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Contract of Employment at XXXXX International Education CompanyXXXXX教育公司聘用合同Employment Contract (general)(普通)聘用合同BETWEEN: 双方:Party A: XXXXX International Education Company A方:XXXXX教育公司XXXXX International English School a registered institution under the governing laws of the Peoples Republic of China.XXXXX英文培训中心是一所由中国成人教育委员会指定相关法律效益注册的学院。(Herein know as Party A)(此项属于A方)Party B: Tel: Passport number: Visa: WHERE AS:备注:A. Party A wishes to employ Party B as an accredited (ESL) second language teacher.A方同意聘用B方任职为认定合格的第二语言教师。B. Party B is a fully qualified ESL teacher and wishes to accept employment with Party A.B方达到合格教师并同意任职于A方。NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT STATES that in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:此合同作为双方承诺的考虑与达成的共同协议,内容如下:1. Employment雇用1.1 The parties agree that Party B will be employed by Party A as an ESL teacher to perform the following duties:内容为A方将雇用B方作为合格教师去履行如下职责:1.1.1 Provide ESL instruction to the highest possible standards from established curriculum provided by Party A to Party B. A方提供ESL教育给B方去达到最高标准建立全部课程。1.1.2 Provide support outside of the classroom where it is necessary to further the English education of students, which may include but is not limited to distribution of promotional materials. 提供能够提高学生英文水平、长远教育的外部课程,包括辅导资料的分发。1.1.3 Introduce the program and make presentation to schools and parents when called upon by Party A. A方须召集家长介绍工作程序并总校做整体的报告。1.1.4 Attend to a maximum of five (5) hours per week of meetings in the form of training or administrative. 每周须参加长达5小时的培训或行政会议。1.1.5 Provide ESL instruction to both on campus and outside institutions. 提供对内部校园及外校进行ESL讲座。1.1.6 Party B shall carry out all additional responsibilities listed in the Teachers Responsibilities Form. B方必须实行教师职务表中的所有职责。2. Representation by Party AA方陈述2.1 Party A will ensure that Party B receives the necessary work permit in the Peoples Republic of China.A方必须确认B方于中国成人教育委员会达成的工作协议。2.2 Party A represents that it is an accredited, authorized and fully licensed training center in the Peoples Republic of China.A方代表者认可,授权并通过中国成人教育委员会资格培训中心的重点培训。3. Representation by Party BB方陈述3.1 Party B agrees to follow the curriculum established by Party A for the teaching of ESL to Party As students.B方同意根据由A方指定的课程对A方的学生进行ESL教学。3.2 Party B understands that due to the nature of Party As business, flexibility of working hours may be necessary and, therefore, Party B agrees to work flexible working hours.B方清楚A方规定的日常工作制度,以及灵活的工作时间,因此,B方同意接受可变的日常工作时间。3.3 Party B agrees that he/she will not engage in any other employment while bind under contract period.B方同意在合同约束范围内不能参与其他聘用。3.4 Party B agrees to maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the teaching methods, curriculum or any proprietary information about Party A, its teaching center, methods, or manner of manner of doing business to any third party who is not an employer, officer or agent of Party A.B方同意接受维护绝对认可的商业机密如教学方法,教学课程或关于A方的所有信息,如不能将其教学中心,教学方法,礼节成商上运作的种类泄露于不是雇主的第三方,如雇主的员工或代理人。3.5 Party B will, at all times, conduct himself or herself in the Peoples Republic of China in manner appropriate with that of a foreign visitor. Party B will be respectful and follow all Chinese laws.B方须经常与外来者投身入中国成人教育,B方需尊重和服从中国的有关法制。4. Terms and Wages 待遇与薪金4.1. Party A shall compensate Party B Chinese RMB per each month within the contracted period. A方必须按合同规定的每月付给B方人民币 元。4.1.1. The first and second month of this contract is probationary period. Party Bs salary for this month is Chinese RMB. Party Bs salary shall be raised to the amount mentioned in section 4A only if his/her performance is considered satisfactory.B方薪金前一个月是合同所规定的试用期为人民币 元。只有在B方的表现被认为满意时,其薪金在某种程度上得到相应的提升。4.1.2. After first the probationary period month Party B shall receive a monthly bonus of 500 Chinese RMB if the following requirements are met:试用期后,如B方能达到以下工作质量要求,可获得月奖金为 500 元。a) No scheduled classes inside XXXXX International Kids School are missed.在校内没有缺课。b) No scheduled outside classes are missed.在外校没有缺课。c) All sections of Monthly Performance Sheet rate excellent or higher.整个部门每月月工作效率优或更高。4.2 If only one class is missed by Party B, Party B will be paid 70% of the monthly bonus. 如果B方完成一个班的教学任务,B方将得到当月70%的奖金。4.3 If two classes are missed, Party B will be paid 40% of the monthly bonus. 如果无法完成2个班的教学任务,B方只能得到40%的奖金。4.4 Upon cancellation of a third class, Party B forfeits this monthly bonus. 在第三个班教学被取消后,B方会得不到当月奖金。4.5 The monthly bonus is separate from the monthly salary, and unlike teaching hours, cannot be made up. Nor does it affect the system of payment for monthly salaries. 月奖金与月薪分开的,不同于教学时间,不能制定的,而且它不会影响到月薪的支付条件。4.6. This contract is binding from D M Y to D M Y. For year month.此合同从 年 月 日到 年 月 日,期限为 年 月。4.7. Party A shall keep Chinese RMB as a deposit, to be returned to party B upon completion of this contract. A方必须收取人民币 元作为押金,直到B方完成此合同后退回B方。 4.7.1. This deposit shall be deducted from Party Bs salary at a rate of 1000 Chinese RMB per month for months, starting from the first month. 此押金在B方第一个月开始的薪金中扣除每月人民币 元。 4.7.2. If Party B breaks this contract, or if Party A dismisses Party B, Party A shall not return the deposit. 如果B方毁约或A方解雇B方的情况下,A方将不予以返还B方押金。4.8. The First month and Seconds salary shall only be paid to Party B has completed one full month, plus three (3) days of work. 前二个月的工资只有在B方完成整月的工作并附加3天的工作后付于B方。 4.8.1. Thereafter, the teachers salary shall be paid on the next 6th of each month. 此后,教职员工在工资在下个月的6日分发。4.9. Upon completion this contract the performance of the teacher will be rated as follows: 完成合同规定相关工作的教职员工有如下规定:4.9.1. Have followed the principles of this contract, and have followed the teachers responsibilities.服从于合同的法则,并服从于教职员工的职责。4.9.2.Have good working relationship. Good teaching skill, ect.有好的教学技巧讲授公开课。Party A shall reward Party B a bonus of Chinese RMB.A方必须偿还B方奖金人民币 元。4.10. No other part time jobs are permitted for fulltime employees任何全职老师不允许找其他的兼职工作。5. Dismissal解雇5.1. If the performance of Party B is considered unsatisfactory: 在B方的工作表现被确认为不满意的情况下:5.1.1. A discussion and expected improvement in performance shall serve as first notice. 通过对其工作表现的改进进行讨论并作为第一警告。5.1.2. A written notice and expected improvement in performance shall serve as second notice. 所列出的警告与起其工作改进的情况作为第二警告。5.1.3. Upon third notice, Party B shall be dismissed without any further payment or the deposit mentioned in 4C达到第二警告,B方将会在在无任何支付和押金退回的情况下被解雇。5.2. If party B breaks this contract, Party A shall reserve the right to dismiss B with no further payment of any remaining wages and the deposit mentioned in 4C 如果B方违约,A方拥有权利在无任何支付薪金及押金退回的情况下解雇B方(详见4C)6. Schedule, Hours and Location日程表,时间与位置6.1. Party B shall complete a total of teaching hours plus 5 hours of meetings and listening to other teachers classes per week for Party A. B方必须完成总共为 小时的教学时间再加上每月5个小时的会议及听A方其他外教的授课一星期。6.2. Party B is entitled to have complete days per week free of work. B方必须按规定完成每周为 天的休息。6.3. The schedule will be different at the summer, winter, May Day, and international holiday time. 日程表在暑假、寒假、五一节与国际假日有所不同的规定。7. Holiday, Sick Days and Substitution 假期、病假及其代理7.1. Party B shall receive paid holidays for all major Chinese holidays and Christmas. These holidays include, but are not pay, the following: B方将得到相关的中国休息假日与圣诞节的,这些假日有安排,但没有支付薪金,如下列节日:(Kindergarten will be different)Spring Festival: 7 days 春节:7天Summer: 4 days 暑假:4天Christmas: 3 days 圣诞节:3天New year day: 1days 元旦:1天National Day Holiday: 2 days 国庆节:2天May Day Holiday: 2 days 五一节:2天7.1.1. In order to receive additional days off a request must be brought forth through the appropriate branch office of XXXXX International.要获得额外休假,必须从本校的所属分区办公室获得批准。7.1.2. You will only receive your spring holiday pay if you have already worked for XXXXX International English school for 3 months.只有你已经为XXXXX教育公司工作长达3个月,你才拥有春节假日工资。7.2. Summer, National day, May Day and New Year etc. programs are calculated as follows: To accommodate travel time and time off, programs operate on a 25 hour a week principle with 2 full days off. These programs concentrate teaching time which allows days off to be added together at the end of the program. Semesters also operate on the same principle, however, teaching time is not concentrated, which means any teaching hours above the 25 hour maximum will be paid at 120 Yuan per hour. There is no deduction for hours under the maximum. There is no minimum amount of hours to complete.暑假、国庆、五一和元旦等,节日计划如下:为使在旅游时间,节日在每周25个小时加上2天休息为准则。这些节日主要集中在那些允许每天的教学时间加入到节日的后阶段,执行人员也在同样的准则上操作,然而教学时间不是集中点,它以为着教学时超过高达25小时将偿还120元/小时。在工作最大限度下是不会扣除时间的。因此没有任何完成最低的时间情况。7.3. In the event of lost hours due to sickness on the part of Party B: B方因生病错过工作时间的情况下: 7.3.1. Party B shall be obliged to be available to make up all lost hours by substituting or working additional office hours B方有义务通过代课或通过额外工作(加班)来补回所损失的工作时间。 7.3.2. If Party B is unavailable to make up lost hours; Party Bs wages shall be penalized at the rate of 160 RMB/hours 如果B方无法补回所损失的工作时间,B方的工资会按每小时160元被扣除。7.4. In the event of sickness of co-workers; 外教的生病事件: 7.4.1. If substitution or any other related temporary work is required during Party Bs teaching days or set office hours, Party B will be obliged to substitute. All hours substituted shall be counted as part of Party Bs required 25 hours that week. Party A will inform Party B of such substitution either in oral or written form at least one day prior to the requested time. However in case of urgency or unexpected situation, Party B should understand the situation and accept the requirement. 如要求在B方的教学时间或办公时间进行代课,或从事某项临时性工作。A方将至少提前一天用书面或口头的形式通知B方,然而如果A方在紧急或不可预知的情况下要求B方代课或从事某项临时性工作,B方也应该理解这种情况并且接受工作。B方将负有义务进行代课。所有代课时间将作为B方在代课的星期内所要求的25小时工作时间的一部分。 7.4.2. If substitution is required outside of Party Bs teaching days or set office hours, or if substitution is required above and beyond Party Bs 25 hours for that week, Party B may choose to substitute and be compensated at 120 RMB/hour. 如要求代课是超出B方的教学时间或办公时间,或者如果要求代课超出B方在一周内的工作时间,B方可选择代课并得到120元/小时的补偿。7.4. Party A is only responsible for injuries or mishaps occurring during Party Bs office/teaching hours. Any injuries or mishaps occurring outside of these times are the responsibility of Party B.A方对B方在教学时间和办公时间中的人身安全负责。任何B方在工作时间外所产生的伤害、灾祸都必须由B方自行负责。7.5. Party B is responsible for all personal health and medical costs. B方必须自负所有个人健康及医药费。8. Duties and Expectations 职责与预期8.1. As a foreign teacher, Party B shall: 作为一名外教,B方必须:8.1.1. Carry out all responsibilities listed in the Teachers Responsibilities form.履行所有教职员工职责表列出的职责。8.1.2. Attend weekly teacher meetings.参加每周的教职员工会议。8.1.3. Listen to other teachers classes at scheduled times, to improve Party Bs own teaching, as well as provide constructive input to improve the teaching of others.按规定时间听课,加强B方的教学质量,同时提供能改进其他教职员工的构思方法。8.1.4. Ensure the continual and organized implementation of the XXXXX International Kids English system for all teachers, and students.确保XXXXX教育公司所有教职员工和学生的连续性有组织地执行。9. Responsibility for breaking contract and dismissal违约职权与解雇9.1 Party B should give a thirty (30) day notice in writing to Party A if Party B wishes to terminate the contract before the date of its expiration. Party B is required to make appropriate arrangements for the conclusion of their employment, return all the teaching materials, and resident permit applied by Party A before Party B can officially terminate the contract. B方若想在期满日前终止合同,B方必须向A方提前30天的书面告知,要求B方对他的聘用的总结作合适的安排,交回所有的教学资料,在B方可以公开终止合同之前,办理居住许可的手续。9.2 Party A may terminate the employment of Party B where Party A determines that Party B has an unfriendly and negative attitude towards his/her students and employer, and is not performing his/her duties in a satisfactory manner.在A方认为B方不够友好或以消极的工作态度对其学生和雇主,在他工作表现差的时候,可以终止对B方的雇用。9.3 If Party B breaks this contract or leaves with no one month notice, Party A reserves the right to dismiss Party B with no further payment of any remaining wages or the deposit mentioned in this contact.如B方没在一个月前告知而离开,A方有权在不偿还任何薪金或合同提及的押金下解雇B方。10. Confidentiality保密10.1. Party A reserves the right to all components of the XXXXX International Kids English system and all teaching material used at the XXXXX InternationalSchool. Any action to disperse or publish this material on the part of Party B is terms for immediate dismissal with no further payment of any remaining wages or the deposit mentioned in 4C A方留有对加拿大少儿英文系统和所有在加拿大国际少儿英文学校教学资料的使用权,对B方所有散布或发表这些资料的行为可立即作无偿还地解雇(详见4C)11.Visa 签证11.1. Party A will help to apply the working visa for party B, and pay 50% Party B has the responsibility to pay for a medical body check, all other visas are Party Bs responsibility to pay. A方将帮助B方申请工作签证,并付50%于B方负责支付医药及体检的开支,其他签证的费用是由B方全权负责支付。11.2. Party B has to respect and follow all the Chinese laws, party A is not responsible, and Party A operates with in Chinese laws. B方必须尊重和服从中国法律,A方是没有责任的,并且A方要按照中国法律进行操作。12. The details of this contract are confidential. 合同的细节保密。Signed: 签名: Party A Party B Representative, XXXXX InternationalEducation OriginationXXXXX教育公司代表Date Counselorat-law: XXXXXXX E-mail: XXXXXXX 律师顾问: XXXX 第 7 页 共 7 页


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