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七年级英语双休日作业4班级_ 姓名_ 评价_一、选择填空 (20)( )1.She is a good student. She _ her lessons. A. all likes B. is likes all C. is all likes D.likes all( )2.I have _ e-dog._ name is Hobo. A.a,Its B.an ,Its C. an, Its D. an,its ( )3.My bother is in _. A.class four,grade two B. Grade Three,Class One C. Class Seven,Grade Three D.Class eight, Grade six( )4.I _ born in Rudong and they _ born in Nantong. A. was, were B.was, was C.were,were D.were,was( )5. Do you know which floor he _? A. lives B. lives in C. lives on D. lives at( )6._ they good at _ goals? A.Is ,score B. Are, score C.Are ,scoreing D.Are,scoring ( )7.They play badminton _ the badminton court and we swim _ the swimming pool. A. on, in B.on, on C.in, in D.in, on ( )8._ your cousin _ the flowers ? A.Is ,water B.Does ,waters C.Do ,water D.Does ,water( )9.Daniel is a very _ football player and he plays very _. A.good ,good B.well, good C.good ,well D.well, well ( )10.He often waits _ the school gate _ his son. A. at, for B. for, at C. at, at D. for, for( )11.Oh, that _. A.sounds good B. sound well C.sounds well D.sound great ( )12.Everyone _ here now. Lets _. A. are , begin B. are, to begin C. is , to start D.is ,start ( )13. It is _ good news ! A. / B. a C. the D. an ( )14.My brothers _ glasses. A. isnt wear B. dont wear C. doesnt wear D.doesnt wears ( )15.I often talk _ my classmates _ lunchtime . A. to, in B. to, on C.with ,on D.to , at( )16. There is six windows the wall.A. at B. on C. in D. beside( ) 17. Where is my new green blouse? A. They are here. B. Here they are. C. Here it is. D. Here is it.( ) 18. the door and the windows. Its hot(热).A. Please open B. Dont open C. Not open D. Please close( ) 19. There an apple and some bananas on the table.A. have B. has C. is D. are( ) 20. Amy and I in the same school.A. is B. am C. be D. are二、完形填空 10Li Lei is a student _1_ Class Two, Grade Seven. He likes football very _2_. He often plays it after school. And he often goes home_3_. His home is _4_the school. His mother doesnt worry about _5_ . One Sunday morning Li Lei goes to a shop_6_his mother. The shop is very_7_. There are many things_8_it. They get some things. Then his mother says to Li Lei, What do you _9_ ? I want to get a red blouse, says Li Lei. A red blouse? asks his mother. You are a _10_. You cant wear a red blouse. Li Lei smiledOK, please get me football clothes. ( )1. A. at B. of C. on D. with( )2. A. good B. fine C. well D. much ( )3. A. early B. back C. late D. soon ( )4. A. near B. in C. on D. to ( )5. A. her B. he C. his D. him ( )6. A. to B. from C. on D. with ( )7. A. small B. big C. nice D. good ( )8. A. on B. in C. at D. under ( )9. A. want B. get C. put D. take ( )10. A. girl B. woman C. boy D. man三、阅读理解(15)ATom is a young man. He has a very big dog and he has a very small car, too. He likes playing tennis. Today he plays tennis for two hours at the club and then he wants to go home by car. His dog comes after him, but it does not jump into the same car. It jumps into the next car. Come here, foolish(愚蠢的) dog! Tom shouts at it, but the dog still stays in the next car. Tom puts his key into the lock(锁)of the car, but the key does not turn(转动). Then he looks at the car again. It is not his car! He is in the wrong car! And the dog is in the right car! ( ) 1. Tom has a big _.A. dog B. house C. car D. tennis ( ) 2. Today Tom plays _ for two hours. A. soccer B. tennis C. volleyball D. football ( ) 3. Tom wants to _ by car. A. go to work B. go to school C. go home D. go shopping( ) 4. When Tom puts his key into the lock of the car, the key _. A. doesnt turn B. turns C. is lost D. isnt lost( ) 5. In fact (事实上),_ is in the right car. A. Tom B. Toms bag C. Toms dog D. Toms lockBHello ! My name is Becky Sharp. Im eleven years old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes fourteen. I dont have any sisters. We live with grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north(北部) of England. My friends and I often go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United(曼联队). I sometimes play football with my brother. Im excellent(棒极了) but he isnt very good. I have seven pets - two birds and five goldfishes. I want a dog and a cat, but my mother doesnt like them. Please write to me soon. Becky ( ) 1. The girl wants to find a _ A. sister B. brother C. girlfriend D. penfriend( ) 2. The girls mother doesnt like _ A. birds or goldfishes B. birds or dogs C. dogs or cats D. goldfishes or cats( ) 3. There are at least(至少)_ people in Beckys family. A. three B. four C. five D. six( ) 4. The girls family live in _ A. a big house B. a cinema C. the west(西部) of England D. a small house( ) 5. What does pet mean(意思) in Chinese?A. 朋友 B. 宠物 C. 玩具 D.同样C.There are many cars over there. Five of them are black. Twelve of them are red. Three of them are yellow. Four green cars, eight blue cars, two brown cars and one white car are there, too. They are new. They are nice. Look, these arent cars, they are buses(公共汽车). They are in different(不同) colours: ten red, eleven green, seventy yellow and nine blue. They are all old. They are big. All the cars and buses belong to(属于) Mr Smith.( )1. There are _cars over there. A. thirty B. thirty-five C. forty D. forty-five ( )2. There are _buses. A. one hundred B. ninety- nine C. ninety-eight D. hundred ( )3. All of the cars over there are in _ colours. A. same B. the same C. different D. the different( )4. All the cars are _, but all the buses are _. A. new, new B. old, old C. old, new D. new, old( )5. Whose are all the cars and buses?A. Mr Smiths B. Mr Smith C. Mr Smiths D. Mr Smithss四、词形变换 (15)1. Tommy often _ (watch) two football _ (match) at home.2. One of the _ (child) is very _(fun).3. We have dinner at my _(grandparent) home.4. Can you tell me what _ (do) now?What about _(begin) our class?5. Jack enjoys _ (play) basketball and he wants to be a basketball _(play).6. Simon plays basketball very well and he is good at _ (score) goals.7. We are in the _(swim) Club.8. Our teacher are always _(help) to us.9. Jack is one of the _(member) of the Reading Club.10. Its seven oclock. The Green family_(have) supper.五、句形转换:101. I was born in Taizhou in 1995.(对划线提问)_ and _ _ you born?2. I like English best(最好) (同义句))My _ subject is English.3. He is tall and strong. _ _ he _?4. He usually has his lunch at school. _ _ he usually _ lunch?5. They often play badminton after class. _ _they often _ _?6Her classmates buy her many presents.(同义句)Her classmates _ _ _ _ her.7. My penfriend is American. (同义句) My penfriend _ _ America.六、任务型阅读 (5)阅读下面一组“失物招领”广告,回答下列问题。FOUND:Is this your book? Please call John on 495-3456.FOUND:Is that your black backpack? Please call Mary. Phone # 476-5939LOST :My pencil case. Blue and white. Call Tom On 456-8700.LOST:My school ID card. My name is Harry. Please call487-2349.FOUND:A set of keys. Please call Lily on 498-2456.LOST:A cat. Black and white. Last seen at the school gate. Call Lisa on 412-9856.1.How many bulletin board notices(布告启示) in the LOST AND FOUND? 2.If (如果) you have lost your keys, you should call to find them.3.If you find a pencil case, it may be (可能是) .4.Can you call Harry if you want to find your lost book? 5.Lisa lost her according to (根据) LOST AND FOUND.七、缺词填空 (10)John is an E_1_ boy. He is 13 years o_2_. His birthday is on O_3_3rd. He Was b_4_ in London. He lives w_5_ his family. He doesnt like sports so he is not very s_6_. He has yellow h_7_. His e_8_ are dark blue. If he does not u_9_ something, he always a_10_ the teacher and finds out the answer to the question.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._八、书面表达 (15)加如你是Daniel,发一封给你的网友Tom,告诉他你的学校生活。不少于80个词提示:1. 我是Daniel,我喜欢我的新学校Leng Yu Middle School.2. 它很大很美。我们学校大约有3000名师生。我们都很努力。3.我最好的朋友是Simon.我最喜爱的功课是语文和英语。他最喜欢的功课是数学。4.我喜爱阅读和踢足球。我也喜欢游泳。放学后我经常在网上搜索资料,并与朋友聊天。5. 我喜欢我的学校生活。_


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