高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Earthquakes指导课件 新人教版必修1

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必修一必修一 Units 35Units 35Unit 4 Earthquakes 教材复习篇.晨背5分钟一、短语晨背1right away立刻,马上2as ifas though仿佛;好像3at an end结束;终结4in ruins严重受损,破败不堪5dig out掘出;发现6a great number of许多;大量的7think little of认为不重要;忽略8be trapped in陷入二、佳句选粹1It seemed as if the world was at an end!似乎是世界末日到了!2Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.成千上万的家庭被毁,许多孩子成了孤儿。3Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,那里的一切都几乎被毁了。4All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。.单词自查1 n地震2 vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭3 n& v援救;营救4 n掩蔽;避身处;掩蔽处5 n& v损失;损害6 vi.爆裂;爆发n.爆发,突然破裂7 n废墟;毁灭v.毁灭,使破产8 vt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动n.打击;震惊;休克earthquakedestroyrescueshelterdamageburstruinshock9 vi.使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境10 n苦难;痛苦 v受苦11 adj.极度的 adv.极度地,极端地12 vt.损害;伤害 n受伤,损伤 adj.受伤的13 adj.无用的;无益的;无效的_ n无用(反义词)有益的;有用的14 n电流,电学 adj.电的15 n灾难;灾祸 adj.悲惨的;灾害的trapsufferingsufferextremeextremelyinjureinjuryinjureduselessuselessnessusefulelectricityelectricdisasterdisastrous16 vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 n埋葬;葬礼17 v使惊吓;吓唬 adj.受惊吓的;受恐吓的 adj.令人恐惧的18 n祝贺 v祝贺19 v断定,判决n.裁判员,法官 n判断;判断力20 vt.表达;表示n.快车;快递 n词语;表达;表情buryburialfrightenfrightenedfrighteningcongratulationcongratulatejudgejudgementexpressexpression burst vi.爆裂;爆发 n突然破裂;爆发His anger would burst out when things didnt go as hed expected.当情况不按照他预想的进展时,他愤怒了。 The police burst in and told everyone to stand still.警察突然闯进来,要大家站着别动。There was a burst of laughter in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。burst out doingburst inton.突然起来burst out crying/laughing爆发出哭声/笑声burst into tears/laughter突然流下眼泪/大笑burst into a room闯入房间burst out(break out)突然迸发;爆发burst with anger/grief/joy勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支温馨提示:burst into后跟名词,而burst out后要跟动名词。句型转换When she heard that her father had died in the accident,she burst out crying.When she heard that her father had died in the accident,she .burst into tearsruin n破产;毁灭;遗迹;废墟 vt.& vi.(使)毁灭;(使)破产.youd better get the local(当地的)museum hours correct or you could really ruin someones vacation.你最好确定当地博物馆开放的准确时间,否则你就会毁掉某个人的假日。Youll ruin your chances of getting the job if you wear that shirt to the interview!你如果穿着那件衬衫去面试,你就会断送得到这份工作的机会!She poured water all over my painting and ruined it.她把水泼在我的油画上,把它毁掉了。fall into ruin崩溃be in ruins成为废墟,落空the ruins of Rome罗马遗迹bring sb.to ruin使某人破产ruin ones hopes使某人希望破灭ruin oneself自我毁灭destroy常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏”、“毁坏”,程度较深;也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。ruin亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思。damage程度较小的“破坏”、“损坏”,一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。break“破坏”、“打破”、“打碎”的意思。它表示的范围极广,程度也不一。可用于有形的东西,如石头、玻璃、瓷器等,也可用于无形、抽象的东西,如法律、沉默、魔力、习惯等。spoil“破坏,糟蹋”,其重点在于破坏事物原先的结构、和谐性,使原事物不再具有原先的特点,宾语常是景致、食欲、计划等。完成句子Within one night,the town (变成了一片废墟)after the big fire.Heavy smoking (毁坏了他的健康)was/lay in ruinsruined his healthinjure vt.伤害;损害(injured adj.受伤的,injury n伤口)He was slightly injured in the accident.他在意外事故中受了轻伤。Her refusal injured his pride.她拒绝他伤到了他的自尊心。This could seriously injure the companys reputation.这会严重损害公司的声誉。do an injury to sb.伤害某人the injured伤员injured pride/feelings受伤的自尊/情感injury伤;伤口;伤害用wound,injure,hurt或harm的适当形式填空He claimed that working too hard was his health. He died of a single gunshot to the left side of his head.What he said me deeply.One of the players his knee and had to be carried off.harmingwoundhurtinjuredshock vt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动n休克;打击;震动We were all shocked at the news of his death.听到他的死讯我们都感到震惊。It shocks you when something like that happens.发生这样的事情,使人觉得难以置信。The news of his death came as a shock to us all.他的死讯传来,我们大家都感到震惊。be shocked at/to do sth.听到某事感到震惊shock的派生形容词:shocking某事令人震惊的;shocked某人感到震惊的。前者常用来修饰事物本身的特点,而后者常用来修饰人的感受。类似的用法如surprising/surprised;astonishing/astonished。完成句子(真是令人震惊)to hear that the factory would have to close.The number of such young children deeply _ _(震惊了整个城市)It was a real shockshocked the whole citybury vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏She was sitting with her head buried in a newspaper.她坐着埋头看报纸。Since she left,he has buried himself in work.自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。Engineers have reinforced a lifeline to 33 miners buried deep inside a Chilean gold and copper mine.工程师们为被深埋在智利金铜矿中的33名矿工架起了一条生命线。bury oneself in study埋头研究bury oneself in(doing)sth.专心致力于(做)某事be buried in thought沉思bury ones face in ones hands双手掩面be buried alive被活埋;隐居完成句子He (专心学习)when I came in.I found her (埋头读书)after class.was buried in studyburied in reading judge vt.& vi.判断,判决;评价 n法官;(比赛等的)裁判员Judging by his appearance,he was satisfied with the meal.从他的表情看,他对这顿饭很满意。Before buying,it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.购买前,由顾客负责判断这些项目(药物)的安全和效力。Schools tend to be judged by the performance of their students in exams.人们常以学生的考试成绩来判断其学校的好坏。judge.by.以来判断;从来看judge from.从来看;根据可以看出judging from/by.从判断(一般不用judged)judge sb./sth.to be.认为温馨提示:judging from/by表示“从上看,根据来判断”,用在句首时,为一个独立成分,不受句子主语和时态影响,只用现在分词作状语。完成句子勿以貌取人。Dont a person his appearance.有两位国家级裁判将在CBA决赛中出任裁判。Two statelevel will the CBA final.judgebyjudgesjudgeas if/though 好像,好似It seems as though the person knew the city well.这个人好像对这个城市很了解似的。He treats his sister as though she were a stranger.他待他姐姐如陌生人。He opened his mouth as though to speak.他张开嘴巴好像要说话似的。温馨提示:在it looks/seems as though/if.句型中,当说话人认为从句的情况实现的可能性较大或者就是事实时,从句不用虚拟语气。引导方式状语从句。as though/if引导方式状语从句时,从句有时用虚拟语气。即:eg:He behaved as though/if nothing had happened.他表现得若无其事。He talks as though/if he knew all about it.他说话的口气好像所有的事他都知道了。She talks and talks as if she would never stop.她说了又说,好像永远也不会停下来。在as though/if引导的方式状语从句中,当主从句的主语相同时,可以把从句的主语和谓语部分(此时从句谓语多是be动词或含有be动词)省略。eg:She stood at the door as though/if(she had been)waiting for someone.她站在门边好像是在等人。She hurriedly leaves the room as though/if(she were)angry.她匆忙地离开了房间,好像生气了。完成句子He acts (好像个傻子)It looks (好像要下雨了)as though a foolas though its going to rain a great number of许多,大量的There are a great number of books in the shelves.书架上有大量的书。A great number of students find it hard to find an acceptable job after graduation.许多学生发现毕业以后找到一份合适的工作不容易。A number of people were killed in the earthquake.We dont know exactly the number of them.许多人在地震中死去了。我们不知道死亡人数的确切数目。温馨提示:a number ofn.(pl.)作主语,谓语动词用复数,“许多,大量”。the number ofn.(pl.)作主语,谓语动词用单数,表示“的数目”。large quantities ofn.(pl.)/n.U作主语,谓语动词用复数。large amounts ofn.U作主语,谓语动词用复数。完成句子大批市民聚集在广场上。 citizens gathered at the square.我班的学生人数是56。 the students in our class is 56.A great/large number ofThe number ofat an end结束;终结How many English words had you learned by the end of last term?到上学期末为止你学了多少英语单词?I will have learned more than 3,000 English words by the end of next term.到下学期末为止我将学会3 000个英语单词。If Gary does not find a cheaper apartment soon,he wont be able to make both ends meet.如果Gary不快点找间更便宜的公寓的话,他就无法使收支平衡了。at the end of意思是“在尽头,在末端”,指时间或空间的某一个终点。in the end终于,最后bring sth.to an end使结束,终止end up in/with以结束,告终make ends meet 使收支平衡by the end of意为“到结束时,到时候为止”,常与完成时态连用(主要是将来完成时和过去完成时)。完成句子He will be a scientist (最终)My father will return home (今年年底)in the endat the end of this year Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.成千上万个家庭遇难,许许多多的孩子变成孤儿。leave宾语宾补。leave在此句式中作使役动词用,既有“剩下,留下”之意,也表示“使处于某状态中”。在leave的复合结构中很多词、短语等都能充当宾语补足语。Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm,but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.常识告诉你下大雨要带雨伞,但预报天气晴朗时你就会把伞放在家中。The guests left most of the dishes untouched,because they didnt taste delicious.大部分的菜客人们没有动,因为它们不可口。We hurriedly ended our meeting,leaving many problems to be settled.我们匆匆地结束了会议,留下了很多问题等待解决。leave sb.to do委托某人去做leave sth./doing sth.to sb.把委托某人leave sth.adj.使处于某种状态leave sth.done使被做leave sb.doing使某人一直在做leave sth.介词短语 把忘在某处完成句子他的话使我们谈论了一整天。His words all the day.你可以让我去处理这事。You can the matter.left us talkingleave me to deal with All hope was not lost.并不是所有的希望都破灭了。该句是表示部分否定的句型。all.not.not all.,意为“并非所有的都”。All the students did not go to see the movie“Under the Hawthorn Tree”Not all the students went to see the movie“Under the Hawthorn Tree”并非所有的学生都去看电影山楂树之恋了。Every boy is not interested in sports.Not every boy is interested in sports.并非所有的男孩都喜欢运动。Both of the two math problems are not very difficult.Not both of the two math problems are very difficult.这两道数学题并非都很难。英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,completely,always,whole,wholly,entirely,altogether等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one,nowhere,no more,no longer,no way等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。翻译句子我们全都不让去那里。 并不是人人都喜欢吃肉。 None of us was allowed to go there.Not everyone likes eating meat.


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