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Unit 1 topic 1 I am going to play basketball.1 play basketball 打篮球 play +球类 play the +乐器 play the piano 弹钢琴 注意球类没有the , 乐器类有the2 see sb do 看见某人常常做某事 see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事 I often see him run on the playground. 3 a game against Class Three. 和三班的比赛 against +对手 play against4 would like +名词 想要某物 would like to do 想要做某事 I would like an apple. I would like to see a film. Would you like to come and cheer us on? -Yes, Id love to. (注意回答搭配)5 on Saturday 在周六 on +具体某一天6 Both A and B A 和B两者都- both of them= they both 他们俩都- Both John and Amy are from America.7 prefer doing 更喜欢做某事 = like better (prefer -preferring preferred) I prefer watching games on TV. = I like watching games on TV better. Prefer +名词 to +名词 Prefer doing to doing 与相比更喜欢- 8 join 加入 +团体 、某人 take part in = join in = be in +活动He joined the school rowing team.他加入了学校划船队。 He took part in the rowing match.= He joined in the rowing match.= He was in the rowing match. 他参加划船比赛。9 favorite a 最喜欢的 物主代词+favorite +名词 my favorite book Janes favorite player Yao Ming is my favorite player.= I like Yao Ming best.10 know something about sb 了解某人 11 主语+be +数字+单位+相关形容词 He is 2.26 meters tall. How tall is he?The room is 5 meters wide.-How wide is the room?12 play for 为效力 He plays for the NBA teams.13 grow up 长大 grow-grew 14 in the future 在未来15 go cycling go mountain climbing go fishing go +doing 一种娱乐16 表频率 once a week 每周一次 twice a day 每日两次 three times a year 每年三次 对频率的提问 用 How often He goes mountain climbing twice a week. How often does he go mountain climbing?17 spend v 花时间、钱做某事 spend +时间+ on +名词 spend +时间+ doing I often spend half an hour reading English. He spends five hundred yuan on the new shoes.18 there be +某物+介词+某地 某地有某物 某人有某物 某人+have / has +某物 There is going to be = there will be There is going to be a school sports meet.= There will be a school sports meet.19 cheer sb on 为某人加油 (代词要放在中间 cheer me on)1 / 1120 be sure to do 一定做某事 I am sure to take part in the game.我一定参加比赛。be sure that +句子 I am sure that you will win the game.我确信你会赢得比赛。21 all over the world 遍及全世界 22 make sb +形容词 make sb strong 使某人强壮 23 be good for 对有好处 be good at 擅长 某事24 keep +adj 保持 - keep healthy 保持健康 be good for health 对健康有好处25 a good way to do 做某事的好方法 26 help sb do = help sb to do= help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事27 arrive in +大地方 arrive at +小地方 到达某地 arrive here/ arrive there = get to +地点 get home 28 leave for -前往某地 leave sw for sw离开某地前往某地 29 the day after tomorrow后天 30 It is a pity that - -很遗憾 31 半小时 half an hour32 在体育馆 in the gym 33 同源形容词 ed结尾的修饰人,ing结尾的修饰物体 an exciting film He is excited.35 进行时表将来的句子 - He is leaving for China tomorrow. 明天他将前往中国。必过短语和句子1 打篮球 play basketball 2 弹钢琴 play the piano 3 看见某人做某事 see sb do 4 和比赛 play against sb 5 在周六 on Saturday 6 为某人加油 cheer sb on 7 更喜欢做某事 prefer doing 8 加入学校划船队 join the school rowing team9 我最爱的运动 my favorite sport 10 为-效力 play for sb 11 长大 grow up13 在未来 in the future 14 骑车兜风 go cycling 15 爬山 go mountain climbing16 花时间做某事 spend time doing 17 半小时 half an hour 18 将有there will be =there is going to be19 参加跳高比赛 take part in the high jump 20 肯定 be sure 21使某人强壮 make sb strong22 对-有好处 be good for 23 擅长- be good at 24 保持健康 keep fit = keep healthy25 的好方法 a good way to do 26 后天 the day after tomorrow 27 饭后 after meals 28 帮助某人放松 help sb relax = help sb to relax 29到达 arrive in / arrive at 30 和比赛 play against31 前往某地 leave for sw Unit 1 Topic 2 We should learn teamwork.Section A 1. one of my teammates one of the most popular singers one of + 可名复 one of+the+最高级2. fall in=be ill fall 过去式 fell 3. be good at sth/doing sth = do well in sth/doing sth 擅长于, 在某方面做得好 4. mind doing sth 介意做某事 5. practice doing sth 练习做某事6. on the playground 在操场上 7. kick sth to sb=kick sb sth 同类表达 give/pass/show/trow/lend teach /tell/write 8. buy sth for sb =buy sb sth 给某人买某物 9. make sth for sb= make sb sth 10. give sb a hand=help sb 帮助某人 11. Could you please do sth 你能走某事吗 12. would you mind (not ) sth = Do you mind (not) doing sth 回答: of course not./Certainly not. / Im sorry about that I wont do it again. 13. right away = at once 立刻,马上 区别 : just now 刚刚,刚才,通常用于过去式 14. throw bottles around 乱扔瓶子 Section B 1. shout at sb 对某人大喊大叫 2. want sb to do sth 像让某人做某事 3. fight with sb =have a fight with sb 与某人打架,与某人吵架 4. do ones best 尽某人最大的努力 5. be angry with sb 生某人的气 6. what about doing sth= how about doing sth 做某事如何 7. say sorry/goodbye/hello/thanks to sb 对某人说 8. what I said 我说过的话 9. be sure to do sth 确信做某事 10 have fun doing sth 高兴做某事 11. with the help of sb = with ones help 在某人的帮助下 help sb do sth help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 12 on time 准时 in time 及时 Section C 1. invent v. 发明 inventor 发明家 invention 发明 2. at first 起先,首先 3. so that 如此, 以致 跟目的状语从句 He gets up early so that he can catch the first bus. 4. in bad weather 在坏天气下, 5. come into being = be born 形成,产生 6. stop sb from doinh sth 阻止某人做某事 7. follow the rules 遵守规则 8. good skills 精湛的技巧 9. a large number of + 名词 许多, 大量 区别: the number of 的数量 Section D 1. sports lover 运动爱好者 2.such as 例如 3. lots of= a lot of 许多,后加可数名词的复数或不可数名词 many+可名复 much +不可名 a few + 可名复 a little + 不可名 一些few + 可名复 little + 不可名 few/little 表示否定, 有一点点,但非常少 4. do sth just for fun 做某事只为了好玩/有趣 5. with hundreds of years history 具有几百年的历史 6. turn into 把 转变成 7. famous persons 名人 8. hero 英雄 复数形式 heroes 9. score points 得分 10 by doing sth 通过做某事 Unit 1 topic 3 The sports meet is coming.语法 一般将来时 表述将要发生的动作或状态。时间状语有tomorrow 明天,in the future 在未来 Next - 下一个 next year 明年 ,或明显未来时间。将来时的结构有两个 1) 主语+be going to +动词原形 2 ) 主语+will +动词原形 否定句 主语+be not going to +动词原形 否定句 主语+wont +动词原形一般疑问句 Be +主语+动词原形 一般疑问句 Will +主语+动词原形 Yes, 主语+be Yes, 主语+ will No, 主语+bent No, 主语+wont 1 talk about sth 谈论某事 2 on the playground 在操场上 3 The boys 800 meter race 男子的800米竞赛 The boys 男子的 boys ,一个男孩子的 boys 多个男孩子的 , 800meter 800米的 (复合形容词,由两个以上的词构成,用连字符号连接。这种形容词中的名词要用单数形式。复合形容词只能用在名词前做定语。Eg Teachers Day 教师节 (所有教师的节日) This is a fifteen yearold boy. 4 I hope so. 我希望如此 I hope not. 我希望不要如此。 5 Its my first time to do 第一次做某事 6 have fun 有乐趣 have fun doing 做某事有乐趣 7 a lot of = lots of +名词 可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词 8 prepare for sth= get ready for sth 为-做准备 9 enjoy doing 喜爱做某事 enjoy oneself 自得其乐10 make friends 交朋友 11 a pair of 一双,一副,一对 12 running shoes 跑步鞋13 be in -be at home 14 Speaking = This is sb speaking.我是- 15 make it +时间 (时间前不可以有介词) Lets make it 6:30. 16 a symbol of - -的象征 The Great Wall is the symbol of China. 长城是中国的象征。17 stand for 代表- The Great Wall stands for China. 长城代表着中国。 18 at least 至少 19 every four years 每四年一次 20 in turn 轮流 21 more and more popular 越来越流行22 have the chance to do 有机会做某事 23 for the first time 第一次24 win first place 获得第一 win-won 25 do exercise 做运动 exercise 练习,运动 (不可数名词) Exercises -操 morning exercises 早操 eye exercises 眼保健操26 some day 将来有一天 27 be able to do = can do 能够做某事Unit 2 topic 1 必须过关的短语和句子。1看起来很健康 look well 2 恢复健康 get well3 生病的表达 have a toothache 牙痛 have a headache 头痛 have a backache 背痛 Have a stomachache 胃痛 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a cough 咳嗽 Have the flu 得流感 have sore eyes 眼睛痛 4 看医生 see a doctor 看牙医 see a dentist 5 睡得好 sleep well 6 喝咖啡 drink coffee 7 足够的开水 enough boiled water (enough +名词, 形容词+enough) 足够大 big enough 8 举起重物 lift heavy things 9 卧床 stay in bed lie down (lie-lay)10 好好睡觉 have a good sleep 11 在阳光下读书 read in the sun 12 觉得难受 feel terrible 13 吃药 take some medicine / take some pills 14 带某人去某地 take sb(人) to sw(地点) 15 休息 have a rest 16 日日夜夜 day and night 17 觉得想要做某事 feel like doing 18 吃太多糖果 eat too much candy 19 许多 a lot of = lots of +(名词)20 工作太长时间 work too long 21刷牙 brush teeth 22放风筝 fly a kite / fly kites23 摔倒 fall down (fall fell) 24 需要做某事 need to do 25 发生事故 have an accident26 照顾 look after sb = take care of = care for 27 回到某地 return to sw 回到家里 return home ( home / here / there / where 副词 ,前不加to )28 告诉某人做某事 tell sb to do tell sb not to do (tell-told) 29 要求 、请求 ask for 30 没什么严重的 nothing serious 31 担心 worry about = be worried about 32 听从医生的建议 follow the doctors advice / suggestions 33 为某事谢某人 Thank you for sthUnit 2 topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.课文要点 1 look tired 看起来很疲倦 look well 看起来很健康 look+形容词 系表结构 2 watch a game 观看比赛 watch TV watch a movie 3 on TV 在电视上 4 stay up late 熬夜 5 go to bed early 早早上床睡觉 6 feel well-觉得很健康 feel better 觉得更好 7 Staying up late(动词做主语要加ing ,变为动名词) is bad for your health. 熬夜对你的健康有害处。 (在英语句子中,主语必须是名词或代词充当) 动名词做主语,单数看待。 如何区分句首的动词是要加 ing 做主语,还是用原形做祈使句的谓语?如果是做主语,主语后一定可以找到其他动词作谓语。Eg (Doing sports )做主语 keeps(谓语动词) me healthy.(Washing hands before meals)做主语 is(做谓语) a good habit.饭前洗手是个好习惯。如果是祈使句,动词后不会再出现其他动词。Eg Go back to your home. 回家Please wash your hands.8 put sth into +sw 把某物放在某地 put litter into the dustbin 把垃圾放进垃圾箱9 exercise v 运动, 练习 exercise n 运动,练习 (不可数) do exercise Exercises -操 morning exercises 早操 eye exercises 眼保健操10 go to school without breakfast 没吃早饭去上学11 must 必须 mustnt 一定不可以 You mustnt play in the street.12 Is getting up late good or bad for our health? Its bad. 很迟起床对我们的健康是好还是不好? 不好。选择疑问句,表面上像一般疑问句,只是并列部分用or 连接,回答只需选其一,不要用yes 或no 来回答。 Eg 你明天是要去北京还是上海?Will you go to Beijing or Shanghai?Beijing.你喜欢红色还是绿色? Do you like red or green? Green.13 an article about smoking 一篇关于吸烟的文章14 in the newspaper in the book 是报纸或书本的内容 ,介词用 in15 He (主语) thinks (谓语) smoking can help him relax 大句子的宾语 。又 smoking can help him relax.是一个句子做大句子的宾语,叫做宾语从句。在从句中 smoking 是做从句主语,所以要加ing. 分析 The article says( smoking is bad for our lungs.)16 give up sth / doing 放弃做某事 give it up 代词要放在中间17 borrow sth 借某物 borrow sth from sth 向某人借某物18 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物给某人看19 give energy 提供能量 20 It is necessary for sth / sb to do sth 对-很有必要做某事 It is necessary for us to do sports often . 对我们来说常做运动很有必要。21 keep active 保持活力 keep +形容词 keep healthy We should keep active during the day.我们白天应该保持活力。22 take care of sb 照顾某人 = look after sb = care for sb23 during the childhood 在儿童年代 24 on the plate 在盘子上 25 as soon as - 一-就- The boy cried as soon as his mother left. 他妈妈一离开,那个孩子就哭了。26 in fact 事实上 27not only 不仅 28 as soon as possible 尽可能快。必过短语和句子1看起来很累look tired 2看比赛watch a game 3在电视上 on TV4很迟睡觉go to bed very late 5熬夜 stay up late 6早早上床睡觉 go to bed early7 觉得更好feel better 8 好好休息have a good rest 9在阳光下读书 read in the sun10 把垃圾放入垃圾箱put litter into the dustbin 11做早操 do morning exercises12乱仍垃圾 throw litter around 13 刷牙 brush teeth 14每天every day15饭前洗手wash hands before meals 16饭后运动do sports after meals17 没吃早饭去上学go to school without breakfast 18 对有好处be good for19 一篇关于吸烟的文章an article about smoking 20 在报纸上 in the newspaper21引起癌症cause cancer 22放弃它give it up /戒烟 give up smoking23 把某物展示给某人看show sth to sb =show sb sth 24提供能量give energy 25 对某人来说很有必要做某事 Its necessary for sb to do sth26保持活力keep active 27喝足够的水_drink enough water 28太多的盐或糖too much salt or sugar 29照顾take care of /care for /look after30迫使某人做某事 force sb to do 31吃许多青菜和水果 eat lots of vegetables and fruit32 一-就- as soon as-33 保持健康 keep fit / keep healthy34 尽可能快as soon as possible 35 在白天期间 in the day 36事实上 in fact Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section A 1. talk with sb = talk to sb 与某人交谈 2. on TV on the phone on the radio 3. exercise often 经常运动 4. build sb up 增强某人的体质 5. keep sb/sth + 形容词 使某人某物保持.的状态 keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事 keep doing sth 一直某某事 6. all the time 一直 7. change clothes often 勤换衣服 8. keep away from= stay away form= get away from 远离 9. crowded places 拥挤的地方10. take ones advice = follow ones advice 听从/采纳某人的建议 advice 不可数名词 some advice give sb some advice 给某人一些建议 advise 动词 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 11. Muse sb do sth .? 某人必须做某事吗 , Yes, sb must / No, sb dont/doesnt have to. No, sb neednt. 12. take some cold pills 吃感冒药 13. lie down 躺下 Section B 1. be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 忙着做某事 2. ring sb up = call sb=give sb a call 打电话给某人 3. leave a message to sb 留言,留言给某人 take a message 捎口信 4. tell sb to do sth tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人做某事,告诉某人不要做某事 5. forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 (事情还没做) forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事 (事情已经做了 )6. give a talk 做报告 give a talk about/on sth 做一个关于.的报告 give a talk about sth to sb 给某人做一个关于的报告 7. by oneself 亲自 oneself 反身代词,强调某人自己 myself 我自己 yourself 你自己 himself 他自己 herself 她自己 itself 它自己 ourselves 我们自己 yourselves 你们自己 themselves 他们自己 常用表达 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 teach oneself 自学=learn sth by oneself help oneself to sth 随便吃点 hurt oneself 伤到8. do some cleaning 打扫do some shopping 购物 do some fishing 钓鱼 do some reading 阅读 do some + v-ing 做某事 9. ask sb for help 向某人求助Section C 1. sb need to do sth 某人需要做某事 2. healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯 healthy living habits 健康的生活习惯 3. enough+ 名词 enough water adj形容词/adv副词 + enough rich enough 够有钱 well enough 够好 adj/adv + enough to do sth He is old enough to go to school. 4. without sth 没有某物 without doing sth He often goes to school without breakfast.= He often goes to school without having breakfast. 5. health 健康 your health 你的健康 healthy 健康的 keep healthy keep you healthy 保持健康 unhealthy 不健康的 6. stay safe=keep safe 保证安全 7. it is + adj+for sb to do sth 某人做某事是的 It is necessary for us to eat more vegetables. 我们多吃蔬菜是有必要的。 It is important for us to learn English well. 学好英语是重要的。 8. on one hand, 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 9. say no to sth say no to doing sth 对. .说不 Section D 1. warm up 热身 2. before doing sth before +从句 You need to warm up before doing exercise./ You need to warm up before you do exercise. 3. spend +时间/金钱 on sth spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing sth Tom spends a lot of time on his homework. = Tom spends a lot of time doing his homework. 4. instead of 代替,而不是 instead of sth/instead of doing sth Mary has noodles for dinner instead of rice. Jane stays at home instead of going shopping. 5. be careful 当心, 注意 be careful of sth 当心,注意 Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A 1. in ones free time/ in ones spare time 在某人的空闲时间 2. go +v-doing 表示去做某事 go fishing/shopping/swimming/skating/cycling 3. read stories/books/novels (小说) /newspapers 看故事书/书/小说/报纸 read 指阅读文字材料 look at sth 看某物 watch 观看 watch TV/movies/a basketball game 4. recite poems 背诗 5. a movie fan 一个电影迷 6. go to the movie theater 去电影院 7. why not do sth = why dont you do sth 为什么不做某事 8. do some outdoor activities 做户外运动 9. sound good 听起来不错 sound+形容词 听起来 系表结构 同类词: look 看起来 taste 尝起来 feel 感觉 10. enjoy/love/like/prefer/be interested in/be fond of doing sth 表达对某物的喜爱。 11. walk a pet dog 遛狗 12. plant flowers 种花 13. climb mountains/ go mountain climbing 登山、爬山 Section B & C1. my stamp collection 我的集邮册 2. would you like to do sth 你要做某事吗 ? 3. learn sth from sb/sth 从中学习 learn from sb/sth 向 学习 4. used to do sth 过去常常做某事(现在不做了), 否定句 didnt use to do sth 一般疑问句: Did sb use to do sth ? Tom used to play soccer on the playground. Tom didnt use to play soccer on the playground. Did Tom use to play soccer on the playground? Yes, he did./No, he didnt. Where did Tom use to play basketball? 5. keep pets 养宠物 6. be popular with sb 受偶人的欢迎 7. get started 开始 8. start/begin with 以开始 9. need sth to do sth 需要某物作某事 10. cut out 剪下 Section D 1. everyday pets 日常宠物 everyday life 日常生活 区别 every day 每天 2. provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 提供某人某物 3. take/have a bath 洗澡 4. whether. or not 是否 5. take sb out for a walk 带某人出去散步 6. be special to sb 对某人来说特别 be important to sb 对某人来说重要 Unit 3 topic 2 What sweet music!必过短语 1 at the concert 在音乐会上 2 go on 继续 3 sound beautiful 听起来很美4 give a concert 举办音乐会 5 at the Music Hall 在音乐大厅 6 watch movies 看电影7 What a pity! 真遗憾 8 lend you some CDs = lend some CDs to you 借给你一些唱片9 You are welcome.不用谢。 10 play the drum 敲鼓 11 musical instruments 音乐器材12 listen to music 听音乐 13 in ones free time 在某人空闲时间 14 Its hard to say.很难说。15 too serious 太严肃了 16 everyday life 日常生活 17 be popular with sb 很受某人的欢迎18 be famous for sth 因而出名 19 at the age of four= when sb be four 在某人4岁时20 be able to do 能够做某事 21 by oneself 靠某人自己 22 take lessons 上课23 begin to do= begin doing = start to do = start doing 开始做某事24without any help 没有任何帮助 25decide to do 决定做某事 26 as-as sb 和某人一样-27 so - that-如此-以至于- 28 such beautiful music如此美丽的音乐29 bring people comfort and peace of mind 给人们带来安慰和心灵的平静30 different tastes 不同的品味 31 ask sb to do / ask sb not to do 叫某人(不)做某事32 make sb happy 使某人高兴 Unit 3 Topic 3 1. hold the line = hold on=wait a moment 别挂电话 2. answer the phone 接电话 3. call sb to do sth 打电话叫某人做某事 4. take a shower 洗澡 5. wash some clothes 洗衣服 6. from nine to eleven 从九点到十一点7. listen to the news 听新闻 8. agree with sb 同意某人的观点 9. get together 团聚 10. in a low voice 低声说 11. pass by 路过,经过 12. sell sth to sb=sell sb sth 把某物卖给某人 sell out 卖光 13. blow strongly (风)猛烈地吹着, 14. be afraid to do sth 害怕(而不敢)做某事 15. light a fourth match 又点了一根火柴 a + 序数词+名词 又一,再一 a third time 又一次,再一次 (已经去过两次) 16. hold sb in ones arms 把某人拥在怀里 17. knock at the door 敲门 18. come out 出来 19. at church 在教堂 20. in the early 1800s= in the early 1800s 在十九世纪早期 in the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代 21. solve problems 解决问题22. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停止(原来做的事) 去做某事 stop having dinner 停止吃饭(吃饭的动作不再进行) stop to have dinner 停下来吃饭(做吃饭这件事)23 two-day 做形容词 两天的 ask for a two-day leave 请两天的假 an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁的男孩 24. the beginning of的开始 25. tooto 太以至于不能做某事 比较: sothat 如此以至于 He is too young to look after himself = He is so young that he cant look after himself 他太小了以至于不能照顾自己。 = He is not old enough to look after himself 他年纪不够大不能照顾自己。 Unit 4 Topic 1 1. think about 考虑, 思考 2. life in the countryside 乡村生活 3. the beauty of nature 自然之美 4. as we know 我们都知道, 众所周知 5. thousands of 成千 上万 hundred, thousand, million 后面有of , 要用复数形式, hundreds of, millions of. 若其前面有具体的数字 则用单数形式, two hundred, six thousand, five million 6. lungs of the earth 地球之肺 7. die out 灭绝 8. protect sb/sth from sth 保护免受的伤害 You had better wear warm clothes to protect yourself from the cold. 你最好穿暖和的衣服御寒。 9. feed on 以为食 10. the number of 的数量 The number of pandas is becoming smaller and smaller. Unit 4 Topic 2 1. strike 过去式 struck 2. fall down 倒坍,掉落 3. another two boys= two more boys another + 数词+名词= 数词+more+ 名词 4. lose ones life 失去某人的生命 lose ones home 失去家园 5. ask sb for help 向某人求助 6. hear about= hear of 听说 hear from sb 收到某人的来信 7. get the news 得到消息 8. must be 肯定是 can be 可能是,可能会 cant be 不可能 8. stay clam=keep calm 保持冷静 9. what do you think of = how do you like 你认为怎么样 10. there will be 某地将有某物 There used to be 某地过去有. 11. take a life 搭电梯 12. turn on 打开(开关), turn off 关掉 13. the whole nation 整个国家 the whole sch


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