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嗯Huh?烦死了What the-Avv.噢Oh-我讨厌星期一I hate Mondays.波基掩护我我要行动了Pooky. cover me. Im goin in.预备跳Alley- oop!我爬爬爬嗨B-b-b-b-b-bah. ha!哦睡美人醒来吧Oh. Sleeping Beauty, wake up.你可以不用在梦中和我相会了我已经来到你身边You can stop dreaming about me because Im here. 快点起来吧你还有事要干呢Now.just wake up. Youve got work to do.你不仅是我的主人你还是我的首要养育员Youre not just my owner, youre my primary caregiver.现在-现在不行加菲Now be a- - Not now. Garfield.起啊哈那好吧Get- A-Ah- just- All right.举手之劳太简单r等着瞧吧cut the sweet stuff. Easy now.Just-想抱我嗯Trying to cuddle with me. huh?想逃避你的责任嗯Trying to avoid your duties, huh?其实你不就是想跳上去Well, that just aint gonna. fly!我才不吃这一套It isnt gonna work with m- me.瞧瞧我正在锻炼做我自己的事See. Im getting my exercise, doin myjob.轰天炮来了just one quick cannonball!噢-早上好You the man. You the fella. You the boss.你去告诉她让她知道你的真面目You preach to her. Show her how the cow eats the cabbage. 你这不可救药的笨蛋you hopeless loser.贝蒂今天让我们从瑞典式按♥摩♥开始Betty, today, why dontyou start me off with a Swedish massage. 加上修指甲修修脚行吗a manicure and a pedicure, okay?海藻浴丝瓜Seaweed wrap. loofah.胃部按♥摩♥啊belly rub. uh.给尾巴上点蜡最后再来个足底按♥摩♥tail waxing and then crack my toes to finish.乔恩我有件很重要的事求你jon. theres something important I need to askyou.一件我无法向到大多数上这里来的男生启齿的事Something that I wouldnt ask most guys who come in here. 不等一等我想我知道这意味着什么Wait. no. I think I know where this is going.你知道-是的You do? -1 do.莉斯我早就想问你这件事了Liz. Ive wanted to askyou the same thing for a very long time. 你确定我们讨论的是同一件事情-绝对是Areyou sure that were talking about the same thing? - Absolutely. 是的嗯我这辈子从来没有这样确定过Yeah. uh. Ive never been more sure ofanything in my entire life. 莉斯我已经准备好接受了Liz. I am ready to take a chance.我已经准备好I am ready for-谢谢你Thankyou.是一条狗A dog!一条狗我准备好接受一条狗A dog. Im readyfora dog.嗨Hi.咳我想它很喜欢你咳是的Hey. I think he likes you. - Hi. Yeah.嗨Hi.它很活泼一个活泼的小伙子对不对Hes a frisky- frisky little fella, isnt he?它叫欧弟它肯定不喜欢His names Odie. and hes not gonna make it.在笼子里度过一辈子if he has to live his life in a cage.它需要被人爱护He needs to be loved.好了谢谢你丰常感谢女士们先生们Well, thankyou. Thankyou very much. ladies and gentlemen.不行我的邻居们会不习惯的No. maybe not in my neighborhood.嗨波曼我想跑Hey, Boomer, I reallygotta run.跳得怎么样各位真的拜托就在安全围栏后面呆着吧Gotta fly. everybody. Really, please, stay behind the security fences. 很高兴你们想出来见我So great ofyou to come out to see me.但是有人在等我他非常爱我离开我就不行but Ive got somebody waiting for me. very devoted, almost crippled. 不拜托不要哭No, please, dont cry.我知道没人爱的感觉或者说你知道I know what its like to be unloved. Well,you do.我会想办法回来看你们的如果我来不了我会给你们写信的Ill try to come back and visit, and if I dont. Ill try to write. 拜拜-谁认识这个伙计Bye-bye. - Does anybody know this guy?拜拜各位加菲要走了Bye-bye. everybody. Garfield is leaving the building.乔恩你知道如果你不愿意你可以不接受的jon. you know you dont have to do this ifyou dont want to. 不不这很好No. No. its okay.我一直很想知道有一只真正Some part of me always wanted to know what itd be like.想跟我玩耍的宠物是何感觉to have a pet that actually wants to playwith you.你是一个很好的朋友Youre a good friend.请问我还是那样可爱吗One question- Am I still gorgeous?乔恩我想我们有点小麻烦rjon. I thinkwe got a little problem here.哦乔恩Uhjon-我可以让过渡期更平稳-些I can help the transition go smoothly.乔恩它在我的座位上乔恩Jon, its in myseatjon!我们可以一起出去玩玩公园狗展示-乔恩嗯乔恩We could all go out together. Park, dog shows. - Jon! Uh,Jon? 所有的那些-嗯乔恩老兄 stuff like that. - Uhjonnyboy?等等一卜-你你在约我出去W-Wait a minute. Are- Are you. asking me out?噢乔恩老兄是时候安个汽车报♥警♥器了Ohjonnyboy, the time has come to get a caralarm.简直难以置信一只杂种狗闯人了你的车子Youre not gonna believe it. A mongrel mutt has broken into your car! 加菲这是欧弟它要和我们一起回家Garfield, this is Odie. Hes coming home with us.哇哦你来这儿约人家却带了一条狗出来Whoa! You went in there to get a date and came out with a dog?噢这对你太不公平了噢不要太伤心了Oh. thats bad even foryou. Oh. youre so sad!噢不我们不能带一条狗回家Oh. no. no. no. Were not bringing a dog home with us.嗨我可不是好惹的Hey. I ride shotgun!你看什么虱子包What areyou looking at. tick boy?乔恩现在还不太晚Jon, its not too late.快点在它还不知道我们住在哪儿之前调头回去Quickly, turn around before he finds out where we live! 把这个只会闻别人裤腿的东西送走Please take this trouser sniffer back!拜托来吧欧弟我们走Please. - come on. Odie. Lets go.这是你的新家This is your new home.快点伙计come on. buddy.乔恩你已经有我这个万人迷了jon. you had me, a chick magnet.现在你又带了只虱子包同来and now youve got a tick magnet.加菲乔恩带r只狗回来Garfield, jon brought a dog home.我知道奴奴-他怎么会做那样的事呢I am aware. Nermal. - Whywould he do a thing like that? 唉我也不知道奴奴Gee. I dont know. Nermal.养了猫的家里再养一只狗It just seems like a weird thing to do.这也太不可思议了 bringing a dog into a house that already has a cat. 我们能不能不提它了我是说这不算什么大问题 can we drop it? I mean, its no big. deal.它只是我生活中遮风帽上的一只结巴虫Its.just asplatteredbug on the windshieldofmylife. 一只小虫子A bug?一只又臭又懒又笨的A dim-witted, smelly, goofy-结巴虫我会瞅时机给他点颜色看看的splattered bug that I will deal with appropriately and enthusiastically. 快点-看到没有我仍然是乔恩的亲信come on. - As you can see. Im still Jons favorite.叵I头见加菲祝你和小虫子在一起的时候能好运Seeya later. Garfield. Good luckwith the bug thing! 快点come on.他是为猪肝的事在报夏对不对This is payback for the liver thing, isnt it?这是报复他这个小气鬼Payback. Hes a nut.这是你的新家欧弟我的办公室在那边This isyournewhome, Odie. Thats myoffice overthere. 电视在那边And. uh. the TV over there.还有厨房♥-嗯And, uh, the kitchen. - Hm.你想到处看看好吧到处看看这房♥子随便看看You wanna go see it? Okay, go see the house. Go see it. 你为什么不给他画张地图Why dontyou draw him a map?好吧我只需要保持冷静仅此而已Okay. Ive gotta. remain calm, thats all.乔恩喜欢的是猫不是狗jons a cat guy. not a dog guy.这种状况会在一星期内结束最多10天Thisll last a week, maybe 10 days. Tops.这小狗真是又笨又野Boy. this puppy is stupid gone wild!不这只不过是一个噩梦我只需要闭上眼睛当我再次睁开的时候Nah. this is just a bad dream. Im gonna close my eyes and when I open them. 所有的事都会回复正常的everything will be back to normal.啊这太不正常了Ah! Thats not normal.不要靠近我噢太棒了Not close. Oh. great.狗虱子来人啊谁给我接种疫苗Dog cooties. Somebody inoculate me. please.这太可怕了我This is a nightmare. I-我需要用人类最好的朋友电视I just need a little quality time with mans real best friend 来放松一下television.不不不No. no. no. No. no. No.嘿新来的让我来告诉你规矩好吗Hey. new guy. let me hipyou to the rules, okay?首先这是我的椅子明白吗Number one- thats my chair, all right?如果你敢上来我就赶你走I even seeyou raise a leg. and its on. its go time. pal.很好Verywcll.好了我想我至少在精神上比它有优势Yeah, I think Ijust mayhave a mentaladvantage on this guy. 离我远点儿我没开玩笑欧弟Leave me alone. Im not kidding. Yodel Odie.吃片杀虫药然后去散散步吧我很忙Pop a worm pill and hit the road. Im busy.你想玩 很好你可以当我的新宇航员You wanna play? Fine. You can be my new astronaut.去跳进那个桶里然后我们发射你到太空中去Go jump in the pail, and well shoot you into outer space.快点那十分简单过来我把你的球扔进桶里了come on. Its real simple. Here. Ill even throwyour ball in there. 跟着逃进去吧Followthe ball, andjump in the pail.快点欧弟就像这样come on. Odie. just like this.上这边来跳进桶里帮我个忙come on over here and just jump right into the pail, and help me. 快点不你只要像这样就行了come on. No. Just in here like this.啊哦别碰那个Uh-oh! Dont touch that!啊Aaah!噢不Oh, no!哇哦Whoa!啊Aaah!噢不Oh. no!休斯顿我们有麻烦了Houston, we have a problem.欧弟把桶拿开Odie, get offthe pail.你能不能把桶拿开拜托Wouldyou get off the pail, please?好了该做另一个游戏了Okay, time for a new game.叫做“用我的爪子抽你”游戏Its called my claw in your buttgame.来啊回来come here! Get back here!快点我只用我的左爪子come on! I I I just use my left claw.如果我的腿再长一点儿我已经抓住你了过来Ifmy legs were longer, Id have caughtyou by now. come here. 等一下Just wait for one second.慢点儿Slow. down.啊Ahhh好好好我终于抓到你了肥猫Well. well. well. Ive got you now. fat cat.嗨路卡你又换新链子了伙计Hey. Luca, is that a new chain youre wearin. fella?看上去很不错你看上去也很棒你现在负责户外丁.作Looks good on ya. You look great. You been working out? 这一刻我已经等了好几年了Oh. Ive been waiting years for this.是正常的年份还是狗的年份Would that be regularyears or dog years?这是什么给我闪开小人物What the- Get away from me. pip-squeak.哦路卡这是欧弟欧弟这是路卡Uh. Luca, this is Odie. Odie. Luca.路卡帮我个忙把它吃了你会吗拜托Luca, do me a favor and eat him for me. would you. please? 加菲你还好吧我想是的Garfield, areyou all right? -1 think so.路卡想把欧弟当午餐Lucas about to have Odie for lunch.如果没有欧弟你已经是路卡的磨牙玩具了Ifit wasnt for Odie. youd be Lucas chew toy.是啊他救了你的命Yeah, he savedyourlife.欧弟是英雄-为什么就因为我没有被撕成碎片Odies a hero! - Why? Because I wasnt ripped to shreds?不他仍然是个笨蛋直到我另行通知No. Odies an imbecile until further notice.嘿月光游侠Hey, moondust.如果我是你我会找条好毯子if I were you. Id grab a nice piece of carpet.乔恩从来都不让我睡在床上jon doesnt let me sleep up top. Ever.欧弟你想在床上睡Odie- You wanna sleep in the bed?好吧Okay.什么Wha-嗯伙计好孩子谁是好孩子嗯Hey. buddy. Good boy. Whos a good boy. huh? 今晚你想睡在床上You want to sleep on the bed tonight?是的我想是的我想Yes, I do. Yes, 1 do.我想我该准备应付“猫狗斗”了I think Im going to blow cat-chow chunks. 晚安欧弟晚安加菲Good night. Odie. Good night. Garfield.很好希望我能幸运地做个恶梦Great. Wish me luck with the nightmares.又是糟糕的一天Another day ruined.噢你个小马屁精噢Oh. you little suck-up. Oh!哇哦哇哦宝贝Whoa! Whoa. baby.不下去下去哑巴狗No. Down. Down, dumb dog.“不”意味着什么你不明白What part ofno dontyou understand?离这椅子远点走开我现在不想玩The push offthe chair? Offi. I dont want to play. 噢看看你想我说些什么Oh! Look. What am I supposed to say?感谢你在路卡面前救了我Thanks for saving my hide with Luca?好吧谢谢你在路卡面前救了我滚开Okay, thanks for saving my hide with Luca. Get off!.我到哪儿了对了到这儿了我到这儿了Where was I? Right here. I was right here.噢Oh!这招有点损了啊That was a cheap shot.背地里搞偷袭好吧Hit a guy when hes not looking? Okay.噢对不起我我想你一定是忘记了一些事情Oh. excuse me. I -I thinkyou may have forgotten something. 我看见这些然后我想这一定是你的漂亮的I saw this and I thought, pretty sure it was your-噢我喜欢大打出手Oh, I love to dish it out.当心你知道的你不能动这个Watch out. You see. you cant touch this.来吧嗯哼come on. Uh-huh.这就对r不要跟我鬼鬼祟祟的小子Thats right. Dont sneak up on me. baby.噢继续Oh. come on with that.这儿把那些无力的动作去掉Get that weak stuff outta here.你不觉得那样不连贯吗Is that butt broken?不这里应该这样No. its something like this here.这个你能做到吗can you do this?嗯你的甑关节有毛病吗请到这边来Uh. shouldnt those hips be in the shop? Walk this way. please. 我是一只会走路的狗Im-a walking the dog.好吧让我们再点稍难一点儿的就像这样Well, step it up a little bit. Something like this.曜看这个仔细看这个动作Ho. lookat this. Watch out forthis thing.可以这样嗯哼It could go. Uh-huh.你或许应该在车♥库♥里多作练习You probably shouldve practiced in the garage.免得在我这样级别的选手前出丑beforeyou stepped up to someone of my level.转身快点Back up. come on.跟我过来或许有些东西会更具挑战性Flywith me. Maybe something a little bit more challenging.嗯这样怎么样咱们去大门口Hey! How bout this? Out the front door.到外面来Take it outside!看看走廊里都有谁Lookwhos here on the porch.我在走廊上漫步我手持火炬我准备好被焚烧了Im walking the porch. Im holding a torch. Im ready to scorch. 嗯哼那是奇特的步法Uh-huh. Thats fancy footwork.嗨快来看加菲和欧弟一起跳舞呢Hey! Look. Garfields dancing with Odie.它们现在是好朋友了Theyre like buddies now!出什么事了噢 我的天欧弟你在这儿干什么Whats the matter? Oh. my God! Odie. what are you doing here?我正在跳单人舞你这只会爬的狗来这里干什么I was doing a solo dance, anda creepy dog comes up next to me? 你们都看到了吧谢谢伙计们谢谢你们Didyou guys see that? Thankyou, fellas. Thankyou.啊哦有大♥麻♥烦Uh-oh. Heres more trouble.看那个笨蛋看他的脸Look at the goony look on his face.来吧伙计来这儿快点-把它送回宠物医院come on. buddy, come here, come on. - T aking him back to the vet? 是我们和莉斯约好的日子了 -把它送回狗窝对不对Time for our date with Liz. - Takinhim back to the kennel, right? 对吧你不会是想收养它吧Yeah? Areyou putting him up foradoption?嗨加菲乔恩带着欧弟去赴莉斯的约会去了Oh! - Morning.加菲Garfield!好了我想你应该已经洗完了Okay! I thinkyoure clean enough now.烫烫死我了 -给你毛巾H-H-Hot! Hot! Hot! - Gotyourtowel right here.加菲别那样Garfiield! No!这可是有猪肝味的-嗯一定很好吃Its liver flavored. - Mm! Delicious.嗯嗯Mm. Mm!嗯Mm!呕呕猪肝Oh! Oh. liver!那个确切地说是猪肝味的Well, actually, its liver flavored.早餐真不错That was a good breakfast.我想我应该少吃点猫食Now I think Ill just fall offthe catkins diet.把自己变成大胖子猎手and get myself a little high-fat chaser.嗯Mmm.加菲看送奶车来了 -哦好样的奴奴Garfield. look, the milk truck. - Oh. attaboy. Nermal.送奶车每天都来-是的但是今天可能不来The milk truck comes every day. - Yeah, but maybe not today.也许它会改变路线也许这将是我们最后一次看见它Maybe its changing routes. Maybe thisll be the last well eversee ofit 快点只需要穿过这条街我们是猫我们喜欢牛奶come on. Its just across the street. Were cats. We like milk. 我们过去弄点儿-不去Lets go for it. - No.可是你-没有可是But. you - But nothinr.我决不离开死巷I dont leave the cul-de-sac for anything.Hey, Garfiield, Jons taking Odie on his date with Liz. 他把你单独扔在这儿-我知道奴奴and hes leavi ng you behi nd. -1 know. Nermal. 他们出去游玩而你却只能留在这儿Theyre off on an adventure andyoure still here. 你的意思是And your point is?好吧我觉得有点不对劲Well, thats gotta feel bad.乔恩带欧弟出去的时候却把你留在家里being left byJon while he takes Odie out. 就像你不再是他的亲信一样Its like youre not his favorite anymore.嗨你说什么呢我们玩“脑外科游戏”怎么样Hey. what do you say we play brain surgeon?你能不能帮我去拿工具Would you go get my power tools?实在太糟糕了This is so sad.乔恩已经完全失去理智了 jon has completely lost his mind. 不再意识到我对他有多重要Doesnt realize how important I am to him.在这种困难时刻I need to be so very understanding ofhim.我必须能理解他at this difficult time.晦等一等等等我你把我落下了Hey. wait up! Wait up for me! You forgot me! 慢点儿请慢点儿我就跟在后面Slow down! Please slow down! Im right back here! 哇噢我想我扯到腿筋了Waa- oh! I think I pulled a hamstring. 好了没事了我上来了我赶上了放松点All right. Its okay. Im on. Im on. Relax. 噢我可怜的鼻子Oh. my poor nose.所以如果您是玛丽的主人请过来认领So, ifyou own Marie, please come andclaim her. 十分感谢Thankyou very much.现在在展示开始前请注意到南边草坪的小吃部Now, before the show starts, go over to the snack section on the south lawn. 取些糖果and get those goodies.我们在那儿发放我们保证We have things there that we re sure-好了我得赶在前面嗯Yeah, go on ahead. U h-我会追上你们的这也许只是一点轻微的脑震荡I *11 catch up with ya. I ts probably just a mild concussion.或者或者是头骨骨折or- or a skull fracture.或者我需要做一次透视Maybe Ill get a cAT scan.一次猫透视A cat scan!我现在宁可请求评委Id like to ask thejudges now.他们是否愿意改变他们的观察角度i ft hey wouldplease take theirpositions for the viewings.噢注意你的脚步Oh, watch your step there.女士们先生们 欢迎来到宠物狗展示Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the dog show.好吧如果我作点让步如何Well, what if I compromise a little?比如说我和毛线球一起打滚怎么样How bout I do the rolling around with theyarn ball thing?我可以咕噜咕噜叫就像法拉利车一样或者是美洲虎And Ill purr. Ill purr like a Ferrari. Or make that a Jaguar.不过我不会摆拱形姿势就像一些笨狗一样I wont climb drapes though. Thats more than you get from some dumb dog. 呀狗嗯Oops. Dogs. Uh-oh.噢什么你们想自己亲自解决-别动宝贝坐下Oh. what? Youre all gonna take it personally? - Down. boy. Sit.别动-完了我死定了Stay! -Now, Im gonna die.噢我真的死定了Oh, now I really am gonna die!对不起我可以从这儿穿过去吗Excuse me. can I get through here?防水布下没有人啊踩着我的耳朵了No one under this tarp. Ah! Thats my ear!请大家管好自己的狗Owners, maintain control ofyour dogs.伙计们控制住你们的宠物People, control those animals now!音乐音乐你这个白♥痴♥Music! Music, you idiot!这就对了放音乐Yeah, play the music.别踩我的膝盖好吧Thats my bad knee. Stop it. All right!希望我的腿这次不要让我失望Feets, dont fail me now!我对此感到失望我要求对此作出道歉I apologize for this. Please excuse this outburst这太没有规矩了 -欧弟欧弟This is highly irregular. - Odie! Odie!欧弟欧弟快点快点伙计快回来Odie! Odie, come on. come on, buddy, come on back.欧弟欧弟你想要表演嗯伙计Odie! Odie, you want a treat? Huh? Buddy?好吧很好看来我需要搭个便车Okay. Al I right. I need a ride.女士我是只有麻烦的猫我需要借你的长裙一用I m a cat in trouble. 1 m hitching a ride in your muumuu. 噢-快点我们走Ooh! - come on! Lets move!走快走驾驾Go! Lets move! Dig! Dig! Hyah! Hyah!快点粉红女郎快跑-噢对不起对不起come on, Pinkie. Move it out! Oh!Sorry. Sorry.快快快粉红女郎快粉红女郎快Move! Move! Move, Pinkie! Move, Pinkie! Move!我们确信发现了一位表演新星We certainly have a new star in the arena.女士们先生们这太令人惊讶了Ladies and gentlemen, this is amazing!有才能的小伙子嗯T alented I ittle fel la. huh?驾粉红女郎驾它们追上来了Hyah. Pinkie! Hyah! Theyre gaining on us. Pinkie! 一只猫的生命在你的手上哇喔A cats life is at stake. Whoa!感谢你捎我一段Thanks for the ride.借光女士 请拨♥打♥911Excuse me. maam. Please call 91 1.拜托Please!这都是我自己自找的This is exactly what I deserve anyway.我发誓如果我这次能幸免我再也不和狗斗气了I promise if I survive. Ill never compete with a dog again. 好吧你们抓住我了Okay! You got me!但是在我说再见之前噢这是不是最大的讽刺But before I say good-bye- Oh. isnt this the final irony? 看看谁在这儿目击这一切邮差Lookwhos here to witness this. The mailman!你们太笨了Youre so stupid.哇哦耶Whoo! Yeah!哇哦哇呼Whoo. Whoo-hoo.太好了Yes!欧弟来这儿好样的噢嗨Odie, come here. Thats a goodboy. Oh, hi.女士们先生们 欢迎海皮查普曼Ladies and gentlemen, Happy chapman.这是一只有才能的狗That is one talented dog!你知道吗这是一只真正能够You know, this is exactly the kind of dog.在电视上有所作为的狗that could have a future in television.噢谢谢您查普曼先生但是欧弟是我的宠物Oh. thankyou. Mr. chapman, but Odies just my pet. 而H.我也只想让它做我的宠物And thats- thats all I reallywant him to be.您在开玩笑-没有Youre kidding. - No.好吧那么这是给您的Okay. Well, this is foryou.还有嗯And. uh.这是给您的如果您改变了主意this is foryou ifyou happen to changeyour mind.您可以随时给我打电♥话♥并且说“喂喂”You just ring me up. You give- Hello? Hello?我改变主意了我想成为明星I changed my mind. I wanna be a star. 好吧-好吧Okay. - Okay!好吧让我们为欧弟鼓掌Okay. - Lets hear it for Odie!这真是我们不一般的展示的完美结局What a sensational ending to a ratherunconventionalshow!笑一下-我们今天的冠军Smile. - Our winner today.能跳舞的小狗欧弟a fabulous dancing puppy called Odie!死巷 决不离开死巷 决不离开死巷. the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. 决不离开死巷决不离开死巷N-Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac.决不离开死巷决不离开死Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cui-de-我到家家了Im h-home.今天我很开心谢谢你-是的我也一样I hadfun today. Thankyou. - Yeah, me too.想进去坐坐吗Would you like to come in?嗯今天不了 我知道Uh. not today. -1 knew that.我很报歉-乔恩我会过来的只是今天不行Im sorry. -Jon. I wanna come over, just not today.今天我得出诊I have to cover for anothervet.噢真的Oh! Really?礼拜天怎么样Hows Sunday?礼拜天礼拜天太很好礼拜天很好礼拜天Sunday is- Sundays great. S-Sundays good. Sunday. 好的Okay.那好我so. rn-咱们礼拜天再见-礼拜天Ill see you Sunday. - Sunday.礼拜天Sunday.为什么为什么会这样Why? Why has this happened?我曾经是唯一的这都是我的I was the one. It was all about me.和那只愚蠢的流鼻涕的发臭的Not about some stupid, sniveling, smelly.高消费的迪斯科狗无关high-maintenance disco dog.啊Ahh!噢不Oh. no.哼噢Huh? Oh-你不能这样做乔恩它在挑拨我们你没发现吗Youjust cant do this,Jon. Hes trying to tearus apart. Dontyou see that? 你知道的我才懒得去破坏你的房♥子You know me. Im too lazy to try to destroyyour house.我被挑拨被攻击我都快疯了I was provoked, pushed, prodded, driven mad.你不能象对待其它动物一样把我踢出我自己的房♥子You cant kick me out of my own house like Im some kind of animal! 噢开开门乔恩乔恩Oh. come on.Jon.Jon!你知道我怕黑的You know Im scared ofthe dark.对这才是好孩子谁是好孩子Yeah, thats a good boy. Whos a good boy?歌♥词大意:曾经单独拥有乔恩Used to have)on to myself日日夜夜没有人来分享Day or night There was no one else从黎明到黄昏我饭来张口From dawn to dusk my meals would come 我在我的房♥子附近闲逛Idlounge about in myhome但是现在我在寒冷的黑夜被赶r出来But now Im out in the cold ofnight独自一人等待黎明的第一缕阳光All alone till the dawns first light我被一条狗替代Im in a new dog state of mind曾经以为我拥有一个家Used to think I had a home一个属于我自己的特别的地方A special place to call my own但是现在狗来猫走But now the dogs in and Im out我失去了乔恩我失去了依靠Ive got noJon Ive got no clout我被一条狗替代Im in a new dog state of mind别理我你赢rLeave me alone. Youve won.你跟他一起在里面我独自一人在外面Youre inside with him. and Im out here all by myself.欧弟你出来陪我Odie? You came out here to be with me?我被感动了Im touched.你怎么会这么笨And you must be touched in the head.明早上见小伙伴Seeyou in the morning, little fella.你知不知道小狗时不时地需要一点粗暴的爱You know, a puppy needs a little tough love every now and then. 我想这对培养你的性格有利I think it builds character.你好波基想我了吗Hello. Pooky. Miss me?你知道吗明天我想和欧弟讲和You know what? Im gonna make it up to Odie tomorrow. 我会教他怎么在盥洗室外喝水Im going to teach him how to drink out ofthe toilet. 可怜的欧弟PoorOdie.那只猫真是头猪-加菲是头猪That cat is such a pig. - Garfields a pig?晚上不可以把狗关在外面的You


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