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七年级Unit 6 第一课时: new words and phrases Teaching and Learning Goals:1. 知识和能力目标 学生掌握下列课标内词汇并造句banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, week, food, sure, vegetable, fruit, right, apple, then, egg, carrot, rice, chicken, so, breakfast, lunch, star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question want, be,fat 学生掌握下列课标内短语并造句 think about, how about 学生能理解、翻译并复述由上面的课标词汇和短语组成的短文2. 学习策略Remember the Curriculum words and phrases in specific situations3.情感和文化目标Encourage students to cultivate healthy eating habits and have a balanced diet.Teaching steps: Step 1: Reading1. Students try to read the words on Page99_100 using the phonetics by themselves. And underline the difficulty ones they meet.2. Then read with their partners in groups.3. Get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciation.4. Read after the tape.5. Read the words in the table and ask students to make their own tables.a /a /a:/ / :/apple,hamburger,fat, habit, salad banana tomato Read aloud and the teacher walks around to see if they have any questions. 【设计意图】 让学生学会试读单词是一种英语学习能力的培养,首先学生自己根据音标读单词,并标出试读时有困难的单词。接着两人一组或以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后找单个同学读单词,教师及时更正错音,帮助学生正音。最后让学生跟录音读。通过这几步的学习,大多数学生可以熟悉单词的读音,正确试读出单词。单词的学习坚持从个体同伴小组整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组互助学习的能力。Step 2: LearningI. Learn to remember words on P99-100 by the pictures. This is a strawberry. Mary like strawberries. What is this? This is a pear. What are these? They are pears. The banana is yellow. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Tom likes apples very much. This is an orange. Lucy: I like oranges. Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Jack have tomatoes every day. The rabbit wants a carrot, a carrot, a carrot. We grow carrots in our gardens. Mike puts one egg in the basket. Put these eggs in one basket. This is a hamburger. Mike has three hamburgers for lunch. I like salad. Because I dont want to be fat. Vegetable salad is my favorite. I always eat it in the restaurant. I put the milk and meat in the fridge. . There are three cups of milk on the table I have three pieces of bread for breakfast. The bread is in different shapes.II. Match the words with the things in the picture.1.hamburgers _ 2. tomatoes _3. oranges _ 4. ice cream _ 5. salad _ 6. bananas _ 7. strawberries _ 8. pears_ 9. milk _10. bread _III.put the words into the correct tables.Countable nounsuncountable nounsCountable and uncountable nounsapples pears hamburgers bananas strawberries oranges tomatoesmilkice creamsalad food, fruit, ice-cream, salad, chickenIV. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.think about the food 约翰的生日晚宴 how about burgers 最后一个问题Johns birthday dinner 一些水果next week 体育明星some fruit 下一周sports star 思考一下食物her eating habit 汉堡怎么样 one last question 她的饮食习惯VRemember the words by their similar pronunciations or forms. 1. hamburger burger 2. food foot fruit 3. rice nice 4. last grass class VIRemember the words by conversion(转换) 、compound (合成)and derivative(派生)1. remember the words by compound(合成)ice + cream = ice-cream n. 冰激凌straw + berry=strawberry n.草莓 birth+ day=birthday n. 生日 break + fast=breakfast n. 早餐2. remember the words by derivative(派生)In order to keep our health, we must eat healthy food every day. health n. 健康 healthy adj 健康的;She is my real friend, I really love her.real adj. 真正的 really adv 真正地 3.remember the words by conversion(转换) Its right to right the mistake right in the presence of your boss. right adj. 正确的,适当的 vi. 复正;恢复平稳 n. 正确;右边;正义 adv. 正确地;恰当地;彻底地 vt. 纠正VII. I have a happy family. I like _ and _. But I dont like _. My father likes_ and_. He doesnt like _. And my mother likes _ and_. She doesnt like _ or _. How about you? Please write to me soon. Yours, Tony【设计意图】尽可能的给学生提供生词和短语学习的语境,通过不同的形式达到学会生词和短语并能造句的目的。Step 3: Consolidation of words1. Get the students to read the words by looking at the Chinese. Then look at the Chinese and say English.2. Then get them to work in pairs to spell the words or write down the words with the Chinese given in guide books. Underline the words they havent grasped.3. Get the students to have a short dictation about the important words and phrases. 【设计意图】:此环节为巩固单词。通过提问或使用助学默写的形式来对单词加以巩固。这一环节有少部分的学生往往不达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。Step 4 : Read the story and translate into Chinese:Ask students to read the story silently by themselves. Then try to translate it into Chinese. For difficulties, students should discuss with their groups. I am David. John, Lucy, Lina and Cindy are my good friends. Today is Johns birthday. He asks us to go to his birthday party. We want to buy some gifts for John.“lets think about the gift” Lucy says, “ John likes hamburgers, ice-cream but he is fat, let us think about other gifts” Cindy answers. “So I will buy a birthday card for him.” For fruit, John likes apples and pears, but he doesnt like bananas and oranges. So Lucy and Cindy buy a birthday cake with some apples and pears on it. “What do you want to buy, Li Na?” we ask “Well, he always have questions about healthy eating habits, so I want to buy a book called How about vegetable salad? for him.” “That is really a right choice.” we say together ,“That is for sure”.Then, we have a really big lunch at Johns home. He prepares tomatoes and eggs for me because they are my favorite. Carrots and chicken are for Lucy because she likes them very much. There are cups of milk for eachone. We sing birthday songs and eat the cake together. After lunch, Johns mother make tomato juice, strawberry juice and banana milk shake for us. 【设计意图】:词不离句,句不离篇。让学生在于语篇中深入理解单词的含义,模仿词汇的用法,达到用语篇巩固词语的目的。学生不仅要记住单词,更要学会词汇的运用,培养把词汇连接成语篇的能力。Step 5 Mind mapGet the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the word list , they can discuss in groups. Then ask students to retell the passage according to the mind map. 【设计意图】: 一个生日聚会可以把本单元的单词很好的整合到一个图式里,把事和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,让学生从逻辑范畴上记忆词汇。同时培养学生用英语进行思维的能力,积累不同图式的英语词汇。Step 6 当堂检测一、翻译句子。1.我弟弟喜欢蔬菜沙拉。_2.他们不喜欢橙子。_3.你喜欢草莓吗? 不,不喜欢。_4.李雷喜欢香蕉吗? 是的,他喜欢。_二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He eats two _ (egg) for breakfast. 2 Barry _(like) fruit salad. 3. Here are some _(tomato). 4. They eat _ (good) and they are healthy. 5. He likes _ (salad).学习过程答案:II. Match the words with the things in the picture.Answers: 1d, 2i, 3f, 4h, 5b, 6g, 7c, 8j, 9e, 10a IV. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.think about the food 约翰的生日晚宴 how about burgers 最后一个问题Johns birthday dinner 一些水果next week 体育明星some fruit 下一周sports star 思考一下食物her eating habit 汉堡怎么样 one last question 她的饮食习惯当堂检测答案一、1.my brother likes vegetable salad. 2. They dont like oranges.3. Do you like strawberries? No, I dont.4. Does Li Lei like bananas? Yes, He does.二、1.eggs 2.likes 3.tomatoes4.well5. salad亮点: 本单元的单词课堂设计基本涵盖了本单元的单词(38个单词),单词的拼读注重了学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养。通过图片的形式让单词的学习变得轻松有趣。通过对单词进行构词法的拆分,帮助学生记忆单词和提高运用时的准确性。故事编写环节是对整个单元单词实际运用时的呈现,给学生提供模仿的范例,同时让学习的过程变得具体和生动。当堂检测的设计有效地补充与巩固了词汇的用法。不足之处:学生活动稍显不足,并且内容较多,为了能收到良好的效果,要注意预习和课后复习环节的落实。


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