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会计学1外研新英语八年级上册外研新英语八年级上册a car accidentHave you ever seen these accidents?第1页/共43页on fire第2页/共43页fall into a river第3页/共43页flood第4页/共43页fall down第5页/共43页fall off the stairs第6页/共43页have a heart attack第7页/共43页1. Have you ever seen an accident? What happened? Did you help? 2. What should you do if you see an accident happen?第8页/共43页Look at the picture and say whats happening. Use the words from the box to help you.accident driver happen mobile phone policewoman road第9页/共43页Imagine the situation, when the accident happened, what was the driver doing?1. The driver was not going fast.2. The driver was not looking.3. The driver was talking on his mobile phone.4. The driver was 第10页/共43页Listen and underline the correct words.1. The driver was / was not going fast.2. The driver was / was not looking.3. The driver was / was not talking on his mobile phone.第11页/共43页1. What are they talking about?2. When did the accident happen?Listen and answerListen and answerThe accident.In the morning.3. What was the boy doing when he was riding the bike?He was listening to the music.第12页/共43页Read and decide the sentences true or false.Read and decide the sentences true or false.1. Ms James saw an accident when she was crossing the road.2. A car appeared around the corner while the lights were changing to red.3. The car was going slowly around the corner but it didnt stop. FT4. The driver was talking on his mobile phone when he arrived at the corner.TT5. The boy fell off his bike because the car hit him.F第13页/共43页Read and write down some advice. Read and write down some advice. 1. When youre on your bike, think about the risk of an accident!2. Pay attention and stop at the red lights.3. Dont ride too fast.4. Dont ride side by side with your friends.5. Dont listen to music!6. 第14页/共43页Do you know the meaning of these Do you know the meaning of these sentences?sentences?Are you all right ?Thats very dangerous!Thats too bad.Anything else ? /What else?你没事儿吧?还好吗?你没事儿吧?还好吗?那太危险了!那太危险了!那太糟糕了!那太糟糕了!还有其他的吗?还有其他的吗?第15页/共43页Make conversations with your partner,use the sentences before in some accident topics.Think about other situations where we can use these sentences.第16页/共43页1. accident accident n. 交通事故,意外事件交通事故,意外事件(主要主要表示意外事故表示意外事故) The accident happened at about 5.30. 事故大约发生在事故大约发生在5点半钟。点半钟。 Poor Jim has just had an accident. 可怜的吉姆刚出了个事故。可怜的吉姆刚出了个事故。 The accident was due to carelessness. 这起车祸是由粗心造成的。这起车祸是由粗心造成的。第17页/共43页 accident 有时也表示偶然发生的意外事件有时也表示偶然发生的意外事件,不一定是,不一定是“事故事故”。如:。如: Im sorry I broke the glass. It was an accident.我很抱歉打破了玻璃杯,这完全是无意的。我很抱歉打破了玻璃杯,这完全是无意的。 相关短语:相关短语: by accident 偶然地;无意地偶然地;无意地 traffic accident 交通事故交通事故,车祸车祸 It is no accident that 绝非偶然绝非偶然第18页/共43页(遂宁市遂宁市 2012) Its reported that a car _ happened last night and many people died in it. A. accident B. activity C. attention A第19页/共43页A black car ran over the child yesterday. He saw _ accident in the street. A. the B. a C. an D. / C第20页/共43页 appear v. 出现,显现出现,显现; 好像好像2. appear A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上。船出现在水平线上。 A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway. 一个女人蓦地出现在门口。一个女人蓦地出现在门口。 You appear unhappy. 你看起来好像不高兴。你看起来好像不高兴。 disappear v. 消失消失第21页/共43页(2011 连云港连云港) - Howlongdoyouthinktheterribleweatherwill_? - Whynotlistentotheweatherreport? A.appear B.last C.change D.discover B第22页/共43页3. in time in time 及时及时 We were just in time for (或或to catch) the bus. 我们及时赶上了公共汽车。我们及时赶上了公共汽车。 The car stopped just in time to prevent an accident. 汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。 Will I be in time for the train? 我赶得上那趟火车吗我赶得上那趟火车吗?第23页/共43页 in time与与on time1) in time意为意为“及时及时”,表示动作在,表示动作在规定的时间内或提前完成。规定的时间内或提前完成。 I hope you can return in time. 我希望你能及时返回。我希望你能及时返回。2) on time意为意为“准时;按时准时;按时”,相当,相当于于at the right time。 These buses are never on time. 这些公共汽车从来不准时。这些公共汽车从来不准时。第24页/共43页4. fall off (1) fall off 跌落跌落 When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off 学骑自行车时,经常会摔下来。学骑自行车时,经常会摔下来。 The fall from his horse broke his arm. 他从马上跌落摔坏了胳膊。他从马上跌落摔坏了胳膊。 Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。当心别从梯子上掉下来。第25页/共43页 (2) fall off 数量下降;削减数量下降;削减 Its members fell off one by one. 它的成员一个个地退出了。它的成员一个个地退出了。 The orders for the beef are falling off. 牛肉的定单正在减少。牛肉的定单正在减少。 The number of passengers fell off slightly in January 一月份乘客数量略有减少。一月份乘客数量略有减少。第26页/共43页 (3) fall off 降低;衰退;质量下降降低;衰退;质量下降 Their enthusiasm seems to be falling off a bit 他们的热情似乎小了一点。他们的热情似乎小了一点。 His support has greatly fallen off 他的支持明显减少。他的支持明显减少。 The quality of the products of this factory has fallen off 这个工厂的产品质量已经下降。这个工厂的产品质量已经下降。 My readers will never fall off from me. 我的读者将永远不会背弃我。我的读者将永远不会背弃我。第27页/共43页fall back 后退后退, 后撤后撤, 撤退撤退, 退让退让, 食言食言 fall behind 落后落后 fall down 跌倒跌倒, 掉下掉下, 倒坍倒坍, 失败失败 fall over 摔倒摔倒, 倒在地上倒在地上, 被被绊倒绊倒fall in love with 爱上爱上, 喜爱喜爱fall into 陷入陷入, 变成变成, 分成分成, 养成养成第28页/共43页We have to _ the sports meeting till next week because of the bad weather. A. put off B. go off C. fall off D. take off我看到一只猫从树上掉下来了。我看到一只猫从树上掉下来了。 AIsawacatfalloffthetree.第29页/共43页5. pay attention pay attention 注意;集中注意力注意;集中注意力 Pay attention when Im talking to you! 我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听!我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听! pay attention to中的中的 to 是介词,所以若是介词,所以若接动词,应用动名词。如:接动词,应用动名词。如: They ceased to pay attention to him. 他们不再注意他。他们不再注意他。 You must pay close attention to his eyes. 你要密切注意他的眼睛。你要密切注意他的眼睛。第30页/共43页 pay attention to 注意注意 / 留意留意 You must pay attention to your study. 你必须专心学习。你必须专心学习。 I hope you will pay attention to this problem. 希望你对此给予关注。希望你对此给予关注。 You should pay attention to your spelling. 你要注意拼字。你要注意拼字。 注意:这里的注意:这里的to 是介词。是介词。第31页/共43页(2007泰州市中考泰州市中考) Students should pay attention to _the teacher in class. A. hear B. listen to C. listening to D. hearing of(2013呼和浩特中考呼和浩特中考) When you visit a museum, you should _ the instructions and dont be against them. A. compare with B. look forward to C. pay attention to D. try outCC第32页/共43页(2012年荆州市中考年荆州市中考) 根据括号内的汉语根据括号内的汉语和句末括号内的英语单词提示完成句子和句末括号内的英语单词提示完成句子。After that, her teacher _ (更多地关注更多地关注) her. (pay)paid more attention to第33页/共43页notice 与与pay attention to 的区别的区别二者都作二者都作注意注意解,但解,但notice指无意注指无意注意,且强调结果意,且强调结果;而而pay attention to则是则是指有意识的去注意指有意识的去注意某某事物,不强调结果。事物,不强调结果。 I didnt notice the man passing me. 我没注意从我旁边路过的那个人。我没注意从我旁边路过的那个人。 Have you noticed that she wore a beautiful skirt today? 你注意到她今天穿了条挺漂亮的裙子吗你注意到她今天穿了条挺漂亮的裙子吗?第34页/共43页6. side by side side by side 肩并肩,挨着,一起肩并肩,挨着,一起 The two children are walking side by side. 那两个孩子肩并肩地走着。那两个孩子肩并肩地走着。 We must stand side by side in this trouble and help each other. 在这困难时刻我们必须团结一致,互相在这困难时刻我们必须团结一致,互相帮助。帮助。第35页/共43页little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地一点一点地,逐渐地 piece by piece 一部分一部分地,一件件地一部分一部分地,一件件地one by one 一个一个一个一个day by day 一天又一天一天又一天step by step 逐步地逐步地第36页/共43页When we realize yesterday is gone forever, we find we are growing up _. A. little by little B. step by step C. one by one D. side by side A第37页/共43页Listen and mark when the Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.speaker pauses.1. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner. 2. When I was waiting to cross the road, the accident happened./第38页/共43页Suppose there was a fire accident last night, now try to ask some questions.Who saw the accident?When did he saw it?Where was he at that time?第39页/共43页Suppose you are a reporter. There was a car accident this morning and now interview your classmates and ask what he / she was doing then.第40页/共43页Work in groups of four.Work in groups of four.Student A: Youre a policeman at an accident scene in the street. Ask people questions.Student B, C and D: You saw the accident. Answer the policemans questions.A: What were you doing when the accident happened?B: When the accident happened, I was walking along the street.C: When the accident happened, D: 第41页/共43页Lets do it!Lets do it!Work with a partner. Imagine you are a journalist and your partner is a witness to an accident. Ask him or her questions beginning with, who, what, when, where, which, and why. Report your discoveries to the class.第42页/共43页


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