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不定式与复合句之间的转换- 中考之总结 + 练习题一、动词不定式是一个仅仅含有动词原形和附加成分(宾语、表语)以及连带成分(状语)的短语,转换为从句时主要围绕动词做文章。既然不定式变成谓语动词,以下几点必需要考虑:1. 在原句中找出不定式的逻辑主语,使其成为转换成句子后的主语; 2. 确定不定式所表达的时态或情态, 把转换后的谓语动词变成相应的时态(将来、一般、完成或进行),有时候还有必要另加情态动词can/could, may/might ;3. 确定原不定式在句子中所充当的成分(主语、宾语、表语、定语或状语),然后加上必要的关连词改为相应的从句。二、与转换有关的不定式的相关知识A. 不定式的逻辑主语有下列几种情况1. 句子的主语就是不定式的逻辑主语,如:He helped to build areservoir.You must come to see me on Sunday.What have I done to make you soangry?2. 不定式的逻辑主语是相邻的名词Its kind of you to see me.We knowher to be a brave girl. Did you see him enter the room? It is for you todecide.3. 不定式的逻辑主语存在于不言自明的语境中To talk with him is agreat pleasure. (可能是 we, you 或 everybody)Our plan is to finish the work in twoweeks. (we)It is wrong not to help others. (we, they或 you)B. 不定式的时态1.不定式的一般式的行为常表示下列两种时间:* 如果作宾补, 与谓语动词同时发生,如:I saw him go out.Would you help me to put things in order?* 其他情况多数发生在谓语动词后,如:I hope to see you again.He wanted to be anactor.2. 不定式的完成式的行为发生在谓语动词之前,如:I am sorry to have keptyou waiting.3. 不定式的进行式的行为发与谓语动词同时发生,如:He seems tobe recovering.C. 不定式的词性以及在句子中充当的成分1. 名词性主语: It is ourduty to help you.宾语: She decided to try again.表语: Her job is to take care of thechildren.2. 形容词性定语:He is always the first one to get up. 3. 副词性目的状语: He came here to see me yesterday.结果状语: He is too excited to go to sleep.形容词补足语: I am sorry to hear that.三、转换实例1. 不定式 名词从句To talk withhim is a great pleasure. ( 主语 )-It is a great pleasure (that we can) talk withhim.He hopes to be a sailor.(宾语)- He hopes (that he can) be asailor.My suggestion is to wait a little longger. (表语)- My suggestion is (that weshould) wait a little longger.The plan to finish the work in two weeks has been handed in.(同位语)- The plan (that we/they should) finish the work in two weeks has been1handed in.2. 不定式 定语从句He is the only one to go to the party in ourclass.- He is the only one (who will/may) go to the party in our class.3.不定式 状语从句We all work hard in order to complete our assignment in time. ( 目的 )- We allwork hard in order (that we can) complete our assignment in time. We hurried so as to be in time for the meeting. ( 目的 ) - We hurried so as (that we might) be in time for the meeting. He is too young to join the army ( 结果 ) - He is too young (that he could not)join the army.His behaviour was such as for us all to refuse to receive him in our homes.(结果 )- His behaviour was such (that we all refused) to receive him in ourhomes.Im very sorry to have kept you waiting. ( 原因 )- Im very sorry (because/as/forI) have kept you waiting. 四、不定式的转换有时候不能死板硬套上面的格式,有些特殊情况还需要特殊对待。如:For a moment (I seemed to) have lost consciousness. - (Itseemed that I) had lost consciousness. (They happened to) meet each other in the street. - (It so happened that) they met each other in the street.宾语从句是英语学习中的重点、难点,也是中考的热点。宾语从句与不定式(短语)的转换是中考考点之一,现将应注意的问题归纳如下:1.【考题引导】A :They havent decided which camera they will choose(.2004 年滨州)B:They haventdecided which camera to choose.【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词hope, agree, wish, decide, choose等后接 that 引导的宾语从句,并且该从句的主语与其主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可转换成不定式(短语)。如:A :The girl hopes that she can be a doctor some day.B:The girl hopes to be a doctor some day.A :Father decided that he would buy a new computer for me.B:Father decided to buy a new computer for me.2.【考题引导】A :Do you know when we will visit the Great Wall?( 2004 年襄樊)B:Do you know when to visit the Great Wall?【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词know , tell,forget ,remember, learn, explain 等后接疑问词(连接代词 /副词)引导的宾语从句,且该从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可转换成 “疑问词(连接代词 /副词) +不定式(短语) ”形式。如:A :We dont know what we should do next.B:We dont know what to do next.A :Jim told Lin Tao how he would spend the day.B:Jim told Lin Tao how to spend the day.3.【考题引导】A :Could you please teach me how I search the Internet? (2003 年邢台)2B:Could you please teach me how to search the Internet?【要点领悟】当主句谓语动词tell,ask, show,teach 等后接双宾语,且直接宾语是疑问词(连接代词 /副词)引导的宾语从句(从句主语与主句的间接宾语一致)时,宾语从句可转换成 “疑问词(连接代词/副词) +不定式(短语)”形式。如:A :Could you tell me how I can start the machine?B:Could you tell me how to start the machine?A :She asked me which skirt she should choose.B:She asked me which skirt to choose.注意:以上三种情况中,宾语从句的谓语多表示将来意义。4.【考题引导】A :We found that he was a clever boy.(2003 年南京)B:We found him a clever boy.【要点领悟】suppose,feel, think, believe,find 等后接的宾语从句可转换为含有不定式短语的复合宾语。1)宾语从句的主语转换成宾语, 从句的谓语部分转换成宾语补足语的不定式短语 “to be+形容词 /名词 ”。如:A :I find that the plan is interesting.B:I find the plan ( to be) interesting.A :All of her friends suppose that she is a good student.B:All of her friends suppose her to be a good student.2.宾语从句 “it is +形容词 /名词 + 不定式短语 ”转换成 “(it形式宾语) +形容词 /名词(宾语补足语) + 不定式短语(宾语) ”的复合宾语。如:A :We find it is difficult to please her.B:We find it difficult to please her.A :I think it is my duty to take good care of my old parents.B:I think it my duty to take good care of my old parents.宾语从句与不定式形式转换:1.They found it impossible to finish the work in such a short time.(改为复合句)2. His parents thought it strange that their son hadnt written to them for too long. (改为复合句)3.I find it important to learn a new skill. (改为复合句)4.He considered himself an expert on the subject. (改为复合句)5.After a long search, we found the boy safe.(改为复合句)6.We often see him play football on the playground.(改为复合句)37.All of us think Mr. Green a good person. (改为复合句)8.He could hear his heart beating very fast.(改为复合句)9.Im interested in whether he likes English (可以用if 吗?)10.I worry about whether I hurt her feelings (可以用if 吗?)11.I dont know whether to go He hasnt decided whether to go by bus or by train(可以用 if 吗?)12.Whether this is true or not, I cant say(可以用if 吗?)13.Whether she will come or not is still a question (可以用if 吗?)14.Li Ming hopes he will be back very soon.(改为简单句)15.We decided that we would help him.(改为复合句)16.Could you tell me how I can get to the station ?(改为简单句)17.The headmaster ordered that we should start at once. (改为简单句)18.He insisted that he should go with us. (改为简单句)19. There are still a lot of difficulties we have to overcome. (改为简单句)一下都是20.Before the machines leave the factory, there is a series of tests that must be passed21.At the end of the speech he expressed the desire that he should come and work in China someday.22.The commander gave orders that we should cross the river._23. She was excited when she heard the news. _24.Im glad I have seen your mother. _25.The mother was pleased when she saw her son doing so well at school.26. He was very happy when he saw us so happy. _27.They will be disappointed when they hear it. _28.I was so forgetful that I didn t lock the door last night.29.The robot was so careful that it reminded me of this .30.I got up early so that I could get to the station in time.31.He is so careless that he always makes mistakes in his work.32.He is so strong that he can carry the big box.33.I don t know where I should goextn.34.It has been decided when we will leave the terrible place.35.Though he is lonely, he doesn t know who he can talk to.二、用所给词的形式填空:1.Do you know how _(pronounce ) the word?2.I saw the boys _(swim) in the pool.3.I wonder _(if)I can pass the exam or not.4.I found it _(possible) to finish this work in such a short time.5.She noticed a boy_(lie) on the floor and crying.6.They decided _(buy) a digital camera online.4三、复合句改为简单句,简单句改为复合句7. He is so young that he cannot to to school. - He is _ young _ go to school.8. She is so lever that she can work out the problem.- She is _ _ _ work out the problem.9.He exercises every day so that he can keep fit.-He exercises every day _ _ _keep fit.10.He went over his composition again and again so as not to make any mistakes-He wentover his composition again and again _make anymistakes11.He decided that he would buy a TV online- He decided _ _ a TV online.12.It seemed that this camera offered the most at the best price.- The camera _ _offer the most at the best price.13.I was glad when Iheard the good news- I was glad _ _ the good news.14.Tom was very amazed as they knew all about it.- Tom was very amazed _ _ allabout it.15.I don t what I will do tomorrow-I. don t know what _ _ tomorrow.16.I found him happy.- I found _ _ _ happy.17.I noticed that he was entering the room.- I notice _ _ the room.18.Betty saw a wallet lying on the ground- Betty saw _ _ _a wallet lying on theground.19.I wonder how to get to the station- I wonder how _ _ get to the station.20.I found my breakfast ready when I got up .- I found _ my breakfast _ ready when Igot up.21.He hopes to come back soon. - He hopes _ _ _ come back soon.5


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