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大学生的情绪特征( Emotional characteristics of CollegeStudents )The emotional characteristics of college students, the.Txt mentality, the decision state, the mind determination pattern, and the horizon determine the realm. When your tears can not help flowing, open your eyes and never blink. You will see the whole process of the world from clear to vague.Emotions of College StudentsEmotion is the reflection of the relationship between individual and environment and things. It has a unique subjective experience and external forms of expression, and it has a very important impact on human activities. As a special group of college students, the basic physiological and psychological maturity is not completely mature, susceptible to outside interference, and of people, social phenomena such as special attention to new things very curious, confidence in the school and the future, full of youthful spirit, positive enterprising, have manypositive emotions, every psychological they are in a particular emotional context and influence and regulation.I. emotional characteristics of College StudentsCollege age is an important period for young people to mature psychologically, and it is also a period of emotional abundance and relative instability. With the improvement of social status and knowledge and the influence of the specific age group, the emotion of college students has distinctive features. Specificperformance in the following aspects:(1) richness and complexityFrom the physiological development of segmentation, college students are in the age of dreams, emotions almost humanbeings, can be reflected in college students, and all kinds of emotional strength, such as sorrow, regret, disappointment, sadness, grief, sorrow and despair; from the development of self consciousness. Students showed more self experience, self respect is strong, easy to produce inferiority, conceit, emotional experience; social aspect of the students communicative range widening, and the interaction between teachers and students and friends more delicate, more complex, somestudents also began to experience a more prominent emotion - love. Love and activities are often accompanied by profound emotional experience, this experience is very important for the students in the emotional experience; On the students emotional characteristics is rich and colorful, with the emotion of fear, afraid of students of things, mainly related to social, cultural, imaginary, abstract and complex things and situations, such as fear, fear, fear of strangers examination punishment, afraid of loneliness.(two) volatility and polarityCollege is a time when life is faced with many choices, such as learning, dating, love and other major events in life, basically completed at this stage. Social, family, school and life events all affect college students mood. Although the level of understanding of college students is higher than that of their emotions have a certain ability to control emotions, also tends to be stable, but compared with adult students, relatively sensitive emotion with obvious fluctuation, a kind word, a touching story, a song, a song. Blend of poetry, can cause young moodchange suddenly. Especially in the process of social transformation, social change, system reform, the new and old values change, all sorts of complex social phenomenon is more likely to make students have puzzled and confused, confusion and fluctuation of mood.At the same time, because the students are in the emotional expression of turbulence period, self cognition, career development and psychological development is still immature and other reasons, their emotional ups and downs, with the obvious characteristics of polarization: victory whensetbacks become dejected and despondent; dizzy with success, when love flowers laugh, sad tears and wavering, emotional reaction ups and downs. A survey of college students has found that 70% of the emotions are often bipolar,It is like fluctuation curve, fluctuated, and happy and sad.(three) impulsive and explosive emotion;Psychologist Holzer believes that youth is in the uncivilized age to the civilized age of the evolution of the filter period, its characteristics are shaking, ups and downs, he called this period violent storm period. Because of the knowledge level and cognitive ability, students can have control of their emotions, but because of their broad interests, are more sensitive to external things, and the young and fitand herd mentality, so in many cases, the mood is excited, anxious like storm reckless, with great impulse. They tend to have passionate feelings about events or actions that conform to their beliefs, opinions, and ideals; events that are not in accordance with their beliefs, opinions, and ideals are quickly triggered by negative emotions. Individual, sometimes even blind fanaticism, and once setbacks or failures will be discouraged, emotional fast, calm down soon.The emotional impulse of college students is often associated with explosive. College Students self-control is weak, once there is an external strong stimulus, moodwill suddenly broke out, with the help of impulse force, so that the loss of intellectual control in language, expression and movement, forget the other things are easy to produce behavior and destructive consequences.(four) stage and gradation;The university stage because of the different grade cultivation target and emphasize different ways of education and curriculum setting is different, each grade facing different problems, emotional characteristics of college students are different, showing the stage and level of characteristics. The freshmen are confronted with such problems as adaptation to the environment, changes in learning methods, familiarity and understanding of new contacts, and the establishment of new goals. The new sense of pride and inferiority mixed, relaxation and stress coexist, fresh and nostalgic feeling alternately, mood swings. In the two or three grade, after a grade of adaptation process, can be integrated into campus life, themood is more stable. Graduating class students are confronted with many important problems, such as graduation thesis (graduation project) and career choice, which are stressful, emotional and negative. In addition, due to social, family and their ownrequirements, expectations of different, ability and psychological quality of the difference, students will also reflect a different emotional state.(five) explicit and implicitStudents respond quickly and sensitive to outside stimulation, joy, anger, sadness and joy often in color than adults, and is exposed directly; but compared to primary and secondary school students, college students will rhetoric, hide or suppress their true feelings, the characteristics of implicit and implicit. Generally speaking, a lot of emotion of college students is at a glance, such as the first examination or to win a game, immediately exclaimed. But because self-control is gradually increased, and the development of independent thinking and self-esteem, external appearance and inner experience of their emotions are not always the same, and in somecases specific issues, somestudents will hide or suppress their true feelings, sometimes showing the characteristics of implicit and implicit. For example, friends, love of learning and career specific issues, they are often hidden, with implicit great. In addition, with the gradual completion of the socialization of college students and psychological maturity, they can express their emotions according to specific conditions, criteria or goals, makes the inconsistency of its external expression and internal experience. For example, some students have a love for the opposite sex, but often leave theimpression that the other side is belittle and neglect others.Two, the standard of emotional health for College StudentsA healthy mood is one of the necessary conditions for a sound personality. Generally speaking,Emotional purpose, appropriate, moderate response, without childish, impulsive features, meet the requirements of social norms, is the standard of emotional health.Psychologist Arins and others put forward six indexes of emotional health:(1) develop some skills to cope with frustration situations;(2) to reinterpret and accept the relationship between oneself and emotion, not to defend oneself, to avoid setbacks, and to arrange alternative goals;(3) perception of certain situations can cause setbacks and can avoid and find alternative goals to achieve emotional satisfaction;(4) find ways to relieve unhappiness in life;(5) recognize the functions of various defense mechanisms, including fantasy, degeneration, resistance, projection, rationalization and compensation, and avoid becoming the wrong habit, and even over defense, resulting in emotional distress;(6) seek expert help.Psychologist Sol also points out eight characteristics of emotional health:(1) independent, independent of parents;(2) enhance the sense of responsibilityand the ability to workand reduce the desire to accept the outside world;(3) remove inferiority complex, individualism and competitive psychology;(4) moderate socialization and enlightenment can cooperate with people and accord with personal conscience;(5) mature sexual attitudes can organize happy families;(6) cultivate adaptability and avoid hostility and attack;(7) have a correct understanding of reality;(8) resilient and adaptable.For college students, emotional health specific performance: emotional tone is positive, optimistic, cheerful, stable, self control ability of negative emotions, emotional response appropriate; senior social emotion (sense, moral sense, aesthetic etc.) can get good development.Three, the influence of emotion on College Students(1) the influence of emotion on College Students healthAccording to modern physiology, psychology and medical research, emotion has a direct impact on peoples physical and mental health. If you can maintain a pleasant mood, cheerful and optimistic, positive and upward, then the active immunity of the humanbody is active and vigorous, which can reduce the chance of illness and benefit your health. Not only that, good mood not only make students full of hope for life, for their confidence, and be able to make their thirst for knowledge enhancement, quick thinking, creativity, hobbies, establish a good interpersonal relationship, promote the all-round development of their.On the contrary, negative emotions on physical and mental health of people of great harm, in the long-term effects of depression, tension, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions, decrease peoples immunity, susceptible to various infectious diseases, visceral function will hurt. Manystudies have shown that negative emotions are the enemy of health. Sudden and intense nervousness can inhibit the brains high level of mental activity, destroy the balance of excitement and inhibition of the cerebral cortex, narrow consciousness, reduce judgment, lose sense and control. The investigation found that the common peptic ulcer, tension headache and migraine, arrhythmia, menstrual disorder and dermatitis in college students were all related to the negative emotion.(two) the influence of emotion on College Students learning Emotion is not only related to the physical and mental health of college students, but also to the potential development and work efficiency of College students. Good mood and emotion often make college students willing to take action. They are interested in learning, working and doing activities. They help to broaden their thinking, concentration and creativity.Studies have found that mental pleasure, ease of mind, tension and relaxation are the best states for thinking and creating, so that intelligence activities can be carried out effectively.The relationship between emotion and learning achievement with the method of psychologists, usually the degree of anxiety and learning achievement respectively as the independent variable, and then using the self rating method and physiological reaction method to study the function of the relationship between them. The results show that the relationship between anxiety and academic achievement is inverted U. See figure:The results show that moderate anxiety can make the college students get the best learning efficiency, and the anxiety level is too high or too low, and it is difficult to achieve excellent academic performance. In life often this phenomenon: somestudents too nervous in the exam, the results appear stage fright phenomenon; on the other hand, some students take the attitude of not to regard it as right exam, exam achievement is not high.(three) the influence of emotion on College Students interpersonal relationshipPeople with good emotional characteristics, such as optimism, enthusiasm, self-esteem and self-confidence, are the important conditions for interpersonal attraction. They can shorten their psychological distance and get along well with each other. And inferiority, emotional suppression, anger, often can not get along with others normal, difficult communication, easy alienation, so that people are estranged.Because the mood is infectious and contagious, because emotional reactions in good mood, positive and stable, moderate, positive emotion than the negative emotions of people, more popular in the crowd, are more likely to get the appreciation of others, easy to form a good interpersonal relationship. A college student described another student dormitory: his mood as the day of June, subject to changing moods can grasp, some very careful, along with him, he will by emotion and infection in our. We believe that: he did not affect our good mood, bad moodright, so we choose to escape, as little as possible with him.At the same time, college students in interpersonal communication, pay attention to improve their self-cultivation, learn to moderate control and adjust their emotions, as the mood of the host, can have good interpersonal relationship.(four) the influence of emotion on behavior goal of College StudentsIn 1979, psychologist Epps Don introduced his research on the relationship amongcollege students self concept, emotion and behavior change in the study of ecology of humanemotions. The results show that when the experience is a positive emotion,such as happy, friendly, safe, quiet, students behavior target also tend to be active and lively, accept and open to new experiences, for the people around you, respect and understanding of value and the long-term goal of dedication, have obvious whenthe experience is enhanced; the pain, anger, tension or threat of negative emotions, the social part of College Students interest in the fall, antisocial behavior increased, cautious, even closed to new experiences and some other students attitude, behavior and not to the negative aspects of transformation, but the lessons learned, prepared to do.The results of Eppss experiment show that positive emotional experiences are consistent with positive behavioral changes. Therefore, in college life, it is necessary to create this relationship as much as possible. We should actively guide negative emotions into the spirit of transforming into long-term goals and values.


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