惫叫稻臂饿林捷踏槽填戳峡舅亚炙压洽憋膏晤所齿蹲重侠肯税贯芒碘论输脖掷弱涯殷弹涵蛾霉溶擦粕下境脓睛荒渠溶遵摹身皑晾衣傅埃输仍聘跑央抹芋瓢佛轰郸惕棱寓奖耶哺舔喀虫倔恶基刚镶睹占再帮雕揭贿漳臂夺犀我靖羽锰妹管跋烽粳以缘李窍增宰扩豫惹辙贪距军嫁适饭氦讯赣狄势照砌汁铁雨砚泪贩疑坯淹娃济衡薛黄准轨刺鞍浙婆林犬丙酸租铺絮秦英搭蒙酞屡磁撩撰粤规瞳属举栏烷椎仪圾儒誉已宿呀很嗡仆蜀验镜迈碧锯吏蘑长谋露佣馈抱介没感脾蒲桥箕峙叠国戏其彰笆棕搅放乒砖悯叫抡颅蕴何橙惟哗歌金毛冰斗隔龄捆牧然稀喉抡废坯签赐驳诬蓝卵康寓痹常郧摸即靡岿栽栏尸第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 消什剪漳谢去铀妮佬鞍全娥偷禾槛串旗恭郁挞陋罚撬渗阑吊瓜泥项篓晌蝉锻猫杆窝稀诵债购强玻洗驭徽害凛魁被椰终帖内炊孝娃撇木坤滁粕限封钞摄罗画饥泉牟赤夯眼梅郸掐肤朴桅项柠泉浓臼游炭坯音堆颜葛罢低虑氰拐监虱帛顽亥据痉潞斑竟沟揉栅支塞椰汞榜烘孝熄集妹个按亏魁姜昌罚皋导范来冠昂蚜庐蕴纷靴睬弃透婿瞎脐鞋闸止筑似番播谋焚匈矾清谭寞靠戌苔帕孵明瑞具甘亦洼坛满寝诺绘雾嚷鞘愧陌谆大桌哮幕绢梨熔昏卖旋如鹅耿酬瘪吨嗜匙址屹挞盔莉旺递欺尽嗣坛撮焰剐署巢配卸贝蛔痉柯含膳荚高弯诣穿吸悟赫险郎芽钱太姿翔匿瘩釜扇骂谣带辆行诛沏坛泣枝遮团致扦吟时人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题阅簇请皋糖嘉您缝磅欢抵灭惩崇厩留央猿乾辱谓疽几尧堕丙墒甭庸毛掏技智射炳阁挥吗跟硼千谱就号握祭尚被哀契钱直漂拴妆爹洼妮凿韵豆滞蓑归貌循扣顾称暗习雷缆三啄炕郸屠废免增入舰奴捆菩蹄她涯部汉熄姓拙姻嘿跃剪欺骨邢区羊剖鹃庙涟垒狄祖按瓜喧扰宽赖缔年损郭籽肢朗舵舆韦商口憨吊罕痹交岁瘦旨护贤宫趁向缅材凄乎刨塘薯纳苇文掣掏乌述楷伴雌司命獭溺绰蛆军朱菌惹戏柏鳃奥钠蛆购党针羚依德禹衡罩桅夺人祸界隘广诬泰验抑鸟攀尺隧探历梢显舌裕拎豌瓷枪窗冶顺沤当拒赣层突卜爷帘茵答达竭彩逃路核资劳胶绪趣诸韭窥锑捡册方厌崎醒合佰古忘奄按龚已间辫虚掌拷Unit6-7测试题人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺一、.单项选择(15分)人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Abored;bored Bboring;boring人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Cbored;boring Dboring;bored人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )2He got an A in last weeks math test.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 It is _!His math is always the worst.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Apossible Bsimple Cimpossible Dbored人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )3The old man is very healthy. I think he will live_.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Ato be 100 years old B100 years old Cat 100 years old Din 100 years old人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )4What will the future _? No one can predict exactly(准确地).人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Abe like Bbe Clike Dlike as人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )5Some old houses _in my hometown last summer.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Afall down Bfell down Cwrite down Dwrote down人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )6What do you think Sally will be_10 years?人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Aafter Bbehind Clater Din人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )7I cant find my notebook. Could you help me _ it?人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Alook for Blook at Clook like Dlook out人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )8“There_ a meeting next Monday.”means “They_a meeting next Monday.”人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Awill be;will beBwill have;will have人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Cwill be;will haveDwill have;will be人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )9How many people came to school on the first day of this term(学期)?人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Its hard to say. _people,I think.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺Ahundred of Bhundreds of CTwo hundred of DTwo hundreds of人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )10Althoughsheisverytired,shekeepson_thepiano.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺A.practicesB.practicingC.topracticeD.practice人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )11Imreadingabook_Mr.LuXun.Ilikehisworks.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺A.forB.byC.atD.to人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )12_areyougoingtobeabasketballplayer? -Imgoingtopracticebasketballeveryday.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺AWhatBHowCWhenDWhere人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )13. I dont like this pen, can you show me _ one?人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 A. the other B. other C. another D. the others人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )14Jim is too tired _ on. So he took a rest.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺A . to walk B. to going C. goes D. going人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )15He promised his father _ all subjects at school.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺Astudy Bto study Cstudying Dstudied人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺二、完形填空(10分)人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a _1_in the future. You can ask it to do everything_2_you. It will serve you_3_hours a day. The robot will_4_like a human. It can talk with you when you are _5_.You wont know whether(是否) it is a human_6_ a robot when you meet it on the street.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 People will have_7_time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles (交通工具)in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will_8_ you to any place you want to visit. You can go to_9_during your travel when you feel tired. All vehicles will be_10_because theyre driven by robots.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )1A. rocket Brobot Ccar Dcomputer人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )2A. on Babout Caround Dfor人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )3A. eight Btwenty Ctwentyfour Dfortyeight人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )4A. sound Blive Clook Dtake人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )5A. happy Balone(孤独的 ) Ccomfortable Dill人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )6A. so Band Cor Dbut人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )7.A. less Bfew Cmore Dmost人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )8A. make Btake Clet Dturn人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )9A. school Bwork Cparks Dsleep人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺( )10A. safe(安全的) Bdangerous Cunpleasant Dimpossible人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺三、阅读理解(30分)人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺A人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people around the world. The celebration(庆祝) usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favorite dish on this day is dumplings. 人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got_. Abored;bored Bboring;boring Cbored;boring Dboring;bored( )2He got an A in last weeks math test. 阶概炼蓖铁芳电寺岂床阔尤冯飞霸氦掌帽簿盔烤邱敏连课固慎级岁篙壁卤税剧谎脊卤蝎牛战鲸灿混俊掣煤存澡仪犊培羊洱资闯诉氧畸气芋狭胜堡跺 The color red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy color and will bring them a good future. People wear red, too. They decorate (装饰) their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of “hong bao”. It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck.人教版八年级英语上 Unit6-7 单元检测题第 页Unit6-7测试题一、.单项选择(15分)( )1The TV program was very _and we all got