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Lesson33 Arriving in Canada一 教材依据本节课依据冀教版Studentbook2 Lesson33内容设计的。二 设计思想本节课是在新课程理念的指导下,依据任务型教学模式设计的。以三维教学目标为统领,强化基础知识教学和基本技能的培养,注意听、说、读、写训练,着眼四项改革,以“师生交往,积极互动,小组合作”为教学方式,运用多媒体等手段,力求最大限度激发学生的学习激情,挖掘学生的学习潜能,充分的体现学生是学习中的“主人”。三 教学目标. 知识目标词汇:living room, kitchen,bathroom,bedroom,wait for,arrive in/at句子:Did you have a good/nice/great trip? Nice to see you! This is the Here is the能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力。培养学生的语言运用能力。.方法与过程:通过练习,小组合作等方法、交换角色、反复操练,使教学重点得以落实,教学难点得以突破。.情感态度与价值观:通过本课学习,让学生养成礼貌待人,热情好客的好习惯。四教学重点:词汇:livingroom ,kitchen,bathroom,bedroom,wait for,arrive in/at 句子:Did you have a good/nice/great trip? Nice to see you! This is the Here is the五 教学难点This is the Here is the六 教学方法:练习法,演示法,小组活动法等七 学法指导:指导学生认真观察幻灯片,练习对话,学会合作学习。八 教学准备:制作课件,建立学习小组九 教学过程:Step1.Revision1. Have a dictdtion.Ask two students to come to the blackboard to write the words and sentences. The others write on their exercisebook.bedroom, go home,wait for Did you have a nice trip?2. Check their word and sentences.3. Explain the sentence and write it on the blackbord.Did you have a nice/good/great trip? 你路途愉快吗?es,I did/No,I didntStep2.New lesson1. Lead in:T: Today lets learn lesson33 Arriving in Canada.Ask students to read the tittle and write it on the blackboard.Explain the meaning of the tittle.T: Ask: Canada 是大地方还是小地方?Ss:Answer: 大地方:Sum up: arrive in 大地方.sk some questions:(show them on a slide film)How does Li Ming come to Canada? By train or by plane?Who meets him?Where does Li Ming live in Canada?Let students read the questions.Make them understand the meaning of the questions.Then play the audiotape for Ss to listen and find out the answers.3.Check their answers.4.Explain some important sentences:Danny、Jenny and Jennys mother are waiting for Li Ming. 现在进行时态Jennys 詹妮的(名词所有格)Wait for somebody 等待某人e.g We are waiting for you.After one hours driving, they arrive at Jennys house.After 在之后Hours 与 Jennys名词所有格arrive in Canada arrive in大地方arrive at Jennys housearrive at 小地方5.Divide the whole class into three groups and practise the dialogue.6.Practise the dialogue in groups of three.7.Let Ss make up a similar dialogue in groups of three.8.Ask some groups to act out their dialogue.Step3.Exercise1. 翻译下列句子。李明的父亲是一名老师。_我在等丹尼。 _我累了。 _2. 选择题。They arrive _ Beijing. They arrive _ Beijing West railway station now.A.in, in B. in , at C. at, in D. in, onStep4.Presentation1. show Ss a slide film and ask:Whats this ? Its a living room.Use the same way to introduce other words: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom.2. DrillT: Living roomSs: Living roomT: This is the living room.Ss: This is the living roomT: KitchenSs: kitchenT: This is the kitchen.Ss: This is the kitchen.T: Bathroom.Ss: Bathroom.T: Here is the bathroom.Ss: Here is the bathroom.3. PractiseGirls:Living roomBoys:This is living room.4. Change the roleBoys:Living roomGirls:Here is the living room.5. Ask Ss to introduce the house like this:(show them some slide films)Let me show you the house.This is the orHere is the Step5.Sum upStep6.Exercise 1选择方框里所给的句子完成对话。A: 1 B:Hi,Han Mei A:Nice to meet you. B: 2 A: 3 B:Yes,thanks.But Im tired A: Lets go home. 4 B: Yes. A: 5 B:Thanks.A. Let me help you.B. Did you have a good trip?C. Nice to see you.too.D. Are these your suitcases?E. Hi,Bob!Step7.Homework1. Writing: Introduce your bedroom.Use the words”above,below,under,on,beside”2. Review lesson33.Finish off exercise book.板书设计:Lesson33 Arriving in Canada Did you have a nice/good/great trip?living room kitchen Wait for somebody bathroom bedroom arrive in Canada (大地方) Let me show you the house. arrive at Jennys house(小地方) This is the or Here is the十 教学反思本节课采用小组合作的学习方式,提高学生的学习主动性,培养了学生的合作精神。教学过程中注重知识的衔接与过渡,重视知识生成过程,完成了预期的教学目标。在教学活动中师生配合互动仍然做的不够,今后教学需要改进。6


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