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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2019-2010历城七上期末测试题II. 拼读选词21. Come and buy your clothes at our great sel .A. sell B. see C. sale D. shoe22. We have a music lesn on Monday.A. like B. lunch C. lesson D. listen23. I cant tell you now. I have to k about it.A. thank B. think C. trip D. take24. When you learn English, a dictionary is ju:sfl .A. useful B. under C. uncle D. unhealthy25. Can I watch TV after I fn my homework,mom?A. find B. first C. free D. finish III. 选择填空26. - Do you like apples?-Yes. apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. A B. An C. The D. /27. - this T-shirt Lindas?-Yes. She often puts her things everywhere.A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does28. - are those shoes?-They are five dollars.A. How many B. Where C. Who D. How much29. -Are they your cousins?-Yes. I play with every Sunday.A. they B. him C. them D. us30. -Can I ask you a question your breakfast?-Sure.A. for B. about C. in D. on31. -Ann, you nice in the red coat.-Thank you, Tom.A. sound B. look C. taste D. see 32. -How many hours do you sleep every day?-About hours. From 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. A. nine B. nineteen C. eight D. eighteen33. -We have a trip next week.- .A. Thank you B. You are welcome C. Here you are D. Have a good day34. - is National Day?-Its on October 1st.A. What B. When C. How D. Which 35. -Jack, would you like to go shopping with me?-Sorry,Dale. I am now.A. good B. short C. fun D. busy36. -Mom, I need a jacket for school. Can you one for me?-OK.A. lost B. need C. buy D. sell37. -Does she like basketball?-Yes. She likes basketball, she often watches basketball games.A. but B. or C. and D. because38. Which of the following is a kind of healthy lifestyle(生活方式)?39. -Are these your ?-Yes. These are my uncle and aunt. And this is me.A. books B. photos C. clothes D. tapes40. He is a good student and he studies .A. good B. well C. bad D. badly41. -This hat is too for me. Please give me a big one.A. long B. short C. big D. small42. -I need a baseball. Do you have ?-Yes, here you are.A. it B. one C. them D. ones43. The students have lunch at school, and after they have two classes.A. That B. them C. those D. these44. -Hi, Bob. How is your day?- A. Thats for sure. B. Its OK. C. Thank you. D. You are welcome.45. - -Mr. Brown. He is my P.E. teacher.A. Whats your favorite subject? B. Who is your favorite teacher?C.Why do you like P.E.? D. How is your P.E.teacher? IV. 完形填空Its December 28thThe 46 Day is comingMa Li is in a 47 shopShe wants to buy a blouse (女衬衫) 48 her motherShe is happy because she 49 a blue blouseBlue is her mothers favorite colorShe thinks her mother will like 50 very much, she asks the shopkeeper what the 51 is198yuan,says the shopkeeperMa Li is surprised (吃惊的),Too expensive(贵). I 52 thats a little expensive. But I .The shopkeeper tells her the blouse is made of silk(丝绸)Good things always cost much,she says But I have 53 173yuanCan it be cheaper?I buy it for my mother 54 .198 yuan is the last price. But I will lend(借给) you 25 yuan 55 ? We dont know each other Because I love my mother,too,says the shopkeeper with a smile46AChildrens BNew YearsCWomensDTeachers47AfruitBvegetableCclothesDfood48AwithBinCaboutDfor49AwantsBneedsCfindsDmakes50AitBthemCtheyDhim51AsizeBcolorCtermDprice52AthinkBseeCwatchDtake53AveryBmuchConlyDall54AThanksBOKCFineDSorry55AWhatBWhyCHowDWhereV. 阅读理解 AJimmyisalittleboyHelikeschocolateverymuchButhismotherdoesntlethimeatmuchbecauseitsbadforhisteeth(牙齿)ThisSundayisJimmysthefifthbirthdayHisparentswanttohaveabirthdaypartyTheyaskJimmysgrandpatocometothepartyHisgrandpacomesthedaybeforeJimmysbirthdayAtnight,mothertellsJimmy,IfyoutelltheGod(上帝)whatyouwant,youwillgetitSoJimmycries,Iwantaboxofchocolate!Hismothersays,Dontsayitsoloudly(大声地)TheGodcanhearyouJimmysmilesandsays,Butgrandpacant56Jimmylikes_Abananas Bchocolate Ccandy Dcake57How old is Jimmy?Afour Bfive Csix Dseven58_comestoJimmyspartyAJimmysfriend BJimmysteacher B. Jimmysgrandpa DJimmysgrandma59WhydoesJimmycryloudly?_AHethinksGodcanhear BHeloveshismotherverymuchCHewantstolethisgrandpahearit DHecantsayitinlowvoice60Whichof the followingis Nottrue?_AJimmys fifth birthday is on SundayBJimmysmotherdoesntwant Jimmy to eat much chocolateCJimmywants his grandpa to buy chocolate for himDJimmysmother buys a box of chocolate for him B Lost My English dictionary. My name is Grace. Please call 233-4105 or look for me. In Room 405.Shopping List (购物单) * 2 pencils * A pencil sharpener *New CDs of Jay Chou Lily Bill Smith English teacher No.9 Middle School of Nanjing Tel: 668-0796 E-mail: bill999 Name: Tom Cooper Age: 21 Tel: 9873-8769 Mobile: E- mail: Tom.Cyahoo,cnAddress: 321 Yongfu Road61. If you find Graces dictionary, you can call .A. 9873-8769 B. 668-0797 C. 233-4105 D. 62. Lily needs .A. an English dictionary B. a red jacket C. new CDs D. some sharpeners63. Bill is a in No.9 Middle School.A. student B. teacher C. worker D. singer64. Whats Tom Coopers address?A. 321 Yongfu Road B. C.312 Lin He Road D. Grace and Tom are classmates.65. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Lily wants to buy two pencils. B. Bill Smiths telephone number is 668-0796.C.Tom is 21 years old. D. Grace and Tom are classmates. CThese days the childrens health is more important for their parents. They want to get some advice about it. Being healthy means a person eats well, gets a lot of exercise, and has a healthy weight(体重). If you are healthy, your body works well, feels good and can do all the things you want to do.Of course, parents may help do some things- such as cooking healthy meals or taking a nature trip with children. But children themselves can also do something to keep healthy.Here are some rules. You may follow them to keep healthy most of the time.Some food is delicious, but you cant eat too much.Eat fruit and vegetables.Drink water and milk often Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels(感觉). Dont watch TV too much.Try to keep active.66. People care more about these days.A. The childrens studies B. the childrens lifeC.the health of children D. the habit of children67. How does a health child do according to the passage?To have a healthy habit. To do enough sports. To eat well. To have a healthy weight.A. B. C. D. 68.Which of the following can children do to keep healthy?A. Dont drink milk. B. Watch TV too much.C.Eat much delicious food. D. Eat fruit and vegetables.69. The underlined word “notice”means in Chinese in this passage.A. 注意 B. 控制 C. 减少 D. 实现70. How many rules(规则)does the writer give about how to keep your health?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. ThreeDIf someone asks you “What color is the sky(天空)”, I think your answer will be “blue”.Im afraid that you are wrong.Because the sky has no color. It looks blue because we are looking at the blue sunlight. The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust(灰尘)in the air.Whats in the sky? Is the sky full of (充满)air? Im sure that you have asked these question,too. We know that there is air around the world, but we couldnt fly(飞)very high because as we go high, the air gets thinner(更稀薄). If we go far enough away the earth, we can find that there is no air.Maybe we can answer some questions now. What is the sky? Where is it? It is all around the world. The sky is space(宇宙空间). In space there is nothing, but only the sun, the moon, the earth and all the other stars.71. The sky has .A. a star round the earth B. a big ball with airC.full of dust D. no clour72. What makes the sky blue?A. Dust in the air B. Blue sunlightC.Our own feelings D. Both A and B73. We cant fly very high because A. theres too much air in the sky B. the high sky is full of dirty airC.theres no air in the high enough sky D. the sun is too hot74. What is the sky?A. It is all round the world. B. It is the sun.C.It is the moon. D. It is the sunlight.75. There is the sun, the moon, and all the other starts.A. the light B. the earth C. the UFO D. the airVI. 用所给词的正确形式填空76. Let me (get) some salad for you.77. September is the (nine) month of a year.78. Do you want (come) to my birthday party?79. Who is Jacks (China) friend?80. The two (woman) are his mother and aunt.81. Are these ideas the same as (you)?82. My P.E. teacher always (play) games with us.83. All the students like (they) English teacher, Mr. Smith.84. I think John likes (tomato) very much.85. Can you (take) the notebook to my brother?VII. 改写句子86. Peter has a clock.(改为否定句)Peter a clock.87. That girl is Anns sister. (改为复数句) girls Anns sisters.88. I want to meet my friend this afternoon.(对画线部分提问) do you to meet your friend?89. We have yellow socks for only 3 dollars. (同义句转换)We have socks for only 3 dollars.90. What can I do for you? (同义句转换) I you?VIII. 把下列句子翻译成英语,不限词数91. 我和我的兄弟在同一所学校My brother and I .92.11月15号,我们举办英语节。We .93. 我们卖的所有衣服都很优惠。We sell our clothes at .94. 圣诞节在什么时候? 在十二月二十五号。When is Christmas Day? On December 25th.95. 弗兰克为什么喜欢艺术? 因为它酷。 Frank like art? Because .IX. 补全对话Eric: Hi,David. How are you? Are you OK?David: No, Im not.Eric: Whats wrong?David: Its 96 today.Eric: So?David: I have two math classes on Tuesday.Eric: You dont like math?David: No. Its so difficult! My father says its interesting, 97 I dont think so.Eric: So whats your favorite 98 ?David: Science. Its difficult but interesting.Eric: 99 is your science class?David: Its on Monday. I have to go now!Eric: OK, 100 you.David: Bye!X. 补全对话Hello, my name is Li Hua. I am a middle school student. Its January 7th today. It is my 12th 101 (一个名词). My parents always have a party for me in the evening. Now, you can see a cake 102 (一个介词)the table. You can see a 103 (一种球的名称) on it,too. Its new. I love soccer 104 (一个连词) I play it with my friends on Sundays. My dad knows that well. So I guess he bought it for me. On this day my mom always 105 (一个动词) me, “Dear, what do you like to eat for your birthday party?”XI. 书面表达 假如你是李华,给你的美国笔友Mike写一封电子邮件,根据图片内容介绍一下你周一至周五的每天生活。要求:1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2. 不得出现真实的人名,校名,地名等相关信息。3. 约70个词汇。Dear Mike, Thanks for your e-mail. 答案: II. 21-25 CCBADIII. 26-30 BADCB 31-35 BADBD 36-40 CCDBB 41-45 DBABBIV. 46-50 BCAAA 51-55 DACDB V. 56-60 BBCCC 61-65 CCBAD 66-70 CADAC 71-75 DDCABVI. 76. get 77. ninth 78. to come 79. Chinese 80. women 81. yours 82. plays 83. their 84. tomatoes 85. takeVII. 86. doesnt have 87. Those are 88. When want 89. in yellow 90. Can helpVIII. 91. are at the same school 92. have an English festival on November 15th93. good prices 94. Its 95. Why its coolIX. 96. Tuesday 97. but 98. subject 99. When 100. seeX. 101. birthday 102. on 103. soccer 104. and 105. asks专心-专注-专业


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