北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件2 北师大版必修3

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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件2 北师大版必修3_第1页
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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Extreme Sports课件2 北师大版必修3_第3页
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Lesson 2 Extreme Sports period 2Warm-upStudents presentationRead the paragraphs about extremeSports you wrote after class.PronunciationIntonation in QuestionsEx 9. Listen to the questions below. In which of them does the intonation go up at the end?Sports Questionnaire Do sports questionnaire ( Learn to use the phrasal verbs ) nRepeat the questions below and identify the rising and the falling tone. rising tone: 2,3,4,5,8. falling tone: 1,6,7.nDiscuss and find out the rules (Group work.)The rising intonation is used in questions that can be answered by “ yes “ or “ no”The falling intonation is used in questions beginning with “ Wh”Speaking ( Practise the phrasal verbs and intonation)in pairs , use the questionnaire to interview your partner.nShow the example .Try to use the new phrases learned today and pay attention to your intonation. A: What sports are you keen on ?B: Im really into ice skating.nDo the interview and then tell the whole class your partners sports preferences. Comparing cultures rugbysquashcricket n Listen and complete the table.popular sportsthe USApopular sportsBritainAmerican footballbaseballbasketballfootballrugbycricketn Answer the questions about sports in the USA and Britain.1.What do American footballers have to wear? Why?They have to wear helmets and special protective clothes because it is a veryphysical game and they could get hurt.2. How many baseball leagues are there in the USA? ( two )3. Are basketball players well paid? ( Yes )4. Is football (soccer) very popular in the USA? ( No, minority )5. What is the most popular winter sport in Britain? ( football )6. Name another winter sport played in Britain. ( rugby )7. How long can a game of cricket be? ( 5 days )HOMEWORKLanguage power P 68-69 EX 3, 4.


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