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Unit 6 Jobs (The First Period)教学内容:粤人版四年级下册第45页一、教学目标1.语言知识目标:1)会理解,会听,会说,会读,会写 Vocabulary 中短语 a taxi driver a firefighter a police officer a writer an office worker a doctor a nurse a teacher What do you do ? Im a taxi driver.2) 运用表达身份和理想的句型 What do you want to be ? I want to be a nurse. What do you do ? Im a taxi driver 2.语言技能目标: 1) 能听、说、读、写。能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的单词、话语。 2)能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短对话。 3)能认读所学单词,能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词和短语 3. 学习策略目标:1)运用Phonics 学习新单词,2)能够灵活运用所学单词或短语表达身份和理想句型What do you want to be ? I want to be a nurse. What do you do ? Im a taxi driver.4.情感态度目标:1)通过学习本单元认识各种职业。2)通过出示各种职业,教育学生对各行各业的尊重。5.文化意识目标: 了解中西职业的英语表达,以及中西职业的不同。(上下班的时间等)二、教学重点,难点。1. 要掌握表示职业的单词以及表达身份和理想的重点句型a taxi driver a firefighter a police officer a writer an office worker a doctor a nurse a teacher What do you do ? Im a taxi driver.2. 能掌握表达身份和理想的句型并且能够灵活运用What do you want to be ? I want to be a nurse. 三、教学准备1.教师准备:调查学生对职业已经有哪些了解;制作PPT 准备图片,卡片2. 学生准备:复习已学过的职业单词四、教学过程Step 1 Warm- up Greetings.e.g. T:Hello,I am Tim. How are you? Greet to the teacher.Let the students be interested in this class and get ready for the class.2. Lead-in Play a video “What do you want to be ?” To lead in the new topic: Jobs Watch the video.Arouse students interests in jobs.【设计意图:通过课前的教师自我介绍,演唱职业歌曲,活跃课前气氛,复习所学过的职业单词。】Step 2 Presentationa. Lead to the topic: jobs and ask the Ss to help the animals to find a good job in the job fairs.b. Present the new words with some pictures and show them how to read.c. Combine the new words into the sentences: What do you do? What does he / she do? Learn the new words in an interesting way. Help the Ss to master the vocabulary enjoyably.【设计意图:单词教学始终利用语音规则让学生试着朗读、试着拼写。在学习单词的过程中,教师始终在运用功能句型进行询问,让学生去听,为学生做语言上的输入。】Step 3 Practicea. Lead students to practice the new words in the dialogues with teacher and partners.Is your mother a/an_?What does she do?b. Sing a song: P47 What does he do?Firstly practice the dialogue with the teacher and then with the partners. Secondly sing the song together.Strengthen new words in dialogue and the song.Game time Boom game hide and seek【设计意图:通过练习和游戏让同学更加大胆、自信的语言输出。】Step 4 ConsolidationAsk students to finish the exercises.Finish the exercises.Consolidate new words through some exercises.【设计意图:进行转述汇报为学生创设了真实的情境,运用英语进行交际。】Step 5 SummaryA. Summarize the content.a taxi driver a firefighter a police officer a writer an office worker a doctor a nurse a teacher What do you do ? Im a taxi driver.Step 6 Homework 1Copy the new words 3 times. Use the new word to make sentences . Read the new words and sing the song to your parents五、板书设计What do you do ? Im a taxi driver.What do you want to be ? I want to be a nursea taxi driver a writera firefighter an office workera police officer a doctor a nurse a teacher


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