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Dear Engin eer Jorge, rm writ ing to con firm, as we spoke on the phone this after noon, Thursday 9:30 am will be available for you to meet with Mr. Joh nson Fang to further discuss the Telecom muni cati on System Desig n issue.If any cha nge of schedule, please do not hesitate to con tact me.Your immediate con firmati on will be greatly appreciated,Your Sincerely,2013-05-21cccc3968.06Sophie WangDear Mr. Jorge,I hope this email finds you well.Accord ing to the agreeme nt reached last week betwee n you and Mr. Peng, a meeti ng shall be held soon where both parties will discuss the releva nt issues about the desig n of RED project.To further promote RED Project progress, Mr. Peng and I along with our engineers sincerelyhope that the above mentioned meeting can be held bythis Wed nesday(19/06/2013).We hereby submit to you the Desig n Review Progress and Program for your preview. Thank you for your atte nti on and efforts.Your prompt and favorable reply with a clear time and place for the meeting will be highly appreciated.Your sin cerely,李坤林Kevi n Lee电话 +0244 925145704南部非洲区 中信建设有限责任公司Regi onal Divisio n of Souther n AfricaCITIC Co nstruction Co., LtdDear Engin eer. MyriamWe hereby submit the suggested age nda for tomorrow agreed meet ing for your preview whichwill be as follow in gs:Architecture1.Assista nt buildi ngs of primary & sec on dary schools for Ben guela-Baia Farta ( modified) (3:00PM) URGENTBest regards.2013-07-01冯汇鑫 Felix Feng中信建设有限责任公司 CITIC CONSTRUCTIONCO,LTD.Mobile : 00244-925150892Email: fc77777772011Dear Mr. Lee,Message received.We shall get back to you in due time.Best regards,Hamilt on Jorge Faria (BE ng, MSc)So nan gol Imobili a ria e Propriedades LDA - SONIPDirector de In fraestruturasTel.: (+244) 2266 44039Rua Rainha Ginga N.o 29 -31Caixa Postal 1316Luanda - Repu blica de Angola张玉军(76997245) 2013/6/18 10:50:553. 关于对RED-ZANGO-8O00目楼板钢筋代换事宜进行调查研究的指令Dear Sir,After two Hous ing Material Exhibiti ons in April and August, 2011 and one In frastructure Material Exhibition in January, 2012, SONIP has approved most housing and in frastructure materials for RED Project.Now the desig n of public buildi ng (kin dergarte n, primary school, sec on dary school) has fini shed, accordi ng to the desig n draw in gs, we prepared the public buildi ng material list of RED project .In the list, some of the materials are the same as the hous ing materials and some are for public buildings only. In order to speed up the progress of review, approval and purchase of the public buildi ng materials, and avoid delay ing the overall schedule of RED project, we suggest, regardi ng public buildi ng materials, to use the approved hous ing materials that are the same as the public buildi ng on es, as for the other public buildi ng materials, we suggest using the same materials as KK phase I, for details please refer to the attachme nt. (The public buildi ngs only materials have bee n marked with yellow).Your prompt reply and con firmati on will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,经过2011年4月和8月两次RED项目房建材料展和 2012年1月的RED项目市政材料展,SONIP已经批准了大部分 RED项目的房建和市政材料。现在公建(幼儿园、小学、中学)的设计已 经基本完成,我们根据设计图纸整理了RED项目公建所用的材料清单,清单中有一部分材料是和房建材料相同的,还有一些材料是只有公建才有的。为了加快公建材料的报审、批准和 采购,避免影响 RED项目的整体进度,我们建议对于和房建相同的公建材料,采用SONIP已经批准的房建材料,而对于其他公建材料,采用与KK 一期相同的材料,详见附件。希望贵方尽快给出意见。Dear Engin eer Gon? aloAs per our com muni cati on, the Roadmeet ings regard ing K.K.5000 REDProject(and Zango Project, if everythi ng goes well with K.K. 5000; if not, wemovethis to the next meeting) will be at 3 pmon Wednesdaor all parties convenien ce.Have a nice weeke nd,Best regards,Sophie WangP.S.: As we agreed, well pick up the approved Road draw ings of Ben guela& Namibe as soon as possible, thank you very much for several kind reminders from you, engineer Melanie and engineer Juliana since quite some time ago. Our sin cere apologies for the delay.张玉军(76997245) 17:40:14Dear Sophie,I confirm my prese nee at meet ing to an alyze the draw ing of KK 5000 (July3).And Ill be in office in the after noon.Best regards.Gon? alo Lacerda da Silva (Civil Engin eer)SONIP - Sonangol Imobili a ria e Propriedades Lda.DIREC?O DE INFRAESTRUTURASDIDEPARTAMENTO DE VIAS DE COMUNIC-?DVCE-mail: gon calo.silvas onan gol.co.aoLuandaRuaRainha Ginga No. 14 - Caixa Postal 2231 - Ingombota, -Angola.tel.: (+244) 2266 44023cel.: (+244) 911 630 846武汉工业学院2012-2013学年第二学期机械电子工程专业 研究生课程表软件工程学计算机控制与接口技术多媒体技术与应用算法分析软件工程学数字图像处理 计算机图形学 国学浅析 杨人工智能数字图像处理自然辨证法概论计算机图形学2010年下半年非实时辅导课程表专业机械电子工程液压与气压传动机械工程控制基础 电子技术测试技术机电一体化系统设计机械设计CAD技术机械制造工程学电动力学 机械设备数控技术液压及气压传动技术机电一体化生产系统设计(机电一体化技术、设计基础、系统设计)学 科基础实验课(制造。电控)机电传动控制机电设备诊断技术基础光电技术及系统激光技术及其应用特种及先进制造技 术快速成型技术自动化机械设计大学物理机械工程概论理论力学电工原理机械工程材料材料力学数字电子技术机械原理互换性及技术测量工程光学自动控制理论及实验检测技术与信号处理电气控制与PLC应用、传感器与检测技术、机电一体化技术基础、机电一体化技术应用、微机原理与接口技 术、数控加工工艺及编程等Lap英l?p 美l?pvt.折叠;包裹,缠绕;使搭接;磨亮,磨平vi.折叠;部分重叠;舔;包围n.膝;下摆;一圈跑道;范围复数:laps 过去式:lapped 过去分词:lapped 现在分词:lapp ing第三人称单数:laps1. N-C0UNT (人坐着时的)大腿部 If you have something on your lap whenyou are sitti ng dow n, it is on top of your legs and n ear to your body.She waited quietly with her hands in her lap.她双手放在腿上静静等候。Hugh gla need at the child on her mothers lap.休瞥了一眼坐在她妈妈膝上的小女孩。2. N-COUNT (比赛中的)一圈 In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course on ce.that last lap of the race.比赛最后一圈On lap two, Baker edged forward.第二圈时,贝克悄然赶了上去。3. VERB (比赛中)对完成套圈 In a race, if you lap another competitor, you go past them while they are still on the previous lap.He was caught out while lapp ing a slower rider.他在套圈超越一位落后的车手时出了错。4. N-COUNT一段路程;一段行程 A lap of a long journey is one part of it, betwee n two poi nts where you stop.I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only man aged the first lap of the journ ey.我原以为我们最远能到达橡树谷,结果只走完了第一段路程。5. VERB (水)轻拍,轻打 Wherwater laps against something such as the shore or the side of a boat, it touches it gently and makes a soft sound.the water that lapped aga inst the pillars of the boathouse.轻拍着船屋支柱的海水With a rising tide the water was lapping at his chin before rescuers arrived.救援人员到达时上涨的潮水已经淹到了他的下巴。The build ing was right on the river and the water lapped the walls.建筑物就矗立在水中,河水轻轻拍打着墙壁。lappi ngThe only sound was the lapp ing of the waves.只闻浪涛拍击之声。6. VERB (动物)舐,舔 When an animal laps a drink, it uses short quick movements of its tongue to take liquid up into its mouth.The cat lapped milk from a dish.猫舔食盘中牛奶。* Lap upmeans the same as lapap up 同 lapShe poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, herGreat Dane, lappedit up with relish.她往一个塑料碗里倒了一些水,她的大丹犬福斯特便美滋滋地舔起来。7. PHRASE (成败)难以预料,非人力所能左右If you say that a situationisin the lap of the gods , you mean that its success or failure depe ndsen tirely on luck or on things that are outside your con trol.They had to stop the operation, so at that stage my life was in the lapof the gods.他们不得不停止手术,所以那时的我只能听天由命。8. PHRASE养尊处优;锦衣玉食 If you say that someone lives in the lap of luxury , you meanthat they live in conditions of great comfort and wealth. We dont live in the lap of luxury, but were comfortable.我们的生活虽然并非锦衣玉食,也算是衣食无忧。相关词组:lap upcon ductor英k ?n?T?kt ?(r) 美k ?n?d?kt ?n. 电导体;售票员;(乐队)指挥;导管(套管的一种)* 复数:con ductors*柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典*现代英汉综合大词典*英汉双向大词典1. N-COUNT 管弦乐队或合唱团的)指挥 A con ductor is a person who stands in front of an orchestra or choir and directs its performa nee.2. N-COUNT公 交车售票员 On a bus, the con ductor is the person whose job is to sell tickets to the passe ngers.3. N-COUNT列 车员 Ona trai n, a con ductor is a pers on whose job is to travel on the train in order to help passe ngers and check tickets.in BRIT, use英国英语用guard4. N-COUNTSee also: light ningcon ductor ; semic on ductor ; 导体 A con ductoris a substa nee that heat or electricity can pass through or along.*行业释义*英英释义网络释义动物学|医学|旅游|物理学|电力|电子学|电工名1. 引导器*双语例句词根词缀同反义词语源派生1. Wood is a poor con ductor .木头不是良好的导体。 来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典2. his dual role as composer andcon ductor他兼任作曲家和指挥的双重角色 来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典3. The con ductor blew his whistle, and the tram stopped.售票员吹哨子,电车停了下来。来自简明英汉词典4. Ask thecon ductor to put you off at the Odeon.告诉售票员在奥汀提醒你下车。来自简明英汉词典5. The con ductor han ded the sick man out of the bus.售票员扶病人下公共汽车。来自简明英汉词典Bar英b a :(r)美b a :rn.条,棒;(门、窗等的)闩;障碍;酒吧间 vt.闩(门等);阻碍,圭寸锁;排除,去除 prep. 除之夕卜复数:bars* 过去式:barred* 过去分词:barred* 现在分词:barri ng第三人称单数:bars1. N-COUNT酒卩巴 A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drin ks.Devils Herd, the citys most popular coun try-western bar.“魔鬼之群”一一这个城市最火的西部乡村酒吧.the Brass Nickel Bar.“黄铜镍币”酒吧drinkswi ne2. N-COUNT酒吧间 A bar is a room in a pub or hotel where alcoholic are served.Ill see you in the bar later.一会儿酒吧见。On the ship there are video loun ges, a bar and a small duty-free shop. 船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。3. N-COUNTSee also: coffee bar ; public bar ; singles bar ; snack bar bar; 吧台; 售酒柜台 A bar is a counter on which alcoholic drinks are served.Michael was sta nding alone by the bar whe n Bria n rejoined him.布赖恩回到迈克尔身边时,他正一个人站在吧台旁边。He lea ned forward across the bar.他将身子探过吧台。Usage Note:A bar is a place where you can buy alcoholic and non-alcoholic drin ks.It can be part of a larger building such as a hotel, nightclub,or theatre,or it can be a separate build ing. Apub is a build ing where you can buyalcoholic and non-alcoholic drin ks, especially in Brita in and Irela nd rather than in America. Pubs usually have two or more bars . Both pubs and bars have a counter where drinks are served and this is also called a bar. See also note at caf e.bar是出售酒和其他饮料的地方。它可以是酒店、夜总会、剧院等的一部分,也 可以是独立的建筑。pub是出售酒和其他饮料的独立场所,尤其在英国和爱尔兰 常用,但在美国不常用。一个 pub通常包括两个或以上的bar。pub和bar都有 出售酒和饮料的柜台,这个柜台也称为bar。亦见caf e词条下的说明。4. N-COUNT金属条;金属棒 A bar is a Iong, straight, stiff piece of metal. .a brick building with bars across the ground floor windows.一楼窗户装有铁栅的砖砌建筑.a crowd throw ing stones and iron bars.投掷石块和铁条的人群5. PHRASE在狱中;被囚禁 If you say that some on eis behi nd bars , you mean that they are in pris on.Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder.费希尔被控谋杀未遂,昨晚入狱。Nearly 5,000 people a year are put behi nd bars over motori ng pen alties.每年有近5,000人因违章驾车而入狱。6. N-COUNT条;棒;长块 A bar of something is a piece of it which is roughly recta ngular.What is your favourite chocolate bar?你最喜欢哪种巧克力?.a bar of soap.一块肥皂7. N-COUNT (电热炉的)电热棒,电热片 A bar of an electric fire is a piece of metal with wire wound round it that glows and provides heat when thefire is switched on.a two-bar electric fire with a frayed flex.电线已经磨损的双片电热炉8. VERB (用木条,铁条等)闩(门等)If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to preventit from being ope ned.For added safety, bar the door to the kitche n.为了确保安全,把厨房的门闩上。barredThe win dows were closed and shuttered, the door was barred.窗户都关紧了,百叶窗都拉下了,门也闩上了。9. VERB 阻拦; 阻挡 If you bar some on es way, you preve nt them from going somewhere or en teri ng a place, by block ing their path.Harry moved to bar his way.哈里走过去挡住了他的路。He stepped in front of her, barri ng her way.他走到她前面,挡住了她的去路。10. VERB 禁止; 不准If some one is barred from a place or from doingsomething, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it.Amn esty workers have bee n barred from Sri Lanka since 1982从1982年起,大赦国际的工作人员就被禁止进入斯里兰卡。Many jobs were barred to them.很多工作将他们拒之门外。11. N-COUNT障碍;阻碍;妨碍 If something is a bar to doing a particular thin g, it preve nts some one from doing it.One of the fun dame ntal bars to com muni cati on is the lack of a uni versally spoke n, com mon Ian guage.交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。In industryafterindustry,government bodies have erected bars tocompetiti on.政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。12. PHRASE不受任何规则约束;不限任何方式方法;不择手段If you say thatthere are no holds barred whe n people are fighti ng or competi ng for someth ing, you mea n that they are no Ion ger followi ngany rules in theirefforts to wi n.It is a war with no holds barred and we must prepare to resist.这是一场没有规则的战争,我们必须作好抵抗的准备。Whe n shed get angry it was no holds barred.她发起火来什么都干得出。13. PREP See also: barring ; 除了以夕卜 You can usebar when you meanexcept. For example, all the workbar the wash ing means all the workexcept the wash ing.Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflation ever since the mid-1980s.除1989年物价稳定之外,从20世纪80年代中期开始,通货膨胀就一直在上升。The aim of the service was to offer everyth ing the in depe ndent inv estor wan ted, bar advice.该项服务的目的就是向独立投资者提供除建议外他们想要的一切。He is simply the best goalscorer we have ever had, bar none.他绝对是我们从未有过的最佳进球手,无人可及。14. N-PROPER (英格兰有资格在任何法庭作辩护的)出庭律师职业; (美国的) 律师职业,律师界 The Bar is used to refer to the profession of a barrister in England, or of any kind of lawyer in the United States.Robert was pla nning to read for the Bar.罗伯特打算学法律。15. N-C0UNT (乐曲中的)小节 In music, a bar is one of the several short parts of the same len gth into which a piece of music is divided.in AM, use 美国英语用 measure行业释义.英英释义缩略语网络释义力学|医学|建筑|机械|水产|水利|法律名1. 杆*双语例句词根词缀词组习语同反义词同义词辨析语源派生1. We met at a bar called the Flami ngo.我们在一家名为“火烈鸟”的酒吧相遇。来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典2. He barged past me to get to thebar.他经过我的身边向卖酒的柜台硬挤过去。来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典3. the brassy blonde beh ind thebar酒吧柜台里衣着艳俗的金发女郎来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典4. Harrys Bar and Grill哈里烤肉酒吧来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典5. He moseyed on over to the bar.他溜达着朝酒吧走去。来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典bend生词本Be nd英bend美b?ndvt.(使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于vi.偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心n.弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的) 减压病过去式:bent bended过去分词:bent bended现在分词:bending第三人称单数:ben ds1. VERB 弯腰;俯身;弯曲 Whenyou bend, you movethe top part of your bodydow nwards and forwards. Pla nts and trees alsobend .I bent over and kissed her cheek.我俯身亲吻了她的脸颊。Turn the pot if the pla nts show sig ns of bending towards the light.如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。She bent and picked up a plastic bucket.她弯腰提起一个塑料桶。She was bent over the sink wash ing the dishes.她俯在水槽边洗盘子。2. VERB 低(头);俯(首)Wheryou bend your head, you moveyour head forwards and dow nwards.Brave英bre美brevadj.勇敢的;需要勇气的;华丽的;漂亮的vt.勇敢面对,不怕,不顾n.勇士;美洲印第安武士复数:braves过去式:braved过去分词:braved现在分词:braving第三人称单数:braves比较级:braver最高级:bravest柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典现代英汉综合大词典英汉双向大词典1. ADJ-GRADED 勇敢的;无畏的 Some one who is brave is willi ng to do thi ngs which are dan gerous, and does not show fear in difficult or dan gerous situati ons.He was not brave eno ugh to report the loss of the docume nts. 他没有勇气报告丢失了文件。.images of brave people risking their lives to aid others.冒着生命危险去帮助他人的勇士们的形象bravelyOur men wiped them out, but the enemy fought brave ly and well.我们的部队歼灭了敌人,但敌人也进行了顽强的抵抗。Mr Kim brave ly stood up to authority.金先生勇敢地向权威挑战。2. VERB (通常为达到某目标) 勇敢面对 If you brave unpleasant or dangerous conditions, you deliberately expose yourself to them, usually in order to achieve someth ing.Thousa nds have brave d icy rain to dem on strate their support.数千人在寒冷的天气中冒雨赶来以示他们的支持。3. N-COUNT(尤指善于作战的)印第安勇士 A brave is a you ng Native America n man,especially one who is good at fighting.4. PHRASE 装作高兴; 强作欢颜 If some one is putt ing on a brave face or is putti ng a brave face on a difficult situation, they are pretending that they are happy or satisfied when theyare not.He felt disappo in ted but he tried to put on a brave face.他感到很失望,但还竭力强装欢笑。The White House tried to put a brave face on the job figures.白宫面对就业数字强颜欢笑。英英释义缩略语网络释义Nou n1. a North America n In dia n warrior2. people who are brave;the home of the free and the braveantonym : timid, cautious Verb1. face or en dure with courage;She braved the eleme ntssynonym : weather, endure, brave out Adjective1. possess ing or display ing courage; able to face and deal with dan ger or fear withoutflinching;Familiarity with dan ger makes a brave man braver but less dari ng- Herma n Melvillea frank courageous heart.triumphed over pai n- William Wordsworthen emy-heldset a courageous example by leading them safely into and outterritorysynonym : courageous , fearlessantonym : cowardly , fearful2. invulnerable to fear or intimidation;audacious explorersfearless reporters and photographersin trepid pion eerssynonym : audacious , dauntless , fearless , intrepid , unfearing3. brightly colored and showy;girls decked out in brave new dressesbrave banners flyingbraw is a Scottish worda dress a bit too gay for her yearsbirds with gay plumagesynonym : braw , gay双语例句词组习语同反义词同义词辨析语源派生1. brave men and women英勇无畏的男女来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典2. She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典3. You have done a brave act and you will hear about it.你干了一件勇敢的事,你将会受到奖赏的。来自简明英汉词典A brave fighter n ever shri nks from dan ger in executi ng an assig nment.一个英勇的战士在执行任务时决不害怕危险。 来自简明英汉词典reword英 :?zv?:d美ri?v?dvt.重述,改说过去式:reworded过去分词:reworded现在分词:rewording第三人称单数:rewords柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典现代英汉综合大词典1.VERB 重述;改写;改变的措辞 When you reword something that is spoken or written, you try to express it in a way that is more accurate, more acceptable, or more easily un derstood.All right, Ill reword my question好的,我会换个说法来问。The rules were reword ed in 1986.在1986年这些规则进行了修改。英英释义网络释义Verb1. express the same message in differe nt wordssynonym : paraphrase , rephrase双语例句1. If we reword the telegram we can save one-third of the cost.如果我们改写电报文字,费用能省三分之一。来自现代英汉综合大词典2. However, its nature of no-reword has gradually despised by the society.但在现代社会,这种劳动的无酬性使之日益被社会所轻视。来自互联网3. Reword that slightly, and you have the battle cry of half the men I dated.稍稍重组一下词汇,我约会过的男人中起码有一半会为他“助阵呐喊“。来自互联网coord in ate生词本英k?u?dineit 美ko ?rd?ietvt.使协调,使调和;整合;使(身体各部份)动作协调;(衣服、布料等)搭配vi.协调;协同;成为同等;被归入同一类别adj.同等的;语法学并列的;同等级的;带有同等性质的n. 数坐标;(颜色协调的)配套服装;复数(颜色、织料、式样等配合协调 的)女套服;同等重要的人(或物)* 复数:coord in ates* 过去式:coord in ated* 过去分词:coord in ated* 现在分词:coord in at ing* 第三人称单数:coordi nates柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典*现代英汉综合大词典英汉双向大词典The verb is pronouneed /k ? 7?The?/. The noun is pronounced /k ? ?l?i?t/. 动词读作/k ? ?e?/,名词读作/k ? ?i0?t/ 。1. VERB 协调;调和 If you co-ord in ate an activity, you orga nize the various people and things invo Ived in it.Gover nment officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morni ng to co-ordi nate the relief effort.星期四上午,政府官员视察地震灾区,以协调救援工作。.the sett ing up of an advisory committee to co-ord in ate police work.建立咨询委员会以协调警务工作co-ordi nated.a rapid and well co-ordinated international rescue operation.迅速而且协调有序的国际救援行动co-ordi nator.the partys campaig n co-ordi nator, Mr Peter Man dels on.该党的竞选协调人,彼得曼德尔森先生2. V-RECIP-ERG (使)和谐;(使)协调 If you co-ordinateclothes orfurnishings that are used together, or if theyco-ordi nate , they aresimilar in some way and look nice together.Shell show you how to co-ord in ate pattern and colours.她会教你如何搭配款式和颜色。Tie it with fabric bows that co-ord in ate with other furni shi ngs.系上与其他装饰相配的布质蝴蝶结。Colours and looks must fit the themes of the seas ons so that the shops co-ordi nate well.颜色和外观必须符合季节的主题,这样各个商家看起来才会比较协调。.curta ins and co-ord in at ing bed covers.窗帘和与之搭配的床罩3. N-PLURAL 套装;配套的装饰 Co-ordinates are pieces of clothing or soft furnishings which are similar and which are inten ded to be worn or usedtogether. new lin gerie co-ord in ates.新的内衣套装4. VERB 使(身体各部分)协调 If you co-ordinatethe different parts of yourbody, you make them work together eff


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