安徽省毫州市风华中学七年级英语《unit7What does he look like》课件(1) 人教新目标版

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安徽省毫州市风华中学七年级英语《unit7What does he look like》课件(1) 人教新目标版_第1页
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安徽省毫州市风华中学七年级英语《unit7What does he look like》课件(1) 人教新目标版_第2页
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安徽省毫州市风华中学七年级英语《unit7What does he look like》课件(1) 人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 7 What does he look like?1. 学习有关描述人的外貌的词汇学习有关描述人的外貌的词汇2. 学会简单描述人的外貌特征学会简单描述人的外貌特征3. 掌握句型掌握句型: What does he look like? Hes tall and has short curly hair.Section A earhaireyehandheadarmlegfootfacebacknosemouthearhaireyehandheadarmlegfootfacebacknosemouthshort hairHe has short hair.What does he look like?curly hairShe has curly hair.What does he look like?long hairShe has long hair.What does she look like?straight hairShe has straight hair What does she look like?shortmedium heighttallShe is She is of She is What does she look like?tallmedium heightshortHe isHe is ofHe isWhat do they look like?thinheavythinheavymedium build She is She is She is ofWhat do they look like?long, curly,black hairlong , straight,blonde hairshort,curly,red hairShe has She has She has What do they look like?hair 头发头发short hair long hair curly hair straight hair blonde 金黄色金黄色 brown 褐色褐色她有一头漂亮短的金黄她有一头漂亮短的金黄色的卷发。色的卷发。She has beautiful short, curly, blonde hair. 一头漂亮乌黑一头漂亮乌黑 的长发的长发beautiful, long black hair.漂亮漂亮+长短长短+形状形状+颜色颜色怎样描述头发:怎样描述头发: Sb+be+形容词 Sb+be+of+medium height.(中等身高)怎样描述身高:怎样描述身高:I am tall/short.I am of medium height.(中等身高)中等身高)怎样描述体格:怎样描述体格: Sb+be+形容词 Sb+be+of+medium build.(中等体格)He is thin/heavy.He is of medium build.(中等体格)中等体格)She has long straight hair.She is of medium height.A: What does he look like?B: He has short hair. He is of medium build.He is of medium height.1. short hair _2. curly hair _3. long hair _4. straight hair _5. tall _cfaad6. short _7. medium height _8. thin _9. heavy _10. medium build _hebge1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture on the screen. Can you find Amys friend ?.Is that your friend?No, it isnt.What does he look like?Well, hes really1._ And he has 2. _ 3. _ hairtallcurlyHomework Describe your friend, your parent, your teacher or any other person, and then write it down in your exercise book.


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