Unit 6 单元测试题(1) Unit 6 Do you like bananas

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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(满分:100分)I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案。( )1. _ Bill like eggs? No, he only likes chicken. A. Do B. Does C. Is ( )2. I have _ apple and _ banana for breakfast every morning. A. a; a B. an; a C. the; a ( )3. Eat more vegetables. Theyre _. A. boring B. fun C.healthy( )4. Lets have some _. OK. I like fruit. A. eggs B. chicken C. pears ( )5. We need _ healthy food every day. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lot of( )6. Please _ some dessert to Mary. She likes dessert. A. take B. eat C. watch( )7. Sandra doesnt _ running. She only _ playing tennis. A. likes; like B. like; likes C. likes; likes ( )8. _ vegetable do you like to eat? Cabbage. A. Where B. How C. What( )9. Do Mr Clark and Mrs Clark like fruit salad _ lunch? A. for B. in C. to ( )10. Do the brothers like strawberries? _. But I like strawberries very much. A. Yes, we are B. Yes, they do C. No, they dont ( )11. Jane, _ your brother like oranges? No, he only likes apples. A. is B. does C. do ( )12. What fruit do you like? OK. I like _. A. bananas B. hamburgers C. Eggs( )13. _ do you like after dinner? Ice cream. A. What B. How C. What color( )14. Do your like _? Yes, I do. A. banana B. tomatos C. Milk( )15. John plays sports every day. He doesnt want to _ A. fat B. healthy C. be fat II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Zhang Hua is a Middle School student. She goes to school at 7:30 am. She has lunch 16 , but she has 17 and dinner at home. The time 18 lunch is from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Zhang Hua and her 19 , Lucy, have lunch in the school dining hall (餐厅). The food there is 20 . They like the food. Lucy often has some chicken and a hamburger. But Zhang Hua 21 . She likes to have vegetables and fruit salad. They have 22 classes a day, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. Zhang Hua likes English and Lucy likes 23 . In the evening, Zhang Hua 24 dinner with her parents. They have some vegetables, 25 and meat for dinner. ( )16. A. at home B. in the club C. at school ( )17. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch ( )18. A. in B. to C. for ( )19. A. mother B. grandmother C. friend ( )20. A. many B. great C. difficult ( )21. A. doesnt B. does C. isnt( )22. A. three B. seven C. five ( )23. A. chicken B. food C. math ( )24. A. watches B. likes C.has( )25. A. fruit B. balls C. rooms III. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A 难度:My friend, Tom, has four meals (饭) a day. They are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Lets look at what he has for the meals. MealsBreakfast:Food eggs and milkTime:7:00 am 8:00 amLunch: rice, meat and vegetablesTime:11:30 am 12:30 pmAfternoon tea: bread, fruit and teaTime:3:00 pm 4:10 pmSupper: cereal (麦片), vegetables and fishTime:6:20 pm 7:00 pm阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( )26. Tom usually has _ meal(s) every day. A. one B. four C. three ( )27. Tom has _ for lunch. A. eggs and milk B. rice, meat and vegetables C. cereal, vegetables and fish ( )28. Tom may (可能) have afternoon tea at _. A. 12:10 pm B. 2:30 pm C. 4:00 pm ( )29. The word supper means _. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )30. Tom has supper for _ minutes (分钟). A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 B难度: My name is Dave. I have three good friends, Jack, Tom and Jim. Jack, Tom, Jim and I like different (不同的) food for breakfast. Jack likes cakes, Tom likes fruit, Jim likes eggs and I like vegetables. We all (都) like hamburgers for lunch. We eat hamburgers for lunch every day. Jack, Tom and I also like French fries, but Jim doesnt like them. For dinner, I dont like chicken. But Jack, Tom and Jim do. They all think chicken is very delicious (美味的).根据短文内容,回答下列问题。31. How many (几个) good friends does Dave have?_32. Who likes fruit for breakfast? _33. What do Dave and his good friends all like for lunch?_34. Does Jim like French fries?_35. What doesnt Dave like for dinner?_IV.词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。36. He eats two _ (egg) for breakfast. 37. Barry _(like) fruit salad. 38. Here are some _ (西红柿). 39. Playing sports can make us h_. 40. He is a good _ (run).V. 情景交际(每小题2分,共10分) 根据上下文,将对话补充完整。A: Do you like fruit, Sally?B: Yes, of course I do !A: (41)_?B:I like apples and bananas, but I dont like oranges. A: (42)_ ?B: Yes, I like pears very much.A: And (43)_ what do you like?B: I like running and playing baseball. And I can play baseball well.A: What about soccer?B: Oh, (44)_. Its difficult for me. (45)_ ?A: I like it very much. And I like to watch in on TV too.VI.按要求完成下列句子。 (每小题2分,共20分)46. Does his sister like pears? (作肯定回答) _47. This is an orange. (改为复数形式) _48. I eat apples every day. (把I换成Sally改写句子) _49. He likes ice cream. (改为否定句) _50. Ed plays ball games every afternoon. (改为一般疑问句) _51我的弟弟每天都吃苹果。(中译英) _52. 他们喜欢沙拉吗?(中译英) _53. 那些是胡萝卜。(中译英) _54. 她不喜欢吃冰激凌,因为她不想发胖。(中译英) _55. 午餐你吃什么?(中译英)_VII. 任务型阅读 读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题(每小题2分,共10分)Richard is a light eater (饮食有节制的人). He doesnt eat much. He eats a light breakfast, a light lunch, and a light dinner. Richard is not fat. He is thin. He eats a bowl of cereal with milk I for breakfast. He eats a fish hamburger for lunch. He likes fish. He eats rice and vegetables for dinner. He is healthy. 根据短文内容补全句子。56. Richard is not fat because (因为) _.57. 划线词thin的反义词是_. 根据短文内容回答问题。58. What does Richard eat for lunch? _59. Does Richard like vegetables? _C. 把短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。60. _VIII.书面表达(共10分) 假如你是李梅,你的英国笔友安娜(Anna)来信询问你一日三餐的情况。请根据自己的情况给她写一封回信。 要求:1. 语句通顺,语意连贯;2. 50词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Anna, How are you? Let me tell you about my three meals every day. _Yours, Li Mei答案:I. 1-5 A C C C B 6-10 A B C A B 11-15 B A A C CII. 16-20 CBCCB 21-25 ABCCAIII. 26-30 BBCCA 31. Three. 32. Tom. 33. Hamburgers. 34. No, he doesnt. 35. Chicken. IV. 36.eggs 37. Likes 38. tomatoes 39.healthy 40. runner V. 41.What kind of fruit do you like? 42.Do you like pears? 43.what sports do you like? 44.I dont like soccer. 45. How about you?VI. 46. Yes, she does. 47. These are oranges. 48. Sally eats apples every day. 49. He doesnt like ice cream. 50. Does Ed play ball games every afternoon? 51. My brother eats apples every day.52. Do they like salad? 53. Those are carrots. 54. She doesnt like ice-cream because she doesnt want to be fat. 55. What do you have for lunch?VII.56. he is a light eater57. fat 58. A fish hamburger. 59. Yes, he does.60. 他早饭、午饭、晚饭都吃得少。 VIII.书面表达(共10分)One possible version:Dear Anna, How are you? Let me tell you about my three meals every day. I like healthy food, and I eat lots of healthy food. I have eggs, milk and bananas for breakfast. For lunch, I have rice, chicken, carrots and broccoli. I like noodles. I have noodles, tomatoes and salad for dinner. Yours, Li Mei


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