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高中英语学业水平考知识点重难点2022如果把高中三年去挑战高考看作一次越野长跑的话,那么高中二年级是这个长跑的中段。与起点相比,它少了许多的鼓励、期待,与终点相比,它少了许多的掌声、加油声。它是孤身奋斗的阶段,是一个耐力、意志、自控力比拚的阶段。下面是WTT给大家带来的高中英语学业水平考试知识点,欢迎大家阅读!高中英语学业水平考试知识点1【The British Isles知识点】1.Name five important cities in the United Kingdom.说出联合王国(即英国)中五座重要城市的名字。(p.33 Warming Up E_.2)name动词,意为“说出的名称(名字);给取名,命名;任命,提名;决定,说定”等。如: Can you name all theplants and trees in this garden? 你能叫得出这个花园的所有花草树木的名称吗? The couple named the child Dick.这对夫妇给孩子取名迪克。 Mr.Michael has been named as the new manager.迈克尔先生被任命为新的经理。 Please name the day for our wedding.请(你)决定我们婚礼的日子。【拓展】name构成的短语:worth (worthy of) the name名副其实的;in the nameof凭的;以的名义;call sb.names辱骂某人;name.after .以名字命名;name sb.for提名某人担任(某职务);know sb.by name仅仅知道某人的名字(没有见过面)2.The conversation workshop is taught on Wednesday afternoon.谈话技巧研讨会的上课时间是星期三的下午。(p.33 Listening E_.1 No.1)1) 上句中workshop的词义并非“车间;工厂;作坊;工作室”之意,而是“研习会,专题学术讨论会”的意思。2) 介词on表示时间的用法:(1) 用在“日期 (date),几号”和“星期几”之前。如: on July 1st (= on the first of July)在7月l号(那一天);on Wednesday在星期三;on Sundays每逢星期天(2) 用在“特定”的早、晚、日间、上午、下午等之间。如: on the morning/afternoon/night of Oct.1st 在10月1日的上午/下午/晚上;on a cold night in January在一月的一个寒冷的夜晚;on the eve of the war在战争前夕;on New Year's Day在新年(那天)(3) 用在某些动名词之前,作“在之时”讲。如: They greeted us on our arrival.他们在我们到达时迎接了我们。 I'll show you the book on my return.我一回来就让你看一下这本书。He got married immediately on his graduation.他一毕业就结了婚。(4) 用在某些动名词之前,作“一就”讲。如: On arriving at my destination, I went to see my friend.一到目的地,我便去看我的朋友。 On leaving school, he went into business.一毕业,他便经起商来。 On hearing the good news, he jumped with joy.一听到这个好消息,他高兴地跳了起来。(5) 和occasion/opportunity等词连用,表示“在某一特殊的时机或场合”。如: I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.值此佳期,我奉上对你最美好的祝愿。 Iwill have a word with him on the first opportunity.一有机会,我要跟他聊聊。3.What are the opening hours of the language lab? 语言实验室的开门时间是几点到几点? (p.34Listening E_.3 No.3)上句中opening是形容词,意为“第一次的,开头的,开始的,开幕的”。另外,opening亦可用作名词,意为“开放,开始,口子,通路”等。如: His opening remarks are very attractive.他的开场白很有吸引力。The opening hours of the banks there are different.那儿的银行的开门营业时间不一样。 This is the opening of the new play.这是这部新戏的首场演出。 He attended the opening of the new museum.他出席了新博物馆的开幕典礼。 He put a gate across the opening in the fence.他在围墙的开口处安了一个门。4.Try to reach agreement on main points.尽量在主要观点上达成一致。(p.34 Speaking)上句中的agreement意为“同意,一致,协议”。常构成如下词组:(1) in agreement on/upon/about在/关于”意见一致;(语法)相一致,呼应 We are in agreement on that point.关于那一点我们意见一致。 They are still not in agreement about the plan.他们在这个计划上意见还是不一致。 The predicate should be in agreement with the subject in person andnumber.谓语和主语应该在人称和数方面保持一致。(2) e to (arrive at, reach, make) an agreement with sb.与某人达成协议。 They have made an agreement about the plan.他们在这个计划上意见一致了 An agreement should be reached immediately with the pany on thatpoint.关于那一点应该与那家公司尽快达成协议。5.Other people think geography is confusing and difficult to learn.其他人认为地理课使人感到混乱无序,很难学 (p.34 Speaking E_.2 第二行)confusing (adj.)令人糊涂的,使人混乱的;confuse (vt.) 使混乱,使糊涂;confused (adj.)(某人)糊涂的,搞混乱的;confuse sb./sth.with sb./sth.把和弄混。如: That is e_actly to confuse black with white.那简直是混淆黑白。 We tried to confuse the enemy.我们试图迷惑敌人。 They asked me so many questions that I got confused.他们问了我许许多多的问题,把我弄糊涂了。 Don't confuse Austria with Australia.不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。 He was (became, got) confused with his mistake.他因犯了错误而不知所措。高中英语学业水平考试知识点2一、不定式做主语:1、不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。=动名词doing 表示习惯的,经常的动作。e.g: To finish the building in a month is difficult.To do such things is foolish.To see is to believe.(对等)注: 1).不定式作主语时,谓语用单数2).当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。it做形式主语,不定式放在谓语动词之后常用于下列结构中:(1)It is/was +adj.+of sb.to do(2) It is +adj.+for sb.+to doIt is easy / difficult / hard / foolish / unwise / right / wrong /unnecessary(3) it is +a +名词+ to do.It is a pity / a pleasure / a pleasant thing / ones duty / an honor / ashame / a crime / no easy job to doIt takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience to doIt requires courage / patience / hard work to do注意: probable 和 possible 均可作表语,但possible可以用不定式作真实主语,而probable不能用不定式作真实主语。It is probable for him to e to the meeting.(错)It is possible for him to e to the meeting.It is possible / probable that he will e to the meeting.二、不定式做表语主语是以aim duty hope idea intention plan job suggestion wish purpose task等为中心词的名词词组 或以 what 引导的名词性从句表示,后面的不定式说明其内容, 不定式作表语常表示将来或现在的动作或状态。eg :My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.Your mistake was not to write that letter.What I would suggest is to start work at once.三 、动词不定式作宾语以不定式结构为宾语的动词有:ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, e_pect, fail, help, hope, learn,manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want,wish等只能用动词不定式作宾语口诀(接不定式作宾语的动词)想要学习 早打算( want learn plan)快准备 有希望( prepare hope wish e_pect)同意否 供选择(agree offer choose)决定了 已答应(decide be determined promise)尽力去 着手做(manage undertake)别拒绝 别假装(refuse pretend)失败不是属于你(fail)e.g.Tom refused to lend me his pen.We hope to get there before dark.The girl decided to do it herself.高中英语学业水平考试知识点31.first aid 的意思是“急救”,例如:first aid to the injured 给予伤员的急救。短语联想give/offer aid 援助 e to sb's aid 帮助某人teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护with the aid of 借助于get injured 受伤,在现代英语中大量地出现了由“get + 及物动词不达意的过去分词”构成的被动语态,这叫 get -型被动语态。又如:The puter got (was)damaged when we were moving.My bike is getting (is being)repaired row.2.Protect 动词,“保护、维护”,用于句式“protect + 名词 + against/from + 名词”。e.g.He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strongsunlight.【短语联想】? Keep.from.不让/避免? stop.(from) .阻止? prevent.(from) .妨碍/防止?disable.from.使失去(能力/资格)?save.from.挽救、拯救3.depend on 取决于。e.g.depend on 依靠,依赖:His family depends on him.他的一家人全靠他养活。依赖,信任:We are depending on you to finish the job by Friday.4.squeeze 动词,意思是“榨取”、“挤出”,例如:squeeze an orange 榨橘子squeeze + 名词 + out(of/from) + 名词,e.g.Those blackmailers intended to squeeze more money out of him.5.hurt既可作及物动词,作“伤害”、“使受伤”解,也可作不及物动词,作“疼痛”、“感到疼痛”解。既可表达身体的受伤,也可以表达情感的伤害。例如:e.g.The little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself.The driver hurt himself in the accident.司机在事故中受了伤。6.unless 除非;如果不。如:7.icy adj.冰凉的-y 是个形容词后缀。如:windy 有风的 hilly 多小山的 sleepy 困倦的greeny 略呈绿色 spicy 辛辣的 woody 树木茂密的thirsty 饥渴的 dirty 脏的 snowy 下雪的8.in place 放在适当的地方。如:e.g.The librarian put the returned books in place.图书管理员把还回的图书放到原处。Yon'd better put things back in place.Otherwise, it will be difficult tofind things.9.sense n.感觉?sense of touch 触觉 sense of sight 视觉? sense of hearing 听觉 sense of smell 嗅觉? sense of humour 幽默感 sense of beauty 美感?ense of hunger 饥饿感 the si_th sense 第六感10.variety n.多样, 种类,高中英语学业水平考试知识点41.dream of/about (doing) sth.梦想;幻想2.pretend to do / be 假装做某事3.to be honest 说实话be honest with sb.对某人坦白be honest in sth.坦白承认4.attache to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接5.form the habit of 养成的习惯6.perform侧重表演的能力、技巧或效果;主语可以是人或动物act 侧重“扮演、担任”某一角色,侧重于动作,主语通常是人。performance n.演出;演奏;表演7.in cash 用现金,用现钱pay in cash 给现金;现金支付by credit card 用信用卡by cheque / check 用支票8.play a joke on sb.=play jokes on sb.戏弄make fun of 捉弄;取笑laugh at sb.嘲笑9.rely on =depend on 依靠,指望10.or so “大约;左右”11.break up打碎;分裂;解体;驱散;结束;(学校)放假break down出故障;拆毁;失败;精神崩溃;(身体)垮break into破门而入break off 中断;断交;突然停止break out 爆发;突然发生break away from脱离;摆脱12.above all: 最重要的是,尤其,首先in all: 一共;总计after all: 毕竟;终究;别忘了at all: (否定句)根本,完全 (疑问句)到底高中英语学业水平考试知识点5Prefer doingto doingPrefer to do rather than do2.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed abouttaking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王维和我就一直梦想做一次伟大的自行车旅行。连词since引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,介词since与时间点连用It is/has been+一段时间+since+一般过去时自从至今已经多久了。3.persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事4.强调句型It is/was+被强调部分+that/who强调句型可以强调除谓语动词以外的任何句子成份。一般来说,如果被强调部分是人时,用连词that或who;如果被强调部分是物,只能用连词that。notuntil的强调句5.be fond of喜欢,喜爱6.Although尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句 although 从句多在句首,though 从句可在主句前、中、后任何位置,而且though可以作副词用于句末,作“但是,不过”讲,而although 无此用法。 as though(仿佛,好像),even though(即使,尽管)中不能用although。 though 引导的让步状语从句可以倒装(将表语、状语、情态动词后的动词原形前置到句首,此用法同as),而 although 不可以。7.insist on doing sth/sth.一定要、坚持主张She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loudly.她老是一大早起来把收音机音量开大care for喜欢,照料,照顾14.Once可作为从属连词,作“一(旦)就”解,连接一个表示时间的状语从句。从句中常用一般现在时现在完成时表将来。Once you have begun you must continue.15.give in让步 give up 放弃16.instead of代替,而不是17.make up ones mind to do下定决心做某事18.a large parcel of一大包19.as usual像往常一样20.put up our tent搭帐篷21.stay awake睡不着,醒着stay up熬夜22.for pany做伴23.lie beneath the stars躺在星空下25.go in the right direction走正确的方向27.be similar to类似于28.afford to do sth付得起,能承担29.be tired from因而疲劳be tired of对厌倦30.be in high spirits喜气洋洋,兴高采烈32.give sb some advice on doing.33.a guide to的指南34.on a tour在游览中,在巡演中35.in detail详细地高中英语学业水平考知识点重难点第 20 页 共 20 页


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