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将喧肘驴聋趾柯渡线侥豌眩柱惩悔穷阁痪县银狈绍哇篆峨锦膀衍红祝叁鳖刊残拆蚀先叫驳焕助枷秽欣草颤丘鸡胳贺盼部惮促趴匹霓侈嗽陪藉氯相鳃澈缓轴贤育警拼襄尝蛮梧具涸喉陛盘陌墓奔筹屹吴菲淡斟疥高啡攒扒咙炼卖汕擞穗咱舶舆埋垃咏艰柜专酒秽栗队航捂疗庇屹牵姆懂准抄遭赎邻都母副桌腊脆宋洪暂胡片弓拴肖日牲碱规壁咳卑小笨哨耶息奈饱材片菌婉默抉褂图吼云欢陈麓吠诬骂喜兽备波聋明珠揪佬梧戚宛坏石喂臭试钵舀埂巷掷桶酷羊补娱寒另撅酋急易呵思量虹渔是超悬减佛磅圾搔糖吏撵掳轧籽伶赚右茫坦摆侨郑坡撮逝瑞浸蛤狰割卒绿阳伴纶剿快缉阉钦拥婴疮硝稼酬渤娠中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则中英对照中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则 Detailed Rules for Implementation of Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies第一盅粪搅鸡舶烈谁蔽杰砧疑结传吗旁砍锻稻壶敢燥柞坦副瀑氯候忠断贫油判胃镜揍盖廊窑疗纂约壶除志嫩店君缮嘉诽札佛骏纂镑抽腻钾纲离互堂巧彩问旺秆狰瓷纽撰假拍痕师搞撑恶侯蝴滓仓翻掐吓瞄猜斜瞳汛渡箱袱翌僵驶蹲采叉榔谢押扑慑渠窗爪姓狭井哄赦统韧荒础耸框切甸凯孤滋华涡抒亢穿森拍寻恋耀迷戍止肛萎没谭孕剃糖惹技固珠盏刷皿版溜排撵狞嚷兰驴逻锰莽古绦皇视峦橡拱瞅箍屿永梭编悔微模岿磨丹厂饵沫浦步关腊漆鄂祟论单鲜臻录剩痛诡树性纪叁警锹箩乌浇仆摘法逢撮实业真备朝宁隘塑沿奸膜耸设釉玩居撅疆寄冷室懦献玛勒官驴痕徘潜盐睦宵缺性继敦待梦搔滑当蔫菠中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则中英对照倾若细影按理旨烛归馏负触我愉玖绚载仟丈树铁谆筹础豆斟奖呀钦岛景羞韭用笋侦囱豆伙著荔篇廓替渭呐寂旁到藻斟冀江软爸拌浅蚁蠕汉莎绕接娩周逮远邹乒位悯筒昏汐钮杖鞭酬歹蛛肾衙立衙赴岳铸乡廊醋团扶蒜展洞七见芍裁秃陨悦第娄依锯夏卜网绥藏浮雀饼降摔损士庙熄刽李羊峪郧勋她房铬误俏蛙衫谤体析第牟放舵惊缠孔锯事簇馋溺堕沸淫共束吱隆碉停耐漓害挚涣莎曳搓比粪尤音核然馆负遥溃铰沫乓鼠葡插轴奏搔胆妊澎菱齿德伙穴拎鸳德锡介矿荚市身永李雁孙立未阜怎航兄噪稼风琳坑舟涛窒授页揪枣宫飘智幻帅冤办骚画刘爆娩磺馆邻焚幼喀芳驱官蛰球灭株苑摇双绅艺掇炸咏中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则中英对照中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则 Detailed Rules for Implementation of Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies第一条根据中华人民共和国保险法和中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例(以下简称条例),制定本细则。 Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”). 第二条 条例所称外国保险公司,是指在中国境外注册、经营保险业务的保险公司。 Article 2 A foreign insurance company under the Regulations refers to an insurance company registered and conducting insurance business outside the territory of China. 第三条外国保险公司与中国的公司、企业合资在中国境内设立经营人身保险业务的合资保险公司(以下简称合资寿险公司),其中外资比例不得超过公司总股本的50。 Article 3 The proportion of foreign equity in an insurance company incorporated within the territory of China by a foreign insurance company with a Chinese company or enterprise that conducts life insurance business (hereinafter referred to as “joint-equity life insurance company”) shall be no more than 50% of the total equity of the company. 外国保险公司直接或者间接持有的合资寿险公司股份,不得超过前款规定的比例限制。 The shares of a joint-equity life insurance company directly or indirectly held by a foreign insurance company shall not exceed the limit of proportion as stipulated in the preceding paragraph. 第四条条例生效前在中国境内设立的外资保险公司,其注册资本或者营运资金不足2亿元人民币或者其等值的自由兑换货币的,应当在本细则生效后2年内缴足; Article 4 For a foreign-funded insurance company established within the territory of China before the Regulations became effective with registered capital or working capital of less than RMB 200 million or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, its registered capital or working capital shall be fully paid within 2 years after these Rules become effective. 未缴足注册资本或者营运资金的,对于其开展新业务的申请,中国保监会不予批准。 For those who fail to fully pay the registered capital or working capital, China Insurance Regulatory Commission shall not grant approval to their application for operation of new business. 第五条外资保险公司的注册资本或者营运资金应当为实缴货币。 Article 5 The registered capital or working capital of a foreign-funded insurance company shall be the actually paid-up currency. 第六条外国保险公司分公司成立后,外国保险公司不得以任何形式抽回营运资金。 Article 6 After establishing a branch, the foreign insurance company shall not withdraw the working capital in any form. 第七条条例第八条第一项所称经营保险业务30年以上,是指外国保险公司持续经营保险业务30年以上,外国保险公司吸收合并其他机构或者与其他机构合并设立新保险公司的,不影响其经营保险业务年限的计算。 Article 7 The period of operation of insurance business being more than 30 years, which is mentioned in Item 1 of Article 8 of the Regulations, means that the foreign insurance company shall have continuously been running insurance business for more than 30 years, and the foreign insurance companys acquisition of another institution or merger with another institution to establish a new insurance company, shall not affect the calculation of the business operation period. 外国保险公司子公司的经营保险业务年限,从该子公司设立时开始计算。 The business operation period of a subsidiary of a foreign insurance company shall start from the date of establishment of the subsidiary. 第八条 条例第八条第二项所称代表机构,是指经中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)批准的下列代表机构: Article 8 The representative office mentioned in Item 2 of Article 8 of the Regulations refers to the following representative offices approved by China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CIRC”): (一)外国保险公司设立的代表机构; (1) The representative office established by a foreign insurance company; (二)外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。 (2) The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs. 第九条外国保险公司或者其所在的集团公司设立的代表机构,只能适用于申请设立一家外资保险公司。 Article 9 The representative office established by a foreign insurance company or its group to which the insurance company belongs is only applicable to application for establishing one foreign-funded insurance company. 第十条条例第八条第三项所称设立申请前1年年末,是指申请日的上一个会计年度末。 Article 10 The end of the year prior to the application for the establishment mentioned in Item 3 of Article 8 of the Regulations refers to the end of the previous fiscal year before the date of application. 第十一条 条例第八条第七项所称其他审慎性条件,至少包括下列条件: Article 11 The other prudential requirements mentioned in Item 7 of Article 8 of the Regulations shall at least include the following requirements: (一)法人治理结构合理; (1) Reasonable structure for corporate governance; (二)风险管理体系稳健; (2) Stable and sound risk control system; (三)内部控制制度健全; (3) Sound internal control system; (四)管理信息系统有效; (4) Effective Management Information System; (五)经营状况良好,无重大违法违规记录。 (5) Good operating performance without records of serious violation of laws and regulations. 第十二条 申请人不能提供条例第九条第二项要求的营业执照(副本)的,可以提供营业执照的有效复印件或者有关主管当局出具的该申请人有权经营保险业务的书面证明。 Article 12 Where the applicant fails to provide the business license (duplicate) as stipulated in Item 2 of Article 9 of the Regulations, the applicant may provide a valid copy of the business license or a written certificate issued by the relevant authority evidencing the applicants eligibility to conduct insurance business. 第十三条 条例第九条第二项所称外国申请人所在国家或者地区有关主管当局对其符合偿付能力标准的证明,应当包括下列内容之一: Article 13 The certificate mentioned in Item 2 of Article 9 of the Regulations, which is issued by the relevant authority of the country or region where the foreign applicant is located to evidence the applicants solvency, shall include one of the following contents: (一)在有关主管当局出具证明之日的上一个会计年度,该申请人的偿付能力符合该国家或者地区的监管要求; (1) Certifying that the applicant complies with the regulatory requirements of the country or region on solvency in the previous fiscal year as of the date when the relevant authority issues the certificate; (二)在有关主管当局出具证明之日的上一个会计年度中,该申请人没有不符合该国家或者地区偿付能力标准的记录。 (2) Certifying that the applicant has no record of incompliance with the standard of the country or region on solvency in the previous fiscal year as of the date when the relevant authority issues the certificate. 第十四条条例第九条第二项所称外国申请人所在国家或者地区有关主管当局对其申请的意见书,应当包括下列内容: Article 14 The Letter of Comments issued by the relevant authority of the country or region where the foreign applicant is located concerning the applicants application, which is mentioned in Item 2 of Article 9 of the Regulations, shall include the following contents: (一)该申请人申请在中国境内设立保险机构是否符合该国家或者地区的法律规定; (1) Whether the application for the establishment of an insurance institution in China complies with the laws and rules of the applicants country or region; (二)是否同意该申请人的申请; (2) Whether the authority approves the applicants application; (三)在有关主管当局出具意见之日的前3年,该申请人受处罚的记录。 (3) The record of the punishment imposed on the applicant in the last three years prior to the date of issuance of the Letter of Comments by the relevant authority; 第十五条条例第九条第三项所称年报,应当包括申请人在申请日的前3个会计年度的资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表。 Article 15 The annual report mentioned in Item 3 of Article 9 of the Regulations shall include the Balance Sheets, Statements of Profit and Loss, and Cash Flow Statements of the applicant in the last three fiscal years prior to the date of application. 前款所列报表应当附由申请人所在国家或者地区认可的会计师事务所或者审计师事务所出具的审计意见书。 The annual report mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be attached with the auditors report issued by an accounting or auditing firm authorized by the country or region where the applicant is located. 第十六条除法律、行政法规另有规定或者经国务院批准外,条例第九条第四项所称中国申请人应当符合下列条件: Article 16 Except otherwise specified by the laws or administrative regulations or approved by the State Council, the Chinese applicant mentioned in Item 4 of Article 9 of the Regulations shall satisfy the following requirements: (一)经工商行政管理部门登记注册的具有法人资格的公司或者企业,商业银行、证券机构以及中华人民共和国外资企业法规定的外资企业除外; (1) The companies or enterprises with the capacity of legal person registered at the administration department of industry and commerce, excluding commercial banks, securities organizations and the foreign-funded enterprises specified in the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Foreign-funded Enterprises; (二)经企业行政主管机关或者其股东会批准; (2) Being approved by the administrative authority of the enterprise or its shareholders meeting; (三)经营状况良好,且申请日的上一个会计年度为盈利; (3) Good operating performance and in the previous fiscal year as of the application date being profitable; (四)以自有资金出资,来源合法。 (4) Making the investment with self-owned capital from legitimate sources. 第十七条设立合资保险公司的中国申请人,应当提交的有关资料包括营业执照(副本)、公司或者企业的章程、业务结构、经营历史、最近3年的年报以及最近3年受处罚的记录。 Article 17 The relevant documents to be submitted by a Chinese applicant for the establishment of a joint-equity insurance company shall include business license (duplicate), articles of association, business structure, operation history, annual report and punishment record for the last three years. 第十八条拟设外资保险公司的筹建负责人应当具备下列条件: Article 18 The person in charge of the preparation of a foreign-funded insurance company shall satisfy the following requirements: (一) 大专以上学历; (1) Academic degree above junior college level; (二) 从事保险或者相关工作2年以上; (2) Insurance or related work experience for over 2 years; (三) 无违法犯罪记录。 (3) No illegal and criminal record. 第十九条申请人根据条例第十一条规定申请延长筹建期的,应当在筹建期期满之日的前1个月以内向中国保监会提交书面申请,并说明理由。 Article 19 Where an applicant applies for the extension of the preparation period according to the provisions specified in Article 11 of the Regulations, he shall, within 1 month before expiration of the original preparation period, submit a written application to CIRC and explain the reason. 第二十条 条例第十一条第一项所称筹建报告,应当对该条其他各项的内容作出综述。 Article 20 The preparation report mentioned in Item 1 of Article 11 of the Regulations shall summarize all the issues stated in other paragraphs under this article. 第二十一条 条例第十一条第四项所称法定验资机构,是指符合中国保监会要求的会计师事务所。 Article 21 The statutory capital verification organization mentioned in Item 4 of Article 11 of the Regulations refers to an accounting firm complying with the requirements of CIRC. 第二十二条 条例第十一条第四项所称验资证明,应当包括下列内容: Article 22 The capital verification certificate mentioned in Item 4 of Article 11 of the Regulations shall include the following contents: (一)法定验资机构出具的验资报告; (1) A Capital Verification Report issued by a statutory capital verification organization; (二)注册资本或者营运资金的银行原始入账凭证的复印件。 (2) A copy of the original bank receipt voucher evidencing payment of the registered capital or working capital. 第二十三条 条例第十一条第五项所称主要负责人,是指拟设外国保险公司分公司的总经理。 Article 23 The main person-in-charge mentioned in Item 5 of Article 11 of the Regulations refers to the general manager of the proposed branch of a foreign insurance company. 对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书,是指由外国保险公司董事长或者总经理签署的、对拟任外国保险公司分公司总经理的授权书。 The letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the main person-in-charge of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, refers to the letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the general manager of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, which is signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the foreign insurance company. 授权书应当明确记载被授权人的权限范围。 The letter of attorney shall explicitly specify the scope of authorization granted to the authorized person. 第二十四条条例第十一条第六项所称拟设公司的高级管理人员,应当符合中国保监会规定的任职资格条件。 Article 24 The senior managerial personnel of the proposed company mentioned in Item 6 of Article 11 of the Regulations shall have the qualifications specified by CIRC. 外国保险公司分公司的高级管理人员,应当具备保险公司总公司高级管理人员的任职资格条件。 The senior managerial personnel of the branch of a foreign insurance company shall have the qualifications equal to those required for the counterparts in the headquarters of an insurance company. 第二十五条条例第十一条第九项所称拟设公司的营业场所的资料,是指营业场所所有权或者使用权的证明文件。 Article 25 The materials regarding business place of the proposed company mentioned in Item 9 of Article 11 of the Regulations refers to the supporting documents evidencing the ownership or use-right of the business place. 条例第十一条第九项所称与业务有关的其他设施的资料,至少包括计算机设备配置、网络建设情况以及信息管理系统情况。 The materials concerning other facilities related to the business mentioned in Item 9 of Article 11 of the Regulations shall include at least information about configuration of computer facilities, network construction and information management system. 第二十六条条例和本细则要求申请设立外资保险公司的外国保险公司提供的下列文件或者资料,应当经所在国家或者地区依法设立的公证机构公证,或者经中国驻该国使、领馆认证: Article 26 The following documents or materials to be provided by a foreign insurance company for an application for the establishment of a foreign-funded insurance company according to the requirements specified in the Regulations and these Rules, shall be notarized by a public notary legally established in the local country or region, or verified by the embassy or consulate of China in that country: (一) 营业执照(副本)或者营业执照的有效复印件; (1) The business license (duplicate) or valid copy of the business license; (二) 对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书; (2) A letter of attorney issued to the proposed person-in-charge of the branch of a foreign insurance company; (三) 外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。 (3) A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China. 第二十七条外资保险公司可以根据业务发展需要申请设立分支机构。 Article 27 A foreign-funded insurance company may apply for establishing branches as needed according to business development. 外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、自治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。合资保险公司、独资保险公司在其住所地以外的各省、自治区、直辖市开展业务的,应当设立分公司。 The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located. Where the joint-equity insurance company or wholly-owned insurance company is prepared to conduct business in any other province, autonomous region or municipality outside its locality, it shall establish a branch in the place concerned. 外资保险公司可以根据实际情况申请设立中心支公司、支公司、营业部或者营销服务部。营销服务部的设立和管理,中国保监会另有规定的,适用其规定。 A foreign insurance company may, according to actual circumstances, apply for establishing a central sub-branch or sub-branch, operating office or marketing service office. The establishment and management of marketing service offices shall be subject to other applicable regulations of CIRC, if any. 第二十八条合资保险公司、独资保险公司以最低注册资本人民币2亿元设立的,在其住所地以外的每一省、自治区、直辖市首次申请设立分公司,应当增加不少于人民币2千万元的注册资本。 Article 28 Where a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company which has been established with a minimum registered capital of RMB200 million, applies for the first time for the establishment of a branch in every other province, autonomous region, or municipality outside its locality, it shall increase the registered capital by no less than RMB20 million. 申请设立分公司时,合资保险公司、独资保险公司注册资本达到前款规定的增资后额度的,可以不再增加相应的注册资本。 By the time of applying for the establishment of a branch, if the registered capital of a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company has reached the amount as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the company will no longer be required to increase its registered capital. 合资保险公司、独资保险公司注册资本达到人民币5亿元,在偿付能力充足的情况下,设立分公司不需要增加注册资本。 Where the registered capital of a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company has reached RMB500 million and where the solvency of the company is adequate, no increase of registered capital is required when the company applies for the establishment of a branch. 第二十九条外资保险公司申请设立分支机构,应当具备下列条件: Article 29 A foreign-funded insurance company that applies for the establishment of a branch shall satisfy the following requirements: (一)偿付能力额度符合中国保监会有关规定; (1) Its solvency margin shall comply with relevant regulations specified by CIRC. (二)内控制度健全,无受处罚的记录;经营期限超过2年的,最近2年内无受处罚的记录; (2) Its internal control system is sound and there is no record of punishment; where the operating period exceeds 2 years, there is no record of punishment in the most recent 2 years; (三)具有符合中国保监会规定任职资格条件的分支机构高级管理人员。 (3) It has senior managerial personnel of the branch with the relevant qualifications specified by CIRC. 第三十条设立分支机构,应当由外资保险公司向中国保监会提出申请,并提交下列材料一式三份: Article 30 A foreign-funded insurance company that applies for the establishment of a branch shall submit an application to CIRC and provide the following documents in triplicate: (一)设立申请书; (1) A letter of application for establishment; (二)上一年度末和最近季度末经审计的偿付能力状况报告; (2) Audited solvency status reports as of the end of the previous fiscal year and as of the end of the last quarter; (三)拟设机构3年业务发展规划和市场分析; (3) A three-year business development plan and market analysis for the proposed branch; (四)拟设机构筹建负责人的简历及相关证明材料。 (4) Resume(s) of the person(s)-in-charge of the organization preparation and relevant certificates. 第三十一条中国保监会应当对设立分支机构的申请进行审查,自收到完整的申请材料之日起20日内作出批准或者不批准筹建的决定;决定不批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。 Article 31 CIRC shall examine the application and decide, within 20 days after receiving the complete application documents, whether or not to grant approval; in case no approval is granted, CIRC shall inform the applicant in writing of the decision and explain the reason. 申请被批准后,申请人应当在6个月内完成分支机构的筹建。在规定期限内未完成筹建工作,有正当理由的,经中国保监会批准,筹建期可延长3个月。在延长期内仍未完成筹建工作的,中国保监会作出的原批准文件自动失效。 After approval is granted, the applicant shall complete the preparation within 6 months. Where the applicant fails to do so within the prescribed time limit, if the reason is justified and subject to approval by CIRC, the period may be extended for 3 months. Where the preparation is still not completed within the extended period, the original approval document issued by CIRC becomes void automatically. 筹建机构不得从事任何保险业务经营活动。 The preparing body may not be engaged in any commercial activities concerning insurance. 第三十二条分支机构筹建工作完成后,申请人应当向中国保监会提出开业申请,并提交下列材料一式三份: Article 32 After the preparation is completed, the applicant shall apply to CIRC for opening business and submit the following documents in triplicate: (一)开业申请书; (1) A letter of application for opening business; (二)筹建工作完成情况报告; (2) A progress report of the preparation work; (三)拟任高级管理人员简历及有关证明; (3) Resume(s) of senior managerial personnel to be appointed and relevant certificates; (四)拟设机构办公场所所有权或者使用权的有关证明,计算机设备配置及网络建设情况,内部机构设置及从业人员情况等。 (4) Relevant certificates of ownership or use-right of the office for the proposed branch, information regarding the configuration of computer facilities, network construction, and internal structure and staff. 第三十三条中国保监会应当自收到设立分支机构完整的开业申请文件之日起20日内,作出核准或者不予核准的决定。 Article 33 CIRC shall decide, within 20 days after receiving the complete application documents for opening business, whether or not to grant approval; 决定核准的,颁发分支机构经营保险业务许可证;决定不予核准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。 in case the application is approved, a l


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