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国际商务外贸英语函电实训指导书一、实训目的和要求校内模拟实训是国际商务专业课程实践教学的重要组成部分,根据高等教育教学大纲规定和学院教学计划安排及培养学生职业技能的要求,我院国际商务专业学生将于毕业学年的第四学期进行为期两周的外贸函电校内实训。 本次综合实训以学生为主,教师指导为辅,要发挥课堂组织作用,学生自行练习为主。老师认真组织,充分调动学生的积极性与主动性,在规定的时间内按计划有步骤地完成课程设计的各项内容,教学采用情景模拟或案例训练形式。教师事先提示各个业务环节工作的要领及注意事项,然后在实训教师指导下,学生独立完成每笔业务。在学生练习完毕后,教师要针对学生操作过程中出现的常见问题及典型病例进行集中点评,达到预定的教学目的。二、实习性质、实习地点、实习时间安排,适用专业班级该实训为校内模拟实训。根据高等教育教学大纲规定和学院教学计划安排及培养学生职业技能的要求,国际商务专业学生第二学年的第二学期进行为期两周的外贸函电校内实训。实训时间:2014-2015学年第二学期第7、13周实训班级:国际商务131班实训地点: 实训楼三、实习内容利用案例模拟、情景模拟操作、学生练习等形式,针对国际商务活动中常见的业务如:建立业务关系、询盘及回复、发盘与还盘、订货等有针对性的强化训练,使学生掌握商务信函的写作要点、习惯表达方式以及独特的语言结构,培养学生阅读、翻译和写作能力,使学生能用英语处理进出口业务往来函电。为今后学生参与毕业实习、顺利求职就业,并熟练掌握本专业岗位工作奠定基础。四、实习准备工作推荐精选熟悉实习任务,明确实习内容,订出实习计划或阶段性实习内容。五、实习过程内容及方法、步骤 实训项目一:建立业务关系信函的翻译与写作一、实训目的 建立业务关系是对外贸易工作中的一项十分重要的环节。业务关系好,客户多,做成生意的机会也就多。在国际贸易中,买卖双方通常相距遥远,直接获取对方资料的机会比较少,但我们可以通过以下几个渠道获得有关信息:互联网、广告、银行、 国内外商会、中外使馆商务参赞处、广交会或展览会、贸易行行名录等。与外商接洽和交往的方式可以是:口头沟通、书面往来函电或电子邮件等。撰写商务信函时,一般包括以下几个要件:你获得对方信息的来源、你的意图、自我介绍、有关你公司的财务状况和信誉。如果写信人是出口商,为使新客户对自己所经营的产品有所了解,往往在首次交往时给对方寄去目录、样品、价目单;如果写信人是进口商,有意购买对方的产品,则索要这些材料。信函结束时说明你的期望。二、实训时间: 2学时三、实训场地(设备):实训中心四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行训练。五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:Write a letter to Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co. Ltd.( P. O. Box 22789 Taiz Street, Sanaa, Republic of Yemen) telling them:1. you are introduced by the Commercial Counselors Office of their embassy in Beijing(驻北京的大使馆商务参赞处);2. you wish to set up business relations with them;3. the main scope of your business is exporting chinaware(瓷器);4. samples and catalogues will be sent to them upon receipt of their specific inquiries.(2学时)实训2: Translate the following letter into English:先生:我们从上周的中国日报获悉,贵方对丝绸服装感兴趣。兹介绍本公司,是我地服装行业最大的出口商。我们愿意与你方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系。我们的真丝服装采用高档真丝面料,传统工艺加工而成。现随附一份插图目录及最新价格单供你方参考。如有意,请寄具体询价。收到后,当即航寄报价及样品。推荐精选盼早复。学生讨论、教师点评(2学时)六、实训考核方法与标准 要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级评分。实训项目三:资信调查信函的翻译与写作 一、实训目的 资信调查在国际贸易中既必要,也十分重要。外贸企业在与从未进行过交易的国外企业做买卖前,必须先了解对方的资信状况。资信调查在国际贸易中是相互的,无论是对进口商还是出口商来说,在进行交易前需要互相提供可靠资信调查的第三者的姓名(公司名)及详细地址。这里的第三者就是商贸活动的资信证明人。值得注意的是对方往往会挑选为其说好话的证明人,因而,应该谨慎对待来自这些证明人的报告。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行训练。五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:Translate the following letter into Chinese:Dear Sirs,We have now received from the City Commercial Bank, Beijing the information you asked for in your letter of June 6th. The motor company you mentioned is an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise(外商独资企业) formed in 1996. It enjoys a good reputation and can meet its commitments punctually(及时履行其承诺).The information is confidential without any responsibility on your part.实训2:Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:Your company is planning to fulfill an order from a new customer: Universal Trading Co. Ltd in Britain, about whom you know nothing. Write a letter to your bank the Bank of China inquiring about the financial standing of the above company, details of which are as follows:推荐精选Name: Universal Trading Co. LtdAddress: P. O. box 1734Otterspool WayWatford, Herts WD25 8WWUNITED KINGDOMReference bank: Barclays Bank PLC54 Lombard Street,London EC4 3AH, UK学生讨论、教师点评(2学时)实训3:学生就上述信函做一个不利回复。实训4:学生就上述信函做一个有利回复。六、实训考核方法与标准 要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级评分。实训项目四:询盘及回复信函的中英文翻译与写作一、实训目的 询盘信是进口人为了了解情况或要求供货而写的。在我们的出口贸易中,洽谈生意既可能通过国外的商人,也可以通过我们的出口公司进行。前者,客商向我方公司寄送询盘信(或称询价信),要求我方报价(quotation)或报盘(offer)。如果是新客商,则往往加上一条,向他们说明贸易条件(trading terms)。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、经济学院实训中心四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行训练。五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:Translate the following letter into English:先生女士:数码照相机我们对你方在月份广州交易会上展出的各种型号的数码照相机很感兴趣。现介绍我公司是伦敦地区最大的电器进口商之一,经营该业务已有十多年了。我们热切希望与你公司建立业务关系。目前我公司正在扩展进口业务,该产品正合我们的要求。请寄全套产品的插图目录和价格单,并报你们能够现货供应的数码照相机的成本、运费和保险费伦敦最低价。推荐精选盼早复。学生讨论、教师点评(2学时)实训2.:学生就上述询盘做一个回复。Background: 比较回复询盘信函和报盘信函Reply to the enquiry1. how much appreciate the enquiry2. glad to enclose 3. detailed information and features of products4. express the moderate and competitive price and limitation5. acceptable payment and date6. expectation of satisfaction and lasting business relationsMaking a quotation and offera. An expression of thanks for enquiryb. Provide detailed information required(details of prices, discounts and terms of payment; a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover eg. freight and insurance, etc.; an undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment.)c. The period for which the quotation is valid.d. Expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.实训3.:翻译下列回复信函a better replyDear buyer:It is good to hear from you again. You inquired about my bamboo baskets on September 15, 1998. I sent you a company catalog at that time. I can send you a second catalog if you need?You are not the only importer in Brazil that has asked us about bamboo baskets. I have also received inquires from ABC company, Universal Co Ltd in Brazil, but they always inquired another kind of baskets. I will introduce this kind of basket for you if you need. Would you like me to help you by making a special sample for you Brazil market?We are a professional bamboo products manufacture with 14 years experiences in China, offering over 1,500 various kinds of bamboo products and monthly output up to 5 millions pieces. We are the best manufacturer that you can trust in China. The details for the product(as the attached photo)you inquired as following: XXX.Upon receipt of EMS number , we will send you a sample together with catalog.I look forward to see your reply!推荐精选六、考核方法与标准 要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级评分。实训项目五: 报价,发盘与还盘信函的翻译与写作一、实训目的 报价或报盘是商谈出口贸易的一个重要步骤。报盘,就是卖方为签署合同而向买方提出的一种建议。或者说,报盘是指发盘人(offerer)向受盘人(offeree)提出的某种交易条件,并愿意按此条件同受盘人达成交易。这些条件主要包括商品名称、牌号、规格、数量、价格、包装、支付、交货期限等。因此,一收到国外的询盘函电,我们必须向海外客户报价,并就对方所询问的有关贸易条款和条件,根据可供存货及该商品的市场情况向对方说明。卖方收到还盘以后,可以根据具体情况,权衡利弊,决定接受或拒绝,也可以对还盘提出新的修改意见,这就构成了对还盘的“反还盘”。一笔交易的达成,就是这样经过多次磋商,最后取得一致意见,签订合同的。 通过练习使学生了解询盘、报盘和还盘的书写内容。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室、四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:将学生分为4个小组2组为进口商;2组为出口商。根据下列的内容进行询盘、报盘和还盘直到达成交易。(4学时)要求:模拟进口商和出口商分别撰写询盘、报盘和还盘的信函,双方信函必须内容照应,用词确切、礼貌。Training Situations:(背景资料)Training Material:(训练材料)Hint 1: Interested in silk products and hope to receive the lowest quotation CIF London for 3,000 pieces silk carpet with details of discount and payment terms. Some catalogues and sample cuttings required.Hint 2: US$125 per piece CIF London, subject to reply here before May 9. No discount. Payment by irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight is required. Catalogues and sample cuttings have been airmailedHint 3: Price is higher than those from other suppliers. Suggest a reduction of 10%, otherwise business is impossible.Hint 4: The price of raw silk has gone up a lot. Besides, the quality is much superior to other makes. The price quoted is relatively favorable. Suggest early acceptance.Hint 5: Difficult to push any sales at that price, suggest meeting each other half way.推荐精选Hint 6: Accept 5% reduction.Training Requirements:(训练要求)Divide the students into two groups. One group acts as the importer and the other as the exporter.1. Among the above hints, which ones are from the exporter and which ones are from the importer?2. Compose a dialogue into several letters according to the above hints and what you have learnt from this chapter:1) A letter from the importer to the exporter enquiring for 3,000 pieces silk carpet.2) A letter from the exporter to the importer offering 3,000 pieces silk carpet together with some other useful information.3) A letter from the importer to the exporter pointing out that the price quoted is too high and asking for a reduction of 10%.4) A letter from the exporter to the importer accepting his counter-offer.5) A letter from the exporter to the importer declining his counter-offer.(以下三个内容:实训2,3,4为附加题,可选可不选,教师可根据时间分配和学生掌握情况灵活选择,该部分提供答案。)实训2:Translate the following sentences into English:1. 一级大豆存货正在减少。2. 如果你公司能将月日报价降低,我们将乐意接受。3. 我们给你报了最低价,按此价我们已经与其它客户作了许多交易。4. 兹报实盘,以自本日起日内你方复到为准。5. 考虑到我们之间长期友好的关系,我们接受你们的还盘。6. 由于市场正在下跌,希望你们重新考虑我方报盘,并尽快来电接受。7. 请提醒你们客户注意,由于行市上涨,我们的价格已作调整。8. 谢谢你方所提供的减价,不过我们认为它仍然高于我们可接受的价格。9. 有消息说,几批法国货已在此地售出,价格低得多。10.经过友好协商,双方最终按照欧元每打的价格成交。实训3:.Write an English letter based on the following information: 你之前向客户作的铁丝(iron wire)的报价,客户月日回信中认为价格偏高。给客户回信,包含以下几点:1. 最近原材料价格上涨;2. 我们的质量上乘;3. 客户所需的吨是最低起订量,不能打折;4. 国内外供不应求,现存货已不多;5. 督促客户重新考虑你方报价,尽快回复;6. 欢迎其它询盘,并将给予关注。推荐精选实训4:Translate the following letter into English:敬启者:我方客户已仔细检测了你方6月6日送来的洗碗机(dishwashers)试用机。很高兴通知你方,客户对此很满意,但他们认为你方报价有点高。我方认为,如果你方可以减价5%左右,并且在本月底交货,我们可以劝说我方用户订购200到250台。当然产品与样机必须一致,否则我们有权拒收。付款方式按照以往的惯例。期待你方早日回复。教师点评(2学时)六、实训考核方法与标准期末考试要求学生根据背景资料写一封询盘、报盘和还盘信函。书写信函占试卷1015。实训项目六: 订单,接受和回绝信函的翻译与写作一、实训目的 在国际贸易中,交易的一方明示接受另一方的交易条件,交易即达成,然后签订具有合同性质的文件。如果买方发出订购信;寄出订单或者购货确认书,要求卖方按上面所列出的条件供货,要求卖方签回一份,就是对自己订货和对卖方的确认。订单信通常需要明确以下条件:商品名称, 质量要求和规格,订购数量,价格及价格条件、总额等。买方通常强调交货时间或者敦促对方尽快交货,根据需要还可能提出付款方式、供现货等其他条件。 本章实训提供了下订单、接受和回绝的信函让学生演练。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、经济学院实训室四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤:六、考核方法与标准: 要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级评分。实训1:Placing an order 下订单Translate the following letter into English:敬启者: 我方确认已收到贵方5月5日来函。我们要求贵方呈交我方于5月3日信函中详细描述的100台水泵(pumping machine)的结构(说明),该批货价格已由你方确定。推荐精选一号机型 620 英镑 二号机型580英镑 在交付机器时常常提及保证书,由于贵方没有提及,我们只好向你提出2年保证期的规定。在这2年里,贵方生产的产品免费维修。另外,为了机器能在8月1日当天或者以前发货,你方预付我们2%的履约保证金(performance bond)。如果在规定时间内仍未履约,则不予退还该笔保证金。 请确认接受我方订单,并用邮件确认上述条款。实训2:Accepting an order 接收订单Translate the following letter into Chinese: Dear Sirs,We thank you for your letter of May 17 with order for the delivery of 100 pumping machines. You may be assured that we shall do our best to execute the order to your satisfactionThe omission of the customary guarantee in our letter of May 5 was an oversight on our part, for which please accept our apology. We hereby guarantee the 100 pumping machines ordered for two years, during which period we are prepared to repair free of charge any defects in the machines arising from faulty material. We are likewise arranging to provide the performance bond prescribed by you.Yours faithfully,(Signature)实训3:Refusing an order 拒绝订单.Write an English letter based on the following information: 就第一封信写一封拒绝信函1 确认已经收到来信。2 说明拒绝对方要求的原因。比如:要求不合理,成本运费太高等等。3 说明替代方案及我方能够提供的折扣或者其它优惠条件。4 请求对方及早回复。 实训项目七:促销信函的翻译与写作 一、实训目的 在出口贸易中,促销工作对于拓展业务起着决定性的作用。促销信函是进行产品宣传和广告的形式之一,其目的是向特定顾客推销某种商品或服务。促销信函的内容因具体目的而异,既可以是介绍公司的新产品或向长期不惠顾的老客户推荐改进产品,也可以是提供特别的折扣或优惠以便吸引顾客购买推荐精选本章让学生了解促销的意义,根据目的书写促销信函。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、多媒体教室 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤:实训一:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:Sales letterDear Sirs,Reports from users all over the world confirm what we already knew before the new famous DUNYEAR Tubeless. Tyre was put on the market-that is the realization of every car owners dream. The list of shortcomings of the ordinary tyre must be well-know to you: punctures(穿孔漏气), wall failure under sudden stress(突然应力), lack of road grip(缺乏附着力) on wet or greasy surfaces(潮湿路面)- to name the chief grumbles of the ordinary motorist(这只是一般驾驶员所抱怨的主要几项). What a pleasure it would be if you could offer your customer something beyond criticism(无可责备) in these vital qualities of road-holding and complete reliability!(可靠性)We could tell you a lot more about the new DUNYEAR tyre but prefer you to read the enclosed copies( 附寄的副本)of reports from racing drivers, test drivers, ordinary motorists, motor-dealers and motor manufacturers.Our terms of business are already known to you, of course, but to encourage you to lay in a stock of the new tubeless DUNYEAR, we will allow a special discount of 2% on any order received by the end of this month, A price list is enclosed for your perusal(供你细阅). A good stock will enable you to take full advantage of the advertising campaign which we intent to run in your country in April. Your local agent is .who will be pleased to attend to your requirements and to give you after-sales service.Yours truly,Wision实训二:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. Here is a chance to show how smart you are by wearing our new style dress. 英语e问e答 ) 推荐精选2. Have you ever tried getting a bilingual service from a computerized speaker?3. Why not escape city noises and enter the peace of outskirts with our weekend trip?4. Our newly introduced student kit is made from fine quality vinyl plastic, which is strong, washable, transparent and handy for pencils, pens, rulers, loose papers, cards, pocket money and many other items a student carries. 5. Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton. Owing to the carefully selected materials used and the great attention paid to weaving and printing, they possess a very attractive appearance as well as novel designs. 6. Give this new kind of glazed ware the ultimate test-try scratching, cutting, burning or even putting it into acid; you will see how strong this glazed product is against any such force and how long it will resist fire and acid. 7. If your stainless steel cutter becomes damaged, just return it and we will replace it free-even when the warranty is over. 8. Complete the form enclosed right away. This offer expires 5p.m., June 15, 2007. Dont miss the wonderful opportunity to enjoy the finest canned food youll ever taste. 实训3:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:Follow up letter 随访信Dear Sirs,We have been expecting to (盼望)hear from you concerning the captioned(上述) engine(引擎), pamphlets (样本)of which we trust you have already received.This engine is an ideal one suitable(很理想的) for use in rice-growing countries(产米国). It supplies motive power(提供动力) for hand tractors(手扶拖拉机), small irrigation pumps(小型灌溉水泵) and grain threshers(打谷机). It is moderate (公道的)in price and compares most favourably with other makes in quality(质量可以与其他厂家 的产品媲美).推荐精选As we contemplate(想。) introducing this engine into Brazil(巴西), we shall be glad to have your comments(意见) on its sales possibilities(可行性). Further details, if required, will be gladly furnished to assist you in your sales efforts(以助你方推销).We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon.(盼不久能收到你方回音)Yours sincerely,实训4:让学生根据老师所给图片信息仿照上述信函,写一封促销信函。用ppt 演示六、考核方法与标准:前三项要求学生独立完成,教师进行点评。按A、B、C、D四级评分。后一项团队合作给出平均分。实训项目八:支付方式-催开信用证和修改信用证信函的写作一、实训目的 信用证实国际贸易中最常用的支付方式,不仅适用于个人交易,也适用于系列交易。有时,进口方由于某种原因而未能按合同规定的时间开立信用证,这时,出口方应催促进口方迅速办理开证手续,特备是大宗商品进口货进口方要求特制的商品,更应结合备货情况及时催证。在国际贸易中,支付条件的规定远比国内贸易复杂。国际贸易最普遍使用的支付方式是信用证(缩写为L/C),它对买卖双方来说既安全又有保障,但这种方式操作起来比较复杂。有时候为提高工作效率,进口商/买方要求按付款交单(D/P)或承兑交单(D/A)方式通过银行托收。这种情况下,银行只作为中间人,代卖方递单和收取货款,并不承担进口商一定付款的责任。如D/P要求付款后交单。其中有见单即付( D/P at sight)和见单后XXX天付款( D/P at xx days s sight)。前者要求进口商立即付款才可取得单证,而后者的情况是给进口商一段宽限期,在出示单证30天、45天、60天或90 天后再付款,但进口商在付款之前不能取得单证。D/A要求在出口商/卖方开出的汇票被承兑后即需提交单证。这种支付方式由于是商业信誉,对卖方不利。就卖方利益而言,L/C比D/P好。D/P见票即付比D/P见票后xx天后付款好,而D/P则比D/A好。在国际贸易中,只有在进口商财务状况良好,或在过去的业务过程中付款可靠,从而取得出口商信任,才接受托收货款的做法。通过这一章的学习训练使学生了解国际贸易中几种支付方式,看懂信用证。同时让学生明白催证信函的写作技巧,其目的是劝说对方紧密合作,并且履行其义务。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室推荐精选四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:撰写要求各种支付方式的信函。(2学时) 要求:将学生分为2组,一组为卖方,另一组为买方。卖方写催证函、买方写展期信函。两组就对方的信函条件进行书信交流。先给学生写信的基本框架和例句,然后他们分别翻译例句。然后给他们相应的英文和中文信函各一篇,做出翻译稿后,让学生模拟翻译稿的内容,扮演角色写信函。写作背景材料:催证信函的写作步骤:1、提醒买方我方货物已备妥待运或交货期已临近,但尚未收到相关信用证。e.g. In regard to 25000 yards of cotton prints under the Sales Confirmation No.789, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but up to now we have not received your relative letter of credit. 2.、向对方说明需要及时开立信用证的原因或重要性e.g. We wish to remind you that it was agreed when placing the order, that you would establish the required L/C upon receipt of our Confirmation.3、请对方尽快开证e.g. As the goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it behooves you to take immediate action, particularly since we cannot think of any valid reason for further delaying the opening of the credit.改证或信用证展期信函写作步骤:1、 告诉对方已收到信用证 e.g. We wish to acknowledge receipt of the L/C No.3450 for the amount of USD 5000 covering your Order No. 987.2、 指出信用证与合同不符而需要修改的地方(说明需要展期的原因)e.g. We find that the following two points do not confirm to the contract. In connection with shipment, we are very sorry to advise that the goods cannot be ready before the end of May, because of delay of manufactures.3、 希望对方给予合作e.g. We are confident that you will give us cooperation by extending the shipment date to June 10, and the negotiation validity to June 25, 2005 respectively.翻译下列信函催证例函:尊敬的先生: 我方已订购2000件防水雨衣,已经通过日本银行东京分行安排开具以你方为受益人的信用证。信用证有效期至7月31日并且将由伦敦银行向你方保兑。请见票后60日付款。该批货将由Cathay 号轮船于7月24日由伦敦装船发运。 装货的纸箱应标明SM。信用证额度已定,足够支付发票金额,各种费用,包括去东京的保险费。 请在装货时通知我方推荐精选选做:(回信由学生编写)展期信函实例 (卖方要求买方展期信用证)Dear Sirs.Re: Letter of Credit No. AG8432We have received your Letter of Credit No. AG8432 for the amount of USD2960 to cover your Order No.806 for 20 metric tons of mineral fertilizer. (矿物化肥)The said credit calls for shipment on or before the 31st of December. As the earliest steamer sailing for your port is the S.S. Peace schedule to leave Shanghai on or about the 3rd of January, it is , therefore, impossible for us to effect shipment at the time you named.This being the case, we have to ask you to be so kind as to extend the date of shipment to the 15th of January, under cable advice to us. We understand that cable amendment is costly, but this is a matter over which we can exercise no control. (该信件回信由学生依据情境编写) 教师点评(1学时)六、实训考核方法与标准学生扮演角色,老师根据其角色扮演给出团队的平均分计入成绩。实训项目九:装运及保险信函的写作一、实训目的 装运是国际货物买卖合同中不可缺少的一项条款。合同签订之后,负责装运的一方必须履行安排运输的义务。在实际中,装运业务通常包括以下环节:通关、租船订舱、缮制装运单据、发出装船通知等。保险与外贸业务紧密相连。国际贸易中的货物往往需要从出口国运至进口国,在长途运输中,包装卸货和存储都可能会遇到难以预料的风险,导致货物发生损失。为了消除贸易商对运输风险的后顾之忧,进口商或出口商在货物装运前向保险公司为货物投保,以转嫁和规避这种风险或损失。本章让学生熟悉信函写作的基本术语,基本步骤。二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤:实训1:听译下列句子教师念句子,学生听写并翻译。每句2遍1. We can guarantee to ship the goods before May 1.推荐精选2. If you can modify the quotation of the carpet, we shall be able to place substantial orders with you.3. We hope that goods can be shipped in two equal monthly installments of 30,000 sets each.4. We regret being unable to advance the shipment to early August.5. We advise you that there are no direct steamers sailing for your port in September, so the goods must be transshipped at Hong Kong.6. What is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods?7. The earliest delivery we can guarantee now is in March, but we can assure you that we will do our best to advance the shipment if possible.8. To meet your urgent demand, we hope that partial shipments are allowed.9. You should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods.10. For all products, we have minimum quality requirements that must be met实训2:Translate the following letter into English:敬启者:你方4月5日来信收到。今歉告,尽管我方作了极大努力,但仍未预定到直达雅加达(Jakarta)的轮船舱位。我方船公司告知,中国港口与雅加达之间暂无定期船只,因而我方很难将此10000公吨白糖直运雅加达。鉴于我们所面临的困难,请允许在香港转船,因为香港很容易转运。贵方若能同意我方的要求并理解我方所处境况,当不胜感激。 谨启实训项目十:申诉,索赔和理赔信函的翻译与写作一实训目的:在合同执行过程中,签约双方应该严格履行合同义务。任何一方如果不能履约就会给另一方带来麻烦,有时还会使另一方遭受损失。一旦发生这种情况,受损方有权根据合同规定要求责任方赔偿或采取补救措施二、实训时间: 6学时三、实训场地(设备):语音室、多媒体教室四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习五、实训内容与步骤: 将学生分为3组,一组为买方,一组为卖方,一组为仲裁方。实训1:听录音或看视频,写下争议产生的原因,根据信息,写一封申诉信。实训2: 根据情境写一封索赔信。推荐精选试训3:根据前两个事件,写一封理赔信。六、实训考核方法与标准学生扮演角色,老师根据其角色扮演给出团队的平均分计入成绩。六、实习中应考虑的主要问题、实习注意事项及实习纪律1.本次综合实训以学生为主,教师指导为辅,要发挥课堂组织作用,学生自行练习为主。老师认真组织,充分调动学生的积极性与主动性,在规定的时间内按计划有步骤地完成课程设计的各项内容,教学采用情景模拟或案例训练形式。教师事先提示各个业务环节工作的要领及注意事项,然


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