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CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一VOCablllary Se I eCt i On (本大题 20 小题每题分,共分 o I n th i s part, there are 20 i nCOmPIete SentenCeS BelOW each Sentence, there are four WOrdS Or PhraSeS respectiveIy marked by letters A, B, C and D. ChOOSe the WOreI Or PhraSe WhiCh best COmPIeteS each SentenCe - There i s On Iy One r i ght answer )第1题Market ing i s just Cl iStr ibUt ing goods from the manufacturer to thefinal CUStOmer A rather thanB Other thanC bigger thanD more than第2题The magician PiCkeCI SeVeraI PerSOnS from the audience and askedthem to he Ip him With the PerfOrmanCe A by acc i dentB at randomC On OCCaSiOn第3题Engl iSh Ianguage PUbl iCatiOnS i n Ch i na are growing i n VO IUme andA Ci rCUIatiOnB rotat i onC Ci rCUmStanCeD apprec i at i onDUSt StOrmS most Often OCCUr in areas Where the ground has IittIe Vegetat i On to PrOteCt Of the Wi nd A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from i t第5题On turning the comer, they SaW the Path SteePIy.A depart i ngB descend i ngC decreas i ng第6题MOSt nurses are WOmen, but i n the h i gher ranks Of the med i ca I PrOfeSSiOn WOmen are aA SCarCityB minor ityC I I I i n i mllm第7题With an eighty-hour Week and IittIe enjoyment, Iife must have been Very for the Students A host i I eB anXiOUSC ted i ousD ObSCUre第8题COnta i ner-grown Plants Can be Planted at any time Of the year, but in Winter A ShOUId beB WOUId beC PreferredD Preferably第9题HydrOPOniCS the CUItiVatiOn Of PIantS WithOUt soil.A doesB i sC doD are第10题I n the e i ghteenth CentUryt the town Of Benn i ngt0nt Vermont, WaS famous for POttery A it madeB itsC the mak i ngD Where its第11题TO impose COmPUter technology teachers i s to Create an envi ronmentthat i s not COndllCi Ve to learning A WithB toC i nD On第12题GOOd PenCi I erasers are SOft enollgh not PaPer but hard enollgh SOthat they Crllmb I e gradua I I y When I I Sed A by damagingB SO that they damageC to damageD damaging第13题BOth lOngitilde and latitudei n degrees, minutes and seconds.A measur i ngB measuredD be i ng measuredC are measured第14题OUr fI i ght to GUangZhOU WaSby a bad fog and We had to Stay muchlOnger i n the hoteI than We had expected A de IayedB adjournedC CanCeI IeCID PreSerVed第15题Of h i s ChiIdhOOd home i n Hann i ba I, MiSSOUr i, PrOVi dec i Mark TWa i n With the i nsp i rat ion for two Of h i s most POPUI ar noveIs A Remember i ngB MemOr ieSC It WaS the memor iesD He remembered第16题MOSt COmetS have two kinds Of tai Is, One made UP Of dust,made UP Of electrically Charged PartiCIeS Cal led PlaSma A One anotherB the OtherC Other OneSD each Other第17题We have had to rai se the Pr iCeS Of OUr PrOdUCtS because Of the increase in the COSt Of mater i a Is A PrinlitiVeB roughC OriginalD raw第18题a language fami ly i s a group Of langllageS With a COnlnlOn Ot igin and Simi lar VOCabUIaryt grammar, and SOUnd SyStenl A What lingUiStS Cal IB It i s Cal led by 1i ngu i stsC LingUiStS Call itD What do IingUiStS CaI I第19题get OlderT the games they PI ay become i ncreas i ng Iy COmPIeX A Chi IdrenB Chi Idrerit When theyC AS ChiIdrenlD FOr ChiIdren to第20题WheneVer the govern n i ent i nCreaSeS PUbI i C serv i ces, because more WOrkerS are needed to Carry OUt these SerViCeS A empIoyment to r i seB empIoyment r i sesC WhiCh rising employmentD the r i se Of empIoyment二、VOCabUlary RePlaCement (本大题 15 小题.每题分,共分 OThiS Part COnSiStS Of 15 SentenCeS i n WhiCh One WOreI Or PhraSe i s Under I ined BelOW each SentenCet there are four ChOiCeS respect ive Iy marked by letterS Af B, C and D. YOU are to SeI eCt the ONE ChOiCe that Can rep I ace the Under Ii ned WOrd WithOUt CaUSing any grammatical error Or Changing the Pr i nCi Pa I mean i ng Of the SentenCe There i s On Iy One r i ght answer ) 第1题PUbIiC relatiOnS PraCt iCe i s the de I iberate. Planned and SUSta ined effort to estab Ii sh and ma i nta i n mutuaI Understand i ng between an OrganiZatiOn and its PUbIiC A COmPIete B re IatedC intentionalD act i ve第2题The SerViCe economy doesTT t SUggeSt that We COnVertOUr factor i es i nto IaUndr ieS to SUrViVe A implyB PerSUadeC hurlD transform第3题The Ultimate CallSe Of the CiVi I War WaS the bombardment Of FOrt SUnlter A OnlyB finalC trueD SPeCial第4题MOSt SPeCieS Of th i s Plant thrive i n Ord i nQry Wei I-drained garden SOi I and they are best Planted 8cm deep and 5cm apart A CleVelOP Wei 1B grow tailerC matureD bear fruitI第5题J i nI WaS a StOUt Old gent I eman, With a Weather-beaten COUntenanCe A bodyB Sk i nC ShOUIderD PaSSiOnate i nterest第6题The USe Of the new technology Wi I I have a PrOfOImd effect On SChOOIS A negat i veB POSitiVeC StrOngD USefUl第7题He has a touch Of eccentr icity i n hi s COnIPOSitiOrLA essayB WritingC CharacterD manner第8题The most Striking techno I Ogi Cal SUCCeSS i n the 20 CentUry i s PrObabIy the COmPUter revolutionA ProfitableB PrOdUCtiVeC PrOminentD PrOmPt第9题She I If i Sh give the decept i ve appearance Of enjoy i ng a PeaCefUI ex i stence, a I though i n fact I ife i s a COnStant Strllggle for them A mi sIead i ngB CalnlC UnderstandableD initialMOtiVatiOn i s the ClriVing force Within i nCI i Vi dlla IS that impel s them to act i oA impedesB i nterferesC ho I dsD PUSheS第11题SCientifiC evidence from Clifferent di scipI ines demOnStrateS that in most humans the left hemi sphere Of the bra i n COntrOIS I angllage A groups Of fol lowersB years)C COUntr ieSD fields Of StUdy第12题If We 100k at the ChineSe and British COnCePtS Of hospitaI ity, We find One major Sinli lar ity but a number Of important differences A hosti I ityB fr i end I i nessC mannerD CUItUre第13题It WaS rather Strange how the habits Of hi s youth CIImg to him St i IL He WaS 72.A StUCk toB turnedC led toD gave Way to第14题In just three years, the Net has gone from a PlaygrOUnd for the lOCaI PeOPIe to a VaSt COinmllniCat iOnS and trad i ng Center Where mi I I i ons S Or do dea I s around the WOrId A bus i nessB ShOPPingC Chatt i ngD meet i ng第15题NO hero Of ancient Or modem days Can SUrPaSS the InCI ians With thei r lOfty COntemPt Of death and the fortitude With WhiCh they SUSta i n its Crlle I eSt aff 1 i ct i o n.A regardB COUrageC lossD trick三 S COrreCt ingGrammat iCa I ErrOrS (本大题 14 小题,每题分,共分 OThiS Part COnSiStS Of 15 SentenCeS in WhiCh there i s an Under I ined Part that indicates a grammaticaI error BelOW each Sentence, there are four ChOiCeS respectiveIy marked by letters A, B, C and D. YOU are to SeI eCt the ONE ChOiCe and rep I ace the Under Ii ned eIement (S) SO that the error i s erased and COrreCted There i s On Iy One r i ght answer )The f i rst recorded USe Of naturaI gas to Iight Street IamPS it WaS in the town Of Frederick, NeW YOrkt in 1825 A WaSB i sC it i sD Were第2题FUrnitUre makers USe glue to hold joints together and SOmetimeS to reinforce it.A itsB fastC hardD them第3题Al I I iVing CreatUreS PaSS On inher ited traits from One generat i on to other,A the OtherB anotherC OtherSD Other One第4题Uni ike COmPet i t i Ve runn i ng, race WaIkerS must a I ways keep SOnIe POrt i On Of thei r feet in COntaCt With the ground A runB runnerC runnersD runn i ng race第5题The eastern bluebi rd i s COnSiCiereCi the most attractive bi rd native Of NOr t h Amer i Ca by many b i rd-watchers A nat i veB native WithC nat i ve by(D nat i ve to第6题MaChineS that USe hydraulic PreSSUre inCIUding elevators, dent i st Chai rSt and automobi Ie brakes A excIudeB excludingC i ncIudeD are i ncIuded第8题Al I root VegetabIeS grow UndergrOUndt and not a I I Vegetables that grow UndergrOUnd are roots A butB OrC asD thus第8题Al I mamma Is have ha i rt but not a I ways evident A but it i s notB but it i sC but they are notD but they are第9题A PrOnliSing nOte i s a Wr itten agreement to Pay a Certa i n SUnI Of Inoney at SOme time future.A time futuresB futuresC futures timeD future time第10题NOt much PeOPIe reaI ize that appIes have been CUItiVated for OVer 3r000 yearsA NOt manyB NOt enoughC WithOUt manyD NO many第11题kAlthOUgh the SOC i a I Sciences diffe t ent a great deaI from One another, they Share a COn i mOn i nterest i n human relationship A moveB differC ChangeD Var i eS第12题The hard, OlIt SUrfaCe Of the tooth i s Cal led ename 1.A OUtSideB appearanceC OUterD hiding第13题The ear Ii est form Of art i f i c i a I Ii ght i ng WaS f i ret Wh i Ch a I so PrOVided Wan I I and PrOteCtiOn.A hotB SUnSh i neC WarmthD Safe第14题NeW YOrk City SUrPaSSed the Other Atlantic SeaPOrtS i n Part Iy because it CieVelOPed the best transportation I i nkS With the i nter i or Of the COUntry.A PartB PartialC PartnerD Parting四、Read i ng COn I PrehenS i On (共 50 小题,共分)I r I thi s SeCt i On you w 订 I f i nd after each Of the PaSSageS a number Of questions Or Unf i n i shed Statements about the PaSSageT each With four (A, B, C and D) SUggeSted anSWerS Or WayS Of finishing YOU must ChOOSe the One WhiCh you think fits best 第1题Phy I I i S Wheat I ey i s regarded as Amer i ca* S f i rst b I ack POet - She WaS born i n Senega I r Af r i Ca, about 1753 日 nd brought to Amer iCa aboard a SiaVe Sh i P at about the age Of SeVen. JOhn and SUSar i nah Wheatley bought her for three POUncISat a SI aVe auct i On i n BOStOn i n 1761 to The fami Iy had three Other sIaves, and WaS SOOn accepted as One Of the fami ly, With the Wheat I ey* S twin 15-year-oldbe a PerSOna I SerVant Of MrS Wheatley, a I I Were treated With respect Phy I I i S WhiCh i ncIuded be i ng ra i sed and educated Chi Idrent Mary and Nathan ie 1. At thattime, most fema I es, eveD from better fami I i es, COUId not read and wr i te, butMary WaS PrObabIy One Of the best educated young WOmen in BOStOn. Maty Wantedto become a teacher, and in fact, it WaS Mary Phy I I i SrS educat i on.Phy I Ii S SOOn di splayed her remarkabIe taIents read i ng the Greek and Lat i n ClaSSiCS and PaSSageSWhO dec i ded totake Charge OfAt thefrom theMrS Wheat Iey dec i ded Phy I Ii S ShOUId become a Chr i St i an.age Of Bible At thetwe I ve She WaSAnd eventuaI Iy,agePhy I Ii S WrOte her f i rst POem She became a BOStOn SenSat iOn after POen I Or I the death Of the evangeI ica I PreaCher GeOrge Whitfield became COmmOn PraCt i Ce i n BOStOn to have Mrs Wheat ley s Phy I I i SM i n POI ite SOCiety Mary marr i ed i n 1771, and Phy I I iS later moved toOf thi rteen She WrOte a in 1770. It read POetry the COUntrybecause Of POOr hea I th, as a teacher and Caretaker to a farmer* S three Ch i ICi ren. Mary had tr ied to interest PUbIi SherS i n Phy i I iSr S POenIS but OnCe they heard She WaS a NegrO theyACCOrd i ng to the PaSSaget an UnUSUa I feature Of Mary WaS that SheA WaS not much 01der than Phy I I i SB Wanted to become a teacherC WaS COmParatiVely Wei I educatedD dec i ded to take Charge Of Phy I I i SrS education第5题The Under I i ned WOrd eventuaI Iy i n ParagraPh 1 i s ClOSeSt i n mean i ng toA UltimatelyB SlOWlyC re IuctantIyD graduaI Iy第6题Wh i Ch Of the fol lowing i s NOT true about Phy I IiS i n the ear Iy 1770sA She WrOte her f i rst POem When i n her teens B She marr i ed i n 1771.C She became a teacher D She WaS abIe to get her POemS PUbl iSheci 第7题The Under I i ned WOrd they i n ParagraPh 2 refers toA PUbl iSherSC Ch i IdrenB POemSD black PeOPIe第8题It Can be i nf erred that Phy I I i s* S tr i p to En gla nd With Nathan i eI i n 1773 A did not improve her heaI thB WaS for bus i ness reasonsC led to books Of her POemS being avai IabIe in Amer iCaD led to the PUbl iCatiOn Of her POemS because the EngliSh Were more interested i n rel igious and moraI SUbjeCtSs第9题The WOrd exto I I i ng i s ClOSeSt i n mean i ng toA We ICOm i ngB Stat i ngC bemoan i ngD PraiSing第10题Wh i Ch Of the fol lowing COnCIUSiOnS about Phy I IiS i s SUPPOrtee i by the PaSSageA She WOUId have been more recogn i zed as a POet i f She had not been bI ack.B She WOUId have Wr i tten POetry i f She had Stayed i n Afr i Ca C She Went UnreCOgniZed as a POet dur i ng her Ii fet ime.D She Only WrOte re I igious POetry.第11题AbOUt fifty years ago, Plant PhySiOlOgiStS Set OUt to grow roots by themselves i n SO IUt i OnS i n IabOratOry fI asks The SCientiStS found that the nlItr itiOn Of i so Iated roots WaS quite S i mPIe They requ i red SUgar and the USUaI min era Is and Vitai I IinS - However, they did not requi re Orga nic nitrogen COmPOUndS TheSe roots got a Iong fi ne On mi neraI i norganic nitrogen. ROOtS are CaPabIe Of mak i ng the i r Own PrOteins and Other Organ i c COmPOUndS TheSe activities by roots requi re energy, Of COUrSe The PrOCeSS Of respi ration USeS SUgar to make the h i gh energy COmPOUnd ATPt Wh i Ch dr ives the b i ochemi caI react i ons ReSPi ratiOn a I so requ i res OXygen. Highly act i ve roots requ i re a good deaI Of OXygen.The StUdy Of i so Iated roots has PrOVideCI an UnderStanei ing Of the re I at i onsh i p between ShOOtS and roots i n i n tact Pla nts. The IeaVeS Of the ShOOtS PrOVide the roots With SUgar and Vitanl ins, and the roots PrOVide the ShOOtS With Water and InineraIs In addition, roots Can PrOVide the ShOOtS With Organic nitrogen COmPOlJnds. ThiS COmeS in handy for the growth Of buds in the ear Iy SPr ing When IeaVeS are not yet funct ioning - OnCe leaVeS begin PhOtOSyntheSiZi ngt they PrOdUCe PrOtei nT but On I y mature leaVeS Can export1 PrOtei n to the rest Of the Plant i n the form Of amino ac ids.What i s the main topic Of the PaSSageA The re I at i onsh i p between a Plant S roots and i ts ShOOtS B What Can be learned by growing roots in isolation.C HOW Plants Can be grown WithOUt roots D What eIements are necessary for the growth Of Plants 第12题The Under Ii neCi WOrCI themseIves i n ParagraPh 1 refers toA Plant PhySiOIOgiStSB SOlUtiOnSC IabOratOry flasksD roots第13题The SCientiStS found What the i so Iated roots need i sA quite naturaIB SUgarf mineraIs and VitanlinSC SOme rare Vitami nSD OrganiC nitrogen COmPOUndS 第14题ROOtS have the ability toAlliake PrOte i nSB Obta i n fresh a i rC PrOdllCe i norganic nitrogenD Carry OUt activities WithOUt energy第15题ACCOrC i i ng to the passage, What i s ATPA A b i ochemi caI PrOCeSS B The tip Of a root C A ChemiCaI COmPOUnd D A type Of Plant Cell-第16题The Under I i ned WOrci r intact in ParagraPh 2 i s ClOSeSt in meaning to A matureB WiIclC WholeD tiny第17题The USe Of the PhraSe comes i n handy , Under Ii ned In ParagraPh 2 i nd i cates that the PrOCeSS i s A UnaVOi dab IeB Pred iCtableC necessaryD SUCCeSSfUl第18题It Can be i nf erred from the PaSSage that, i n the ear I y SPr i ng, the buds Of PlantsA export11 PrOtei n i n the form Of amino acidsB do not requ i re WaterC have begun PhOtOSyntheS i Z i ngD Obta in Organic COmPOUndS from the root第19题WhiCh Of the fol lowing best descr ibes the OrganiZatiOn Of the PaSSageA The results Of two exper iments are compared.B A genera Ii zat i on i s made, and SeVeraI examp Ies Of it are given.C The f i nd i ngs Of an exper iment are exp I a i ned D A hypothes i s i s PreSented, and SeVeraI means Of PrOVing it are SUggeSted 第20题Where i s th i s PaSSage Ii keIy to be foundA A news Ietter B A magaz i ne C A StOrybOOk D A noveI 笫21题NatUraI fIavor i ngs and fragrances are Often COStIy and IimiteCI i n SUPPIy. FOr examp Ie, the Vital i ngred i ent i n a rose fragrance i s extracted from naturaI rose Oi I at a COSt Of thousands Of dollars a pound ; an identical Synthet i C SUbStanCe Can be made for 1% Of thi s COSt SinCe the ear Iy twent i eth CentUryt SUCCeSS in reproducing these SUbStances has Created a new industry that today PrOdllCeS hundreds Of art i f i c i a I flavors and fragrances SOme naturaI fragrances are eas i Iy Synthes i zed ; these i nCIUe i e Van i I Ii nt the aromat i c i ngred i ent i n Van ilia, and benzaIdehyde, the aromat i c ingredient i n Wild Cherr i eS - Otherfragrances, however, have dozens, even hundreds Of COmPOnents. Only recent Iy has it been POSS i bIe to SeParate and identify these i ngred i ents by the USe Of gas ChrOmatOgraPhy and SPeCtrOSCOPy. OnCe the Chen Ii CaI identity i s known, it i s Often POSSible to SyntheS i Ze them NeVertheI ess, SOme COmPIeX substances, SUCh as the aroma Of fresh C0ffeeT have Still not been dupIi cated SatiSfaCtOr i ly. Many Of the Chen I i CaI COmPOUndS Inak i ng UP these SynthetiCS are identicaI to those found in nature, and are as harmless Or harmfuI as the naturaI SUbStanCeS NeW PrOdUCtS must be tested for Safetyt and When USed i n food, must be approved by the - FOOd and Drllg Administration.The avaliability Of Synthetic fIavors and fragrances has made POSSibIe a large Var i ety Of products, from i n expens i ve beverages to PerfUmed SOaP to USed CarS With appIied rnew Car OdOr FrOnI the PaSSage We Can learn thatA naturaI fIavor i ngs and fragrances are not qu i te dearB the IimitatiOn Of naturaI flavor ings and fragrances i s ClearC the SUPPIy Of naturaI fIavor i ngs and fragrances i s adequate to meet theCi emandD the COSt Of PrOdllCing natura I flavor ings and fragrances i s h i gh /第22题WhiCh Of the fol lowing i s true accordi ng to the PaSSageA NatUra I rose fragrance i s 100 times more expens i ve to PrOdllCe than art i f i c i a I rose fragrance B The most important i ngred i ent i n a rose fragrance i s Obta i ned from naturaI rose Oi I at a I0W COSt C A d i fferent Synthet i C SUbStanCe Can be made for 1% Of the COSt D NatUraI rose Oi I COStS the Same as its fragrances 第23题The i ndustry Of PrOdllCi ng hundreds Of artificial f I avors and fragrances PrObably appeared inA 2000B 1953C 1909D 1810第24题ACCOrd ing to the PaSSaget a I I the fol lowing are easier to SyntheSiZe EXCEPTA aromatic i ngred i ent i n Van iliaB Van iliain WiId CherryC aromat i c i ngred i entD the fIavor Of fresh COffee第25题The Under I i ned WOrd duplicated i n ParagraPh 2 i s CIOSeSt i n mean i ng toA make doubIeB make a COPy OfC PrOdUCe SOmeth i ng equaI toD take fromI第26题Why does the author mention fresh COffee in ParagraPh 2A AS an examp Ie Of COmPIeX SUbStanCeS hav i ng not been dupl icated Sat iSfaCtOr i ly B BeCaUSe the COffee fragrance i s hard to PrOdUCe C TO COnCIUde the PaSSage D The SmeI I Of fresh COffee i s inviting 笫27题,a SUbStanCe Can be SyntheSiZeei A UPOn identifying the basic COmPOnentS Of itB OnCe Chemi CaI Iy ana IyzedC When gas ChrOmatOgraPhy i s USee iD If SPeCtrOSCOPy i s adopted第28题It Can be inferred from the PaSSage thatA Van i I Ii n i s eas i er to SyntheSiZe than benzaIdehydeB not a I I Synthet i C fIavors are harmlessC i n genera If the leSS COmPOnentS there are i n a fragrance, the harder i t i s to SyntheS i ZeD SyntheSiZed SUbStances must be tested for Safety On Iy i f they are USeCI i n food第29题Wh i Ch Of the fol lowing i s the best title for the PaSSageA HOW to Synthes i ze FragranCeSB Synthet i C SUbStances Are EaSy to MakeC NatUraI FlaVOr ingS and FragrancesD SynthetiC FlaVOrS and FragranCeS第30题WhiCh Of the fol lowing i s NOT true according to the laSt ParagraPhA Synthetic fragrances Can be USed to make a USed Car SnlelI Iike a newOne B Synthet i C flavors and fragrances have added to the Var ietieS Of PrOdUCtS C LemOn SOaP i s made OUt Of SOme


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