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三、.0单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)()1 、一are they? They are my frie nds.A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. What()2 、School is over. We can gonow.A. to class B. home C. to bed D. to home()3、Is that man your,Andy?Yes. He is my father s brotherA. cous in B. un cle C. gran dfather D. father()4 、一you liste n to En glish in the morning? Yes, I do.A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is()5 、The twinsmany nice stamps.A. have B. are C. has D. there are()6 、There aren twindows in this room.Are therein your room?A. some;a ny B. some;some C. any;anyD.a ny;some()7 、This iselephant.A.a B. anC.the D./()8 、It s time for.A. to have class B. have class C. class D. classes()9 、Sheher homework yesterday.A.didn t B. doesn t C. didn t do D.doesn t do()10 、一are the apples? Three yuan .A.How many B. How much C. How old D.How二,用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题 2分,共10分)1. Does he(want) an apple?2. My father(want) a cola and I(want) some milk.3. Do you want(eat) noodles ? No.4. Can you help(we)?5. Let s go and help(he).三、英汉互译(共10分)1、last weekend 2 、看电视 3、my holiday 4 、电脑游戏 5、went hiking 6、打开窗户7、play football 8、值日9、look after 10 、一节英语课 四、按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。(共10)1, Tom s father has a shop .(改为否定句)Tom s fathera shop .2,There is a photo on the desk .(改为复数句)Theresomeon the desk .3、 They are playing football .(改为一般疑问句)theyfootball ?4、Bob is reading a book.( 用 what 提问)WhatBob ?5、My name is Jack .( 改为同义句) Jack.五、连词成句(共10分)1. arethoseournotcoats .2. todayit veryiscold .3. thiswhosetoyisbear ?4. youhavedorulera?5. aretheywait ingaforbus六、改错题,先在错误处划线,再把正确形式填在横线上。(10分)1、Did you went to the park ? 2、The cat on the tree is small .3、Nice too see you again , Mr Smith .4、How long are your leg? 5、Look! The girl is make a snowman .七、根据对话内容,补充对话。把答案的编号写在横线上。 对话,其中有两项是多余的。(10分)选用方框内的句子补全A,Y ou should eat a lot of vegetable and fruit.B,Take this medici ne twice a day.C, I have a headache.D,She n eeds to go to hospital.E,You shouldn teat a lot of fast food and sweets.F, tha nk you very muchG, you re welcome.1, M:What the matter , Mike?J:2, D:Stay in bed and have a rest ,E:Tha nk you,doctor.3,M:Suehas a fever.D:4.D:Theyre not good for your teeth.S: What should I eat?D:.1,2,3,4,八、阅读理解,判断正误。对的写“T”,错误的写“ F”。(10分)The Whites always get up early every day. In the morning father always goes to work. Sandy and Sue always go to school. Mother usually stays at home. At noon , Sandy and Sue always have lunch at school. I n the afternoon , Sandy and Sue come from school. They usually arrive home early .In the evening, Sandy and Sue always do their homework. At ni ght, they go to bed early., but its difficult for them to fall asleep.()1 The Whites mea n all the members of Mr Whites family.()2 Sandy is Mr Whites daughter and Sue is his son.()3 Mr White, Sandy and Sue leave home in the morning except Mrs White.()4 Sandy and Sue can get home early in the after noon.()5 Sandy and Sue like sleep ingB()1.What does he do?()2.What does she do?()3.What is it like?()4.What is he like?()5.Where is she going?AA. She is going to the cin ema.B. He is old and fat.C. She is a den tist.D. He is a doctor.E. It s long and black.十、书面表达(10分)以“ my best friend”为题按要求写一篇英语小作文要求:1.条理清楚,语句通顺。2. 书写正确、规范3. 不得少于5-8句话。不少于50个单词。参考答案:一, 1,A, 2,B 3,B 4,D 5,A 6,C 7,B 8,C 9,C 10,B二, 1.want 2,wants want 3,eat 4,me 5,him三,1,上周末2,watchTV 3,我的假期4,computer game 5, 去郊游6,open the window, 7, 踢足球 8 , on duty 9, 照顾 10,an English class四, 1,doesn t have 2,are photos 3,Are playing 4,is doing 5,1 am五, 1,Those are not our coats.2,It is very cols today.3, Whose toy bear is this?.4, Do you have a ruler ?5, They are wait ing for a bus.六, 1,went go 2,on - in 3,too - to 4,leg-legs 5,make-making七, 1, C 2,B 3,D 4,E 5,A八,1, T 2,F 3,T 4,T 5,F九,1,D2,C 3,E4,B5,A十,略,


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