_you like.3In a moment, Mr. White realized that he was_danger.4Eating too much fat can contribute_heart disease.5All the students went to the park apart_Bobby.6Our class consists_ 50 classmates.7In a moment Jennie had been going_a moral of her own.8The story you have just told reminds me_an experience I once had.9I bought him a drink in return_his help.10The old doctor deserves to be honoured_a lifetime of unselfish work.答案:1.so2.as3.in4.to5.from6.of7.through8of9.for10.for.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】Gandhi, an Indian national hero, _1_(honor) as the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians.He was born in India in 1869. Following the local custom, he got _2_(marry) at the age of 13. In 1888 he sailed to England, _3_ he studied law for three years and then became a _4_(law). On his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case.In South Africa he was _5_(surprise) to find that the problem of racial discrimination was serious. There he formed an _6_(organize) and started a magazine to fight for equal rights.Gandhi returned to India in 1915, when India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and _7_(depend) for his country. In the political movement many Indians, _8_(include) Gandhi, were put in prison. _9_, the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give in and India won its independence in 1947. _10_(fortunate),Gandhi was shot by an Indian who opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1.was honored2.married3.where4.lawyer5.surprised6.organization7.independence8.including9.However10.Unfortunately【辽宁卷题型】A:Dont you think we should get a _1_(big) apartment?B:What do you mean? This apartment is fine. Its big enough for us.A:Its obvious _2_ this apartment is too small. We dont even have a dining room. Weve lived here _3_ we were married. Its time we _4_(move)B:Id rather stay here. I like this old place. _5_, we dont need all that extra room.A:Yes, we do. We need a bigger apartment with an extra bedroom. Then itll be more comfortable for my mother when she _6_ us.B:Your mother? Wait a minute. No, we just cant afford _7_.A:Thats not true! Of course we can afford a more expensive apartment. You _8_ a raise last month and my salary certainly helps.B:Well, _9_ it means that much to you, I guess we can look at a few apartments.A:Thanks honey. You knew we really _10_ the extra room.B:Okay, okay. Youre probably right.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1.bigger2.that3.since4.moved5.Besides6.visits7.it8.got9.if10.need.完形填空When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona. _1_the move, my father_2_us in the livingroom on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not_3_that the universe would suddenly change its course. “In May, were_4_to Airzona.”The words, so small, didnt seem_5_enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a train moving across the country. I watched the_6_change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that_7_mysteries(奥秘)yet to come. Finally, we arrived and_8_into our new home._9_my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I_10_explored(探索)our new surroundings.One afternoon, I was out exploring_11_and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌), I crouched(蹲)down for a closer look. “Youd better not_12_that.”I turned around to see an old woman.“Are you new to this neighborhood?”I explained that I was, _13_, new to the entire state.“My name is Ina Thorne, Have you got used to life in the_14_? It must be quite a_15_after living in Boston.”How could I explain how I_16_the desert? I couldnt seem to find the right words.“Its vastness.”she offered. “That vastness_17_you stand on the mountains overlooking the desertyou can_18_ how little you are in comparison with the world. _19_, you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”That was it. That was the feeling Id had ever since Id first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my_20_would change with just a few simple words.“Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldnt touch.”1. ADuringBUntilCUponDBefore答案:D根据下文可判断出这是在他们家搬家前发生的事。2A.gatheredBwarnedCorganizedDcomforted答案:Agather“聚集”;把他们召集到起居室里。warn“警告”;organize“组织”;comfort“安慰”。3A.hopingBadmittingCrealizingDbelieving答案:Crealize“意识到”;没有意识到事情会发生巨大变化。admit“承认”;believe“相信”。4A.goingBmovingCdrivingDflying答案:B根据上文“my family moved from Boston to Tucson”可判断出他们全家要搬家。5A.goodBsimpleCbigDproper答案:Cbig与上文中的small相对照。说明“搬家”这个字眼很小,无法包容作者新生活的全部。6A.pictureBgroundCsceneDarea答案:Cscene“景色”;根据“change from green trees to flat dusty plains”可判断出scene指的是作者在火车上看到的外面的景色。picture“图画”;ground“地面”;area“区域”。7A.suggestedBsolvedCdiscoveredDexplained答案:Asuggest“暗示”;外面景色的变化暗示着作者生活的变化。solve“解决”;discover“发现”;explain“解释”。8A.settledBwalkedChurriedDstepped答案:Asettle“定居”;他们到达了目的地,定居了下来。9A.IfBAfterCOnceDWhile答案:Dwhile引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”。10A.bitterlyBeasilyCproudlyDeagerly答案:Deagerly“急切地”;根据上文“mysteries和下文explored可判断出作者急切地想探索新的居住环境。bitterly“悲痛地”;easily“容易地”;proudly“骄傲地”。11A.as wellBas usualCright awayDon time答案:Bas usual“照常”;向往常一样;上文讲到作者急切地想探明周围的环境,一天下午他像平常一样外出探索。as well“也”;right away“立刻”;on time“及时”。12A.moveBdigCpullDtouch答案:Dtouch“触摸”。因为仙人掌上有刺,所以这位老妇人叫他不要触摸。13A.of courseBin factCafter allDat least答案:Bin fact“事实上”;因为作者从一个州搬到了另外一个州,所以对整个州来讲他都是新来者。of course“当然”;after all“毕竟”;at least“至少”。14A.desertBcityCstateDcountry答案:A根据下文desert可判断出作者搬到了沙漠地区。15A.luckBdoubtCshockDdanger答案:Cshock“使人震惊的事;给人打击的事”。根据上文可知,作者原先住在Boston这样的大城市中,现在搬到了沙漠地区,令人吃惊。luck“幸运”;doubt“怀疑”;danger“危险”。16A.foundBexaminedCwatchedDreached答案:Afind“感觉;感受”;根据下文所提供的情景“I couldnt seem to find the right word.”可判断出作者找不到合适的词描述对沙漠的看法。17A.whyBwhenChowDwhere答案:Bwhen引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”;当你站在山上俯瞰沙漠时。18A.proveBguessCsenseDexpect答案:Csense“感觉”;你能感觉到与世界相比你是多么渺小。prove“证明”;guess“猜测”;expect“期望”。19A.HoweverBOtherwiseCThereforeDMeanwhile答案:Dmeanwhile“同时”;how little与limitless都说明人的渺小。20A.ideaBlifeChomeDfamily答案:B根据上文可判断出作者在讲自己的生活发生了变化。.阅读理解The Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with the suburbs to the north. Each day, about one hundred thousand automobiles cross the bridge taking people to and from the city. Fully half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours; with traffic so heavy, the trip is hardly a pleasure.Now, however, there is at least one group of happy commuters. These are the people who travel under the bridge instead of on it. They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most of them say they will never go by car again.The ferry(渡船)they take is the roomy, quiet, comfortable“Gloden Gate”. Commuters can enjoy the sun on deck. In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop, and in the evening they can order a drink in the bar while watching San Franciscos famous skyline and the nearby hills.The trip takes only thirty minutes and is not very costly. But best of all, being on a boat seems to make people friendlier toward each other. There has already been a marriage of two commuters who met on the“Gloden Gate”Because the experiment has been successful, there are plans to use other, still larger boats. There is also a proposal for a high speed boat that will make the trip in fifteen minutes.1When are the rush hours on the Golden Gate Bridge?AFrom 600 am. to 600 pm.BAround 600 am. and 600 pm.CEach day from spring to fall.DIn the morning and at noon.答案:B细节辨析题。金门大桥上的交通拥挤时间是什么时候?见文章第一段第三句,意为:他们当中的半数人在早晨和傍晚的交通高峰时间通过金门大桥,故选B。2According to the passage, _.Ait is a nice thing to travel in the rush hours on the Gloden Gate BridgeBit is very happy for people to go to work to travel under the Gloden Gate BridgeCthe people on the bridge are very pleased to watch San Franciscos famous skyline and the nearby hillsDfully half of the people cross the river on the bridge instead of under it答案:B细节辨析题。见文章第二段第一、二句,意为“但是,现在至少有一群快乐的经常往返于两地的人,他们从桥下通过而不是桥上”。故选B。3What is most probably the meaning of the word“commuter”?AA person who travels by car.BA person who travels by boat.CA person who crosses a river every day.DA person who makes regular journey of some distance between home and work.答案:D词汇理解题。文章第一、二段告诉我们,每天大约有10万辆汽车通过金门大桥接送人们往返于家庭住地和城市办公地之间,在这些人中,有一群快乐的两地往返者,故选D。4Which of the following can serve as the title of this passage?AThe Golden Gate BridgeBThe Happy Way to Get to WorkCPleasure TripDThe Hope to Cross the Bridge Quickly答案:B主旨大意题。文章第一段先阐述了由于半数以上的人都要在早晨和傍晚的交通高峰时间通过金门大桥,因此这并不是一件令人愉快的事,接着作者指出也有那么一群快乐地往返于两地间的旅游者,并说明了他们之所以感到愉快的原因是因为他们是乘坐渡船通过金门大桥的,故选B。.短文改错假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you for a long time. Im glad to learn that youve been settled down in Boston and are getting used to the local ways of life.As you know,Im still buried with books at school you are so familiar with. What may surprise you are that Im going to the US this July in a summer camp! Surely Im expecting lots of sightseeing tours, parties and another exciting things. We must definitely meet when I m over. As is planning, I m coming to Boston around the 15th,and I wonder if youll free then so we could chat about the good old days.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Xiao Lei答案:Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you a long time. Im glad to learn that youve settled down in Boston and are getting used to the local of life.As you know,Im still buried books at school you are so familiar with. What may surprise you that Im going to the US this July a summer camp! Surely Im expecting lots of sightseeing tours, parties and exciting things. We must definitely meet when I m over. As is , I m coming to Boston around the 15th,and I wonder if youll free then so we could chat about the good old days.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Xiao Lei


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