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人教版七年级下册英语Unit6 单元测试题Unit 6 Im watching TV.时间:75 分钟 姓名:_ 分数:_一.单项选择:(每小题 1 分,满分 25 分)()1. - What time does she get up - She_ up at 6:10 am.A. is gett ing B. gets C. to get D. get()2. - What can Tony do - He can_ the guitar.A. is playi ngB. playi ngC. plays D. play()3- What is Tom doing - He_ in my room.A. study B. studies C. is study D. isstudy ing()4. -_you watchi ng TV - Y es, I_.A. Do, do B. Can, can C. Are, am D. Are, do()5. Look! Dave_on the phone.A. talks B. are talk ing C. talk D. istalki ng()6. -_Mary clea ning her room - No, she is_.A. Does, plays the computer games B. Can, play the computer gamesC. Is, play ing computer games D. Does, play ing computergames( )7Let sto th e movies. Thatgreat.A. going,sounding B.go, sounds C. go, sound D. going,is sounding)8. -Whats Cindy doing. She iswith her friends.singing on( )10withdoA. Nothing much, playsC. No, looking photos Look, Some birdsguitars B.Yes, playing the volleyballD. Nothing much, eating dinnerthe big tree.A. are singing in B. are sing on C. singing in. He s livingA. with, for)11. Look! Gina)12D. isan American familyNew York.B.in, toC.with, in D.in,a book under the tree.A. is reading B.is looking C.reads D.seesA. Do, do( )13.they playing games over there Yes, theyB. Are, areC. Do, are D. Are,Are you listening and writingB. I mnot writing C. Yes, I do D.No, I m not( )14. Do you want _ to the movies with us this eveningA. go B. to goC. goesD. going( )15. Thank you _ the letters and photos.A. goes; at; in B. go; at; in( )17. Jenny is _ a green shirt today.A. putting on B. wearingC. put onD.wear( )18. Li Lei likes _ soccer. Look! He is _ soccer.A. play, play B. playes, playes C. playing, playingD. playing, play( )19. Tom often _ TV in the evening. He s _ TV now.A. watches, watchesB. watching, watchingC. watches, watchingD. watching, watches( )20. _ do you want to go Swimming pool.A. I m listeningA. on B. inC. for D. to( )16. John s parents _towork _ 7:00the morning.go; in; in C.go; in; at D.WhichA. WhereB. WhenC. HowD.()21. Lisa and Timplay ingbasketball.A. isB. areC. doD.want()22Whats your gran dfather doingHe shis book. Hecan t find it.A. look atB. look ing atC. looking forD. looking)23.Are you watchi ng TVYes,this TV show ishasA. in teresti ngB.interested)24.)25. IboringC.busy D.Whe n do youA. hav ingB.dinnereatingmy room every day. But now IA. clea n, amreadi ng B. amclea ning,D. clea n,read二、完形填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)At 6:30 .C.read ing Ceat D.clea ning, readMr. Green is our English teacher. He _ 26 _ somepictures.He shows thosepictures to us in class. He wants us _ 27 _ something from them .In _ 28_of the pictures, we see a boy at work. He s cleaning the room. In _ 29picture, a girl is singi ng. She s singing an American song. In other pictures, we see manypeople doing differe nt thi ngs. One is running, ano ther is 30_a cake. And a girl is doing _31 _ homework. Welook 32 our teacher listens 33 _ us. WelearnEnglish from our teacher and the pictures. Our teacher likes _ 34 _. We like her and her _35_, too.()26. A: isB: areC: hasD: have()27. A: lear n B: lear nsC: lear ning D: to lear n()28. A: aB: oneC: anD: the()29. A: others B: the other C: ano ther D: the others)30. A:makeB: mak ing C: doD: doing)31. A:)32. A:)33. A:)34. A:B:yourC: herD: hisB: withC: atD: forB: atC: inD : forB: usC:ID: me)35. A: nameB: classes C: school D: classroommy三阅读理解(每题 2 分共 40 分)A. Wet pai ntA young manand an old manare walking in the park. The old manis behind the youngman. There is a chair in front of the young man. The old man is very glad(高兴)to see thechair. He wants to sit on the chair for a rest休息.Hewalks to the chair. The young man walks to it, too. So the old man begins to run. Now he isin front of the young man. The young man says,“Don t siton that chair! ” The old man doesn t listen to him. He s sitting on it. He looks happy. Theyoung man comes over to him. He is holdi ng a small board(木板)in his hand. It says, “Wet paint ”()36. The old man is the young ma n. A. i n front of B. besideC. beh ind()37. The old manwants to _on the chair. A. stand B. sit and restC. put a board()38. Why does the old man runA. He is happy to run.B. The young man is behi nd him.C. He doesn t want the young man to sit on the chair.()39. Why does the young man say “ Don t sit on the chair” BecauseA. he wants to sit there. B. the paint is wet.like the old man.()40. Maybe the old man s pants are _ hort B. notclea n C. wetBIt s a fine Sun day morni ng. The Smiths are at home. Mr. Smith isclea ninghis car in the garde n. Mrs. Smith is in the kitche n. She is cook ing lunch for the family. Davidand his friends are in the living room. They are talking and watch ing TV. His sister Joy is inher room with her cat. Joy is doing her homework and the cat is playing with a ball.()41. How many people are there in Mr. Smith family_ .A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. five()42. Who is clea ning the car_.A. Mr. Smith B. Mrs. Smith C. Joy D. David and his friends()43. Where is Mrs Smith_A. In the living room B. In the garden C. In the kitchenD.In her room()44. What are David and his frie nds doing_A.TalkingB.Watching TV C.Playing football D.Both A. and B.()45. Which say ing is not right(C. he doesn t正确)A. Mrs. Smith has a daughter and a son. B. Mrs. Smith is cooking lunch for her family.C. Joy is playing with the cat. D. Joys cat is playing with a ball.CWehave twenty minutes rest between classes. Look! Most of us are playing during therest time. Some students are on the playground. They are having a basketball game. Oh! Aboy is running with a ball. And another istrying(尽力) to stop him. They are so coo1. And there are somegirls watching the game.Somestudents are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading or doinghomework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in a tree in front of the classroom. She must bethinking of something interesting because she issmiling(微笑).What are the teachers doing Do you know Some of them are working in the office, andsome are talking with students. Everyone is busy with his or her things. Busy and happy!( ) 46. Where are some students having a gameA. In the classroom.B. In front of the classroom.C. On the playground.D. in the classroom( ) 47. A girl is looking at the birds. She is _()48. What are teachers doingA. happy B. busyC. sadD. interestingA. Working or talking with students. B. Having a basketball game.C. Playi ng with the stude nts.D. Talki ng to each other.()49. There are_ stude nts in the classroomA. no B. someC. few D. many()50. The passage ismainly(主要地)about_A. stude nts B. a basketball game C. rest time D. school activitiesDAnd now here s Mary with today s weather. Thanks,. Today s weather is sunnyand warm, with a high of eighteen degrees(度).Elsewhere(在别处),it s sunny in Beijing witha high of twenty-two and a low of seven degrees. InShanghai, It s cloudy, with a temperature between fifteen and twenty-four degrees. Strongwind in Chengduwith chances of thunderstorms. The temperature there isbetween 14 and19 degrees. And in Guangzhou, it s raining with ahigh of 30 and a low of 19 degrees. It s sunny in Haikou today, The temperature there isbetwee n 25 and 31 degrees.51.根据文章填空: _is reporting today s weather.s theweatherlikeinBeijing_itrai nyorsunnyinChengdu54.判断正(T)误(F):The highest(最高的)temperature in Guan gzhou istwen ty-four.55.划线句子译成汉语四.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:(每空 1 分,满分 5 分)56. -What are you doing now - I am r_ _ wspaper.57. - I am l_ to music.58. The soap is_( 美味),59. He_ (想念)his family every day, he_( 希望)to seethem at on ce.五连词成句(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)60. is he what doing ()61. using are computer they the (.)62. you do to want me dinner for joi n ()63. kind boring of TV this show(.)64. you doing your are homework ()六书面表达(15 分)假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据 Tom 提供的信息,写一篇短文描述 Tom 一家人此刻的活动情况,60 词左右。爸爸看报纸妈妈和她的朋友打电话爷爷看京剧Tom做家庭作业妹妹 Nancy和狗玩耍


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