2020年鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 2What’s this in English第五课时word教案

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2020年鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 2What’s this in English第五课时word教案_第1页
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2020年鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 2What’s this in English第五课时word教案_第3页
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2020年精编鲁教版英语资料课时教案设计 年级_初一 学科_英语课题Unit 2 Whats this in English?Period 5: Self check Revision课型Revision教学目标1知识目标:复习26个字母大小写及发音。掌握复习五个元音字母在开音节和重读闭音节的发音。学生们可以熟练的询问物品名称. 2、技能目标:培养学生通过各种形式的对话,培养学生的交际能力。3、情感态度价值观目标通过渐进的学习以及一点一滴的进步,使学生逐步建立起成功感。教学重 点教学难 点复习五个元音字母在开音节和重读闭音节的发音学情分 析对于复习课,设计很关键。孩子们都期待着把新学期学的知识复习好,所以,孩子们会全力以赴。教学准 备taperecorder,multimedium教学过程: 结合学科特点,体现单元组教学环节,学习内容,时间预测,教师活动,学生活动,自主学习设计,问题探究,单元组合作,同层竞争,人人参与,精讲足练,联系实际,点拨升华, 集体备课个人备课Step 1Self studyLet the students read and learn the sentences,and make conversations by themselves. Step 2 Test and directionsDictate the sentence on the blackboard. Then check together and correct the mistakes. Then read the words and let the students choose the words they hear and circle them.Step 3 Take your showThe students come to the front class and take the show to read the words and practice the conversation. Step 4 GroupworkGet the Ss to practice the conversation with this or that iaccording to the things around the students. Then read the words in 3c and circle the one with different vowel in each group. Step 5Self checkStep 6 Summary and test Homework 1. Continue to remember the words and strucures in the unit2 Finish off the workbook exercises P 10 P11 .3. Finish off the workbook exercises P 10 .(G, H层选做,A,B,C,D,E,F层必做) 小结: 学科知识构板.21世纪教育网Blackboard design(板书设计):Drills:-Whats this/that in English? -Its an orange.-Spell it,please.- O-R-A-N-G-E.-How are you?- Im OK, thanks.反思与重建附:1、 课前检测题:翻译下列句子1. 这用英语怎么说? 这是一个橘子。2. 请把它拼写一下。3. 你身体好吗?4. 我很好,谢谢。2、 课堂检测题: 1. A: -Whats this in English?B: -Its a _.A:-Spell_,please.B: J-A-C-K-E-T.2. A: -Whats that in English?B: -Its a _.A:- _ it,please.B:M-A-P三、作业设置:1. Continue to remember the words and strucures in the unit 2 Finish off the workbook exercises P 10 P11 .3. Finish off the workbook exercises P 10 .(G, H层选做,A,B,C,D,E,F层必做)


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