广东省深圳市高中英语 2话题研读 15文娱与体育课件

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本文介绍探戈舞的历史,包括诞生、流行本文介绍探戈舞的历史,包括诞生、流行和传播。和传播。1. D 细节理解题。考查精彩句型。细节理解题。考查精彩句型。A选项选项由第一段第二句可知;本句为并列句。由第一段第二句可知;本句为并列句。B选项由第一段第三句可知;选项由第一段第三句可知;C选项由第一选项由第一段最后一句可知;段最后一句可知;D选项由第二段第三句选项由第二段第三句可知,是吸引可知,是吸引women 而不是而不是boyfriend。2. C词义猜测题。由本段第一句和上一段词义猜测题。由本段第一句和上一段第一句的第一句的lower classes可知。可知。 美文研读美文研读3. B主旨大意题。根据题干中的关键词主旨大意题。根据题干中的关键词“best title”定位到文章的内容。由文定位到文章的内容。由文章内容可知章内容可知,文章首段讲述了探戈的诞文章首段讲述了探戈的诞生,接着讲述了探戈的传播生,接着讲述了探戈的传播,也就是说也就是说,全文讲述的是探戈的历史。故选全文讲述的是探戈的历史。故选B。4. D细节理解题。根据题干中细节理解题。根据题干中“the origin of the tango”定位到第一段的内定位到第一段的内容,可知探戈起源于阿根廷首都,故容,可知探戈起源于阿根廷首都,故选选D。5. C细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词“Before World War”定位到最后一段。定位到最后一段。探戈传到美国是第一次世界大战结束后,探戈传到美国是第一次世界大战结束后,传到日本是传到日本是1926年,传到韩国更晚。由此年,传到韩国更晚。由此可知,答案可知,答案A、B、D均不对。而从文章第均不对。而从文章第三段可知,探戈传到法国应该是在第一次三段可知,探戈传到法国应该是在第一次世界大战之前。故选世界大战之前。故选C。 6. the spread of the Tango in Argentina复记强化复记强化1.experience 2.boom3. foreigner 4. seek5. available 6.spread7. society 8. promote9. come into being 10. approve of11. 孤独的孤独的 12. 逐渐地逐渐地13. 大使大使 14.大约在大约在1870年年15.潮水般的潮水般的 16.上层阶级上层阶级17.肚皮舞肚皮舞一、句子翻译一、句子翻译1. starred in, has been used to staying2. as they used to be3. set in, refreshed my memory4. won, beating 5. Having been given warm applause, she said thanks to the audience, bowing.知识运用知识运用6. Participating in the match/contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. 7. At 9/Aged 9, he stood out by performing very well in a national piano competition.8. Though not everyone approved of the group dance competition, it did find enough supporters to take part.二、短文填空二、短文填空 calls on participate with great pleasure Generally speaking to relax myself so goes the saying Participating in contributions mentioned it is no surprise that本说明文介绍了帆船运动的一些常识。并本说明文介绍了帆船运动的一些常识。并就顺风和侧风行驶进行了阐述。就顺风和侧风行驶进行了阐述。1. A微技能推理判断题微技能推理判断题准确预测文章准确预测文章的出处。本说明文介绍了帆船运动的一些的出处。本说明文介绍了帆船运动的一些常识。并就顺风和侧风行驶进行了阐述,常识。并就顺风和侧风行驶进行了阐述,此为本篇说明文的框架。内容上排除物理此为本篇说明文的框架。内容上排除物理教科书,旅行指南,官方报告。由此可知,教科书,旅行指南,官方报告。由此可知,应选应选A,大众或流行杂志。,大众或流行杂志。2. C细节理解题。根据第二段细节理解题。根据第二段,尤其是尤其是The wind direction tells you what to do with the sail可知风向是决定帆船的重要因素。可知风向是决定帆船的重要因素。典型例题典型例题3. C词义猜测题。根据上句词义猜测题。根据上句In this case, you must keep the sail half way outside the boat可知可知it是指是指sail。4. B词义猜测题。由后一句可知。词义猜测题。由后一句可知。5. B推理判断题。文章结构,第二段推理判断题。文章结构,第二段显示文章结构:显示文章结构: 第三段为顺风行驶,第三段为顺风行驶,第四段为侧风行驶,接下来应为逆风第四段为侧风行驶,接下来应为逆风行驶。行驶。复记强化复记强化1.Basic 2. sail3. Probably 4. ahead5. start with 6. 朝同一个方向朝同一个方向7. 在在45度角处度角处8. 如果是这样,在这种情况下如果是这样,在这种情况下9. 足够远足够远 10. 减速减速本文是关于美国老人健康习惯的调查情况及医本文是关于美国老人健康习惯的调查情况及医生的建议。生的建议。1. D细节理解题。文中细节理解题。文中A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day(高达高达33%的老的老人一天只刷牙一次人一天只刷牙一次)与与D (About one third of them)项基本相符,只是将项基本相符,只是将A full 33% of(百分百分之三十三之三十三)换成了换成了About one third of(大约三分之大约三分之一一),故选故选D。2. D细节理解题。由细节理解题。由only 4 times a dayhalf of the number doctors recommend(一天只有一天只有4次,次,这是医生建议次数的一半这是医生建议次数的一半)可知,医生建议的次可知,医生建议的次数是数是8次,故选次,故选D。实战演练实战演练3. C细节理解题。由细节理解题。由it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵海绵) that can carry more germs than anything else(不是厕所而不是厕所而是厨房里海绵可能比其他任何东西所携带是厨房里海绵可能比其他任何东西所携带的细菌都要多的细菌都要多)可知,选可知,选C。4. B推断出处题。本文是关于美国老人健推断出处题。本文是关于美国老人健康习惯的调查情况及医生的建议,这类文康习惯的调查情况及医生的建议,这类文章出现在章出现在“指南指南”、“书评书评”、“官方文官方文件件”中的可能性不大,而出现在流行的大中的可能性不大,而出现在流行的大众杂志上的可能性最大,故选众杂志上的可能性最大,故选B。第一步,认真审题。第一步,认真审题。一般过去时一般过去时, 一般现在时或现在完成时一般现在时或现在完成时第二步,信息分组。第二步,信息分组。并列,转折,因果并列,转折,因果典型例题典型例题第三步,信息表达。第三步,信息表达。1.射击最初只是生存工具射击最初只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。一项体育运动。As merely a tool for survival, shooting developed into a game in the nineteenth century.Initially, shooting was merely a tool for survival and not until the 19th century did it develop into a game.Shooting, (which was) merely a tool for survival, developed into a game in the nineteenth century.2. 1896: 第一次成为奥运项目;第一次成为奥运项目;1904: 中中断。断。1928: 中断。中断。In 1896 it was first chosen to be an item in the Olympic Games and was stopped both in the year 1904 and 1928.It was in 1896 that it made its first appearance in the Olympic Games, but it didnt appear in the 1904 and 1928 Olympics.Though (it was) chosen to be an item in the 1896 Olympic Games, it was interrupted both in the year 1904 and 1928. 3.1932: 重回奥运会。重回奥运会。In 1932 it returned to the Olympic Games.In 1932 it was accepted again by the Olympics.4.1968: 第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛。赛。In 1968, it was the first time for women to be allowed to participate in the game.In 1968, women were first admitted to the competitions.5. 现状:现状: 稳步发展。稳步发展。1896年奥运会只有年奥运会只有3项射击项目,现今有项射击项目,现今有17项。项。With its steady development, shooting has developed to 17 items from 3 in 1896 in the Olympics.Developing at a stable pace, shooting is now expanded to have 17 events in total, from merely three events in the 1896 Olympics.Nowadays, the shooting develops steadily, containing 17 events, while in 1896 the Olympics only had three shooting events.第四步,连句成篇。第四步,连句成篇。 and but unfortunately To our great joy In addition what is worth mentioning whilePossible version 1 Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympics to 17 today. Possible version 2 It was not until at the end of 19th century that shooting, originated as a means of survival, earned its status as a sport. Shooting became an Olympic event officially in 1896. Yet, twice in history (1904,1928) shooting was suspended in the Olympics. It returned to the Games in 1932 and women were first allowed to participate in the competition in 1968. The sport has been growing steadily from 1896s three events to todays seventeen.第一步,认真审题。第一步,认真审题。一般现在时,一般过去时一般现在时,一般过去时, 三三第二步,信息分组。第二步,信息分组。并列或因果,并列或递进,转折或并并列或因果,并列或递进,转折或并列列实战演练实战演练第三步,信息表达。第三步,信息表达。1. Samba, the Brazilian national dance is popular with everybody no matter whether they are men or women, in cities or in the countryside. Samba is called the Brazilian national dance because it is popular with everybody no matter whether they are men or women, in cities or in the countryside.2. With varied lively dancing styles under the Samba music in Samba, the dance is easy to learn.Though there are varied dancing styles in Samba, the dance is easy to learn because it is a lively dance under the Samba music.3. The dancers wear attractive clothes and costumes. What is the most fascinating is the dancers attractive clothes and costumes. 4. Modern Samba dance was born and developed in Rio at the end of the 19th century, with its roots in Rio because of the West African slave trade. Samba was rooted in the West African slave trade, born in Bahia, Brazil, and developed into modern Samba in Rio at the end of the 19th century.5. After the first Samba dance school was set up in Rio in 1928, the Samba dance spread throughout the world.The first Samba dance school was set up in Rio in 1928, after which the Samba dance spread throughout the world.第四步,连句成篇。第四步,连句成篇。 Samba, the Brazilian national dance, is popular with everybody no matter whether they are men or women, in cities or even in the countryside. Though there are varied dancing styles in Samba, the dance is easy to learn because it is a lively dance under the Samba music. What is the most fascinating is the dancers attractive clothes and costumes. Modern Samba dance was born and developed in Rio at the end of the 19th century, with its roots in Rio because of the West African slave trade. After the first Samba dance school was set up in Rio, the Samba dance spread throughout the world.


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