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情态动词专项练习注意:情态动词后接动词原形部分情态动词:能 can, could; 可能 may, might; 必须 must, have to(不得不) 应该 should, will (将要 /会)能够 would, shall训练(一)一、情态动词的基本用法1. Can John Smithhis homework on time?A. finish B. fini shes C. finishingD. fini shed2. She dareout by herself at night.A. go notB. not to go C. to not go D. not go3. Youto the party toni ght if you have someth ing importa nt to do.A. don need come B. needntto come C. needntcome D. don need coming4. Wellbe ready to leave at eight. Well, Joh n mustback by the n.A. bei ngB. is C. be D. to be5. Your gra ndmotherthe n ewspaper without glasses.A. can still read B. cans still read C. still can reads D. can still reads6. Must I (起床)early tomorrow, Dad?7. Must we(读)the book today?8. You cannot (玩) on the road. It dangerous.9. You n eed not ( retur n) the book now. You can (keep) it un til n ext week.10.1a sleep ing bag because I have.A. n eed n have B. did n have C. don tn eed D. n eed not11. Mr Smitha pen from Jack.A. must to borrow B. had borrowed C. must borrowed D. had to borrow二、can, could, may, might 的用法12. The man can (走路) fast because he is lame in the right foot.13. Could I borrow your dict ion ary?Yes, of course you.A. will B. would C. must D. can15. That (一定是) a mistake.I don thi nk so. It (不可能是)a mistake.A. may be not B. n eed ntbe C. cannot beD. must be三、should, would, shall, will 的用法16. Must I copy (抄写)the new words in class?No, you. Youdo it at home.A. needn , may B. mustn , must C. mustn , mayD. needn, mustn 17. Would you please n ot draw pictures on the wall? Sorry. Iit aga in.A. am not doing B. dontdo C. didn do D. won tdo18. I open the window? It so warm here.A. Shall B. Will C. Would D. Must19. Do you think we to school?” Jane asked.A. should to go B. should going C. should goes D. should go训练(二)一、选用情态动词 can, can t, mus填空。1. “I use your rubber, Bill?”“ Sorry, I don t have one. Ask Mary. She可By(have one.2. “you say it in En glish?”“ Sorry, I.I say it in En glish ?No, you needn t. You say it in Chinese.3. “I liste n to the music?”“ Yes, you. But youwait a minu te.4. Youcall me with your mobile phone on the pla ne.二、选择填空。()1. May I take this book out? No, you.A. cantB. may not C. n eed ntD. arent()2.“ I do homework first ?“ Y”s ,you. ”A. Must; mustB. Ca n; areC. Must; canD. Am; can()3. May I cha nge the film here? No, youdo that i n the sunshine.A. n eed n B. don have to C. can D. may not()4. I take the n ewspaper away? No, you must nt. Youread it only here.A.Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must()5. I take my cat with me on the trai n? No, you.A. Could, won B. Must, mustn C. May, mustn D. Can, needn ()6. Youshow your pass at the entrance uni ess the guard asks you for it.A. mustn B. can C. neednD. won ( )7. Youwatch TV, but youfinish your homework first.A. must, canB. n eed, can C. may, must D. can, may()8. Youd better take a map with you, or youlose your way.A. can B. must C. should D. may三、翻译下列句子。1. 禁止在公园内摘花 2 我该把我的自行车放在哪儿?你可以把它放在屋子的后面。4 我必须现在打扫教室吗? 是的。5 .我可以吃些苹果吗? 当然可以。6 必须现在就做家庭作业吗?不,不必了。训练(二)(一) 用适当的情态动词填空。1. Must I sta nd up? No, you.2. I speak someth ing? Yes, you.3. I leave the park now? No, youstay here.4. My gra ndmother is ill. Istay at home and look after her.5. you like some juice?6. Theytake more exercise.7. you tell me the way to the museum?8. The watchtell us the right time.9. you like to go boati ng with us?10. we play chess next weeke nd?(二) 按要求改写句子。1. She can walk quickly.Iquickly .(否定句)2. They can paint the wall well.(一般疑问句) theythe wall well?3. Tom must carry the box into the room.( 否定句)Tomcarry the box into the room.4. She should reach the station early.(否定句) Shereach the station early.


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