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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 6 Topic 1短语Section A1. go on a three-day visit/trip to sp. 去 某地三天的参观 / 旅游2. It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间= sb. spend +时间+doing 某人花费多少时间做某事3. decide on sth. 选定、决定某事4. decide to do sth.=make a dicision to do sth.决定做某事5. find out. 查明;找出,发现;了解6. the cost for 。.的费用7. need to do sth 需要做某事8. over/on the phone 在电话上9. the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式10. plan to do sth.计划做某事11. sth costs sb+钱。某物花费某人多少钱12. start out 启程,出发13. have a picnic 举行野餐活动14. take photos 拍照(take photos of sb/sth给某人/某物拍照)Section B15.book some tickets to .预订一些的票16. arrive in+大地点/at+小地点 到达。=get to sp.(home,here,there前省介词in,at,to)17.at $145 以145元的价格18. pay for/spend .on/doing为。付款,花钱19.rooms with .带有(设备)的房间20.room for three people.适合三人住的房间 Section C21.lucky money 压岁钱22.ask sb for sth 向某人要某物23.borrow sth from.从。借(入)某物24.Its very common to do sth 做某事是非常常见(普遍)的25.raise money for 为某事/某人筹钱(募捐)26.think of.想起,想出。27.useto do sth 用。做。28.at noon 在中午29.serve sth to sb 用款待某人 30.be different from。与。不同31.the best time to do sth 做某事的最佳时间32.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事33.look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事34.hear from sb 收到某人的来信35.at the weekend 在这个周末SectionD36.land safely 安全着陆/靠岸37.on the third day of .在.的第三天37.the next day 第二天Unit 6 Topic 2SectionA1. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事2. prepare for.为.作准备3. be on vacation 在 度假4. make a plan to do sth =plan to do sth 制定计划做某事5. make a plan for.为.制定一个计划6. come along with sb. 跟随某人一起7. knock at.敲(门,窗)8. work out计算出。9. know more about.更多的了解.SectionB10. in the center of.在。中心11. from north to south 从北到南12. the founding of。的成立13. must be 一定是(在)14. be meaningful to对。有意义15. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待的做某事16. how far (路程)多远 Section C17. have to do sth 不得不做。18. look for. 寻找。19. Walk to sp 步行去。20. be surprised at 对。感到惊讶21. take out掏出。/取出。22. in all directions 四面八方23. step on ones feet 踩到某人的脚24. push ones way out 挤出去25. too.to.太。而不能做。26. raise ones head 抬起头27. not.until 直到。才。28. as soon as 一。就。29. the crowd of people 人群30. be famous for 因。而著名31. a lot of=many/much 很多。32. cant help doing sth 忍不住做。33. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事(的情况)Section D34. get up early 早起床35. one and a half hours 一个半小时36. have fun doing sth 开心的做着某事(对做某事有乐趣)37. be/get lost 迷路,丢失38. Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!39. go camping 去野营40. run after. 追赶。Unit6Topic3 SectionA 1.a traffic accident 一次交通事故 2.be (badly) hurt 受(重)伤3.be afraid of doing/be afraid to do 害怕(不敢)做。4.obey/break the traffic rules 遵守/违反交通规则 5.save energy 节约能源6.cause air pollution 引起空气污染 7.agree/disagree with sb 同意/不同意 某人意见 8.have an accident 发生一场事故SectionB9.when/while doing sth 当正做某事时10. wear light-colored clothes 穿浅色的衣服11.get a fine 收到罚单(受到处罚)12.be in danger 处于危险中13.make a rong turn 错误转弯14.on the street 在街道上15.on the left-hand side of.在。的左手边SectionC15. pay attention to sth/doing sth 注意某事(做某事)16. Obey the safty rules 遵守安全守则17. one of the +最高级+复数名词 最。之一18. just for fun 只是为好玩19. bicycle riding骑自行车20. sharewith与。分享(共用)。21. in case of 万一。22. give first aid 进行急救 23.callfor help 打。电话求助24.In a word.总之 25. look out =be careful 当心,小心26.make a call 打电话SectionD27.lendto. 把。借给。28.empty into. 注入。29.go through穿过。Review of Units5-630.wake(sb) up 醒来,叫醒31.if it doesnt rain tomorrow 如果明天不下雨32.a sharp turn to the left一个向左的急转弯33.run into 撞上34.slow down 减速35.To keep from doing sth,为避免做。36.rush to 朝。奔去37.take to把。带去。(某地)专心-专注-专业


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