新人教英语七年级下Unit Section B ACPPT学习教案

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会计学1新人教英语七年级下新人教英语七年级下Unit Section B AC第1页/共26页第2页/共26页1我会读并运用下列单词:also,people, home, be good with,make, make friends,today, help sb with sth., center, weekend, on the weekend, teach完成阅读任务2.我能根据课文捕捉重点信息,正确理解短文并完成阅读任务 Learning aims第3页/共26页第4页/共26页people n.人人;人们人们 old peoples homen.家家;活动本部活动本部adv.到家到家;在家在家Students Sports Center n.中心中心;中央中央musician n.音乐家音乐家make friends结交朋友结交朋友第5页/共26页第6页/共26页Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. 2a第7页/共26页1.What sports does Peter like to play?2. What can Peter do?3. What can Ma Huan do?He can speak English and play soccer. 2.Read 2a again and answer the questions.She can play ping-pong and chess.He likes to play basketball4.What does she like to do?She likes to talk and play games with people第8页/共26页He can play the guitar and the piano.We dont kown.温馨提示:英文中表示温馨提示:英文中表示“也也”的单的单词有词有_和和_,它们在句中的它们在句中的位置如何?位置如何?_第9页/共26页第10页/共26页第11页/共26页c. Help with sports for English-speaking students.a. Help to teach music.Read the ads in 2b and match the activities with the pictures.b. Talk to old people and play games with them.2b第12页/共26页Read the ads and circle the key words. Try to learn their main ideas.策略:通过关键词了解文章大意是比较重要的阅读技巧。关键词包含最重要的信息。2b第13页/共26页Match the titles with the ads according to the key words.A. Help for Old PeopleB. Music Teacher WantedC. Help with Sports in EnglishCBA第14页/共26页The old peoples home1. Youre free in July.2. Youre _ old people.3. You can talk to and play games with old people.Call us at _.Read the ads again and complete the blanks.good with689-7729 第15页/共26页The Students Sports Center1. Youre free after school.2. You can _.Call _ at 293-7742.The school1. You can play the piano or the violin.2. You have time _.Call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.speak EnglishMr. Brown on the weekend 第16页/共26页2CWhich ad is Peter interested in?Hello, Im Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.C第17页/共26页2CWhich ad is Alan interested in?My names Alan. Im in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too.B第18页/共26页2CWhich ad is Ma Huan interested in?Hi, Im Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people.A第19页/共26页第20页/共26页第21页/共26页第22页/共26页第23页/共26页第24页/共26页第25页/共26页


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