初中英语第五册Unit 7课件1

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UNIT 7 WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT Language goal (目标目标)Talk about places you would like to visit谈论你想参观的地方谈论你想参观的地方New language (新句型新句型) Id like to go somewhere relaxing.我我想去想去休闲的地方休闲的地方 I hope to go to France some day.我我希望希望有一天有一天去去法国法国 Id love to visit Mexico.我(很)我(很)想去想去墨西哥墨西哥旅游旅游Some new words(生词)生词)thrilling 令人激动的令人激动的,令人震颤的令人震颤的Florida beachrelaxing 放松的放松的peaceful 和平的和平的exotic 外来的,外来的,异国情调的异国情调的boring 乏味的,乏味的, 闷人的闷人的exciting 令人激动的,使人毛骨悚然的令人激动的,使人毛骨悚然的tiring 累人的累人的dangerous 危险的危险的fascinating 迷人的迷人的educational 有教育意义的有教育意义的interesting 有意思的有意思的fun 有趣的有趣的Amazon Junglepottery soldiers trek ( 缓慢或艰难地)旅行,长途跋涉缓慢或艰难地)旅行,长途跋涉take it easy 从容,不紧张从容,不紧张 explore 探险,考察探险,考察historic 历史上著名历史上著名的,历史上具有重大意的,历史上具有重大意义的义的site 地方,场所地方,场所Tokyo 东京东京 Paris 巴黎巴黎London 伦敦伦敦Shanghai 上海上海Beijing 北京北京 Anhui 安徽安徽Guilin 桂林桂林Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑尼亚加拉瀑布布Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布尼亚加拉瀑布GROUPWORK Tell which place you would like to visit and why. Take notes and give out a summary. Example :A: Where would you like to visit ? go on vacation?B: I would like to go somewhere relaxing. I would love to visit Mexico. I hope to go to France some day. A: Why ? B: (Because) I would like to.Name Place Reason (why)Yunchun ANSWERS TO 1BSam Gina Lydia BrazilJapanFloridalikes exciting vacationshas been bored latelyhas been stressed out要点分析:要点分析:1. Would you like ? 表提议,邀请等,表礼貌。表提议,邀请等,表礼貌。用用No, thanks./ Yes, please. 答。答。2. Would you like to ? 表意愿。表意愿。用用Yes, Id like /love to . 3.would 可与可与like, love , hate , prefer, be happy /glad 等连用。等连用。HOMEWORK Write down a conversation that you have made in your exercise book. Do Haidiankaowang Page 47 Ex.三、PAGE 53Mexico 墨西哥墨西哥Hawaii 夏威夷夏威夷San Francisco 旧金山,圣弗兰西斯科旧金山,圣弗兰西斯科 Theres not much to do there. 那儿没什么那儿没什么可做可做/好玩好玩的。的。beautiful views 美丽的美丽的风景风景 pay for 付付款款Notice:1. hope to do (表实现性很大的希望)(表实现性很大的希望) that 主语主语+谓语动词谓语动词。不能说不能说 hope sb. to do .可以说可以说 wish sb. to do (希望大体上是可以实现的)(希望大体上是可以实现的)2. some day 将来某一天将来某一天 , 同义词:同义词:someday / one day 3. I like places where the weather is always warm. 我喜欢气候总是温暖的地方。我喜欢气候总是温暖的地方。4. Id like to go somewhere relaxing. 我想去休闲的地方。我想去休闲的地方。 不定代词的(修饰语)的定语要不定代词的(修饰语)的定语要后后置。置。= Id like to go somewhere that is relaxing.PAGE 54 1.Why not do(动词原形 )?=Why dont you do.?为什么不?2. consider+名词 /doing考虑 3. there be+人/物+地点/时间范围 “某地有某物/人” 主语+have(has)+东西 “拥有”4. plan on doing打算做某事 5. get around 观光,到处走动 6. all year around 全年/整年7. be supposed to do 应该做 suppose that +句子 “认定/猜想” We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.What do you suppose you will do after school?8. It is easy to get around the city by subway.坐地铁观光这个城市更容易些。坐地铁观光这个城市更容易些。 “ Its+形容词形容词+to do”是动词不等式作主语。是动词不等式作主语。例如例如:To learn English well is easy.=9.lots to do 有很多事情可做It is easy to learn English well.PAGE 55 WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSgo out 外出外出 for half an hour 半小时半小时 answer the telephone 接电话接电话take a message 带口信带口信leave a message 留口信留口信 call (back) 打(复)电话打(复)电话(Li Ping) speaking 我是李苹我是李苹information on关于关于的信息的信息vacation packages 旅游套餐旅游套餐look for 寻找寻找go on a nature tour 回归自然的旅游回归自然的旅游have a great whale watch tour 看鲸鱼的旅游看鲸鱼的旅游 depend on 依赖,依靠(要看依赖,依靠(要看)advertisement 广告广告California 加利福尼亚加利福尼亚 How about? 又怎么样?又怎么样?Los Angeles 洛杉矶洛杉矶Hollywood 好莱坞好莱坞/ 荷里活荷里活somewhere warm 温暖的温暖的地方地方 (不定代词的定语要后置)(不定代词的定语要后置)PAGE 55Answers to 2b:Customer 1: Customer 2:Customer 3: Wants Doesnt want to go somewhere warm to flyto go to a big cityto go on a nature tourto go anywhere coldto go somewhere thats fun for kidsPAGE-561. a lot of = lots of 许多,很多,大2. spend on sth. 在方面花 (in) doing 在做上花时间3. take a trip 做一次旅行4. In(the east of )在范围内 on(the east of )在范围之外5. provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物6. love/like doing 喜欢做7. big enough for 大得足够8. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事9. be away 离开(延续性动词) leave (结束性动词)类似的:come/go- be (in), buy-have, borrow- keep die- be dead, open- be openSELF CHECK provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物come for dinner 过来吃饭this time of year 一年的这个时候Tahiti 塔希提岛塔希提岛Maui 毛伊岛毛伊岛artificial flowers 人造花人造花artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能Artic High School 北极中学北极中学servant 仆人仆人doubtful 怀疑的,疑惑的怀疑的,疑惑的wave n. 波浪波浪 v. 挥动挥动elderly 长者,老人家长者,老人家shape 形状,形状,外形,样子外形,样子earthquake 地震地震toothbrush 牙刷牙刷humanoid 类人动物类人动物trap 陷入困境,受到限制陷入困境,受到限制electric 电电(子)的(子)的READING 1.in the future 将来2.help with 帮助干某事3.work on 从事,研制 4.notany more =not any longer 不再 5.get/be tired 疲劳,累 6.look/be like 看起来像 7.over and over again 一再地,许多次 8.get/be bored 感到无聊,厌烦 9.look for 寻找 10. the same as像一样PAGE 58-2Detail(细节,详情)细节,详情)They have feelings.They walk, dance and wave hands hello and goodbye.They cant open their eyes or know where they are.They look more like big arms.A 100 years ago, computer, spaceship to the moon and even electric toothbrushes would have seemed impossible.PAGE 59 -41.Robots will help the elderly because there arent as many children in Japan any more.2.Robots dont get bored because they dont think.3.An all-robot football team will play well because the players wont get tired.4.A hundred years ago, computer, spaceship to the moon and even electric toothbrushes would have seemed impossible.5.Some robots will look like spiders and snakes.


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