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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学英语基础知识(复习要点)及重点句型一、词汇(一)名词:1人物:boy/girl/mother/father/brother/sister/friend/cousin/driver(司机)/dancer/pupil/teacher/policeman/nurse/farmer/doctor/Ms/Mr 2动物:animal/dragon/tiger/lion/elephant/monkey/panda/dog/cat/bird 3五官、身体部分:head/eye/nose/ear/mouth/hand/arm/foot/leg/hair 4食物:food/cake/rice/meat/bread/noodles/soup/fish/chocolate/mango/ banana/apple/pear/orange/peanut/sweets/biscuit/vegetable/milk/fruit/Watermelon/ice cream/cheese/juice/coffeetea 5场所方位:classroom/class/school/home/farm/house/road/supermarket/station/park/lake/sea/river/east/west/north/south 6国家:China/England/America/country 7交通工具:bike/bus/train/boat/plane 8.学科:English/Chinese/Math/Science 9.玩:kite/toy/computer/game/doll/jigsaw/chess/ball 10文具:bag/pencil/pen/book 11.时间:time/today/day/hour/yesterday/tomorrow/morning/afternoon/Evening/weekend/spring/summer/autumn/winter/January/February/ March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/ December/ Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday 12服装:hat/dress/coat/T-shirt/clothes/sweater13.教室中的物品:desk/chair/door/window 14.其它名词:name/present/box/bottle/song/winner/Christmas/tree/letter/metre/kilo/homework/robot/weather/postcard/matter/game/life/radio/Cold/headache/fever (二)动词:1.运动:play football/basketball/table tennis, do morning exercises, go swimming, go cycling, run, high jump, ride, row a boat, 2.系动词:am/is/are/was/were/feel/smell 3.情态动词:can/need/may/should 4.其它动作:want/make/cook/wash/please/draw/thank/think/sit down/stand up/know/help/hope/look/see/have/has/like/sing/read/write/draw/learn/listen/hear/say/talk/tell/study/speak/drink/drop/laugh/give/visit/catch/dance/live/agree/stop/finish/wait/get up/have breakfast/go to school/go to work/have lunch/go home/have dinner/watch TV/take pictures/go straight on/turn right/turn left/understand/argue/wear went bought had met ran lost learnt (三)形容词:1.颜色:red/blue/yellow/green/black/orange/purple/pink/white2.天气:hot/cold/warm/cool/windy/sunny 3.心情、感觉 :fine/happy/favorite/hungry/difficult/thirsty/sad/bored/Angry/tired/sorry4.其它:big/small/short/tall/old/young/new/thin/fat/great/strong/ blind/deaf/nice/shy/clever/naughty/cool/cute/good/bad/careful/ Long/wide/interesting/beautiful/wonderful/many/much/famous/ quiet/dangerous/better/worse/useful/last/dear/clean/enough (四)副词:1.疑问副词:where/when/how/why 2.其它副词:here/there/now/then/very/up/down/fast/high/well/badly/Really/hard (五)代词: 1.人称代词:I/we/you/he/she/they/it 2.物主代词:my/our/your/his/her/their/its/mine/yours/hers/his 3.指示代词:this/that/these/those 4.不定代词:some/many/much/any 5.疑问代词:what/whose/How many/How old/who/How much, (六)数词:one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/ten/eleven/twelve/thirteen/fourteen/fifteen/sixteen/seventeen/eighteen/nineteen/twenty/thirty/forty/fifty/sixty/seventy/eighty/ninety/hundred(七)介词:on/in/under/to/at/past/by/with(八)冠词:a/an/the(九)连词:and/but/because/so/than(十)其它:Yes/No/Hello/Goodbye/Thank you/too/Happy birthday/oclock/ Happy New Year/Spring Festival/Childrens Day/Lets/Excuse me/Sport Day/Good luck/Come on/Of course/The Great Wall 二、句型1.日常问候: Hello, Hi How are you? How do you do? Good morning. (afternoon, evening , night)2.介绍自己: I am _. My name is_. Im from_. I (dont)like_. I can (cant)_.3.人称代词及对应的形容词性物主代词:第一人称第二人称第二人称人称I(我)we(我们)you(你)you(你们)he(他)she(她)it(它)they(他们)物主My(我的)Our(我们的)your(你的)your(你们的)his(他的)her(她的)its(它的)their(他们的)宾格me(我)us(我们)you(你)you(你们)him(他)her(她)it(它)them(他们)4.be/系动词:am/is /are 及用法:我用am,你用are,is连着他、她、它。5.提问姓名及年龄问答: (1) -Whats your name? -Whats his name? -Whats her name?-My name is_. -His name is_. -Her name is _.-I am _. -He is _. -She is _.(2) -How old are you? -How old is he? -How old is she?-Im _. -He is _. -She is _.6.颜色问答:-What color is it? Itsred/white/black/green/pink/orange/yellow)7.实义动词“有”have, has:I have .我有. You have .你(们)有. They have他们有 He has .他有. She has . 她有. It has它有.8.There be 句型:There is / There are 9.特殊疑问句:What/When/Who/Where/Why/How many相关句型:(1)-Whats thirty and forty? -Its seventy.(2)-When are we going to eat? -We are going to eat at half past twelve.(3)-Who is that woman? -She is our English teacher.(4)-Where are you from? -I am from China.(5)-Why are you crying? -Because I am sad.(6)-How old are you? -Im twelve.(7)-How much is it? -Its 50 yuan.(8)-How many cars have you got?-I have got 6 cars.(9)-How long is the Great Wall? -Its about six thousands seven hundreds kilometers.10.be going to,will (打算、将要)句型:I am going to go to school. / It will be windy in Beijing.11.特殊问句(问什么,答什么)(1)-Do you ? ( Does he/she ? )-Yes, I do. / No, I dont. ( Yes he does. / No, he doesnt. )(2)-Have you got ? ( Has he got ? ) -Yes, I have. / No, I havent. ( Yes he has. / No, he hasnt. )(3)Can you ?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.(4)Is there a book?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.12.祈使句:(直接以动词开头,带有命令、要求或劝告的语气)Dont talk in the library!/Please be quiet!/Stop! Dont go!13.四种简单时态:(1)一般现在时:I play football.(2)一般将来时:be going to/will 句型: I am going to go to school.It will be windy in Beijing.(3)一般过去时:句型:I bought a book. We went to the park yesterday.(4)现在进行时:be+动词ing 句型:I am doing my homework.三、重 点 句型1. Good morning/afternoon/evening.2. -How are you?-Im fine, thank you. And how are you?-Im fine, too.3. -Whats your name?-My name is Sam. / Im Sam.4. -How many? -Its ten.5. -How many boys/girls? -Ten boys/girls.6. Stand up/ Sit down.7. Whats this?Its a book.8. Whats that?Its a chair.9. -Happy birthday. -Thank you.10. -Wheres my present ?-Its in/on/under the hat. 11. -How old are you? -Im eleven.12. -Is it a dog? -Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.13. This is my mother/father/my brother/ my sister/my grandpa/my grandma/.Shes a teacher/ doctor/policeman/driver/farmer/nurse.14. This is my hand/nose/mouth.These are my eyes/ears/feet.15. -What are they?-They are monkeys. -Are they tall? -No, they arent. -Are they thin? -Yes, they are.19.I like football. I dont like basketball. I like swimming. I dont like skipping. I like running. I dont like cycling.20-Whats your favourite colour? -Its blue.21.Sam likes toy cars.He doesnt like Barbie dolls.22.Amy likes Barbie dolls.She doesnt like computer games23.-Do you like noodles? -Yes, I do./ No, I dont.24.-Does Lingling like meat? -Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.25.-Whats the time , please? -Its four oclock./ half past three.26.I have breakfast at six oclock. I go to school at eight oclock.I have lunch at twelve oclock. I go home at half past five. I have dinner at half past six.27.What do you do at the weekend?I play basketball.I watch TV.I play football.I play table tennis.I go swimming.28.What does Sam do at the weekend?He plays basketball.He watches TV.He plays football.He plays table tennis.He goes swimming.29. -What do you have at school? -At school I have Chinese, Maths, English and Science.30. SpringIts spring.Its warm in spring.We go cycling in spring.31. SummerIts summer.Its hot in summer.We go swimming in summer.32. AutumnIts autumn.Its cool in autumn.We play football in autumn.33. WinterIts winter.Its cold in winter.We watch TV and play table tennis in winter.34. How do you go to school?I go to school by bus.(或 by train, by car, by bike)I go to school on foot./ I walk to school.(走路去学校)35. How does your father go to work?He goes to work by car.36. -Have you got a tiger?-Yes, I have./ No, I havent.-Have you got a new sweater?-Yes, I have. / No, I havent.37. -Has he got a new toy plane?-Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.-Has she got a new dress?-Yes, she has./ No, she hasnt.38. This is my mother. Shes watching TV.This is my father. Hes reading a book. 39. -What are you doing? -Im watching TV.40. -Do you want some rice? -Yes, please./ No, thank you.41. -What are they doing? -Theyre rowing a boat.42. Its time to go to bed.43. Were going to go to Hainan tomorrow. 44. -Can I have an apple?-Yes, you can./ Sorry, you cant.45. There is some fish.(不可数名词)There are some candies. (可数名词)There isnt any soup. (不可数名词)There arent any biscuits. (可数名词)45. This is a book about London. Its very nice.46. London is the capital of England.46. -Will you take a ball? -Yes, I will./ No, I wont.47.row a dragon boat划龙舟run fast跑得快/jump high(或do high jump)跳高/jump far(或do long jump)跳远/ride fast骑车骑得快/run 100 metres跑100米 /make a cake(或 make cakes )做蛋糕/play the flute 吹笛子/wash clothes洗衣服/draw a dragon画龙/play football踢足球/play basketball打篮球/play table tennis打乒乓球/swim游泳/turn on开(灯)48. What is Amy doing?Shes reading a letter.49. I like playing football.50. I love watching TV.51. It will be windy in Beijing.52. It will rain in Hanzhou.53. Amys taller than Lingling.54. Im shorter than Daming.55. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.56. This boy is worse than that boy.57. People speak English in America.58. Did you help your mother on Saturday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.59. Did Amy help her mother? Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.60. Where did you go? I went to the Great Wall.61. What did you do yesterday? I played basketball.62. Amy had a cold yesterday. Today shes got a headache.63Ive got a fever.64. There was a tree.65. There were many trees.66. There wasnt a chair.67. There werent many flowers.68. How many bananas do you want? Five bananas, please.69. How much cheese do you want? Half a kilo, please.70. It was sunny, so we could play basketball.71. It rained yesterday, so se couldnt play basketball.72. Is this your cap? Yes, its mine./ No, it isnt. Its hers.73. Whose book is this? Its hers.74. There is too much rubbish.There isnt enough food.There are too many books. There arent enough students.75. I can play football well.76. -Can you control the ball?-Yes, I can. / No, I cant.77. This man is blind. He cannot see . He cannot walk well by himself. This dog helps him. 78. This girl is deaf. She cannot hear well by herself. This dog helps her.79. -What time do you get up? -I get up at half past six.80. Are you feeling happy? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.81. You shouldnt walk in the road.82. Should he do his homework? Yes, she should.83. Should she watch TV? No, she shouldnt.专心-专注-专业


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