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淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:江淮学院专 业:电气工程及其自动化姓 名:丁 凯学 号:3082110103外文出处:http:/ieeexplore.ieee.org(用外文写)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文 指导教师评语: 年月日签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文汽车防盗报警器目前汽车是人类最为主要的交通工具,也是现代文明的标志。世界上每年汽车销售量超过6000万辆,保有量超过4 亿。使用的车辆越多,随之而来的交通事故以及被盗的汽车量也越来越多,造成了人员伤亡和经济财产损失。人们对车辆的使用性能和防盗性能提出了更高的要求。汽车安全已经成为一个重要的社会性问题。为了减少汽车事故的发生,让拥有汽车的用户保有安全感,研制出一种操作方便而又简单可靠,能自动检测汽车各部分安全状况,如果发现不正常情况能给司机给予报警提醒和防盗报警的安全系统,具有非常实际的意义。 汽车价值很高,伴随着汽车数量不断增加,汽车已经成为盗窃者的重点盗窃目标,汽车被偷也已成为当今社会普遍关注和急需解决的大问题。目前,各种汽车防盗方式和产品不断更新,尽管车门和车辆引擎已经安装了防盗机械锁,但是盗徒用万能钥匙可不用吹灰之力把车门打开将车开走,所以汽车防盗问题仍然没有完全解决。如今社会的汽车防盗有以下几种方式: 一是机械防盗,主要原理是用锁锁住汽车上的某一部位,使其不能发挥应有的作用。现有如下几种防盗方式:变速器档把锁、方向盘锁、制动踏板锁、离合踏板锁等,相应带来的麻烦是机械锁体积大,车主同时要随身多带一把钥匙。而且破解的手段很多,由于核心终究是一把锁,这就难不住溜门撬锁之徒。更难不住如液压剪之类的大型偷车手段;不小心再把钥匙丢了等等也是汽车被盗的可能性之一。 二是电子防盗,这是目前汽车市场上最为常用的防盗措施。启动防盗系统便可将点火线圈和供油回路切断,只有在解锁钥匙的控制下才能将防盗正常解除。这类防盗产品种类繁多。国内外大部分小轿车在出厂时便已经配置了钥匙芯片防盗系统。这是利用钥匙中的芯片发射无线电与本车的ECU接通后就能启动汽车发动机。除此之外还有声光报警系统,汽车仪表盘上装有一种发光二极管,既可以让车主知道系统工作状态,同时也可以对窥探车内的偷车贼起到精神上的压力作用。当汽车因为外力而发生震动或者车门、后盖、前盖被强行打开时,系统会发出报警声,以阻吓盗车者。更有一种双向报警系统,这比一般的发光和声音报警系统多一个能够通知车主的功能,当汽车遭到外界影响时,人在附近的车主就能通过随身携带的一种液晶显示钥匙知道汽车现在的状态。 三是网络式防盗系统,这种系统主要依靠社会公共网络监控车辆的行驶。有两种。1种是GPS 卫星定位防盗系,这种系统通过GPS 卫星定位,确定车辆位置,然后通过GSM 网将位置和报警的信息传送至报警中心。报警中心通过GSM 网控制汽车的断电和断油。这种系统的缺点是价格比较高;而且需要经常支付服务费用;系统运行的功率也比较大;隐私性会受到影响;车辆如长期放置不使用会损耗电平电量。而且车停在地下、大树下、大厦傍和室内系统都不能起作用。2是GSM、GPRS 移动防盗器,GSM 移动防盗器依托GSM 通讯网络,进行手机和汽车的智能化联动防盗,它具有防盗、监控、远程控制、远程报警、定位和反劫等多种功能,是维护社会的治安、保护车主利益的非常有效的手段。它与同类产品相比,该系统还具有安装隐蔽、技术先进、性能可靠等多重特性。它具有不须建基站、报警不受距离限制的优点。而缺点是需要支出 GSM 号码的月租费因为它依赖 GSN 网的覆盖。盗贼的手段也是使用手机信号的干扰器,切断车辆同报警中心的联系,使得防盗系统失效。 四是生物识别防盗系统,它利用人体特征作为唯一的解锁钥匙,以锁死汽车发动机为防盗方式。具体产品有车主指纹启动控制器以及静脉扫描控制器。它利用人体指纹所携带的足够信息以及每个人的指纹重合率几乎为零的特征,在该系统内存中事先存放车主的指纹信息,在通过指纹比对核实身份后方能启动汽车,即便盗车贼将汽车钥匙全部偷走盗贼也会束手无策的。不过它的缺点是启动汽车之前需要多一个比对指纹的动作,会多花 2 秒钟时间。如果盗贼没有办法获得您的指纹,他便没有办法偷走您的爱车。但其实盗贼偷走车主的钥匙也不一定能破解所有防盗办法,当生物识别防盗时,只有指纹汽车防盗器才能真正意义上的守护您的爱车。 目前市场上的GPS 卫星定位系统已经是国内外最先进的防盗装置,GPS 系统具有车辆的定位、反劫报警、网络防盗、遥控使之熄火、车内监控、抛锚后救援、路况信息查询、电子狗导航已经车辆信息查询等非常多的功能。GPS 卫星定位汽车防盗系统属于网络方式的防盗器,它主要依靠锁定点火和起动达到防盗的目的,而同时还可以通过GPS 卫星定位系统将报警信息同报警车辆所在位置传送到报警中心。不过专家也提醒,这种防盗技术的名字听起来貌似很响亮,虽然有一定的防盗作用,但使用起来也不是非常实用的,并且价格昂贵,实际效果不大,卫星追踪防盗主要是汽车装备回报,经由卫星屏幕显示本车位置,因此根据被盗车辆中有安装追踪系统的,都是发报系统被破坏,也就是电源被切断,使卫星没有办法追踪到汽车位置,失去防盗作用。这样的系统相当昂贵,安装一套无显示屏的GPS就要6000-7000元,并且每年都要向GPS系统的服务公司交纳近千元服务费,昂贵的购买费以及使用费用让众多车主望而却步,经济效益不容乐观。电器报警器的应运而生。电子报警系统是在原有的中央门锁基础上加设了防盗系统控制电路,控制汽车移动的同时也报警,电子报警也是目前比较理想的报警装置。假如有行窃者有盗窃意图,防盗系统不仅有切断启动电路、点火电路、出油电路、供油电路以及变速电路、制动锁死的功能,同时还会发出不一样的声光求救信号进行报警,给盗车者精神上的打击,以阻止盗车过程。从世上第一辆T型福特轿车被偷开始,偷车行为已经成为大城市里很常见的犯罪行为之一。汽车的量在增加,车辆被偷的数字也在逐年增大,因此社会的不安定因素越来越大,担心自己的爱车被盗,也成为车主们的一块心病。随着敞篷车的流行,汽车门上的锁已经不再是最牢固的,车门锁的概念慢慢淡化,也因此汽车防盗系统出现了。现在市场上销售的电子防盗系统类别非常之多,300-400元即可买到。如今市场上大部分新款汽车都安装上了原厂制造的防盗器,有的车辆钥匙上就有防盗芯片,可以随机改变开锁密码,使盗贼没有办法通过高科技方式解锁,而且这种钥匙一旦丢失也只能凭借车辆用户登记册到原厂家再配一套车钥匙。在最新的汽车技术资料上显示,有些车辆已经开始用隐形的IC卡代替钥匙,车主只要靠近车辆3-5米范围内汽车防盗器将会自动解除,车主坐到车内只要按下点火开关,车辆就会启动。车主离开爱车5米之外,会自动锁住车门。防盗系统不会是万无一失的,如今很多小轿车在出场之前都安装上了车辆使用的电脑防盗系统。当钥匙芯片的数据和车载电脑上保存好的数据相符合,电脑才开始让相关系统工作,允许发动机启动。有车载电脑系统的小轿车便不再需要安装电子防盗器。假如重复安装的话,容易和原来安装好的电脑防盗系统相冲突;假如必须要再安装电子防盗器,就要注意与点火系统进行分离,要不然会使得发动机无法启动等一系列故障。假如出现故障,车主不能自己拆卸,要到专业的维修店内使用专业器件进行清除故障密码和接触故障。附件2:外文原文Automobile burglar alarmThe automobile is the present humanitys main transportation vehicle, is also the modern civilization symbol. The world the automobile sales volume reaches more than 6000 ten thousand every year, the inventory has surpassed 400,000,000. Is using the vehicles are more, but the following traffic accident and the automobile which robbed are been also getting more and more, has created the personnel casualty and the economical property loss. The people set a higher request to motor vehicles operational performance and the security performance. The auto safety becomes an important social question. In order to reduce motor vehicle accidents formation rate, for has automobiles user to provide the security sense, develops one kind simply reliable, the ease of operation, can automatic detection automobile various part of conditions, discover that the normal condition can send out the warning reminder and the security warning safety system to the pilot, has the actual design significance. Automobiles value is high, increases unceasingly along with the automobile quantity, the automobile already became robs the key point which the person steals, the automobile is robbed has become generally pays attention now and the urgently needed solution social question.At present each automobile security method and the product emerge one after another incessantly, although the vehicle door or the engine were loaded with the security mechanical lock, but robs the person to use the master keys, but does not need the small effort to open the vehicle door, drives away the vehicle, the automobile security question does not have completely the solution as before. Now in societys automobile security way has the following several kinds: First, the mechanical type security, the main principle locks on automobiles some organization, enables it to play its proper role.Existing many kinds of ways for example: The transmission gearbox files the lock, the steering wheel lock, the brake pedal lock, the meeting and parting footboard lock and so on, brings the troubles are the volume which the machinery locks are big, the vehicle owner must along with a multi-belt key. But explains the method is numerous, because the core is a lock, when this sneaks into a house picks a lock the person. When like the hydraulic pressure cuts and so on crude method; Was not careful has lost again the key Second, electron security, is in the present auto market the most popular security installment. Starts the burglary protection system to be possible the ignition coil or the feed return route cut-off, only uses under releasing keys control can relieve normally guards against theft. This kind of way varied assortment; Domestic and foreign majority of automobiles when leaving the plant has disposed the key chip burglary protection system. In use keys transmit by radio chip after this vehicles ECU communication can start the motor car engine. Also has the acousto-optics alarm system, on the automobile gauge board is loaded with the light emitter diode, may also let the vehicle owner know systems active status, may also to spy on compartments car thief to play the warning role. When automobile, because the external force has the vibration, when before or the vehicle door, the reserve box lid, the engine room coverlet opens forcefully, the system exudes the warning sound, scares robs the vehicle thief. Has the bidirectional alarm ,system,has been able to inform vehicle owners function compared to the pure flash and sound alarm system many, when the automobile encounters the outside invasion, can know automobiles condition in the nearby vehicle owner through the body carrying liquid crystal display key. Third, the network type burglary protection system, mainly depends upon social the public network to monitor vehicles travel. 1st, the GPS satellite positioning security department, it through the GPS satellite positioning system, the definite vehicles position, again transmits through the GSM net the position and the alarm message to the warning center. The warning center through the GSM net control automobile, the power failure/breaks the oil. The shortcoming is the price is high; Needs to pay the service fee frequently; Systems operations power is big; The confidentiality will receive the invasion; The vehicles long-term laying aside does not use can exhaust the level electric quantity. The vehicle stops under underground, the tree, the building approaches, the indoor system not to have an effect. 2nd, GSM, GPRS move security, GSM moves security it to depend on the GSM communication network, carries on the handset and automobiles intelligent linkage security, has security, the monitoring, the remote control, the long-distance warning, the localization, instead to plunder and so on many kinds of functions, is maintains the social order, to protect the vehicle owner benefit the effective measure. Compares with the similar products, this system also has the installment to be more covert, the technology to be more advanced, the performance to be more reliable and so on characteristics. Has cannot construct the base depot, the warning not to be away from the limit. The shortcoming is needs to pay the GSM number the month rent. Relies on the GSN nets cover. Bandits and thieves method also uses the handset signal jammer, blocks the vehicles and the warning center relation, burglary protection system expiration. Fourth, the biological recognition burglary protection system, takes the only unlocking using the human body characteristic the key, locks the motor car engine. The concrete product has the automobile fingerprint start controller and the vein scanning controller. Massive information which carries using the human body fingerprint, as well as each persons fingerprints superposition rate is zero characteristic nearly, deposits the vehicle owner fingerprint beforehand in this system the information, after verifying the status can start the automobile through the fingerprint ratio, even if robs Che Zei to steal away completely the automobile key is also at a loss. Before the shortcoming is starts the automobile, many ratios to the fingerprint movement, needs to spend 2 seconds. The bandits and thieves do not have the means to obtain your fingerprint, he does not have the means to steal away your vehicle. Actually, so long as the bandits and thieves stole vehicle owners key to be possible to explain any security means that only then biological recognition, only then the fingerprint automobile security could protect your love vehicle truly. At present, in the market GPS satellite positioning system is the present domestic and foreign most advanced security installments, the GPS system has the vehicles localization, instead to plunder the warning, the network security, in the remote control flameout, the vehicle to monitor, to come to anchor the rescue, the state of roads information, the manual guidance, the vehicles,inquiry and so on many kinds of functions. The GPS satellite positioning automobile burglary protection system belongs to the network type security, it mainly serves the security purpose depending on the fixed ignition or the starting, but simultaneously may also through the GPS satellite positioning system, the alarm message and the warning vehicles silent transmits in the position to the warning center. The expert reminds, this kind of security technical name is called to be very resounding, although has the security function, but uses is not very practical, moreover the price is also expensive, the actual function is not big. The satellite tracing burglary protection system, is mainly the automobile equipment repayment system, by way of the satellite screen, demonstrates the vehicles position, therefore acts according to is the victim in the vehicle to have installs the satellite tracking system, is all transmits the system to destroy, is the power source is shut off, causes the satellite to be unable to trace automobiles concrete position, namely loses the security effectiveness, moreover the price is expensive, the light installs a set not to bring display monitors GPS to need to spend 6000-7000 Yuan, but every year must pay the nearly thousand Yuan service fees to the GPS system Service company, the soaring purchase spends with the working cost lets many vehicle owners shrink back at the sight, the economic efficiency is bad. The electronic warning security arises at the historic moment. The automobile electron burglary protection system was Canada has supposed burglary protection systems control circuit in the original central door locks foundation, controlled at the same time which the automobile moved and reports to the police. The electron security is at present a more ideal security installment. If has on the committing a theft burglary automobile or automobiles goods, the burglary protection system will not only have the cut-off start-up circuit, the electric firing circuit, to blow the electric circuit, the feed electric circuit and the speed change electric circuit, will apply the brake to deadlock and so on function, simultaneously, will also send out the acousto-optic signal which different will pray for rescue to carry on the warning, for the thief in a spirits attack, will prevent the thief to commit a theft. The film threading type, the pressed key type and the remote control type and so on belong to the electronic formula security. The remote control type automobile security characteristic is may control remotely the security complete function, reliable convenient, may have vibration functions and so on detection gating protection and microwave or infrared probe head. Along with the technical fast development, the remote control type automobile security also increased many convenience practical attachment function, for example: In the remote control controls the doorlock, the remote control to deliver puts the cold warm braw, the remote control electrically operated windows and doors and to control remotely the baggage compartment and so on. Now in the market had the bidirectional function electron security, not only this kind security can control remotely the vehicles by the vehicle owner, the vehicles can also transmit own condition gives the vehicle owner, for example the vehicle door is opened or the glass glass is destroyed and so on. But the electronic security universal existence reports to the police by mistake the phenomenon, moreover also does not have on to solve the vehicles to lose the question radically. First T the Ford sign passenger vehicle is robbed from the world the start, steals the vehicle to become nowadays in the city one of most common criminalities. Automobile quantity increases, the vehicles quantity which robs year by year are also risen, this brings the enormous astatic factor to the society, worried that the vehicles are robbed, become puzzle each automobile user the difficult problem. Along with open cars unpopularity, the automobile door lock has been unable into absolutely safe hard general, causes the vehicle door to lock systems concept to further desalinate, from the automobile security also arises at the historic moment. Now in the market each kind of electron security is dazzling, the sales volume best electron security lock then buys between 300 Yuan to 400 Yuan. In the market on many new style passenger vehicles already had installed now the original factory automobile security, on some vehicles key has the security chip, along with the adaptable unblanking password, causes to rob the vehicle thief to be unable with the technical method unlocking, but this kind of key, once loses can only depend on vehicles user register card to match set of keys again to the original factory. In the newest technical data said that some vehicle types already started to use cryptotype IC the card to replace the vehicle key, the vehicle owner, so long as enters the vehicles 3 to 5 meters scopes, security the automatic unlocking, the vehicle owner sits in the vehicle to press down the ignition lock vehicles to start. After the vehicle owner leaves the vehicles 5 meters, the vehicle door will cage automatically. The burglary protection system is not multi-purpose, now many passenger vehicles before leaving the plant the preassemble vehicle to use the computer burglary protection system. When the key chip data and the vehicle carry the computer to save the data match case in advance, the computer will only then inform the system-related to start to work, allows the engine to start. Brings the vehicle to carry the computer burglary protection systems passenger vehicle not to need to install the electron again security. If is redundant installs, easy and the original vehicle installs the burglary protection system has the system conflict; If must certainly extra install the electron security, please note and the ignition system separates, will otherwise cause the engine to be unable to start and so on breakdowns. If presented the breakdown, do not disassemble voluntarily, welcome eliminate the breakdown code to the specialized service shop use specialized decoder and relieves the breakdown.


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