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全球化背景下全球营销战略对企业的作外文翻译 外文翻译Under the background of globalization global marketing strategy to enterprises role 1. Globalization provides foundations and advantages for enterprises to carry out global marketing strategy. 1.1 Globalization, especially economic globalization and cultural globalization, brings positive influence for enterprise global marketing. This is the foundation of enterprise global marketing. Economic globalization makes the global trade become possible, and cultural globalization influences the customers hobby on merchandise. Both of them provide advantages to enterprises global marketing. 1.2The comparative advantages of globalization provide favorable factors for enterprise global marketing. Economic globalization provides a broad stage for all the countries to bring their comparative advantages into play. Through optimizing resources allocation around the world, enterprises achieve the international division of labor. Comparative advantages make enterprises in different countries choose cheaper capital, which makes enterprises have opportunities to provide more low-priced and high-quality goods for customers and get competitive advantages accordingly. 2Global marketing strategy can effectively improve business performance for multinational corporations around the world This is the prerequisite for the emergence and development of global marketing theory. Although the complexity of empirical test isnt still enough to fully prove this conclusion, the related comprehensive models have been verified and proved that global marketing strategy makes great influence and important contribution on companys business performance. 3For the two theories of marketing strategy, that is country strategy and global strategy. We should cross use them according to actual situation 3.1 There are two extremes of global marketing strategy, that is standardization and adaptive strategy. They tend to different industries and markets respectively, but often cross in reality. The viewpoint of standardization considered market is homogeneous. Therefore, by virtue of standardization, it can get the scale effect in value begetting and creating process such as production, marketing and R&D, and reduce the cost so as to obtain global brand effect. The viewpoint of adaptability considered market difference is obvious and increasing. The multinational corporations should start from market difference of all nations to make market segmentation and positioning, and get competitive advantages through meeting customers requirements. These two extremes of standardization and adaptability are limited to some extent. The more realistic choice for multinational corporations is mixed strategy. Therefore, it can regarded standardization and adaptability as two ends of a continuum. Through investigating the strategic key factors tendency to continuum two ends, it will concretely measure that multinational corporations should adopt standardization strategy or adaptability strategy. 3.2? In multinational corporations strategic level, standardization and adaptability appear as country strategy and global strategy. Multinational corporations confront with two strategic choices in overseas market expansion. Country strategy tends to implement differentiation strategy according to market characteristics of host country. However, global strategy weaken country boundary, and emphasize global division of labor and integration on main management function, also tends to adopt standardized marketing strategy to serve similar markets around the world. With the increasing development of market globalization, more and more enterprises tend to adopt global strategy, but they dont reject appropriate country adjustment. The ultimate goal of global marketing strategy is to make resources allocations utilize imally all over the world. Therefore, the problems involved in global marketing and decision has already far beyond decision making discussion on the pure standardization and adaptability. It should pay more attention to the coordination with other functions 4. In practical operation, the three viewpoints of global marketing strategy should be used in mixture after overall balancing each strategys actual effect Standardization, configuration and integration have their own merits and limitations. In practice, we can consider to cross use. Standardization, configuration and integration are the three basic viewpoints, which essentially focus on different aspects of global marketing strategy, and aim to improve the global business performance of enterprises. Therefore, when developing global marketing strategy, it can also adopt the compatible and complementary viewpoints. 5. IGMS model integrated three viewpoints and two theories of marketing strategy, and helpful for multinational corporations to comprehensively improve the global marketing management level. This model fully considered the influence on internal and external factors for mulitnaitonal corporations to develop global marketing strategy and standardization, resource allocation, coordination of global market, and management by integration. It also considered theoretical and practical problems of global marketing strategy,such as global product development, the global brand positioning, etc. All these make multinational corporations can effectively coordinate the relationship between internal and external environment factors and strategic factors in operation. In conclusion,by virtue of IGMS model, it can effectively reduce unnecessary contradictions ?& conflicts and comprehensively improve the global marketing management level, and ultimately improve the multinational corporations business performance. However, from the rich experience in global marketing strategy, the current global marketing theory included integrated global marketing strategy is not enough to provide overall solutions to problems that multinationl corporations encountered in practice Firstly, ?as a abstract theory, the complete standardization and adaptive strategy are very limited to guide practice. In this field, some scholars have made empirical research on some industries, and pointed out the some characteristics of industry and product in line with standardizationa and adaptive strategy. However, we believe that it still lacks of an unified framework theoretically to make a concrete analysis on applicable conditions of the two strategies. It is also helpful for multinational corporations to distinguish the criterion on standardization and adapatablity and choose appropriate strategies according to different industries and different products when developing strategies. Therefore, establishing a framework to make overall analysis on strategic choice on global marketing standardization and adapatbility has become a burning problem needed to be settled in global marketing practice? Secondly, in theory, it lacks of an index system to quantize international development level for multinational corporations. Since the globalization of multinational corporations is “progressive”and necessray to carry out strategic activities of reasonable resources allocation in every stage with different strategy focus. In practice, how to decide the enterprises internationalization phases on earthAt present, in theory, there isnt a quantifiable index system unitl now. In their studies, schloars didnt make statistical analysis on various business indictators in every stage of multinational corporations,and there is no precedent for establishing the index system to guide practice. Therefore, the index system associated with quantizing multinational corporations development level of interantinalization is also an extremely valuable problem to be studied Thirdly, the comprehensive analysis framework of global marketing strategy, that is integrative global marketing model ?IGMS, whose explaination to industry still need to make empiricial test. As an achievement of current stage in the research field of global marketing strategy, IGMS has made empirical test on multidimensional influence on enterprises overall performance. However, the empirical test isnt involved with the characteristics of models composition and weight difference between the global marketing strategies in different industires. While, industry characteristic plays an important constraint role in strategy formulation, so it need make empicial test on IGMS model through further combining with industry characteristic.Therefore, according to different characteristics of industry and enterprise, how to adjust and weigh the composition of global marketing strategy model is another practical question to be settled in the studies of global marketing strategy ms accumulation of relevant resources and capabilities. Hence, Lenovo began in the initial Mao phase by directing its resources to the sales and service opportunities that generated revenues that not only financed its entrance into manufacturing during the following Gong phase, but also provided an enduring competitive advantage vis-a-vis its foreign and even domestic competitor-namely, its understanding of its customers and unique distribution network. Similarly, its experience in manufacturing not only generated revenues, but also provided the basis for identifying competitively important areas in which to focus R&D efforts during the current Ji phase. The movement into each phase was associated with business opportunities and enabled Lenovo to compete more and more directly with leading firms in the industry. The case shows changes in the capabilities and domains in which a firm competes and also illustrates how the means to acquire new resources and capabilities much change. Initially, Lenovo could compete in sales by relying on other firms products or technology developed by its parent. In order to grow, however, it had to internalize first manufacturing capabilities and then R&D capabilities. This is pushed further as rivals begin to see the newcomer as an emerging threat and restrict access to resources or capabilities that they had earlier proved when the new- comer was seen as a partner. Lenovo also represents the way in which a new entrant may challenge incumbents, especially foreign competitors, by developing resources and capabilities that are especially adapted to the local market. Lenovo accumulated customer knowledge and created a distribution network that has proven nearly impossible for foreign and even most domestic competitors to replicate. It has continued with this strategy as it has extended its capabilities into manufacturing and R&D; namely, a major objective of Lenovos ongoing activities is to develop products that are even more finely attuned to increasingly more specific customer segments. This consistent focus and deepening capability in this regard has also emerged as a significant competitive advantage for Lenovo in the Chinese market. Such extreme adaptation to a particular market, however, may be a liability if the firm wants to expand to new markets, especially those outside its home market. Lenovo, although financially and competitively quite successful in the Chinese market, has only token sales outside of China approximately 10%. It is not clear at this time whether such dominance of domestic over international sales is simply a matter of managerial focus, or an inherent limitation in the competitiveness of Lenovos products in other markets. Although the Chinese market alone promises to be a major growing PC market for the foreseeable future, the possibility that Lenovos products may not match other markets would have to be addressed if or when Lenovo chooses to consider increasing its presence in foreign markets. Finally, the Lenovo case illustrates an alternative path for a new entrant ? whether a spin-off or firm that is diversifying into a new business ? to become an integrated firm. This path begins with downstream activities in marketing, sales and service, and then expands upstream into manufacturing, product development and engineering, and finally research. This is in contrast to the path followed by most of the other firms that were newly established in response to new opportunities created by Chinas transitioning institutional and market environment. These firms began with manufacturing and moved into marketing and sales Xie and Wu, 2003. For example firms such as Changhong, a leading television manufacturer, began by importing production lines and then building their sales and marketing capabilities and, much later if at all, varying degrees of R&D capabilities. Other firms were spin-offs with truly proprietary technology that expanded their capabilities downstream into manufacturing, marketing and sales. The Founder Group Company is one such example of down- stream capability building Lu, 2000. Around the same that Lenovo was founded, this company exploited the pictographic-language electronic publishing systems technology developed by Beijing University researchers and thereby produced Chinas first high-resolution colour electronic publishing systems. Managerial implications Some of the conceptual elements of the Lenovo case have clear implications for management. Two elements ? path dependence and capability building ? should suggest to managers that they clearly link their existing set of resources and capabilities to desired changes in those features that they see as necessary to compete. Finally, after almost 15 years, Lenovo put together an integrated set of functional capabilities, from R&D to manufacturing to sales and service. Furthermore, because it started with sales and service, its current success can arguably be attributed to it first mastering and understanding manufacturing activities before investing significantly in R&D. Furthermore, each step of its expansion into new activities and capabilities was supported by its success in preceding stages. The case also shows how each stage in a firms development of new capabilities requires different strategies and structures for learning. The firm will acquire different capabilities through different means; for example, through acting as a subcontractor to leading firms, collaborating with a partner, acquisitions, licensing or other means. Furthermore, as the firm develops capabilities new functional areas, or broadens the range of capabilities in a particular function, the organization must be restructured to support effective and effective coordination of increasingly diverse activities. The case has lessons that are also particularly relevant for latecomer firms, especially but not only those in developing countries like China. Although investments in R&D may be considered vital to compete at the leading edge of an industry, and governments may even reward investment in R&D, it is necessary to realistically assess the opportunity costs and probably outcomes from such investments by a firm with limited resources compared to those of large multinationals. Firms with limited resources should allocate them to activities and learning efforts that will enable it to compete successfully with its rivals. Developing resources and capabilities that set them apart from otherwise much better funded and endowed rivals represent a better strategic option that attempting to compete on the same basis with such firms. Lenovos investments in distribution and product development attuned to Chinese customers, for example, have so far more than offset the reality that its investments in R&D are very small compared to the R&D expenditures of its multinational rivals. However, in the long term, Lenovo needs more R&D or move to a more R&D-focused model. Firms invest in R&D not only to generate innovations, but also to learn from rivals and external knowledge sources Cohen and Levinthal, 1989, 1990. 译文全球化背景下全球营销战略对企业的作用1.全球化为企业实施全球营销战略提供了基础和有利的条件。1.1全球化,特别是经济全球化和文化全球化,为企业全球营销带来了积极的影响。这是企业全球营销的基础。经济全球化使得全球贸易成为可能,文化全球化影响了顾客对商品的嗜好。 这两者都为企业的全球营销带来了有利的条件。1.2 全球化所带来的比较优势,为企业全球营销提供了有利的因素。经济全球化为各国比较优势的发挥提高了广阔的舞台,企业通过在全球范围内资源的优化配置,实现国际分工。比较优势的存在,促使企业在不同国家选择更廉价的资本。这就使得企业有机会为顾客提供更低价高质量的商品,为企业带来竞争优势。2.全球营销战略可以有效提升跨国企业在全球范围内的经营业绩。这正是全球营销理论产生和发展的必备条件。尽管实证检验由于其复杂性尚不足以完全证实这一结论,但相关的综合模型已经检验并证实了全球营销战略对公司业绩的影响和重要贡献。 3.市场营销战略的两个理论:国别战略和全球战略,应当根据实际情况,交叉使用。3.1全球营销战略的两个极端?标准化和适应性战略分别倾向于不同的产业和市场,但在现实中常有交叉。标准化观点认为市场是同质的,因此通过标准化的战略可以在生产、营销、研发等价值形成和价值创造过程中取得规模效应,降低成本并获得全球品牌效应。适应性的观点认为市场差异是明显的并且不断增大,跨国企业应该从各国市场的差异性出发,对市场进行细分和定位,通过满足顾客的独特需求来获取竞争优势。标准化和适应性战略这两种极端情况都存在一定局限,跨国企业比较现实的选择是混合型战略。因此,可以将标准化和适应性视为一个连续统一体的两端,通过考察跨国企业的战略关键要素对统一体两端的倾向程度,来具体衡量跨国公司所采取的标准化还是适应性战略。3.2标准化和适应性观点在跨国公司战略层面表现为国别战略和全球战略,多国公司在海外市场扩张中面临两种战略的抉择。国别战略倾向于根据进入国家的市场特性实行差异化战略;而全球战略则淡化了国家界限,强调主要管理职能的全球分工和整合,倾向采用标准化的营销战略来服务于全球的相似市场。随着市场全球化进程的加剧,越来越多的企业倾向采用全球战略,但也不排斥进行适当的国别调整。全球营销战略的终极目标是在全球范围内,使公司资源的配置产生最大的效用。因此全球营销涉猎和决策的问题已经远远超出了单纯的标准化和适应性决策讨论的范围,应该更加注重和公司其他职能的协调。4.全球营销战略的三个观点,在实际操作时应当全面平衡各个战略的实际效果,混合使用。标准化观点,配置协调观点,整合观点,各有优点和限制。在实际中可以考虑交叉使用。由于标准化、配置和协调、整合这三个基本观点在实质上是对全球营销战略不同方面的关注,其根本目的都是为提高公司的全球经营业绩,因此,在制定全球营销战略时可以同时采用这种相容互补的观点。5.IGMS模型整合了市场营销战略的三个观点和两个理论,有助于全面提升跨国公司的全球营销管理水平。 该模型比较全面地考虑了跨国企业制定全球营销战略的内外部影响因素和标准化、资源配置、全球市场的协调、整合管理以及全球产品开发、全球品牌定位等全球营销战略的理论和实践问题,使跨国公司在运用全球营销战略时,能够有效地协调内外环境因素及各战略要素之间的关系。总之,通过IGMS模型可以有效地减少各种不必要的矛盾和摩擦,全面提升跨国企业的全球营销管理水平,并最终实现跨国公司业绩的提高。 然而,从全球营销战略的丰富实践中看,现有全球营销理论包括整合的全球营销战略,还不足以全面解决跨国企业在实践中遇到的很多问题。也就是说,全球营销战略以及相关的理论还有很多有待研究和解决的问题。比如: 首先,完全的标准化和适应性战略作为一种理论抽象,在指导实践的过程中表现出很大的局限性。尽管在这一领域,一些学者已经就某些行业进行了实证研究,并指出部分与标准化和适应性战略相适应的行业特性和产品特性。但是,我们认为,理论上还缺乏一个统一的分析框架来具体分析两种战略的适用条件,以便使跨国公司在战略制定过程中针对不同行业、不同产品判别其标准化和适应性的程度以选择适当的战略。因此,制定全球营销标准化和适应性战略选择的全面分析框架已经成为全球营销实践亟待解决的问题。 其次,在理论上缺乏一个可以量化跨国企业国际化发展水平的指标体系。既然跨国公司的全球化是“渐进式”的过程,在战略重点不同的每个阶段都需要进行合理的资源配置等战略活动。那么在实际操作中,究竟如何判别企业所处的国际化阶段?目前,在理论上还不具备上述可以量化的指标体系。学者们的研究中没有出现根据全球化公司各阶段的各项经营指标进行统计分析,并在此基础上建立这种指标体系来指导实践的先例。因此,有关量化跨国企业国际化发展水平的指标体系也是一个极具研究价值的问题。 第三,全球营销战略综合分析框架,即整合


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