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21春北京中医药大学英语2平时作业2答案The skin loses its _ appearance as we grow older.A.youthfulB.youthC.youngerD.youngTaxi drivers are usually _ with shortcuts.A.similarB.sameC.famousD.familiarSmoking is a _ cause of lung cancer.A.principleB.principalC.importantD.definiteStudents are expected to _ their classes on time.A.presentB.goC.followD.attendI want to know more about the hotel, but where can I get the _.A.situationB.informationC.explanationD.conversationHow long does it _ to travel from Beijing to Shanghai?A.wantB.takeC.spendD.costI cannot judge a person just on the _ of his education.A.thingB.situationC.conditionD.basisHe asked us if we would _ to share a room together.A.thinkB.receiveC.agreeD.acceptThe woman began to _ because her son was late coming home.A.worryB.troubleC.take careD.careI shall be glad when the concert _.A.was brought to an endB.drew to a closeC.draws to a closeD.brings to a closeIts no use _ the past.A.to dwellB.thinking ofC.dwelling onD.dwellingThe idea sounds good, but will it work _?A.practicalB.out of practiceC.in practiceD.by practiceDont _ about getting dinner for me today.A.puzzleB.interrupC.interfereD.botherHis firm _ helps him avoid repeating such a mistake.A.solutionB.revolutionC.resolveD.evolutionIts a difficult business _ in time.A.to be ready with everythingB.that everything is readyC.in getting everything readyD.getting everything readyJohns back home _; he wont go away again.A.once moreB.once and for allC.once againD.onceIndustry cannot develop until more trained engineers are _.A.practicableB.possibleC.permissibleD.availableWhenever I have to make a speech, I get butterflies in my _.A.stomachB.mindC.heartD.headPain is _ when one breaks a bone.A.unavoidableB.essentialC.criticalD.avoidable_ he realized what she meant, he would be angry.A.WhatB.SinceC.OnceD.AfterThe old man has nothing to _ but a small pension.A.rest inB.live onC.feed onD.fall onThe man was so ill, he was lucky to _ his operator.A.vanished fromB.suffer fromC.come throughD.come acrossWho did you think will _ now that the government has been dismissed?A.take upB.take overC.take outD.take backHypocrisy cant _ his evil-doing.A.protectB.pretendC.maskD.controlBuses into town run _ twenty minutes or so.A.someB.otherC.everyD.eachI never _ meeting you on such occasion.A.played withB.planned forC.longed forD.dreamed ofThough he didnt feel very well, he _ that he be present at the opening ceremony.A.suggestedB.insistedC.determinedD.declaredThe convict was _ from prison after serving his sentence.A.relievedB.releasedC.refusedD.drivenThe money in itself _ to us; what really counts is your friendship.A.means nothingB.doesnt supplyC.doesnt matterD.doesnt countHe has adopted one orphan _ his three children so that, all together, he has four children.A.instead ofB.exceptC.besidesD.besideThose _ close-fitting white caps are nurses.A.were wearingB.were putting onC.were dressed inD.dressed inIt was this spirit which _ the darkest moments of the war.A.pulled them throughB.pulled them out ofC.pulled them intoD.pulled themI remember _ for the job, but I forgot the exact amount.A.to have got pa1idB.to be paidC.me to be paidD.being paidI dont think you need take it too seriously. He _ funny.A.was just to beB.was just beingC.was justD.had just beenPlease stay _.A.to seatB.seatingC.seatedD.being seated_ is money to him when he is dying.A.what goodB.What the useC.Whats the point ofD.Whats the good ofThe military life agreed _ Marcel.A.withB.toC.onD.inI am sure youd be the first to be sorry if anything was to _ him.A.happen uponB.happen toC.happen onD.happened toThe drowning of Maurience had _ last May.A.taken the placeB.taken placeC.occurredD.happened toThe students and graduates _ to raise money when the gym burned down.A.put in forceB.joined forces withC.joined forcesD.come into forceOf the French symbolists I have never had any _ or accurate knowledge.A.in detailsB.in detailC.detailedD.detail_ he may be, he will be happy.A.WhoeverB.WhateverC.WheneverD.WhicheverThe writing class was conducted _ a twice-a-week basis.A.forB.inC.atD.onThis will _ a good opportunity for them to exchange their experience.A.chooseB.seizeC.demandD.provideThe nurse _ his pain by giving him a cooling drink.A.avoidedB.relievedC.resistedD.boreThe scientists _ the fossils closely to determine their age.A.handedB.drewC.handledD.approachedAll the books in the resources room of the English Department are arranged in alphabetic _.A.placeB.conditionC.orderD.formIn a _ of self-pity, he cried over his poor childhood.A.burstB.thrustC.rushD.dashShe was speaking to a crowd when she _ someone called her behind.A.hearB.would hearC.heardD.had heardHe broke _ to clear his throat and then went on with his speech.A.upB.downC.offD.awayCan you give me _ was left?A.all thatB.thatC.what thatD.it thatThe lady came to ask for_ eggs.A.more fewB.few moreC.more a fewD.a few moreIts _ that he will succeed.A.high likelyB.high possiblyC.highly probablyD.highly likelyConsumers should do _ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods.A.far moreB.far lessC.some moreD.much lessI didnt expect him to _ his intention.A.releaseB.suggestC.indicateD.revealWe are both looking forward _ next week.A.to be going on vacationB.to go on vacationC.to going on vacationD.to have gone on vacationHis chief difficulty _ people ignorant of Jeans machinations.A.lie in keepingB.lies in keepingC.lay in keepingD.lay at keepingIt was thought _.A.of impossibleB.of as impossibleC.as impossibleD.up as impossible_ at Harvard, with his first year there, he began again to write poetry for the first in a dozen years.A.He was busyB.As being busyC.Busy as he wasD.Being busyHe couldnt resist the _ to steal the jewel.A.intentB.indicationC.temptationD.desireIn history, past and present, those who start an aggressive war all come to a bad _.A.conclusionB.endC.finishD.doomThe newspaper states that prices of all farm products are expected to go _ soon.A.downB.backC.byD.down withHe _ me with neglecting my duty.A.accusedB.chargedC.criticizedD.blamedIt was _ that his faith in the Government was severely shaken.A.definiteB.distinctC.evidentD.decisiveAfter failing four times, I _ passed my driving test.A.lastB.graduallyC.eventuallyD.eventfullyDuring the inspection I said something that I now wish I could _.A.takeB.unsayC.talkD.sayMay I have the _ of dancing with you?A.delightB.pleasureC.approvalD.agreementJoan was the only girl who wore a formal dress at the party, and she felt _.A.out of questionB.out of sightC.out of styleD.out of placeAfter practicing for one month, I _ the conclusion that I didnt really fancy civil engineering.A.derived fromB.came toC.built upD.based onMany people still try every means possible to take _ of the free state medical care system.A.changeB.actionC.measureD.advantageShe gave her seven-year-old son 20 dollars for the _ of his schoolbooks.A.arrangementB.publicationC.purchaseD.renewIt does help when a father does his _ at home.A.shareB.pisionC.dutyD.workIts no use arguing with him and so we left him _ in the front room.A.shoutedB.being shoutingC.shoutD.shoutingHe _ a wonderful story to explain his absence.A.made upB.made up forC.found upD.put upThe car is smashed badly and it is no good any more. Thats _.A.no problemB.for certainC.for sureD.sure enoughCan you give me a rough _ of how long it will take to build the boat?A.amountB.ideaC.estimateD.numberWe didnt send you an invitation, as we _ it for granted that you would be coming.A.thoughtB.tookC.madeD.knewThe work is not easy to do; so itll take _ years to accomplish it.A.a quite fewB.quite a fewC.fewD.only a fewThe pine trees were black _ the morning sky.A.againstB.underC.inD.beneathThere was nothing to be seen _ a few lights.A.but forB.butC.except thatD.besidesHe didnt understand the point, _ I had to explain further.A.whichB.whileC.whereuponD.thatHe thinks very _ of me.A.highB.highlyC.heightD.a little highHe failed his exam, _ proves that he wasnt working hard enough.A.whatB.of whichC.whichD.thisOnly by diligence and honesty _ .A.one can succeed in lifeB.one can be succeeded in lifeC.can one succeed in lifeD.one can be successful in life_, and you will see a high building.A.Turning to the leftB.To turn to the leftC.Having turned to the leftD.Turn to the leftTV _ enables you to get to know about the worlds events more vividly. So I advise you to buy one.A.at leastB.at bestC.at mostD.at worstWhat _ the movement of the heavenly objects like the earth, the sun, and the moon?A.contactsB.controlsC.contractsD.communicatesWhat is _ him is that it is difficult to find his son a good job.A.doublingB.dissuadingC.disturbingD.distractingThe news announcer gave a comment on the _ social problems.A.consciousB.confusedC.cautiousD.currentThe old woman was speaking to him kindly _ his own grandmother.A.as ifB.likeC.asD.in orderAt first I didnt like my new job, but after a while I _ enjoy it.A.turn toB.went toC.change toD.got toIt is said that several top officials _ in the bribery.A.were joinedB.were participatedC.were includedD.were involvedWe had a so long and _ political meeting that we felt _.A.exhaustedexhaustedB.exhaustingexhaustedC.exhaustedexhaustingD.exhaustingexhaustingWhat a cold day! Its _ day for a walk.A.not much ofB.not a much ofC.not much of aD.not much aThis picture will _ to you some ideas of the beauty of the scenery.A.passB.handC.giveD.conveyPlease _ a bill for these goods.A.make outB.listC.make upD.write upThe boys were so rude that we decided to _ them.A.neglectB.disregardC.overlookD.ignoreIf you cant do the job yourself, pass it _ to somebody who can.A.throughB.downC.onD.overHis victories in the war _ him the title of The Great.A.earnedB.providedC.offeredD.tookI shall be _ pleased to come to your birthday party.A.tooB.only tooC.onlyD.only just 参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:B


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