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红十字会年度工作总结红十字会年度工作总结 _年,我会在省红十字会的正确指导下,在市委、市政府的大力支持,秉承红十字精神,以开展更为广泛的志愿服务为抓手,认真履行职责,切实发挥政府在人道主义领域的助手作用。目前,我市已建立斗门、金湾2个区级红十字会及香洲区红十字会办公室,我会已有基层红十字会组织2个,北师大等22个大、中学校红十字会,团体会员单位37个,个人会员5500人。开展“红十字救心行动”及继续“红十字光明行动”,近132名先心患者得到了救治,60多名白内障患者获得了光明。329人次贫困患者入住“红十字爱心病房”。42名其它贫困大病求助者获得救助。14561人参加救急培训及讲座。志愿者的队伍已增加到近5000人,组织各项大型活动10余次,建立了警察学校等6个初级卫生救护培训基地、市人民医院等3个人道主义培训基地,成立“红十字救护队”、“青少年红十字精英队”,建立和完善四个“陪伴成长计划”,志愿服务领域更加广阔内容更加深入。获得了“珠海市社会扶贫工作先进集体”、“部门排头兵”、“珠海公益奖”、广东省慈善“南粤之星”等光荣称号,专职副会长还获得了全国红十字会系统救灾工作先进个人。至_年10月止,共收到募捐款合计人民币494万多元;募捐箱款合计人民币13万多元;拔出的救助款合计人民币290多万元;收到捐赠物资约250多万元人民币;发放救灾、救助物资448多万元。现将_年度我会总体工作总结如下:一、体制建设取得新突破我会围绕着“理顺体制、夯实基础、创新思维”的工作思路,滤布积极开展各项工作,目前斗门区和金湾区已理顺管理体制,香洲区的工作也纳入到了讨论阶段。_年9月28日及30日,斗门区和金湾区红十字会分别召开了第一次代表大会。二、充分履行工作职责(一)凝聚人道力量,在救灾、救助的过程中体现红十字会的特有优势_年6月份,我省很多地区发生了较为严重的洪涝灾害。在灾情发生的第一时间我会迅速做出反应,又多次向雷洲、丰顺、五华等的灾区以及省外的贵州、四川等地运送赈灾物资十几批累计价值约340多万元。_年10月止,我会收到大病救助申请50多份,经过调查审核后,为香洲区陈春艳、斗门区林冬妮等42名肿瘤和白血病患者提供救助金50多万元。(二)关爱生命健康,大力开展初级卫生救护培训我会充分的发挥了志愿者的作用,在中大五院等几家医疗机构分3期培训了近40名从事医务工作的志愿者充实师资队伍,并由志愿者主讲了卫生救护培训班75期,培训人数达到14561人。9月8日的世界急救日,我会在拱北口岸广场这个商业中心地区举行了一次救护演练。在警察学校等6个单位设置的卫生救护培训基地。由156名自愿参加的志愿者组成的我省第一支地市级的“珠海市红十字救护队”已经纳入了市政府的应急预案管理之中。(三)加强红十字运动和人道主义知识的传播今年我会在市人民医院等3个基层红十字组织设立了人道主义培训基地,共计进行红十字知识培训11场,近2700名志愿者参与。我会还利用“”红十字日搞活动等人员相对集中的时间发放了上万份宣传资料,并积极参加省红会组织的1次人道主义培训师资班的学习。已累计有250多篇相关报道宣传我会的工作。(四)大力开展红十字青少年工作目前我市直属的8所学校建立了红十字会,有青少年会员2558名。其它区红十字会建会的学校13所,已经形成了很好的校园红十字会工作网络。珠海市城市技术职业学院等学校都为贫困学生举行了专项募捐活动,共募捐到人民币23000多元。今年我会在拱北中学和南屏中学分别建立了“红十字精英队”,对参加的20_多名学生进行了培训,南屏中学以初级卫生救护培训演练为特色,拱北中学以礼仪表演为特色。(五)加大宣传力度,推动无偿献血、造血干细胞捐献和艾滋病的预防宣传今年我会配合中心血站举行献血宣传30次,发放了宣传资料3万多份,平安保险公司等10多家单位举行了无偿献血集中采集的活动。结止10月底,我会完成了451例造血干细胞捐献志愿者的采样工作。6月份,在我市打工的一名湖南籍造血干细胞捐献志愿者能过我会的协调在广洲成功完成捐献。今年共举行预防艾滋病宣传活动3次,发放宣传资料400份。我会做为本市遗体捐献立法的主体单位,已经于今年7月份起草了条例正文和立法说明书上报人大提请审议。(六)全面开展社区服务社区服务是我会今年工作的一个重点,也是我会的基础工作和开展志愿服务的最佳结合点。建立了华发新城社区红十字会,并且红志工委设计开展的四个帮扶计划分别针对孤儿、压滤机滤布老人、病患和残疾人开展有针对性的帮扶工作,增加社区帮扶个案近80户。(七)加强与兄弟红会的沟通,互相学习促进工作今年上海、延边、清远等10多个省内外的兄弟红会来我会考察工作,我会也就红十字事业的自身发展、志愿服务、遗体捐献工作等问题分赴谅广州、澳门等地进行了理论研讨和交流学习。(八)建立一支高素质的志愿者队伍,成为了红十字事业的生力军目前我会的红十字志愿者队伍已增加到5000多人,今年新加入的红十字志愿者有2700人,其中青少年志愿者1950人;今年110月,红志工委组织各项大型活动10余次,参加活动的志愿者达到3500人次;对14个工作部和志愿者服务大队进行了架构调整,同时完善了各项管理制度。今年7月3日总会常务副会长江亦曼同志率团来我会调研志愿者服务工作时,对我会做出了“你们的工作在全国也是风毛麟角,是珠海的志愿者用实际行动最好的诠释了红十字精神”的高度评价。11月6日至8日,全国红十字志愿者工作会暨经验交流会在我市召开,来自全国各省、市的红十字志愿工作者对我会开展的各项志愿服务进行了深入的考察和参观,同时为我们带来了各地方的先进经验。一年来,珠海红十字会秉承红十字精神,在践行人道主义、落实市委市政府的惠民、爱民政策中不断努力,但也深深的感受到生活在社会底层的易受损人群的生活境况需要我们投入更多的精力和思考。党的十七大报告对民生问题的关注把我们的工作推向了一个新的起点和高度,时代赋与了我们更大的责任和使命。在新的一年里我们将一如既往,为红十字事业的发展做出更大贡献。awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers.There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the e_change of learning and testing e_ercise, and strengthen the office of the munist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business e_changes, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building.Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the e_traordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible e_le.Attachment 2:_ municipal Party mittee of the munist Youth League work points,With Deng _iaoping theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidance, prehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central mittee, municipal Party mittee, the Central mittee of munist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central mittee, _ two session of the five mittee in accordance with the spirit of “leapfrog development, requirements of first-class” people-oriented and service innovation.Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the munist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop _, “11th Five-Year” youth career development planning, to further deepen the munist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the “Knowledge Youth Information Digital _ League” construction project in _ city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 20_6 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the _ chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop _ City, “11th Five-Year” youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects.To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information _ city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the “digital _ League” construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the munist Youth League.The construction of three platforms.To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the munist Youth League edit work.To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers.There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the e_change of learning and testing e_ercise, and strengthen the office of the munist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business e_changes, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building.Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the e_traordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible e_le.Attachment 2:_ municipal Party mittee of the munist Youth League work points,With Deng _iaoping theory and the important thought of ”Three Represents“ as guidance, prehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central mittee, municipal Party mittee, the Central mittee of munist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central mittee, _ two session of the five mittee in accordance with the spirit of ”leapfrog development, requirements of first-class“ people-oriented and service innovation.Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the munist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop _, ”11th Five-Year“ youth career development planning, to further deepen the munist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the ”Knowledge Youth Information Digital _ League“ construction project in _ city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 20_6 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the _ chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop _ City, ”11th Five-Year“ youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects.To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information _ city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the ”digital _ League“ construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the munist Youth League.The construction of three platforms.To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the munist Youth League edit work.To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance1 / 1 awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers.There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the e_change of learning and testing e_ercise, and strengthen the office of the munist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business e_changes, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building.Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the e_traordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible e_le.Attachment 2:_ municipal Party mittee of the munist Youth League work points,With Deng _iaoping theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidance, prehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central mittee, municipal Party mittee, the Central mittee of munist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central mittee, _ two session of the five mittee in accordance with the spirit of “leapfrog development, requirements of first-class” people-oriented and service innovation.Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the munist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop _, “11th Five-Year” youth career development planning, to further deepen the munist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the “Knowledge Youth Information Digital _ League” construction project in _ city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 20_6 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the _ chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop _ City, “11th Five-Year” youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects.To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information _ city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the “digital _ League” construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the munist Youth League.The construction of three platforms.To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the munist Youth League edit work.To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance 第 16 页 共 16 页


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