山东省金乡县卜集乡中学七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 3 What color is it Period 2》课件 人教新目标版

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山东省金乡县卜集乡中学七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 3 What color is it Period 2》课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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山东省金乡县卜集乡中学七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 3 What color is it Period 2》课件 人教新目标版_第2页
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山东省金乡县卜集乡中学七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 3 What color is it Period 2》课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Period 2:2a2eWhats this? Its M.What color is it?Its yellow.Yellow M. Whats this? Its T.What color is it?Its black.Black T.Whats this? Its U.What color is it?Its white.White U.Whats this? Its V.What color is it?Its red. Red V.Whats this? Its W.What color is it?Its blue.Blue W.yellowgreenblack and white Red, red, red sun.We love red. We love the sun.Green, green, green trees.We love green. We love trees.Blue, blue, blue sea.We love blue. We love the sea.White, white, white snow.We love white. We love snow.Yellow, black, other colors.We love colors! We love colorful life! S/ M/ LDo you know what these letters mean?S=small(尤指衣服的尺寸)小号尤指衣服的尺寸)小号M=medium中号,中号,L=large大号大号UFO=unidentified flying object(不明飞行物)(不明飞行物)Do you know what these letters mean?CCTV= China Central TelevisionDo you know what these letters mean?2 t 8 z 4 v 6 x 5 w 7 y 3 u 1 sNumber the letters. W _ _ t S _ _ x U _ _ z Y _ _ v Find out their best friends. wTsXuZyVWrite letters in the chart. You can write any letters from A to G in the first line. Write letters from H to N in the second line. Write any letters from O to T in the third line. Write letters from U to Z in the fourth line.规则规则 : 在一个在一个44的表格里,填入英文字母。每个格子里填一的表格里,填入英文字母。每个格子里填一个英文字母。在第一行里从个英文字母。在第一行里从AG中任选四个字母;第中任选四个字母;第二行从二行从HN中选,在第三行从中选,在第三行从OT中选,在第四行从中选,在第四行从UZ中选。中选。When I read the letter, write “” on the letter if you have it in your own chart. Here is an example. 当我大声读某个字母,在你的表格中如果有,当我大声读某个字母,在你的表格中如果有,用用“”划掉该字母。如果哪个学生的表格中某划掉该字母。如果哪个学生的表格中某一排(横排、竖排、斜排)四个字母全部被划一排(横排、竖排、斜排)四个字母全部被划去,该生应起身叫喊:去,该生应起身叫喊:“BINGO!”DAEF HJLNOQSTZUXY如:如:315135 85185 1514 1921144125 Come here on Sunday.Cracking codes Here are some numbers. Try to get the information from the numbers below. Key: 1a, 2b, 3c Work in groups. b. 25 3118562112 920 919 141520 19165 85185 Be careful. It is not safe here.c. 208525 1185 5145139519They are enemies.a.1318 2389205 231142019 2015 2011211 2015 251521Mr. White wants to talk to you.BTWBy the way随便说一下随便说一下 CUSee you再见再见 CULSee you later下次再会下次再会FTFFace to face面对面面对面 FYIFor your information供参考供参考 ILYI love you我爱你我爱你 TIAThanks in advance十分感谢十分感谢 TTULTalk to you later以后再讲以后再讲TYThank you谢谢谢谢 VGVery good很好很好网络聊天常用英语缩略词网络聊天常用英语缩略词 1.Write the letters SZ.2. Get more information about the abbreviations.


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