浙江省温州市第二十中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Period 1课件2 人教新目标版

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浙江省温州市第二十中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Period 1课件2 人教新目标版_第1页
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浙江省温州市第二十中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Period 1课件2 人教新目标版_第2页
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浙江省温州市第二十中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells Period 1课件2 人教新目标版_第3页
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UNIT 6HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN COLLECTING SHELLS?PERIOD 1 shell collect shells collect stampsI am an English teacher.I started teaching English in 1995.I am still teaching English now.I _ _teaching Englishhave been_ 18 years._ 18 years ago.forsinceHow long have I been teaching English?2008; 9 years old 2013 (now); 16 years oldl When did you start learning English? I started learning English in 2008.l How long have you been studying English? I have been studying English since 2008.l How many years (How long) have you been studying English? I have been studying English for seven years.have the English class10:0510:50When did you start the English class? I started the class at 10:05. How long have you been having the class? I have been having the class since 10:05. I have been having the class for 10 minutes.8:0011:00 (now)When did you start dancing? I started dancing at 8:00.How long have you been dancing? I have been dancing since 8:00. I have been dancing for three hours.dance What sport do you play?When did you start?How long have you been ing?用用forfor和和sincesince填空填空1.They have been learning Chinese _ they came to China.2. I havent seen her _ five years.3. He has been living here _ 2001.4. She has been doing her homework _ two hours.5. Its 5 years _ we left school.6. How long has Mary been a teacher? _ two years ago. sinceforsinceforsinceSince skateskatea pair of skates2 pairs of skates a pair ofs skating marathonmarathon1b 1b Listen. Fill in the chart below.How long?AlisonIve been skating for five hours.SamI skated for four hours.VictorCeliaIve been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.How long has been skating?He/She has been skating for/since1c PAIRWORKAsk and answer questions about the people in the picture.A: How long has Alison been skating?B: Shes been skating for five hours.A: How long did Sam skate?B: He skated for four hours. playing football 30 minutes 4 hours3 hours and a half 2 hourscooking 1 hourA: How long have been ? B: have been for . since ago . they has he / sheTheyHe /She hastalk30 minutes3 and a half hours runningfor two hours playing basketball for half an hour 1. How long did you skate today? 2. How long have you been skating today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 5. When did you get your first pair of skate?6. How long have you been skating?a. No, I skated a marathon last years. b. Yes, I do.c. For six hours.d. Since I was seven years old.我们常常用以下句型来表示我们常常用以下句型来表示:have / has been doing sth 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时表示表示“某动作从过去开始一直持续到现某动作从过去开始一直持续到现在在”MORE EXAMPLESl I have been collecting shells since I was seven years old. 我从我从7岁开始就一直在收集贝壳。岁开始就一直在收集贝壳。l He has been working for ten hours. 他已经工作他已经工作10个小时了。个小时了。l It has been raining since last Sunday. 自上周星期日以来就一直在下雨。自上周星期日以来就一直在下雨。l Hes been watching television all day. 他看了一天电视了。他看了一天电视了。Attention !现在进行时现在进行时:表示正在发生的动作表示正在发生的动作 What are you doing?有时表示一段时间内发生的动作,这种情有时表示一段时间内发生的动作,这种情况下可用现在进行时表示与过去的对比。况下可用现在进行时表示与过去的对比。 He is speaking English more fluently than he used to. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. 1.You know, I _ (look) for a job for three months.2. The little boy is dirty all over because he _ (play) in the mud all the morning.3. Here he is! We _ (wait) anxiously for him since last night. have been looking has been playinghave been waitingFill in the blanks according to the Chinese.1. 他病了,已卧床他病了,已卧床3个星期。个星期。 He is ill. He _ _ _ in bed for three weeks.2. 哈里已经游了两个小时了。哈里已经游了两个小时了。Harry _ _ _ _ two hours.has been lying has been swimming for since 自从,自自从,自以来以来l Allen has been watching TV since two hours ago. 自从两个小时前艾伦就一直在看电视。自从两个小时前艾伦就一直在看电视。l I have been learning to play the piano since I was seven years old. 我自从七岁就一直在学弹钢琴我自从七岁就一直在学弹钢琴l It is + 一段时间一段时间+ since +从句从句, 表示表示“自从自从以来以来,已经已经” It is ten years since he left the village. 他离开那个村子已经他离开那个村子已经10年了。年了。 此外此外, since作连词还可以引导原因状语从作连词还可以引导原因状语从句句, 意为意为“因为因为, 既然既然”, 用来说明原因。用来说明原因。 Since you are free tonight, lets go to the movies. 既然你今晚有空既然你今晚有空, 我们去看电影吧。我们去看电影吧。拓拓 展展Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the giving verbs. 1. It _(be) two months since he went to England. 2. Li Lei has been _(do) his home- work since his mother _(come) back. 3. Since we _ (be) there, we stopped and saw them.isdoing camewere


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